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Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle

Page 33

by Andreas Wagner

  Planck, Max, 197


  carbon fixation, 199

  chemical defense molecules, 75–76

  globins and nitrogen fixation, 122–23

  Mendel’s experiments on, 12

  photosynthesis, 50

  regulation circuits and leaf shape, 155–56

  Plato/Platonic worldview, 9–10, 34–35, 219–20

  polymerase, 138–40

  population genetics, 18–19

  population genomics, 30

  primordial soup/warm ponds hypothesis of life’s origins, 39–40, 48–49

  proteins and amino acids

  beta-galactosidase (beta-gal), 138–41

  bicoid, 147–48

  biomass building blocks, 59, 64–65, 69, 83–84, 101

  cell division, 57–58

  crystallins, 3–4, 143–44, 177–78

  distalless, 154–55

  DNA copying errors, 117, 120

  engrailed, 148–49

  enzymes and catalysts, 22–23, 48, 62

  fish antifreeze proteins, 107, 111, 179

  function-specific shapes, 25, 108–11, 138

  genotype networks and neighborhoods, 124–27, 131–35

  heat-induced vibrations and oscillations, 110

  hemoglobin and globins, 112, 120–24

  hypercube organization of genotype texts, 115–16

  innovation and multiple solutions to problems, 111, 114, 117–19, 122, 126, 131–35

  in interstellar space, 40–41, 47, 56

  KNOX, 156

  lysozyme, 173–74

  molecular meaning, 83–84, 116–17

  number and types of, 3–4, 108, 115, 117, 120, 127

  in organism’s phenotype, 23, 26

  Pax6 protein, 143–46

  peptide bonds, 205

  primary, secondary, and tertiary structures, 109–10

  robustness, 173–75, 189

  self-organizing folds in predictable patterns, 62–63, 109, 122–24

  silent mutations and redundant genetic codes, 27–28

  small modifications of amino acids, 111–14

  Sonic hedgehog protein, 200

  spontaneous change in shape, 139

  synthesis of, 24–25

  in theory of life’s origins, 39–40

  purposeless genes, 171–73, 189

  radioactivity, 2

  Raman, Karthik, 212–15

  Redi, Francesco, 36–37

  redundant genes, 171–73, 189

  regulation of genes. See gene regulation and regulation circuits

  Reidhaar-Olson, John, 118–19

  Reinitz, John, 150–51


  cell division, 57–58

  DNA replication and copying errors, 42–43, 117, 120

  error catastrophe, 45–46, 174

  Game of Life computer model, 217–18

  as life’s first innovator, 42–48

  regulation of, 58

  RNA replicase, 44–46, 54

  viruses, 42

  reptiles, 9–10, 153

  ribozymes, 130, 132, 181–82

  RNA. See also specific molecular processes

  autocatalysis, 54–55

  biomass building blocks, 59

  as catalyst, 43–44, 59

  Eigen’s paradox, 46

  innovability, 127–28, 130–35, 185–86

  recombination standards, 205

  regulated growth, 58

  replicase, 44–46, 54

  replication error catastrophe, 45–46, 174

  secondary structure and meaning, 128–29

  stickiness of bases, 44–45

  uracil, 59

  robotics, 195, 210–11


  duplicate genes, 171–73, 189

  in genotype networks, 173–75, 194

  genotypic disorder, 169–70, 175, 179, 186

  innovability and, 174–75, 186, 194

  invariance of phenotype despite genotypic change, 170–71, 174–75

  metabolic complexity or simplicity in relation to, 186–87, 191–93

  neutral mutations, 179–82

  viability in changed environment, 170, 188–94

  Rodrigues, João, 96–97

  Rowan, William, 202

  Rutherford, Ernest, 1–2

  Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 171–72

  Saint-Hilaire, Etienne Geoffroy, 8

  saltationist (Mendelist) school of evolutionary biology, 16–17, 19

  Sanger, Frederick, 114

  Sauer, Robert, 118–19

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 169

  Schultes, Erik, 130–31

  Schumpeter, Joseph, 201

  Schuster, Peter, 128–29


  biological membranes, 55–57

  cell division, 57–58

  genotype networks, 175–76, 194

  in origin of life, 54–55, 63, 66

  protein folds, 62–63, 109, 122–24

  secondary structure of RNA, 129

  throughout universe, 57, 176

  sexual reproduction, 76–77

  silent mutations, 27–28

  simplicity, 187–88, 191–93, 215–16

  snakes, 9–10, 153

  Sonic hedgehog protein, 200

  space, organic molecules in, 40–41

  Sphingobium chlorophenolicum, 72–73

  spontaneous generation, 36–38

  spontaneous mutations, 76–77


  in human technology, 205–7

  universal laws of nature, 63–65, 204–5, 215–16

  sucrase enzyme, 62–63

  systems biology, 162, 218–19

  Szostak, Jack, 57, 58, 118

  technological innovation

  access to nature’s libraries, 69–70, 117, 220–21

  adaptation of old technologies for new uses, 199–200

  Boolean logic functions and logic gates, 207–15

  complexity and simplicity, 215–16

  design for changing environments, 189

  digital circuit networks, 212–15

  evolutionary algorithms mirroring biological evolution, 202–4

  exaptation, 200

  failures and attachment to wrong ideas, 196–97

  ingenuity, 204–5

  machine learning, 211–12

  modular robots, 195, 210–11

  multiple origins of inventions and solutions to problems, 198–99

  new combinations of old technologies, 200–201

  parallels with biological innovation, 196–202, 212–16

  populations of innovators, 197–98

  standards, 205–7

  trial and error, 196, 198

  Tegmark, Max, 220

  teleosts, 74

  texts, genotype. See genotype networks

  tidal pool theory of life’s origin, 49

  toxins, microbial metabolization of, 72–74

  transcriptional regulators, 138–40

  traveling salesman problem, 202–3

  truth tables, 208–9

  Tsiantis, Miltos, 156

  Unger, Franz, 8

  universal library concept, 67–69, 87–89

  universal standards, 63–65, 204–5, 215–16

  uracil, 59

  van Helmont, Jan Baptista, 36

  van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie, 37

  Venter, Craig, 29–30

  vesicles, 55–57

  viruses, 42, 79, 119

  vitalism, 22

  volcanoes, underwater, 49–51

  Vrba, Elizabeth, 200

  Waddington, C. H., 171

  Wagner, Andreas, and research team

  comparison of phenotypes among bacterial organisms, 81–83

  on complexity and robustness, 193

  on diversity of genotype neighborhoods, 103–5

  laboratory evolution study on RNA ribozyme, 132–35

  laboratory facilities and research goal, 5, 95–97

  on metabolic gen
otype networks, 97–101

  on organization of digital circuit libraries, 212–15

  on regulation circuits, 158, 162–66

  warm ponds/primordial soup hypothesis of life’s origins, 39–40, 48–49

  Watson, James, 24, 43

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 9

  Wigner, Eugene, 220

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 220

  Wright, Sewall, 18, 218

  YaMoR (Yet another Modular Robot), 195, 210–11


  fermentation by, 22

  gene duplications and robustness, 171–73, 189

  regulation circuits, 166–67

  young earth creationism, 8–9




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