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Limelight (Hollywood Stardust)

Page 33

by Kim Carmichael

“It’s a unique hybrid.” His eyes crinkled up with amusement, Adan stepped toward her. “No one has used it yet.”

  “Because it’s boring.” She shrugged. “I don’t want some hybrid cast off. I need to have a marketing story to tell. I want an amazing pepper, one that looks different, is different, is worthy to be on my ingredient deck.”

  Drew was pretty sure he was becoming aroused not only by Erin’s marketing prowess, but her use of the proper terms. “Do you have something different?”

  No sooner did Adan point, than Erin turned and walked down the row.

  “This one.” She stopped in front of a red pepper with orange stripes in the shape of a spiral.

  “The levels of Capsaicin are not as high in this one.” Adan joined her.

  Erin lifted her chin toward him.

  “We can concentrate it.” Drew approached the pepper. If nothing else, it was unique.

  “It’s fragile. It’s very perishable.” Adan shook his head.

  “Drew can stabilize anything.” Like an unwanted gnat in a greenhouse, Erin brushed Adan away.

  When Adan glanced back at him, Drew let out a low chuckle. “I trained her well.”

  “No one else is using it?” She ran her fingertips over the shiny skin of the fruit.

  “Not at triple the price.” His colleague tapped his foot.

  “Well, maybe you’re more like double the price.” Erin spoke to the pepper, raising her voice as if it were her pet. “But you are definitely a prestige brand pepper for a prestige brand product line. Of course at double the price, we want the exclusive for at least five years.”

  “At triple the price, the exclusive will be for two years.” Adan crossed his arms.

  Before continuing, she peeked over at him, a slight widening of her eyes asked him for permission and Drew winked, giving her the go ahead. They always spoke a silent language.

  The corners of her mouth twitched, but she hid her emotion before she spun on her heel and faced Adan. “You want to sell me some pepper that will rot under normal circumstances, and you want Drew to have to work extra to fix your little hybrid mess, and you want me to pay triple and not have an exclusive?”

  “I thought you were an actress.” Adan lifted his hands like he wanted to surrender.

  “For your intents and purposes I am the marketing director for Fluent Words Laboratory.” With slow steps, she stalked toward Adan. “I make sure that what is created can actually be sold, and I don’t think this or anything else here will be viable without a five-year exclusive and a small premium over your loser pepper down the aisle.”

  “Double the price, five-year exclusive and a custom autograph for my wife.” Adan held out his hand.

  “Shake with the man in charge, and show me something bursting with polyphenols. Drew is known for his work with polyphenols. Hollywood Glow must have his DNA.” Lifting her camera once more, Erin walked away.

  Both of them watched her go.

  Adan gave him a playful punch in the arm and joined her.

  His mind wandering, Drew followed them. Here he thought when Bambi left he would have to carry every meeting, but his and Erin’s combination was even more powerful. Bambi would have opted for the more suitable pepper. Erin based her choice on her gut instinct for sales, marketing and him. God, he loved her.

  He stopped.

  Yes, he loved her. Always had, always would. The time apart, the trials, the tribulations, the drama, nothing changed the simple fact he loved her. From the day she basically adopted him at his screen test, he loved her. Just because he wouldn't admit it until this second didn't make it less true.

  "Drew!" Erin's yell echoed through the greenhouse.

  Instinct or a homing device he sprinted toward her, finding her and Adan in the part of the facility that housed the berries. "What is it?"

  With a sexy saunter she approached. "Open your mouth."

  He obeyed, and she placed a large round purple berry on his tongue. The moment he bit down, a familiar yet not familiar sweetness, mixed with a perfect tang took over his mouth and he nodded.

  Staring right into his eyes, she put another one in her mouth, then one more.

  "I take it you're either hungry or you like the berries?" He had no choice but to smile at the way the purple stained her lips.

  "Drew. This is a mix of three berries. They took a hybrid of two berries and then made a hybrid with another berry, isn't that amazing?" She turned her attention to the perfectly plump spheres cradled in her palm. "They have the highest level of polyphenols and though I think berries have been done, I think with the connection to you, these purple pearls would be perfect.”

  “I love you, Erin.” The words seemed to burst out of his mouth.

  “Oh.” She dropped the rest of her berries and they rolled across the floor. Tears instantly welled up in her eyes. “Did you really just say that?”

  A flash of the first time he tried to tell her twenty years ago ran through his mind, but he kicked it away like unwanted trash best forgotten. They were here now, and he loved her. “I love you.”

  “I love you. Never think I went one day of our time apart without loving you and wishing for this second.” Her tears fell and she flung herself into his arms.

  He put his arms around her and gave a quick glance to his colleague.

  “I’m going to get you some research papers and samples to take back with you. I’ll draw up the paperwork and email it.” Adan saluted him and backed away.

  “Thanks.” Not wanting to let go of the woman who finally said she loved him, he raised his chin to the man and ran his fingers through Erin’s hair.

  She tilted her face up to him. “Say it again.”

  Before giving in to her, he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “I love you.” For the second time in his life, he lost a significant amount a weight, this time in the form of the weight on his chest at having let his feelings out and having them returned.

  “Tell me we’ll never be apart again.” As if she were afraid he would vanish, she held him tight. “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” Once more, he kissed her. The past finally managed to go back to where it came from. They had a new beginning built on a lot more than the first time around.

  “How about we grab some berries and check into the hotel?” She pulled back and gazed right into his eyes. “Now you can really make love to me.”

  “We’re going to have it all, Erin.” Visions of them working together in the lab floated through his head. “We’re going to work together, be together. You’re brilliant in marketing.”

  “Maybe we can even get cast in a film together as a real couple.” She jumped a little and hugged him. “Just promise me that when I go on location you’ll come with me.”

  His body tensed. Her career tore them apart before. He wanted college, she wanted to act, and no one would believe they were together. Without even realizing it, his thoughts jettisoned back to twenty years ago.

  “Drew?” Though she only said one word, her tone dripped with worry.

  Somehow they had to break the cycle, and he needed to be the one to start.

  He held her out at arms’ length. “I’ll never leave your side.”

  “I love you.” She crushed her lips to him.

  This time he got the kiss.

  This time was different.

  * * * *

  “BEAKER, LET’S GO into the kitchen and while I make your meal we can have a quick chat.” Dog leash in one hand, the love of her life’s arm in the other hand, life was good, maybe better than good. The last few days on the road were straight out of a romantic comedy where everything was tied up with a nice little bow, all punctuated with them getting their pet before they entered their house together.

  Drew slid the key into the lock. “What do the two of you chat about?”

  When life was good, it also meant it could rapidly become un-good. “Drew, don’t go inside!” Erin pulled both her males back away from the door to Drew�
��s house.

  “What’s wrong?” He wrapped is arm around her.

  Beaker stood in front her, a sentry protecting her. They should just stay right here.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” Drew tried again.

  Though she broke out into a sweat, she swallowed, took a breath and let it out. “What if we step in there and things change?”

  “How so?” He went from holding her to rubbing her shoulder.

  “Maybe we need to live a life on the road. We found ourselves out there, you told me you loved me out there, you and I became us out there.” Her mind running off in a million different directions, she fought the urge to run back to the SUV in hopes Drew would follow.

  “You know what I learned?” Drew coaxed her closer to the door.

  “What goes up must come down?” A tear streamed down her cheek. Inside, all that waited for them was casting calls, reality shows, commitments and things that wanted to separate them.

  “I think we already lived that part.” He kissed her temple. “Maybe rather than Isaac Newton, we should go with something Leonardo Da Vinci said.”

  She stared up at him waiting for this revelation.

  "In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time." His voice lowered and sounded almost ethereal.

  Drew’s words, actually Leonardo Da Vinci’s words, washed over her and she allowed herself to inhale.

  “Of course, we could always go with something Drew Fulton has to say.” He leaned down to her ear.

  His breath on her skin caused shivers, and she shuddered. “What does he say?”

  “In this house, we need to have a guest room again.” Again, he gave her a kiss.

  Fine, she couldn’t stop a smile and a jolt ran through her. “I don’t quite understand.”

  A sly chuckle escaped his throat. “The man and the woman of the house should sleep in the same room and intermingle their possessions. That is the first step on the path of a fresh beginning.”

  Woman of the house. She relished her new title, pressed her palm to his cheek and kissed him. “Then I say that the man and the woman of the house should intermingle everything.”

  “I think we need to do that post haste.” At last, he opened the door. “Go have your chat with Beaker, and meet me upstairs.”

  “All right.” Like the day she first arrived, she looked down as she stepped over the threshold. She unclipped Beaker’s leash and he ran over to his dishes in the kitchen and as if he instinctively knew she was indeed the woman of the house, turned, looked back at her and swatted his bowl with his paw.

  “I think someone knows I have a surprise for him.” Before spoiling the pet of the house, she glanced behind her. Drew was lugging their luggage upstairs and she took her opportunity to reach into her bag and pull out a gourmet dog cookie she couldn’t help buying when they picked up Beaker at the dog hotel. “I know it’s before dinner, don’t tell your daddy.”

  Beaker sat like a gentleman, and she fed him the treat.

  “Part of your conversation with Beaker should include how he shouldn’t have cookies before his dinner.” Drew laughed and dashed down the stairs and outside for the rest of the bags.

  At being discovered, she pursed her lips.

  As if he understood, Beaker cocked his head.

  “Anyway, I also got you a little something to wear.” She found one of the bandanas she bought him, kneeled down and tied it around his neck. “That is definitely a smart look for you. Now pose.”

  Beaker stood up and lifted his nose in her direction.

  “Well, you certainly know how to vogue.” She gave the dog a little pose in return, and using her best strut walked over to the dog food canister she scooped up his serving and got a bottle of water out of the fridge.

  Once more she looked around for Drew. With him nowhere in sight, she sat right on the floor. “Don’t tell Daddy I hand feed you.” She poured some kibble into her hand and held her palm out.

  Like a true gentleman, Beaker scooped up a few pieces and crunched away.

  “Do you mind if I live here with you full time?” She let him continue his meal.

  Beaker looked into her eyes. He actually paused and stared at her.

  She held perfectly still waiting for the verdict.

  The dog leaned over and gave her a lick on the nose.

  She giggled and wiped off the wet kiss. “I have to say I love your kisses almost as much as I love your daddy’s.”

  He returned to taking some kibble out of her hand.

  “Thank you for letting me share your house.” Unable to resist, she wrapped her arms around the canine. “I always wanted your daddy, but you are a major bonus.”

  The dog pulled back and glanced over at his empty water bowl.

  “Well, I must say you have me well trained.” She pulled Beaker’s water bowl over and poured him some of her bottled beverage. “You may not want to tell your daddy about the water either.”

  “Erin, come up here!” Drew’s yell echoed through the quiet house.


  A simple call from the upstairs made her heart swell. It was just a simple act, but one that felt homey and cozy and she didn’t remember the last time she felt like she belonged anywhere. “Coming.” She finished giving Beaker his food and water, kissed the dog on the top of his head, and dashed up the stairs to Drew’s, or the master bedroom.

  The sight of the room coupled with the already warm sensation running through her and a burst of something she would identify as happiness.

  Apparently, Drew took it upon himself to destroy the room. Clothes, both his and hers were strewn all over the place. Drawers were taken out of the dressers and the contents of all their suitcases were either spilled on the bed or on the floor. “Looks great.”

  “As great as you feeding Beaker out of your hand and giving him that bottled water.” With a sneer, he glanced over at her.

  “He deserves the best.” How did he know? She furrowed her brow. “What happened?”

  “Well, I started by moving my stuff out of the drawers and then I was looking for something and then the rest just sort of exploded.” He scratched his hand through his hair.

  “Do you want some help?” She headed straight into the eye of the storm and stood by his side.

  “Yeah, hence me screaming for you.” He pointed toward the dresser. “Can you do me a huge favor and figure out what’s in that bottom drawer?”

  “Sure.” She stepped over some debris and pulled the handle on the one and only drawer Drew didn’t take out of the piece of furniture.

  Inside was only one thing. A long red jewelry box from a designer she knew all too well. Her cheeks heated. Hell, her whole body heated. She took a breath and tried to shake away the tremble that overtook her. Drew had a life before her. They had twenty years of living and no doubt this was some remnant of another time.

  “What’s inside that has you so silent?” He joined her. “Oh, I see.”

  Though she wanted to stomp her foot and point at the box and demand an explanation, or even better burst into tears and fling herself crying on the bed until he bought her a piece of jewelry, for once in her life she chose the high road. “I’m going to go collect some hangers from the other room, and we’ll get his place cleaned back up.”

  Before she left, he caught her wrist. “Don’t you want to see what’s in the box?”

  Somehow she knew things wouldn’t last beyond a road trip. In some odd way their movie seemed to tell the future. “Drew, I really don’t want to see something you purchased for someone else.” Why was he torturing her after he said he loved her?

  “Well, in my mind the person I bought this for and the person receiving it seem like two different people, but technically they are one and the same.” He pressed the box into her hand. “Open it.”

  Not understanding his riddle, she huffed and flipped the lid of the box open. The jewelry piece was perfectly Drew and the d
esigner, simple and elegant. A tri colored gold chain scattered with diamonds. She knew the line this particular necklace came from and always admired it.

  “I bought this quite some time ago for the woman I loved.” He extracted the piece of art from its velvet bed.

  She ground her teeth together waiting for him to get to the point.

  “I had to wait twenty years for her to say the words to me.” He looped the jewelry around her neck and fastened it. “So many times I went to throw it away or sell it, but I couldn’t. I suppose I waited, hoping one day the rightful owner would claim it. I knew I stashed it in here and had to find it. Sorry about the mess.”

  She didn’t even realize tears were streaming down her eyes until she tried to look at Drew and he was nothing but a blur. “You bought it for me?”

  “Of course. There was always only you.” With his thumbs, he wiped her tears away.

  “I love you.” She pressed her lips to his and closed her eyes when he wrapped his arms around her. The same feeling of safety and belonging encompassed her anytime he held her.

  They were up so high right now, she only prayed it didn’t come down.



  Roxy, her parents and the principal are having a meeting. The principal is going through a file.

  ROXY sits with her hands folded on her lap and glances over at her mother.


  (Speaks through her teeth)

  It’s not like I don’t have enough work at home, now we have to go through this.

  PRINCIPAL glances over at them and then back to the papers.


  I’ll never understand why you made this pilgrimage anyway. What a waste of time.

  ROXY’S MOTHER shifts in her seat and shakes her head.


  I know you don’t understand, and I don’t really care.

  ROXY’S FATHER raises his head for the first time and looks over at Roxy and her mother.


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