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Limelight (Hollywood Stardust)

Page 42

by Kim Carmichael

  “Wait! You can’t just let anyone in here. Hold on.” Ivy rushed to the back. “Wilson!”

  With a shrug, Giselle stood to the side to let Harvey enter. “So, you’re here to do some installation?”

  “Putting in the new glass washer and adjusting some things on the plumbing on the bar.” Almost as if he wanted to prove his identity, he held up a toolbox and a plumber’s wrench.

  “Well, time is money, get to it.” She pointed over to the bar.

  Harvey grabbed his toolbox and hobbled over to the bar. “And you are?”

  With it sort of dark, she grabbed a flashlight from his toolbox, propped herself back up on the stool and aimed it where Harvey was beginning his work. “Giselle, of course.”

  Wilson reappeared. “Well, Miss Giselle of course, I’d like to know what you think you’re doing here?”

  “My last name is Abromowitz.” She crossed her legs.

  “Thank you, but that didn’t answer my question.” He approached, giving her a good look at his form, a bit more muscular than his younger brother, and it was that bit she liked. “What are you doing here?”

  She had now been asked this question multiple times and all in the name of trying to help. If everyone kept asking, it was apparent she needed to be somewhere else. She put the flashlight down and jumped off the stool. “Right now I’m leaving.”


  A Hollywood Stardust Novel

  Coming Soon from Irksome Rebel Press

  An Excerpt

  The limousine stopped in front of the Beverly Garland hotel and Ryder Scott held up his hand, a silent command telling the driver not to unlock the door quite yet. No one should ever enter a battle zone without a plan of attack, and he needed a moment to center himself and get the lay of the land.

  While the set up was always the same, the players always changed. As usual, the red carpet trailed from the crowded curb on Sunset Boulevard all the way to the door of one of Hollywood’s trendiest hotels. In between point A and point B, a step and repeat emblazoned with the Hollywood Starburst movie logo provided the perfect background for the stars to stop, strike a pose, and answer a question or two before heading into the after-party celebrating the movie premiere of the sequel that had waited over twenty years to be told.

  After several deep breaths, he lowered his hand giving the go signal. The second the telltale click of the doors being unlocked echoed through the vehicle, a nameless uniformed person opened the door into the war zone.

  His strategy firmly planted in his mind, Ryder put one foot on that red carpet and paused, allowing the rest of him to remain in the shadows of car interior. All too soon, the focus of the photographers would pull away from the step and repeat to find out who was in the last limo, though they knew the answer. All his co-stars had already arrived.

  At times like this, it was critical to stay hydrated and ensure his pH was optimized, so he downed the last of his alkaline water before achieving his desired result.

  At last, two photographers turned toward the limo, and once a third followed suit, Ryder took his time exiting the car.

  In one fluid motion he stood, flashed the one-sided smile that made him a star, and waved. Once the roar of the crowd gathered around the front of the hotel amplified, the smile became a bit more real, and he took his place in line behind his co-stars. All the better to remain in a defensive position as well as provide the much needed grand finale of arrivals. He lived by the motto, last in, first out, and above all else, leave everyone in a state of want.

  Logan Alexander with his wife, Ivy, by his side and his kid, Curtis, in his arms went first. The once villain of the group, Logan turned his reputation around when he not only fell in love with the woman interviewing him, but resurrected and helped direct the sequel to their genre changing movie, Hollywood Stardust.

  “Logan.” One of the news reporters came forward. “What did you think of the final cut of Hollywood Starburst?”

  “I think the sequel turned out exactly as we envisioned, and we stayed true to the story.” He nodded, and his little toddler reached for the microphone, causing all of them to chuckle.

  “When does the filming of Hollywood Stardom begin?” The woman let the little boy hold the microphone handle with her.

  In a startling twist to the Hollywood Stardust story, there was a third and final movie planned, Hollywood Stardom. Even more surprising was that the four original actors would be reprising their roles. Of course, Ryder would be the penultimate star. He was the one with the body of work, the career to be envied, and the one who was even making his own movie.

  “We will begin next month, and it’s sure to be the perfect wrap-up for this set of characters.” Logan took his wife’s hand.

  “Ivy, what was it like making your acting debut with your husband?” The reporter turned the mic to Mrs. Alexander.

  The once camera shy girl not only did a cameo in this movie, but would be taking a full-fledged role in the next movie. Instead of the girl whose voice shook the first time she tried to interview him, now she faced the camera head on. “I couldn’t have asked for a better director.” She turned to her husband.

  In a moment tailor-made for the Hollywood royalty they had become, the couple kissed and Logan led her into the hotel.

  The couple in waiting, Drew Fulton, Ph.D. and Erin Holland-Fulton, took their position next. At long last, fans of the elusive happily ever after could rejoice. In a fairytale come to life, the geek and the leading lady in the original movie, reconnected after twenty years had tied the knot in a gala fit for any princess.

  The happy little couple struck several media-friendly adorable poses, including several which included having Drew place his hands on Erin’s barely visible baby bump.

  Ryder gave a quick glance behind him, swearing he could still see the smoke trail on the bullet he dodged when he didn’t end up with her. While Erin might have taught him many things on being an amazing lover, of utmost importance was her lesson on birth control. Don’t enter a woman without it.

  “Erin, you are positively glowing.” The reporter began.

  “It’s a Hollywood Glow.” Erin held on to Drew and put her hand over her stomach. “Among other things.”

  Well, no one could say Erin wasn’t a sales person through and through. Within her first four words she plugged her and Drew’s line of nutraceuticals. Not that she needed to, the stuff could barely be found on the high-end shelves, where it reigned as the crown prince of supplements. With a sneer, Ryder reached into his pocket and made sure he had his late night dose. Hell, the stuff worked.

  “Exactly.” The reporter nodded. “So, as the original Roxy, how do you feel the new cast did taking over for this installment of the story?”

  Only someone who knew Erin would have noticed her grip tighten on her husband, and the slight quiver of her lower lip. Of all of them, Erin had the worst time allowing the role she defined be taken on by someone else.

  Erin leaned forward. “They all did magnificent, but I can’t say I’m not thrilled to have Roxy back.”

  Her answer was gracious and truthful, and Ryder gave her a thumbs-up even if she didn’t see the gesture.

  “Your fans are going to be thrilled.” The reporter beamed at her and turned her attention to Drew. “Dr. Fulton, how does it feel to return to acting?”

  “It feels right.” Ever the serious one, Drew lifted his chin at the reporter and then took Erin inside.

  Ready for his turn on the front line, Ryder no sooner stepped over to give these reporters a true photo opportunity than a stripe of black lace rushed in front of him, tripped and stumbled right into the center of the step and repeat.

  When the woman stopped, clenched her fist and straightened up, two things happened. First, one luscious tendril of auburn hair tumbled free of its updo into her, eye giving the woman a sexy “just got out of bed and ready to get back in it” look.

  Second, he recognized the woman. In fact, one could say she was one of his man
y benefactors, though not in his traditional sense, meaning he hadn’t slept with her…yet.

  Still, the woman media-blocked his entrance, and though he made sure to have no expression on his face, he waited to find out if he needed to fight.

  “Cora Caine.” The reporter tiptoed toward the intruder. “Welcome to the red carpet.”

  Yes, Cora Caine, the CEO of

  Three years ago, when her web portal/search engine/multimedia site was purchased by the same company who owned the studio who produced Hollywood Stardust, she became a billionaire overnight. She also seemed to be the one pushing for the Stardust movies to continue.

  Rather than answer, Cora glanced around and as if she finally realized she was in front of reporters and photographers, she struck her version of a pose.

  More accurately, she put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. “What was the question?”

  Inside, Ryder winced. While the reporter hadn’t asked a question, Cora’s demeanor gave him some much needed intel. Apparently, Ms. Caine didn’t intend to sabotage his moment in the limelight, but simply took the wrong way.

  “Were you always a fan of the Hollywood Stardust movie? Is that why you became involved with the sequel?” Where the reporter was smooth with his costars, at having her flow disrupted, her voice shook.

  “The original movie is one of the most beloved of all time. When my team ran our algorithms we decided that it would be a good investment.” Cora crossed her arms over her chest, providing a barrier to the reporter and covering up one of her best assets.

  Also, Ryder wasn’t sure if she’d even answered the question. He was still back on the word algorithm. What the hell was an algorithm? Did anyone know?

  “Oh, well, yes.” The reporter’s smile faded. “Your dress is gorgeous. Who are you wearing?”

  Ah, the old standby question. It was also a gift on the reporter’s part. Hopefully, Cora would take the hint and lower her arms, no one should be allowed to miss that body. All her curves were made for exploration. Instead of revealing the designer, Cora returned to that pursing her lips thing.

  Sometimes the best battles were won purely on opportunity and coincidence. It was time for a surprise attack.

  After a quick check of his tie, Ryder swooped in and came up right behind Ms. Caine. She gasped, but that didn’t stop him. He put one hand on her waist, and with his other hand, he pulled the back of her dress, got a quick glimpse at the label and leaned into her ear. “Owen Blakeney, Blake Designs.”

  “Ryder Scott, what a surprise!” The reporter smiled again.

  Cora twisted around to see him, her lock of hair hitting him in the face.

  He corralled her hair and decided the best course of action was to take over. “The gorgeous Cora Caine is wearing an Owen Blakeney dress that fits her better than any glove I’ve ever seen, and as luck would have it, I have one of his tuxedos on tonight.”

  “Are you ready to reprise your role as William?” the reporter asked.

  “I think the more accurate question would be, is William ready for me?” He chuckled and slid his hand up Cora’s rib cage. Hey, he’d saved her ass, he might as well get a little touchy-feely.

  “Are you pleased with the outcome of the second movie?” As the reporter asked yet another question, Cora tensed like she wanted to walk.

  In an effort to keep the media monstrosity in place, he tightened his hold on her and continued to speak for her. “With all the unique circumstances, I think this was a perfect way to tell the story. Now, I believe it’s time to walk the rest of the red carpet.” He gave the reporter a wink and with his arm around her waist, guided Cora toward the hotel entrance.

  “You can let go of me now, Mr. Scott.” She put her hand over his.

  “Why would I do that? It feels like it belongs here.” They continued toward the doors, and he nodded at no one in particular.

  “I can guarantee that no part of you belongs on any part of me.” The doormen did their jobs, but before she entered she turned to him.

  “I don’t think anyone, let alone you, can guarantee that.” To prove his point, he let his hand skim down to the swell of her backside. The angle of the curve let him know if he delved a little deeper he would get quite the magnificent handful.

  Her green eyes darkened, and they stared at each other.

  “What are you looking at?” She didn’t walk away, but she did narrow her eyes.

  Though he had met Cora a few times, he’d never had the opportunity to be this close up to her. In fact, she was quite attractive, actually beautiful, with feminine little features in complete contrast to her harder than steel attitude. Part of him wanted to take a bite, but the other part was afraid he would chip one of his teeth and his caps were damn expensive. “Why don’t you use one of your algorithms and figure it out?” He purposely lowered his eyes to her copious cleavage. “Instead of snapping at me, maybe you should thank me for saving your ass out there.”

  “My ass did not need saving.” She raised her chin.

  “I think that’s where you and I need to agree to disagree.” With a quick glance back to ensure at least a few of the cameras were on them, he gave into his want from earlier and finally let his palm graze over the aforementioned body part. Oh, he was spot on, her ass was perfection.

  Her eyes ablaze, she dramatically grabbed his hand and plucked it off her. “My algorithm tells me this is done.” She spun on her heel and stomped into the hotel.

  Once more, Ryder looked back at the media. Even more people were focused on him and gave them a slight bow. Those gathered let out a collective awww. “I better get inside.” He widened his eyes to garner any last bit of sympathy and paused to allow the photographers to get their shot before following his impromptu date. Tomorrow’s stories would have him plastered everywhere. Job well done, Ryder. Job well done.

  About the Author

  Kim Carmichael

  Kim Carmichael began writing nine years ago when her love of happy endings inspired her to create her own.

  A Southern California native, Kim's contemporary romance combines Hollywood magic with pop culture to create quirky characters set against some of most unique and colorful settings in the world.

  With a weakness for designer purses, bad boys and techno geeks, Kim married her own computer whiz after he proved he could keep her all her gadgets running and finally admitted handbags were an investment.

  Kim is a PAN member of the Romance Writers of America, as well as some small specialty chapters. A multi-published author, Kim's books can be found all over the world.

  When not writing, she can usually be found slathered in sunscreen trolling Los Angeles and helping top doctors build their practices.

  To find out more about Kim Carmichael visit:


  Hollywood Stardust Website:


  Twitter: @kimcarmichael4



  Typecast– What’s Your Fantasy?

  On The Dotted Line – A signature can change every thing

  Trifecta – A typical Romance that just happens to have three people

  Pieces of Three – Some are pieces of three


  Closure – There’s always the one

  Eternity – His choice – eternal salvation or eternal damnation


  Interchangeable – Two men have one night to show the woman they love they are not interchangeable

  The Promise – A mistake brought him to her, a promise kept him returning

  Hands On Me – Do they go with their mission or their hearts?

  Children’s Book:

  My Daddy Wears His Art – A story of acceptance


  Come Undone

  Three Times Lucky

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two />
  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two




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