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Old Ladies Club 1

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by Erin Osborne

  Old Ladies Club

  Book 1


  Wild Kings MC

  Soul Shifterz MC

  Rebel Guardians MC

  Rage Ryders MC

  Authored By:

  Erin Osborne

  Kayce Kyle

  Darlene Tallman

  Liberty Parker

  Authors’ Notes

  Whether you’ve read one of our books, or all of our books, we wanted to make sure you understood a few things…

  First of all, each club uses a different word for their old lady. So, you’ll see ‘Ol lady, Ol’ lady, and old lady. This is not a mistake on our part, but rather an attempt to remain consistent with our characters’ stories while writing as seamless of a book as possible, considering there are four of us working.

  Second of all, while this is mainly about the women, they’re all going to have “action” with their men because, well, they’re bikers, right? Some of the sex scenes may be explicit, some may be more fade to black, but we tried to balance them out with the story while keeping true to our characters.

  Third, we hope you enjoy this look into their lives. We had a ball writing it and did it with you, our readers, in mind!


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved.

  The Old Ladies Club Book One

  Copyright 2018 © Erin Osborne, Liberty Parker,

  Darlene Tallman, Kayce Kyle

  Published by: Erin Osborne, Liberty Parker,

  Darlene Tallman, Kayce Kyle

  Proofread by: Melanie Gray, Kat Beecham, Joanne Dearman

  Editor: Darlene Tallman

  Cover by: Tracie Douglas @ Dark Water Covers

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Erin Osborne, Liberty Parker, Kayce Kyle and Darlene Tallman, the authors / publishers.

  The Wild Kings MC series is copyrighted to Erin Osborne and use of the characters in this series has been granted by the author.

  The Soul Shifterz MC series is copyrighted to Kayce Kyle and use of the characters in this series has been granted by the author.

  The Rage Ryders MC series is copyrighted to Liberty Parker and use of the characters in this series has been granted by the author.

  The Rebel Guardians MC series is copyrighted to Liberty Parker and Darlene Tallman and use of the characters in this series has been granted by the author.

  Mention of Reese from The Black Tuxedos MC series is granted by the copyright holder, Darlene Tallman, for use in this series.

  Character Bible

  Wild Kings

  Skylar: Old lady to Cage (SAA) and Joker (V. President) of the Wild Kings MC

  Bailey: Old lady to Grim (President)

  Maddie: Old lady to Tank (Road Captain) ex-nomad

  Melody: Old lady to Glock (Treasurer)

  Keira: Old lady to Blade (Full Patch)

  Whitney: Old lady to Irish (Secretary)

  Keegan: Old lady to Rage (Full Patch)

  Soul Shifterz

  Jenalyn: ‘ol lady to Justice Paine (VP) of Soul Shifterz MC

  Savanna: ‘ol lady to Ty, (Enforcer to the VP) of Soul Shifterz MC

  Tess: ‘ol lady to Ace Paine, (Road Captain) of Soul Shifterz MC

  Stormie: ‘ol lady to Joker, (Enforcer) to the Pres of Soul Shifterz MC

  Sidney: ‘ol lady to be of Vault, (IT) for Soul Shifterz MC

  Clara: Stormie’s Mom also, Justice and Jenalyn’s nanny/housekeeper

  Mila: You’ll have to find out in Deceitful Reflections which is book 4 in the Soul Shifterz MC series

  Lorna: Jenalyn’s Mom, and also the widow of the former President to Soul Shifterz MC “Don”

  Rebel Guardians

  Cara: old lady to Braxton aka Axe (President) of the RGMC

  DJ-Donna Jo: old lady to Hatchet (Enforcer) of the RGMC

  Hannah: old lady to Smokey (Patch) & Bandit (IT) of the RGMC

  Trinity: old lady to Chief (SAA) of the RGMC

  Rage Ryders

  Lizzie: Ol’ lady to Justice (Enforcer) of the RRMC

  Bristol: Ol’ lady to Ghost (Enforcer) of the RRMC

  Ashton: Ol’ lady to Wasp (President) of the RRMC

  Kori: Ol’ lady to Tic (VP) of the RRMC

  Rainey: Ol’ lady to Carson and Levi James (Patch holders) of the RRMC

  (Rainey is introduced in the Diva’s Ink series, a spin off trilogy to RRMC)

  Table of Contents

  Character Bible


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen





  I sit around the clubhouse watching the camaraderie between the guys, and can’t help but wonder if every club works this way. Do all men have this type of bond? Would they all lay their lives down for each other? Do all old ladies sit on the sidelines and only get told information ‘pertinent’ to their safety? Sometimes, I feel like I’m on the outside looking in, wishing I could be part of the club meetings and have more of an insight to what is going on. I’m just as badass as most of the men who are part of the RGMC. I can hold my own and definitely have been known to take a man down, or two. I sit back and wonder, do other old ladies feel the same way as I do? Would they like to be and feel more involved than what we’re allowed to?


  Why? Why won’t Ghost tell me anything? I feel like I’m on the outside looking in. Will he ever tell me the things I need to know to protect myself? Oh no, not him, he has the mind frame of ‘I am Tarzan, you are Jane, you are mine, I protect’ bang-bang on chest. Are all bikers Neanderthals and have the caveman type mentality? I really wish I had other women to talk to, other than my club sisters, because they’re in the same boat as I am. I wish there was a forum of some sort that I could connect with other Ol’ ladies and ask some of these questions I have floating around in my head.


  After another exhausting night with an infant and a toddler, I look over at Mr. Sleeping Beauty and thoughts of smacking him wide awake flow in and out of my mind. I glare at him while he sleeps and feel my eyes narrow and my thoughts become more sinister. This is just exhaustion and delirium talking in my head. I look over at the clock and notice it’s four in the morning and nobody I know is awake, and I should be going back to sleep...yet I can’t. I feel so alone in this daily battle trying to maintain motherhood and being an ‘Ol lady. I do wonder if there are others, and by others I don’t mean necessarily in our own MC. Surely there are other clubs and ‘Ol ladies out there dealing with an overly controlling ‘Ol man while they juggle motherhood and constantly being ke
pt in the dark. Lies, secrets, and sleepless worrisome nights have become my life. Well, no more. There have got to be more of us out there dealing with this and I’m going to find them. Hell, I’ll enlist the help of my dear sister-in-law, Savanna. I need a break, some time to vent. Surely Vanna will know of a retreat somewhere, or something online. I can have her do the dirty work of researching, make it seem like her idea and voila, Justice will have no choice but to accept and understand my need for this. Or will he? Eh, tough shit if he doesn’t. He knows better than anyone once I’ve set my mind on something, I’m doing it. I mentally give myself a much-needed peptalk, “Savanna will find others. She will find something. You will pack a bag, drop a kid in each of his arms, and just drive away.” Who am I kidding? He will throw a fit worse than our daughter stomping his feet and barking out demands from me. This is exactly why I need to find another group of ‘Ol ladies who can relate, and furthermore, I wonder if they’re in need of a bitchfest and break as much as I am?


  Blade has left me to my own devices. I’m supposed to be sitting in this comfortable as hell office working on my book. It’s finally finished, and with the help of some amazing authors I’ve found online, it’s currently in the hands of a few readers that will tell me if it’s worthy enough to put out into the world. My nerves are through the roof, and I may have taken to biting everyone’s head off. Well, only Blade, if I’m honest with myself. He’s done nothing but encourage me to follow my dreams. It’s not his fault that I feel so overwhelmed. There’ve been things going on with the club, we’ve had new additions to the family, and I feel alone. I’m one of the newer old ladies and I’m trying to adjust to the lifestyle. All the girls make me feel welcome and want me to be around, I just don’t feel right asking them about things. So, I stick to myself. Besides, I have enough going on with writing, keeping the house clean, taking care of one-year-old twins, and making sure I leave enough time for my man. I wish there were more old ladies out there that were new to the lifestyle and still trying to learn the ropes. I wonder if anyone else wishes they had more old ladies to talk to about things. You can only go to your man for so much. Things like this aren’t one of them.

  Chapter One


  I’m about at my wit’s end. The kids are running around wild, Jamison is trying to help me keep the smaller kids in line, my men are dealing with club business, and all I want to do is lock myself away for a few minutes. It would be so nice if there was a way to get a little mini-vacation with the rest of the old ladies. Hell, it would be nice to meet other old ladies from different clubs and see how they handle everything that goes on in this world. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that feels this way.

  “Joker, I’m going to see Keira for a little bit. I’ll be back,” I tell him as he walks through the door.

  “I’m just gettin’ home and you’re leavin’? I thought we could have some fun, baby,” he answers, giving me his best pout to try to get his way.

  “Not right now. I’ll be back soon.”

  Walking the short distance to Keira and Blade’s house, I take in my surroundings. There are so many new houses being built with all the guys settling down now. It’s been nice to have other old ladies around, but it would also be nice to meet new faces. I’m sure that we could all gain some perspective from one another.

  I knock on Keira’s door and walk in. We’ve taken to doing that when we know the men aren’t around. It’s just easier in case we’re in the middle of something and can’t get to the door. I see the twins in their swings and I know that Keira must be working. That’s the only time the kids are in something and not crawling around the floor.

  “Keira?” I ask, walking towards the office.

  “Yeah,” she answers distractedly.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt. I just needed a few minutes away from the zoo.”

  “You’re fine. I’m just uploading the book so I can publish it,” she tells me.

  “Oh my God! That’s amazing!” I tell her, so happy that she is actually following her dreams.

  “It’s frustrating, honestly. I’m trying to figure out what all of this jargon means.”

  Keira looks away from the computer and gives me her full attention. She looks past me every few seconds, though, to watch the kids. I can see how tired and stressed she is. There’s no way that I can keep this idea I have forming in my head to myself. I’m sure that Keira would know how to set up a site or something to connect with other old ladies. If I can get her on board, maybe I can get Bailey and the rest of the girls on board too.

  “So, I have this idea. I want to set something up so that we can connect with other old ladies from different clubs.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks, glancing at her computer again.

  “I want to set up a site so that we can connect with other old ladies across the United States. We can share stories, vent about whatever, and things like that. I think it would help us all to know that we’re not alone in what we go through.”

  “That sounds like an amazing idea! It would be good for the newer old ladies too. We can talk about what we have questions about, what we don’t understand about this life, and just have another support system in place,” she tells me, the excitement getting more and more evident as she talks.

  “Is this something you can set up?”

  “I’m sure I could. I’ve been having to set up a bunch of things for my books. It could be sort of like what I’m doing with that. I have connected with some amazing authors that are helping me out, letting me know what I have to do. “

  “If you need help, I’m sure we could find someone to help us. I don’t want to bring any of the men in on this right now. It’s going to be all about us,” I tell her.

  “Okay. Let me get this done and I’ll see what I can do. If you and the girls want to come over later on so we can talk about this, I’m fine with that. I think Blade is going to be out late tonight.”

  “Okay. I’m going to go relieve Joker before he starts pulling his hair out. The boys are crabby today and I think they’re getting sick.”

  I walk back in the house and it’s utter chaos. Joker is on the floor with four of the kids crawling all over him. He usually becomes a human jungle gym when he’s home. The boys are trying to get in to cuddle, but Alana and Haley aren’t having any of it. They want to play with daddy and I can already see tantrums forming on the proverbial horizon. Thankfully, Cage walks in the door and Alana runs over to him as soon as she sees him. Haley, as usual, follows suit and runs over to her daddy. Finally, the boys can have their cuddle time. It really wouldn’t matter to them if it was Joker or Cage. They just want one of them. I remember when they wanted me.

  Sitting down on the couch, I send a mass text to the girls so they know to meet at Keira’s later on. Almost immediately, three of the girls respond that they’ll be there. A huge smile breaks out on my face at the thought that my idea will be a reality soon. This is something that we’re going to need.

  “What are you thinkin’ about, baby girl?” Cage asks me.

  “Nothing. You guys will find out when we’re ready for you to find out.”

  Cage and Joker look at one another and I can tell that they’re trying to figure out what I have up my sleeve. At this point, nothing should really surprise them though. We’ve had trips to adult stores, late night drinking parties, and a whole mess of other chaos. They have their parties, we need an outlet too. At this point, it’s usually just something at one of our homes or at the clubhouse. We need to get out more.

  “I don’t know that this is goin’ to be a good thing for us,” Joker says, wrapping each of the boys in his arms and looking at me.

  “It’s nothing bad. Just something that needs to be done. We’ll let you know when we think it’s time for you to know. I promise, it’s just something that the ladies need to do.”

  For now they let it drop. I know they’re going to try to get it out of me. That’s not going to happe
n though. Maybe I’ll need to channel my inner Bailey. She doesn’t let anything out when she doesn’t want to. She can be a bitch when it comes down to it. Hell, if I know my men, they’re going to use every trick in the book to try to get me to spill the beans. Including sex. Sex with them might be the one thing that can make me spill when I don’t want to.

  As if they’re reading my mind, Cage and Joker look at one another. I can see the silent communication going on and I know that I have to steel myself against them. Cage puts the girls down and walks over to me on the couch. I guess this is starting already. I sit back and put a pillow between him and me. I’m not going to let this happen. Not today. There is no way that they’re going to try to shut this down before it even gets started. Besides, another thing this might accomplish is getting more clubs involved in protecting domestic violence victims. If we can get more people involved, so many more women and children could be saved. Hell, men too. I know it doesn’t happen often, but there are men that are beaten by their women. They need help too.

  “Baby girl, let’s go upstairs. I think we need some alone time,” he tells me, trying to lean in close to get my neck.

  “Nope. I need to get some things around the house done. Sorry, but you’ll have to wait until later for any fun to happen.”

  “And why is that?” he asks.

  “Because I’m not dumb. I know what you’re both going to try to do. You’re going to try to fuck me into telling you what we’re doing. You guys have your club secrets and we’re going to have ours. It’s nothing bad. Or necessarily crazy.”

  “Baby girl, we just want to make sure you’re safe. If we knew what was goin’ on, we would feel better about it,” he says.


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