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Old Ladies Club 1

Page 3

by Erin Osborne

  A lady named Skylar steps into the conversation: When I first got brought to the club by my men, I let the club girls talk their shit about me and it made me run. Now, I would have no problem putting a bitch in her place when it comes to my men!

  I respond: Umm… did I read this wrong? Did you say men?

  Skylar responds: You read that right. I have two old men. And a crap load of kids to go with them!”

  “Wow! I think my panties just got wet. Two alphas, can you imagine?” I ask Bristol, who is looking over at me with wide eyes. They may pop out of her head if she isn’t careful.

  “I can’t image two Ghosts,” she states. “How do you think they do it?”

  I laugh at her. “A woman has several different holes you know,” I say.

  “No! Oh my God, really? I can’t imagine how uncomfortable that would be.” I get back to the chat happening and get entranced in the conversation.

  Jenalyn responds: I think that just actually made me dry completely up. No offense, but two of my man? Not in a million years. He’s lucky his own set of balls remain attached and intact on a daily basis. So, Skylar, are your men over-the-top? You know, super-alpha?

  Skylar responds: They definitely can be over the top and I want to throttle them daily. Especially when they decided they wanted to have more kids. But, when one gets too over the top, the other one can usually reign him in. Or find ways to make me forget the other one was being an asshole to begin with.

  DJ responds: Jesus, I’d be handing my man’s balls over on a daily basis. He’s already a needy motherfucker in the bedroom as it is, I’d have to put on a chastity belt to even make it through the day, let alone the week. Fuck that shit! But more power to you Skylar, you go girl!

  Jenalyn responds: Virtual high-five, DJ! Pliers anyone?

  Skylar responds: I may take you up on the offer of pliers if these two don’t stop trying to get me to spill what we’re doing! They’re using everything they can think of to make me spill the beans. Myself, and the rest of the girls here want to keep it to ourselves for now.

  DJ responds: They’re going for the almighty pillow talk I presume. My man tries to pull that shit on me all the time. But the thing is, I’m an author and my imagination is better than his. I can pull a story out of my ass anytime I want to. Plus, it helps that he’s seen me in action and doesn’t want to come near me when I pull my favorite pair of pliers out of my drawer.

  Skylar responds: I know an author too. She’s new to the game and doesn’t realize she can use that to her advantage yet. If your man is afraid of you, let me in on your secret. The only thing I can use is making them sleep on the couch and withholding sex. Which they usually can talk me into anyway.

  DJ responds: My man witnessed me torture a slut who wanted him, that was enough for him to back away anytime I pull the pliers out. He holds his dick and balls and slowly backs away.

  I reply: Holy shit! I want to be you when I grow up, DJ.

  DJ replies: Honey, you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl. That’s what I always tell my bestie, Cara.

  Jenalyn responds: A-fucking-men! I won’t divulge all of the vile things I’ve done or been known to do...yet, anyway. What matters is my man knows exactly what I’m capable of.

  Bristol responds: I love this! I grew up in a house full of crazy! But that’s a story for another time, what I really want to know is, how do you all deal with the alpha ways these men use to try to ‘protect’ us?

  Jenalyn responds: Pretend. You make it seem like they’re the ones actually calling all the shots and ‘protecting’. At least that’s how I handle my man, because Lord knows I can handle myself and then some.

  Bristol responds: I think I’m going to have to take notes so I can learn to do that...hehehe.

  Skylar responds: I agree, Bristol! But, we’ve had more than a few instances where women have been hurt and taken here. I wish I had the balls to torture someone. It probably would’ve helped.

  Bristol responds: Same here, Skylar. We’ve had a few women kidnapped in the past which makes the men overprotective. They barely let us go anywhere on our own. I feel like I’m a prisoner and the club is my warden.

  I respond: I’ve felt like that my entire life. I’d like to find women who are like-minded and can give us tips on how to handle certain situations. I love my man, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I feel like I need the opportunity to get away and breathe. Maybe go on some sort of retreat or something, with women only, no men allowed!

  Bristol responds: I like the sound of a women’s retreat. Wonder if we can make that happen?

  DJ responds: I could use a getaway. Maybe we should set that up when we get to know each other better. No offense intended to any of you.

  Ashton, who must be reading the chat tells me, “I think you should do some investigating before you plan to spend some time with people you don’t know.” Feeling like a scolded child, I turn away from her without answering and decide this is a good time to exit the chat. It seems like I’ll always be looking over my shoulder and never be able to escape and find women I can truly connect with.

  I respond: Well, I have to get off now, catch up with everyone later.

  Chapter Three


  I look over at the baby monitor and see Leo begin to stir around in his crib. Justice will probably be home soon, so I should tell these ladies goodbye for now. Clara took Cami to the park so I could get some work done, but low and behold I stumbled upon a distraction. A distraction I’m not quite ready for Justice to know about until I’ve had the chance to butter him up a little bit.

  Just as I turn my view back to the screen on my laptop and think of how much I can’t wait to tell the girls what I’ve discovered, Justice startles me from behind.

  “Whatcha doing?” he asks, as he leans down to plant a kiss on my neck. I quickly slam the laptop shut.

  Caught off-guard, excuses begin to race through my mind. “Um...well, was some stuff for work, but Leo is waking up, so I was just about to finish up for now.”

  Quickly he draws back and, in this moment, I know he’s on to my deception. “Strike one for Jenalyn. Wanna try that again?” he questions, with a low demanding tone.

  I turn around in my chair and look up at him. “Strike one? Excuse me! This is not baseball, nor am I one of our children, or have you forgotten?” Casually, I get up and feel I am doing a stellar job at selling my deceit. “Now, if you’re done being paranoid, I have to go get our son,” I tell him as I stand up and look him directly into his eyes before turning my back to him to walk away.

  After I grab Leo, I make my way into the kitchen to begin to heat up a bottle and see Mr. Nosy Pants himself sitting at the bar with my laptop wide open. His elbow rests on the countertop with his chin in his hand while he glares over at me. All I can think of is how full of shit he is because my laptop is password protected and he’s trying to play me into spilling the truth.

  I continue on to the refrigerator as if it’s no big deal. “You can’t fool me, Paine. I’ve done nothing wrong and even if you could get into my laptop, you’d see just that.”

  My back is to him and my heart is racing so fast I can both hear and feel it in my ears. I’m silently praying that he buys what I’m selling and drops the entire least until I have his dick in my mouth so I have some control over his initial reaction.

  “Old Ladies Club, huh?” he questions, and his words cause an audible gulp followed by a cringe from me. Fuck. “Pliers? Balls? Interesting, extremely interesting,” he continues.

  I’ve got Leo in my arms, and one thing I know for certain is that Jus will never intentionally raise his voice or act crazy around his children, so I turn to face him. “First of all, how did you get into my laptop? Second of all, what do you care if I make friends online? You have all of your brothers and all of the club secrets to gossip about with each other.”

  He tilts his head slightly a
nd narrows his eyes as he begins to speak, “Jen, we’ve been over this, you might think you have secrets from me, but I know them all. It’s for your own good.” A chuckle briefly escapes him before he continues, “Plus, come on...I didn’t even need Vault’s help figuring out your password. You’re too obvious. Camiandleosmommy4ever was too easy.”

  Clara walks in with Cami and I look at Justice. “This isn’t over, Paine. You’ve crossed a line here.”

  I turn my attention toward our daughter and notice him stand out of my peripheral. “I’ve crossed a line?” he questions.

  I whip my head back toward him and give him the universal signal for shut the fuck up using my middle finger before I return my attention back to Cami.

  “Hi, my sweetheart. Did you have fun at the park?” I ask, as I kneel down to pull my daughter into an embrace. I can feel her nodding her head up and down against my chest as she answers me.

  “Clara, Leo needs a bottle which Jen has already heated. Will you please take the kids into another room? Jen and I have some unfinished business that needs tending to now,” Justice asks Clara, and his words draw my attention toward him as my jaw drops.

  As much as I want to fight him on this right now, I refrain from doing so because I don’t want the smaller children to sense the tension as it’s not healthy for them. Yes, the smaller children because Justice is nothing more than a manchild. Clara takes Leo from me and I watch Justice make his way into our bedroom as he removes his cut. He left my laptop on the countertop, so I grab it as I follow his lead into our bedroom and shut the door behind me.

  After I set my laptop down on my desk, I watch as Justice walks back and forth between the bathroom and our bedroom gathering clean clothes. Each time he passes through, he’s removed another article of clothing but has said absolutely nothing. This is bad, really bad. I can tell by the subtle nuances that cross his face every now and then that he is deciding exactly how to handle me with this situation. Club business is not ever to be spoken about, especially to other clubs...and moreso, clubs we know nothing about.

  As I sit down on our bed my body sinks slightly into the awaiting embrace of its comfort. I hear the faucet to the shower turn on and scowl at the fact Justice is going to prolong this conversation in some macho attempt to make me suffer while he decides my fate.

  I fumble and pick at my nails while I play every possible scenario that will play out. Suddenly, I wonder what the hell I’m even doing. He can yell, scream, shoot some trees outside, but I’m digging my heels in on this one. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last. I reach for my cell phone and send Vanna a quick text telling her to ‘just go with it’ no matter what I say. She responds back with the thumbs up emoji.

  Justice comes walking out of the bathroom towel-drying himself and stops right past the doorway. “Still thinking of how to explain your way out of this?”

  Pliers...pliers and torture tools enter my mind and I stand, squaring off my shoulders making my intention known. “No, I’m not thinking about any lies unlike you and all the ones you tell me daily. But that’s for my protection, right?”

  He begins to speak and I stifle his words with mine as I hold my hand up toward his face. “Don’t even try to defend that shit, Paine! I was born into this the same as you. I’m tired, my patience is tried, and I am just about all out of fucks to give. So, if you think you’re going to chastise or berate me, save it. I’ve made some friends online and before you get your balls in a twist, they’re all female, and they’re all other ‘Ol ladies.”

  He wraps the white cotton towel around his waist and approaches me. “Or so you think they are. That’s the problem with you, Jen. You believe anything that anyone says and go with it. I’m having Vault look into this first thing tomorrow. Until then, don’t say another word to those ‘women’ online,” he finishes as he points his finger and shakes it at me.

  “Fine,” I mumble beneath my breath and lie straight through my teeth.

  He places his index finger underneath my chin and pulls upward, drawing my face toward his. “Good,” he says, before he places a kiss on the top of my forehead.

  I feign a smile at him to stroke his ego and make him feel he’s indeed superior and that I will properly obey him. He turns his back and makes his way into the bathroom to get dressed I assume, and as soon as he does I stick my tongue out at him. I’m just waiting for him to go to sleep, and back online with my newly made friends I will be.

  Chapter Four


  I’m pretty excited about the site on social media and possibly meeting with other old ladies who have to deal with alphas the way we do. Deciding that my bestie, Cara, needs to be involved, I pick up the phone and call her.

  “What’s up?” she asks when she answers the phone.

  “Girl, there’s a site you need to check out. It’s specifically for old ladies and so far, the ones that have said anything seem pretty cool.”

  “Is that wise? I mean, we don’t know who these people really are, do we?”

  “No, we don’t, but we can figure it out if we need to. Besides, how much harm can come to us by comparing our men and their caveman tendencies?”

  “Fine, send me the link. But if this gets us in hot water with the guys, you’re taking the fall.”

  “I’ll cheerfully do it. Do you think Trinity and Hannah would want the link?”

  “Maybe. Not sure how much they could benefit Hannah seeing as she has two men.”

  That reminds me. “There’s one woman on there who has two men. She’s got like a gazillion kids or something!”

  “No way!”

  “Yes, way,” I tell her, opening up my computer and creating a message for our old ladies so I can send them all the link at the same time. Multitasking at its finest, right? I’m about to say something else when I hear the front door open and the heavy footsteps that signify my man is home. “Gotta run, Hatch just came in and with the kids in school, I’m all about a little afternoon delight.”

  “TMI, DJ. TMI.”

  “As if you wouldn’t take that advantage,” I reply.

  “Like you don’t know I tend to get lucky every day at work,” she responds before hanging up. Well, she’s got me there. Seems that she gets a little something-something almost daily while at work. Sometimes more than once a day. If she’s not careful, she’s gonna end up preggers again.

  “Hey, lover, what’s up?” I ask Hatch as he approaches me. He has a look on his face that I can’t quite decipher.

  “What in the hell are you women up to now?” he asks. His voice is the one he uses when he’s in enforcer mode and I don’t like it, not one bit. Especially not when he uses it on me, I mean who does he think he’s dealing with anyways?

  “Excuse me?” I respond.

  “Care to tell me why you’re on some social media page talking about pliers and shit?”

  Ah hell, looks like the cat’s outta the bag. No clue how that’s happened, but knowing these men, they probably have our names flagged somehow on the old worldwide web. Deciding to take the bull by the horns, or in this case, the enforcer by his balls, I stand and pull him close and kiss him, making sure I rub against him as sensuously as possible.

  “Nice try, Donna Jo. Now talk,” he commands, pulling back. Well fuck me, he’s pulled out the whole name, that usually indicates he’s at his wit’s end where I’m concerned.

  “Dammit, Hatch, it’s not a big deal. We found a site online that’s made up of other old ladies is all. C’mon now, we need to find our own support network against all you Neanderthals.”

  “You have no clue who you’re talking to, do you?” The nerve of him! Of course I know, I live with this motherfucker day in and day out.

  “Sure I do! Skylar, someone named Lizzie, and another woman named Jenalyn. A few more too, but damned if I can remember their names right now with you breathing fire down my neck. What’s the big deal?”

  “If...and I stress that word’re actually talking
to other old ladies at other clubs, how do you know you’re not talking to a club that might have a beef with us?”

  “The RGMC? Really? I can’t believe that would be an issue since y’all are legit and shit.” I may not know club business, but I know my man through and through and he would never be involved in anything illegal. Plus, Chief is the local lawman and I can’t see him involved in anything nefarious. Yeah, we’ll go with that word, I kinda like it and make a mental note to see if I can use it in a book.

  “Okay, so maybe we don’t have enemies per se, but what about the women from the clubs you’re ‘talking’ to? Hmm? Hell, they could be chatting with one of their club’s mortal enemies or something!” By now, he’s yelling and the vein in his forehead is so distended I’m worried he’s going to have a stroke.

  “Lover, calm the fuck down! We’re being careful. Well, I am, since I’m the only one on there that I know of from RGMC. Not to mention we haven’t divulged any club names, and I don’t foresee us doing so either. It’s just a bunch of women sharing war stories.”

  He looks at me, shakes his head and walks off, the heavy tread of his footsteps letting me know he’s royally pissed off. Well, there goes my afternoon of fun. Guess I’ll open up my manuscript and see if the muses are talking today. But first, I gotta check out the site. Logging in, I see a few more questions are being asked by some of the other ladies. Looking at the first one that says, ‘Any of your men have over-the-top reactions?’ I quickly type out my response, mentioning my old man’s concerns. I can tell someone is typing a response, so I wait.

  Skylar responds: Holy fuck, yes, they do! Like right now, with this thing? They’re convinced that we’re talking to...hell, I don’t know who they think we’re talking to but they don’t want us on here until they ‘check it out.’


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