Book Read Free


Page 1

by Charity Parkerson


  Charity Parkerson


  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  About the Author

  Title Page


  An Erotic Novella

  Charity Parkerson


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  --Warning: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Copyright © 2017 Charity Parkerson

  Editor: Hercules Editing and Consultants

  Photographer: SL ADV

  All rights reserved.


  Being with Sebastian is a scandal waiting to happen. Being without him isn’t an option.

  Several years ago, Chase’s dad married Seb’s mom. It was a short marriage with a disastrous end, but Chase and Seb remained good friends—or so the world thinks. The truth is a bit more sordid.

  Chase is the one obsession Seb can’t live without. After losing everything in a desperate attempt to escape the clutches of a blackmailer, Seb has settled in to life with Chase under the guise of handling the man’s fan club. Now his blackmailer is back and won’t stop until the truth of Seb and Chase’s relationship is revealed.

  When Chase met Seb, he was no one, and in awe of catching the eye of one of the world’s best snowboarders. Now, after starring in several films and amassing a fortune, he’s the one keeping Sebastian afloat. Since Seb is the greatest love of his life, it isn’t a chore. When the truth is revealed about Seb’s past, Chase is left no other choice but to handle things his way.

  Sordid is an erotic tale of two men who fell in love under unfortunate circumstances, and they’ll go to any lengths to hang on to each other.

  Chapter 1

  “On today’s show, we have with us an award-winning and highly sought after actor, Chase Francisco.”

  Chase tried not to blush. He never got used to the praise. “Hi, Gloria. Thanks for having me.”

  The short-haired platinum blonde flashed Chase a practiced smile while automatically facing the right camera. “It’s good of you to take time from your busy schedule to join us. Now, Chase, you have a new movie coming out.”


  “And I’m sure this one hits home for you, since your brother, Sebastian Murray, was once a gold medalist…”

  “He’s not my brother.”

  Gloria continued as if Chase hadn’t said a word. “…before having his medal stripped after a horrific accident brought to light his drug addiction.” Chase did his best not to wince. “I have to say, Chase, your brother’s struggle and the way you came to his aid is one of the many reasons I have so much admiration for you as person and not just as an actor.”

  “Thank you, Gloria. Seb isn’t my brother.”

  For the life of Chase, he couldn’t understand why the talk show host kept ignoring him. Chase’s mind drifted as she droned on about his latest role, playing a drug-addicted snowboarder—just as Seb had been at one time. Seb had never been family. Not to Chase. He’d been everything else. At seventeen, when Chase’s father married Seb’s mother, Seb had blown him under the table at the reception. That night, the first they’d slept under the same roof, Seb had massaged Chase’s dick through his underwear with the lightest of touch while they kissed for what felt like hours. Each time he’d gotten close to explosion, Seb had backed off. Chase had thought he would cry in his frustration. By the time Seb slipped Chase’s underwear down his hips, Chase had begged the man to fuck him. Seb had spread Chase’s thighs, oiled up Chase’s asshole, and stolen his virginity at the exact moment he finally gave Chase the orgasm he’d been begging for. Chase hadn’t looked back. While their parents’ marriage had only lasted two years, Seb and Chase hadn’t stopped fucking and sucking in every dark corner they could find. Over the years, they’d parted ways, succeeded in different careers, and always found their way back to each other. They were a twisted and beautiful addiction. No one else matched the intensity or insanity.

  “I know your brother is working for you now. How much has his constant presence helped you get in the mindset needed to handle this role?”

  Chase blew out an audible sigh. “Well, Gloria, he’s not my brother, but his constant presence has helped me immensely. Maybe not so much with the mindset of drug addiction, since he’s been clean for years, but he keeps me motivated. As of now, he runs my fan club and does a lot of promo work for me. If I don’t work, he doesn’t work.” Chase chuckled. “That’s a lot of motivation to keep going.”

  The rest of Chase’s interview went by in a blur. He tried hard not to talk too much about Seb, but it wasn’t easy. The man was always there—under Chase’s skin and living in the back of his mind. As his usual driver carried him home, Chase went over every detail of the morning, wondering if this would be the time he’d given them away. What would happen when people found out what went on behind their closed doors? Would he be ruined? Did he care? Yes. Not for himself, but for Seb. Seb had already weathered one huge scandal. If people found out about them, it might send him back into an old habit. Chase couldn’t live with that.

  The apartment Chase shared with Seb in New York felt like a prison without Seb there. Since the man who owned him was currently in Los Angeles working on some shit for Chase, and wouldn’t return for three more days, Chase paced the inside perimeter and kicked himself. He shouldn’t have argued with Gloria. What did he care if people thought of Seb as his brother? Goddamn it. Their parents had only been married for two years. Less than that, really. For most of that time, Seb had been living on his own in Los Angeles, starring in a crap soap opera. Not that he complained. That crap show had launched his career. Seb had been living in San Fran where he could drive three hours to Lake Tahoe to train for the Olympics or five hours to be inside Chase. They were each other’s biggest secret—oldest obsession.

  Now their one-bedroom loft in Chelsea should’ve screamed they were more. Yet people never seemed to notice or saw what they wanted. Chase ran his fingers over the books lining the built-in bookcase as he walked past. Almost every one was a leather-bound first edition of a classic Chase loved. Each one had been a gift from Seb over the years. Every time he came to see Chase, Seb brought a new one with him, because he knew how much Chase loved to read. Damn, he could still remember every detail of the first time they’d met. His father had introduced them. Chase had taken one look at the six-foot-five red-haired sexy-as-fuck professional snowboarder and his mouth had gone dry. Unfortunately, it hadn’t gone dry to the point where he couldn’t mutter “goddamn” under his breath. He hadn’t thought anyone had heard. Seb’s smirk said he had. When the
ir parents had gotten divorced, Chase had secretly hoped they could stop hiding. To his dismay, Seb had slipped deeper and deeper into his habit, and further away from Chase.

  It wasn’t until three years ago that everything had changed. Seb had spent two days getting and staying high, until he made the decision to walk out into traffic and end his life. Everyone called it an accident. It hadn’t been. Chase was the only one who knew the truth. Seb had fully intended to die that night. So much so, he’d sent Chase an email, apologizing for them. Every time Chase thought about that email, he hated Seb a little for it. Even though Seb’s letter didn’t say a word about regretting Chase, only the position he’d put him in, Chase had always wondered. It was a fear that ate at the back of his mind all hours of the day. Instead of brewing over things he couldn’t control, Chase chose to wander down the hall and fall into the bed he shared with Seb. If he couldn’t be with his gorgeous ginger today, Chase would sleep the day away.

  It was rare for Seb to drop everything and go home early. The least he could do for the man who’d given him everything was work his ass off to make sure the man succeeded. Today wasn’t one of those days. After catching Chase’s interview, he cut his trip short and caught the first flight home. There’d been something in Chase’s tone, something that had been showing itself more and more often lately. If Chase was unhappy, Seb had to fix it. That was always his first priority.

  He half expected Chase wouldn’t be home. The man had three free days to himself. If Chase had any sense, he’d spend that time searching for someone worthy of him. Of course, if he did, Seb would have to kill the guy, but still. All Seb had to offer was scandal. A sordid affair. Was he twisted? Possibly, but he was also so fucking in love with Chase Francisco he couldn’t breathe at the thought of losing him.

  Silence filled the apartment. Disappointment slammed into Seb. He’d rushed home for nothing. After tossing his keys on the side table by the door and kicking off his shoes, Seb headed for the bedroom. After traveling all day, he needed a shower anyhow. As the bedroom came into view, an evil smile tugged at the corners of Seb’s mouth. Light and steam spilled from the open bathroom door inside their bedroom. The sound of splashing water reached his ears. Seb stripped as he moved closer. By the time he reached the shower door, he was as nude as Chase. Even with the steamed-up tempered glass distorting Chase’s image, Seb’s stomach muscles tightened at the sight of him. The boyish way his hair fell in his clear blue eyes always made Seb smile. It was also the reason he landed so many great parts. Chase was that actor—the one who could charm everyone with his perfect white teeth and dimples, and then take off his shirt, killing them with his cut body. Seb’s erection tapped at his navel, rushing him into the shower with Chase.

  When he threw open the door, Chase spun and clutched his chest. “Holy fucking shit, Seb. There’s a reason there are so many shower scenes in horror movies. Fuck.”

  An unrepentant chuckle escaped Seb as he crowded Chase against the shower wall, going skin on skin. Damn, Chase always made him horny as hell. “I hoped you’d be a little happier to see me.”

  Chase’s annoyed expression turned into a look of such longing, Seb lost his breath. His hands slid up Seb’s chest before Chase linked his fingers behind Seb’s neck. “I’m overjoyed.” Chase’s dick hardened between them. Their erections bumped.

  Seb couldn’t help but to lean closer, pivot his hips, and drag a moan from Chase. “I caught your interview this morning.”

  Chase’s head hit the wall behind him as his eyes fell closed. His open desire had Seb on the edge. “And?”

  “You were awful adamant about me not being your brother.”

  A flush touched Chase’s cheeks. “Not that anyone listened.”

  “I did,” Seb said, sounding breathless even to his ears as he bit the side of Chase’s neck. “You should do something very unsibling-like to prove your point.”

  A shattered-sounding breath escaped Chase. “Such as?”

  “Let me fuck you, Chase,” Seb demanded as he rocked against Chase, ensuring their dicks brushed. He licked Chase’s neck. “Spread those gorgeous ass cheeks and let me shove my dick inside that tight, beautiful asshole. I can’t swear you won’t regret me, but I can promise I’ll make you see stars.”

  Chase’s eyes opened. Those light-blue irises that had stolen his heart peeked out at Seb from beneath dark lashes. “Why do you want me?”

  Seb slowly lifted Chase’s knee from the floor without breaking eye contact. He urged Chase to wrap his legs around his hips. “Because I’ve never wanted anyone else.” It wasn’t a lie or Seb just trying to get some ass. Over the years, Seb had been in the position where tons of women and men had thrown themselves his way. Not a single soul had lain in Seb’s arms and let him play with their bodies in any twisted way he pleased the way Chase did. The man fucked with his head. Made him a slave.

  A smile exploded across Chase’s face—one that said he didn’t believe a word Seb said, but liked it nonetheless. “Get inside me, then.” Chase’s taunt was followed by a gasp as Seb shoved his way inside without any preparation. The man was so hot and tight on Seb’s dick he had to hold still to keep from coming right then. Once he knew he could make it a little longer, Seb braced Chase’s back against the wall, held on to the man’s legs, and openly took his pleasure. The way Chase’s dick bounced against his stomach while Seb fucked his ass kept Seb fascinated. A thick white drop of pre-cum smeared Chase’s abs. Seb’s mouth watered. He couldn’t take it. Seb needed that cum on his tongue. After letting Chase’s feet drop to the floor, he pulled out, and dropped to his knees.

  Seb tilted his chin up and held Chase’s stare as he sucked the man’s dick. He loved to watch Chase’s ever-changing expression while the man openly fucked his mouth. Chase always owned his pleasure. His lips parted with each moan. The man’s abs tightened as he pumped past Seb’s willing lips. Chase dick scraped Seb’s tongue and beat at his throat, choking him. Saliva ran down his chin, getting washed away by the shower. Without warning, Seb shoved three fingers in Chase’s ass, making the man cry out. Seb wanted Chase’s cum. He needed it. Was impatient for it. Chase grabbed Seb’s hair, using it to pull him closer, and hold him in place while taking his blowjob the way he liked. Seb’s scalp stung and his throat burned. He fucking loved every second.

  When Chase’s orgasm hit, and jets of semen filled Seb’s mouth, he swallowed. The salty fluid filled his mouth faster than he could eat it, but damned if he didn’t try. No way would he spit or stop until Chase was finished riding out every last wave. He needed the man relaxed because Seb was about to fuck him raw until he had his fill. The instant Chase’s muscles relaxed, Seb flew to his feet, spun Chase in his arms, bent the man over, and went balls deep. The slap of flesh hitting flesh reverberated off the shower walls, mixing with their moans.

  “Yes. Oh my God. Fuck me hard, Seb. Fuck.”

  Chase’s cries had Seb needing to see the man’s expression. With a growl, he pulled out again and had Chase shoved against the wall, legs around his hips, fucking the man while holding his stare. Chase bit his bottom lip. Seb watched as his white teeth sank into the plump flesh before releasing it again. Jealousy hit him. It should be Seb chewing on the lip. Seb’s mouth slammed down on Chase’s with enough force that their teeth bumped. Chase whimpered. Seb bit the man’s bottom lip and held it between his teeth as he pumped inside him. Sometimes Seb scared himself when it came to Chase. He never felt close enough to the man to soothe the desperation. Seb wondered how far he would go—what all he’d do just to get a centimeter closer to Chase.

  “Who owns this body?” Seb’s question came out sounding almost demonic in its ferocity.

  Chase didn’t hesitate. “You do.” His swift answer appeased some of Seb’s madness, before Chase stoked the crazed fires again. “This ass is screaming for you to fill it with your cum. Please, Seb.”

  Damn, he loved it when Chase begged. “Hang on to me, baby,” Seb ordered as he turned off the water. With Ch
ase wrapped around him, Seb headed for the bed. He dropped Chase at the edge of the mattress, uncaring they were soaking the sheets as he set one knee on the bed and got as deep as possible. He loved having Chase like this—where he could reach every spot. Seb played with Chase’s balls even as he fucked the man’s ass. Chase scratched at the sheets, looking half crazed. Every muscle in Seb’s body hardened—anticipating. Seb held his breath, completely focused on his looming orgasm. When it finally hit, the intensity bowed Seb’s back. He threw back his head, crying Chase’s name. Wave after wave of pleasure massaged his dick and loosened his muscles. Seb tried breathing through Chase stealing another piece of him. He didn’t care. Addiction was like that.

  It was moments like these that kept Chase sane. Seb’s large frame filled their bed. Chase’s legs entwined with Seb’s as they lay side by side, staring at each other. They toyed with each other’s hands, each holding their own counsel. Chase’s lips stung from Seb’s biting kisses. The apartment was quiet. All that existed was them and the powerful emotions filling the space between them.

  “I love you,” Seb mouthed, as if loath to disturb the peace of their silence. There it was. The reason Chase got up every morning.

  “I love you too,” Chase mouthed back.

  Seb’s smile was everything. He brought Chase’s hand to his mouth. Seb chewed on the tip of Chase’s finger. Chase couldn’t look away from the way the man’s plump lips wrapped around his finger and the white teeth sinking into his flesh. Happiness was near to choking him.

  “What are you doing?” Chase couldn’t hide the humor in his voice.

  “Shh,” Seb chastised. “I’m nibbling on you.”


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