Page 32
20 Alvilde Lees-Milne and Derry Moore, The Englishman’s Room, Viking (1986), p. 92
21 JB to PLF, 20 September 1969 (NLS)
22 JB to JLF, 20 September 1969, in John Betjeman: Letters, vol. 2, 1951–1984, ed. Candida Lycett-Green, Methuen (1995), pp. 389–90
23 JB to Wayland Kennet, 19 September 1969, ibid, p. 390
24 John Banting to JLF, nd [c. January 1958] (NLS)
25 JLF to PLF, 3 November [1974] (NLS)
26 John Betjeman: Letters, vol. 2, p. 450
27 Barbara Skelton, Weep No More, Hamish Hamilton (1989), p. 150
28 Stephen Spender, New Selected Journals, Faber (2012), pp. 388–9
29 Notebook (NLS)
30 John Banting to JLF, nd [10 May 1971] (NLS)
31 Frances Partridge, Diaries 1939–1972, Phoenix Press (2001), p. 322
32 The Times, 12 August 1976
33 JLF to JR, 13 October 1976 (priv. arch.)
34 JB to Ena Driberg, 1 October 1976, in John Betjeman: Letters, vol. 2, p. 520
35 JLF to Janetta Parladé, nd [November 1976] (private archive)
36 JLF to JR, 15 July 1977 (private archive)
Chapter 15: A Time of Gifts
1 JLF to Sir Michael Stewart, 1 October 1988 (private archive)
2 Conversation with Janetta Parladé, May 2014
3 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 25 November 1967 (private archive)
4 JLF to Patrick Kinross, 29 January 1970 (Huntington)
5 PLF to Janetta Parladé, March 1976 (private archive)
6 Correspondence between author and Michael O’Sullivan, September–December 2016
7 Patrick Leigh Fermor, Three Letters from the Andes, John Murray (1991), p. 3
8 JLF to PLF, nd [1971] (NLS)
9 John Betjeman: Letters, vol. 2, p. 374
10 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 20 June 1976 (private archive)
11 John Betjeman: Letters, vol. 2, p. 450
12 JB to JLF and PLF, 15 February 1979, ibid, pp. 559–60
13 JB to JLF, 18 June 1969, ibid, p. 386
14 James Lees-Milne, A Mingled Measure: Diaries 1951–1972, John Murray (1994), pp. 135–6
15 Bruce Chatwin to Elizabeth Chatwin, 30 August 1970, in Under the Sun: The Letters of Bruce Chatwin, eds Elizabeth Chatwin and Nicholas Shakespeare, Jonathan Cape (2016), p. 158
16 XF to PLF, 27 April 1980 (NLS)
17 Nicholas Shakespeare, Bruce Chatwin, Vintage (2000), p. 566
18 PLF to XF, 12 April 1983 (Fielding archive, NLS)
19 JLF to Michael and Damaris Stewart, nd [1985] (priv. coll.)
20 Bruce Chatwin to JLF and PLF, 24 April 1986, Under the Sun, p. 456
21 JLF to Billa Harrod, 9 May [1986] (Norfolk County Records Office)
22 JLF to Janetta Parladé, nd (priv. coll.)
Chapter 16: Endings
1 APJ to Billa Harrod, nd [postmark 3 December 1987]
2 PLF to Janetta Parladé, 15 May 1990 (priv. coll.)
3 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 6 January 1993 (priv. coll.)
4 Jonathan Reeves to author, 10 October 2016
5 JLF to Daily Telegraph, 16 July 1999
6 JLF to Billa Harrod, 12 February [1992] (Norfolk County Records Office)
7 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 19 February [1992] (Norfolk County Records Office)
8 JLF to Billa Harrod, 12 February [1992] (Norfolk County Records Office)
9 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 28 November [postmark 1993] (priv. coll.)
10 JLF to Janetta Parladé, nd [13 February 1995] (priv. coll.)
11 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 22 February [nd] (priv. coll.)
12 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 25 February [nd] (priv. coll.)
13 James Lees-Milne, The Milk of Paradise: Diaries 1993–1997, John Murray (2005), pp. 142–3
14 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 12 February [198?] (priv. coll.)
15 PLF to XF, 12 April 1983 (Fielding archive, NLS)
16 JLF to Janetta Parladé, nd (priv. coll.)
17 JLF to PLF, Friday [nd] (NLS)
18 JLF to Janetta Parladé, 15 January [?] (priv. coll.)
19 Billa Harrod to JLF, 28 September [1982] (NLS)
20 JLF to Billa Harrod, 4 July [c. 1999] (Norfolk Records Office)
21 JLF to Billa Harrod, 24 September [?] (Norfolk Records Office)
22 Celia Paget to JLF, 29 September 1985 (priv. coll.)
23 Celia Paget to JLF, 28 October 1998 (priv. coll.)
24 Conversation with Janetta Parladé, 27 July 2017
25 JLF to Robert Kenward [1990s] (priv. coll.)
26 PLF to XF, 12 April 1983 (Fielding archive, NLS)
27 Janetta Parladé to JLF, 2 May 2002 (NLS)
28 PLF to Robert and Bridget Kenward, 4 November 2003 (priv. coll.)
29 PLF to Michael and Joey Casey, 13 September 2006 (priv. coll.)
30 ‘Obituary of Joan Leigh Fermor’ by John Craxton, Independent, 10 June 2003
Aachen, Germany ref1
Achillopoulos, Costa ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Acton, Harold ref1, ref2
Agate, James ref1
Algeciras ref1
Algiers ref1
Allen, William ref1
Angela, Countess of Antrim ref1
Anglo-German Naval Agreement (1935) ref1
Annan, Gabriele ref1
Annan, Noel, Our Age: Portrait of a Generation ref1
Apsley Guise, Bedfordshire ref1, ref2
Architectural Review ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Armley, Leeds ref1
Artists General Benevolent Fund ref1
Ashton, Frederick ref1, ref2
Athens ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Attlee, Clement ref1
Auden, W. H. ref1, ref2
‘What is Wrong with Architecture?’ ref1
Auribeau-sur-Siagne, Alpes Maritimes ref1
Avon Bank, Worcestershire ref1
Ayer, A. J. ‘Freddie’ ref1, ref2, ref3
Bacon, Francis ref1, ref2
Baden Powell, Olave ref1
Baden Powell, Robert ref1
Bailey, Miss (cook) ref1
Baines, Julian ref1
Baird, Alice ref1, ref2
Baird, Kitty ref1, ref2
Baker, Francis Noel ref1 and note
Baldwin, Stanley ref1, ref2
Balfour, Patrick see Kinross, Patrick Balfour, 3rd Baron
Ballynatray, nr Lismore ref1
Balthus (Polish-French artist) ref1, ref2
Banting, John
friendship with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
outrageous life ref1
as fashionable decorative artist ref1
paints portrait of Joan ref1
comment on Brian Howard’s death ref1
death of ref1
paints portrait of Tom Driberg ref1
Barlow, Bobbie Pratt ref1
Bath, Henry Thynne, 6th Marquess ref1
Baupré, Geneva ref1
BBC ref1, ref2, ref3
Beachy Head, Eastbourne ref1
Beaton, Baba ref1
Beaton, Cecil ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Beaton, Nancy ref1
Beauchamp, Lettice Grosvenor, Lady ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Beauchamp, William Lygon, 7th Earl
political career ref1
ordered to leave the country ref1
outed as a homosexual by Duke of Westminster ref1, ref2
as Lord Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited ref1
Beck, Maurice ref1
Beddington, Jack ref1
Beerbohm, Max ref1
Beira, Mozambique ref1, ref2
Bell, Vanessa ref1
Beloyannis, Elpida ref1, ref2
Benaki Museum, Athens ref1
Bère, Rupert de la ref1
Berlin, Aline ref1
Berlin, Isaiah ref1, ref2
Berners, Gerald ref1, ref2
Bernhard, Prince ref1
br /> Bernier, Georges ref1, ref2, ref3
Berwick Church, East Sussex ref1
Betjeman, John
homosexual experiences ref1
assistant editor at Architectural Review ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
at Oxford ref1, ref2
comment on Pryce-Jones ref1
friendship with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
intrigued by Penelope Chetwode ref1
love of nicknames ref1
congratulates Pryce-Jones on his proposed marriages ref1, ref2
proposes to Billa ref1
marries Penelope Chetwode ref1
photo taken at Dumbleton ref1
writes poems for Joan and Penelope ref1
contributions to Architectural Review ref1
comment on noxious Maddox Street flat ref1
influenced by Robert Byron ref1
attends Labour meeting ref1
visits Paul Nash exhibition ref1
visits Rome with Joan ref1
as general editor of the Shell Guides ref1
at Joan’s wedding to John Rayner ref1
attempts to join the armed forces ref1
makes regular radio broadcasts ref1
joins the film division at MoI ref1
decides he would like to be a station-master ref1
invites Paddy and Joan to stay at the Old Rectory ref1
Joan as godmother to his daughter ref1
comment on Shelton Abbey ref1
meets Joan’s father ref1
forges Tom Driberg’s name at Kardamyli ref1
visits to Kardamyli ref1
visits Connolly on his deathbed ref1
left some money in Driberg’s will ref1
recommends Penelope and Joan for inclusion in book on photography ref1
reaction to death of Patrick Kinross ref1
death of ref1
Ghastly Good Taste ref1
SS Centipeda and Giomonsella, Martyrs ref1
‘Summoned by Bells’ ref1
Betjeman, Penelope Chetwode
meets Betjeman ref1
sent to India ref1, ref2
Betjeman’s fable written to ref1
tours Ireland on horseback with Joan ref1
correspondence with Joan ref1
and death of Connolly ref1
converts to Catholicism ref1
death of ref1
Bexhill-on-Sea ref1
Billa see Harrod, Wilhelmine Cresswell ‘Billa’
Birley, Eric ref1 and note
Blair, Eric (George Orwell) ref1
Bletchley Park ref1
Blunt, Anthony ref1
Boer Wars ref1, ref2, ref3
Bole, Alan ref1
Bostanzi, Mairi ref1
Boukas, Giorgios ref1
Bowen, Elizabeth ref1
Bowra, Maurice ref1
circle of favoured undergraduates ref1
most influential don in Oxford ref1
pulls strings to help Betjeman ref1
friendship and pseudo-romance with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
lectures at British Council in Athens ref1
comment on Paddy ref1
offers advice to Xan ref1
monk at St Wandrille likened to ref1
introduces Joan to David Pryce-Jones ref1
visits Paddy and Joan on Hydra ref1
as bisexual ref1
character and description ref1
never sees house at Kardamyli ref1
death of ref1
‘On the Coast of Terra Fermoor’ ref1
‘The Wounded Gigolo’ ref1
Bowyer-Lane, Captain F. Bowyer ref1, ref2
Bradwell Lodge, Essex ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Brancusi, Constantin ref1
Braque, Georges ref1
Brenan, Gerald ref1, ref2
British Air Route expedition ref1, ref2
British Council ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
British Military Mission to Greece ref1
British Union of Fascists (BUF) ref1
Browne, Sir Thomas, The Garden of Cyrus ref1
Buchman, Frank ref1
Buckley, Christopher ref1 and note
Buckmaster, Joan ref1n
BUF see British Union of Fascists
Bulgaria ref1
Burroughs, Bernard ref1
Byron, Robert ref1
friendship with Joan ref1, ref2
backpacks from Constantinople to Greece ref1 and note
influence on Betjeman and Joan ref1
attends Congress on Persian Art and Archaeology at the Hermitage Museum ref1
death of ref1
First Russia, Then Tibet ref1
The Road to Oxiana ref1
The Station ref1n
Bystander ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Café Royal Cocktail Book ref1
Cairo ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
Calder, Alexander ref1
Camargue ref1
Cambridge Zoological Museum ref1
Campbell, Henry Joseph ref1n, ref2, ref3
Campbell, Mary ref1
Campbell, Robin ref1
Cantacuzene, Princess Balasha ref1
Cardiff, Maurice ref1, ref2, ref3
Caribbean ref1
Cartland, Barbara ref1n
Cartland, Bertram ref1 and note
Casey, Alan ‘Tim’ ref1, ref2, ref3
Casey, Anna ref1 and note, ref2
Casey, Bridget ref1, ref2
Casey, Diana Eyres Monsell
birth of ref1
childhood at Dumbleton and Belgrave Square ref1
sent to school in Worcestershire ref1
given London dance by her parents ref1
appearances in the press ref1
and Joan’s instructions for developing film ref1
marriage to Alan Casey ref1
Tim advises selling Dumbleton ref1
dislikes Essex Drury ref1
death of her husband Tim ref1
visits Kardamyli ref1
character and description ref1
death of ref1
Casey, Joey ref1
Casey, Michael ref1, ref2
Cass Canfield, Augustus ref1
Cavendish, Elizabeth ref1
Ceylon ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Chania, Crete ref1, ref2
Charles, Gladys ref1
Charles, Prince of Wales ref1
Charleston, East Sussex ref1
Charteris, Hugo ref1
Chatwin, Bruce
character and description ref1, ref2
visits Kardamyli ref1, ref2, ref3
as acclaimed, prize-winning author ref1
scatters Penelope Chetwode’s ashes at Kulu ref1
death from AIDS ref1, ref2
The Nomadic Alternative ref1, ref2, ref3
In Patagonia ref1
The Songlines ref1
The Viceroy of Ouidah ref1
Chatwin, Elizabeth ref1, ref2
Chelsea Arts Club Ball ref1
Cheltenham Chronicle ref1
Cherwell magazine ref1
Chetwode, Penelope see Betjeman, Penelope Chetwode
Choremi, André ref1
Christian family ref1
Chrisiansen, Arthur ref1, ref2
Churchill, Johnny ref1
Churchill, Randolph ref1
Churchill, Winston ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Clark, Kenneth ref1
Clonmel ref1
Clonmore, William Howard ‘Cracky’ see Wicklow, William Howard Clonmore ‘Cracky’, 8th Earl
Clouds, Wiltshire ref1
Cohen, Eve ref1, ref2
Colefax, Lady Sibyl ref1
Coles, Mr (Map Curator at RGS) ref1
Colombe (ship) ref1
Colquhoun, Robert ref1
Communist National Liberation Front (EAM) ref1
Compton-Burnett, Ivy ref1
Connolly, Cyril r
ef1, ref2, ref3
at Eton ref1
at Oxford University ref1, ref2
on homosexuality ref1
comments on Joan ref1
character and description ref1
friendship with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
holds parties at his flat ref1, ref2, ref3
bohemian lifestyle ref1
dines at the Café Royal ref1
as journalist and writer ref1
at Tickerage ref1
collapse of his marriage to Jean ref1
at Bradwell Lodge ref1
hopeless pursuit of Joan ref1, ref2, ref3
article on second occupations ref1
travels to Aquitaine with Joan ref1
house in Sussex Place ref1n
Joan as godmother to his daughter ref1
at the Gargoyle Club ref1
affair, marriage and divorce to Barbara Skelton ref1
visits Joan and Paddy on Hydra ref1
visits Kardamyli ref1
presents Joan with several gifts of books ref1
death and funeral ref1, ref2
Joan named as executrix of his will ref1
‘The Cost of Letters’ ref1
The Evening Colonnade ref1
Happy Deathbeds ref1
The Rock Pool ref1
The Unquiet Grave ref1
Connolly, Deirdre Craig ref1, ref2
Connolly, Jean ref1, ref2, ref3
Conran, Caroline ref1
Cooper, Lady Diana ref1, ref2
Cooper, Gladys ref1n
Coote see Lygon, Dorothy ‘Coote’
Cornhill ref1
Coventry, Diana ref1
Cracky see Wicklow, William Howard Clonmore ‘Cracky’, 8th Earl
Craxton, John
character and description ref1
creative partnership with Freud ref1
lifelong friendship with Joan ref1, ref2
accompanies Joan to nightclubs during wartime ref1
provides illustrations for Paddy’s books ref1, ref2, ref3
rents a house in Chania, Crete ref1
accused of being a spy and a looter ref1
visits Kardamyli ref1
paintings at Mill House ref1
Cresswell, Wilhelmine ‘Billa’ see Harrod, Wilhelmine Cresswell ‘Billa’
Crete ref1, ref2, ref3
Cripps, Sir Stafford ref1
Croome Court, Worcestershire ref1
Culme-Seymour, Angela see Kinross, Angela Culme-Seymour
Cunard, Edward ref1
Cunard, Victor ref1
Cyprus ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Cyprus Times ref1
Daily Express ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
Daily Herald ref1
Daily Mirror ref1
Daily Sketch ref1
Daily Telegraph ref1, ref2
Daniell family ref1
Dawkins, Richard ref1
Dawson, Bertrand, 1st Viscount Dawson of Penn ref1, ref2