Book Read Free

Free Fridays

Page 17

by Pat Tucker

  “Sorry, but it was worth a try, right?”

  Malone adjusted his body in the seat.

  They kissed again. And again, Malone’s hand found its way under her blouse and into her bra. He flicked her stiffened nipple, and she enjoyed the way it felt. But this time, Leela allowed her hands to do some exploring too.

  She traveled to his crotch and squeezed the hardness that bulged through his jeans.

  The windows were still fogged up.

  “I’d better go.”

  “Yes. You should. We’ve gotta stop,” Malone said.

  They kissed one last time. It was long, wet, and sloppy, and Leela couldn’t get enough.

  When her cell phone rang, she finally pulled back and forced Malone to get out of the car so she could go home. It was Linda.

  Leela answered, “Hey, Ma, I need a few minutes. I’ll call you back.”

  She quickly rolled down the window and called Malone.

  “What’s the matter?” Leela asked.

  He stopped when she called out to him, but he didn’t turn around.

  “Malone, you okay?”

  She saw his massive back move, and noticed when he pulled in a deep breath. He turned around and approached the car.

  “You wanna really know what’s wrong?”

  Leela looked up at him and struggled to contain the feelings that were washing over her. Slowly, she nodded.

  “Everything is wrong. Absolutely everything, Sweetness. You think I like having to meet up with you and watch the clock? You tell me that fool talks to you like he owns you. I have to settle for a few stolen moments here or there or I have to wait until the last Friday of the month. Listen, I know I said I could handle this. I thought I could, but I’m not so sure anymore.”

  Leela swallowed the lump in her dry throat.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve been trying my best to keep this to myself. I shouldn’t have said anything, and I wouldn’t have. I thought you were leaving.”

  Leela eased the door open and got out of the car. Malone stepped back to give her space.

  She jumped into his arms and squeezed him as tightly as she could. “I am so sorry to do this to you. I am so sorry, Babe. I know you’re absolutely right. We can’t go on like this; we can’t. I just need some time. I need to sort this out.”

  Malone averted his eyes, but kept his hands on her. Leela used her hand to touch his chin and turn his face to hers. She looked up and into his eyes. Once she focused in on his eyes, she noticed they were filled with tears.

  They kissed again and again.



  The last time Riley had gone out of town on business and Samantha came over, things were different. Leela’s mind was nearly overwhelmed with thoughts of just how much had changed, as she sat on the bed Thursday evening, and watched her husband pack. Was she excited to see him go because of Malone?

  “What’s on your mind over there? What’s up with you?” Riley asked.

  “I’m fine; why you ask?”

  Man, was she that obvious? Could he sense another man? Was he able to smell Malone’s scent on her?

  “What’d I tell you about answering a question with a question?” Riley said, as he stuffed underwear and socks into a side pocket of his large leather travel bag.

  Leela shook her head. “I said I’m fine. That’s not a question.”

  Riley looked at her with tight lips as he moved to the dresser for T-shirts. “I’m fine, why you ask? Sounds like a question to me.”

  Leela rolled her eyes and then instantly regretted the move. She felt relieved when she realized he wasn’t paying attention and missed the move.

  “What do you plan to do with yourself while I’m gone?” he asked.

  “What do I always do when you travel? The same thing I do when you’re here. What do you mean?”

  Riley didn’t say anything; he gave her a knowing look before he slipped into the closet. He didn’t need to say a word for her to realize the mistake she had made. She felt relief when he lingered in the closet. He emerged with two blazers and a pair of boots.

  “You know I don’t want your friend here while I’m gone.” Riley started to close the bag. “As a matter of fact, I don’t even want you with her.”

  Leela couldn’t believe her ears. He couldn’t be serious. She waited for him to retract his comment or even clarify his words, but he didn’t.

  “So, you’re not gonna say anything? Did you hear what I said? I don’t want Samantha over here while I’m gone, and I damn sure don’t want you with her,” he repeated. “You need to go spend some time with Big Mama.”

  “I’m not a child, Ry. If I want to see Samantha or want her over here, she should be able to come, and the fact that you suddenly don’t like her, doesn’t mean I’m about to treat her differently.”

  “This ain’t up for discussion and we damn sure not about to debate it. I’m the man of this house, and if I don’t want my wife slutting around with someone, I should be able to say that. Now last time I checked, what I wanted mattered to you.” Riley’s tone had changed and there was nothing friendly about it.

  Leela couldn’t believe they were battling over Samantha. She was about to fire back at him, but caught herself. In less than an hour, he would climb into his car and drive to the airport. He’d be gone for an entire two days. She didn’t need to argue with him about what would happen while he was gone. She was quickly beginning to agree that what her husband didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him, nor stress her.

  “You got me?” Riley asked.

  Reluctant to answer, Leela struggled to mask her expression. She hated when he went all cave-man, barbaric, Neanderthal on her. Leela wondered why he couldn’t figure it out, but she was tired of trying to explain to him how he should treat his wife.

  “Leela, I’m serious. I don’t want you with that bitch, and I don’t want her over here while I’m gone. She ain’t welcome here anymore and I mean that. You got it?”

  “Are you done yet? And before you go on about me answering a question with a question, let’s just drop it, okay? Samantha ain’t interested in coming over here, so you’re wasting your energy for nothing. Can’t you just let it rest?”

  “There you go again. Man, if you could only stop answering my questions with questions. But yeah, okay, she ain’t interested because she knows I’m here,” Riley said. “I want you to stay away from her.”

  Leela got up and walked out of the room. She was done with the conversation, but it seemed like her husband refused to take the hint.

  As far as Leela was concerned, her husband couldn’t hit the road fast enough.

  • • •

  Riley considered himself to be a lot of things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. He realized his marriage was in danger long before his wife understood what was going on. He blamed Samantha for a lot of what had changed in Leela, but he also knew there was a great deal he couldn’t blame on anyone but himself.

  Karma was a bitch. That’s what he thought as he accepted a call from Bill.

  “You on your way to the airport?” Bill asked.

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “Hold on a sec,” Bill said.

  Riley pulled into the airport garage. He wasn’t prepared for the voice he heard next in his ear.

  “Why are you ignoring my calls?” Natasha asked.

  There was far too much on his mind to add Natasha to the list. She was just as needy as ever and he hated when Bill continued to feed her hope.

  “Natasha, what’s up?”

  Riley tried to make his voice sound like he was rushing. He hoped she’d take the hint and not keep him on the phone.

  “You. That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Ry. Stop fighting it. I’m not going to cause any problems for you. I just want some of your time. Bill tells me you’re traveling for work. If I’d known, I could’ve come with you, Baby,” she purred.

  For a second, what she said sounded good, not because she’d take the trip wit
h him, but because she obviously felt he was important enough to want to tag along, unlike his wife.

  “We know that wouldn’t have worked,” Riley said.

  He was getting tired of Natasha and her constant pressure. But the one who pissed him off even more was Bill. Riley couldn’t understand why his friend didn’t shut Natasha down before she got to him; instead, he encouraged her.

  “Hey, listen, I need to park and get to my gate. I’m running kind of late.”

  “But I just got on the phone with you; can’t we talk until you have to go through security?” she begged.

  Riley rolled his eyes.

  “Nah, Natasha. I have Clear. That means I won’t have to stand in line; I’ll breeze through security and pre-board when I get to my gate. I’ll have to catch up with you later. Tell Bill I’ll holler.” Riley was about to hang up until she yelled.

  “But wait!” Natasha said.

  “No, I gotta run.” This time, he didn’t wait for her to respond, nor did he try to listen to whatever it was she wanted him to wait to hear. He hung up the phone and found a parking spot.

  Riley arrived at the airport with time to spare. He parked on the lower level of the parking structure and walked into the terminal. He planned to sit at a bar and throw back a few drinks before he made his way over to his gate.

  After he breezed through security and settled onto a bar stool, he checked out the many games that were on display. Then he dug his iPad out of his bag. His eyes followed the green dot that was on the move.

  “Women can be so damn hard-headed,” he muttered, as he watched the dot travel along a familiar route. Riley sipped his drink and started to think about how he was going to handle the biggest dilemma he faced. Why was she out so late? She had to go to work in the morning.

  Free Fridays were not going the way he expected, and he had to figure out whether he should approach his wife about what was next.

  A nagging feeling told Riley this was the worst time possible to be leaving town.



  In the years Leela had been with Riley, he rarely sent anything to the office. But Malone had already sent two beautiful bouquets of roses, and she wanted to let him know how thoughtful she thought he was.

  “Yes! They were beautiful. I don’t know what I’m going to do with you,” Leela said sweetly into the phone as she drove.

  “Sweetness, you can do whatever you like. I just hope you do it often and you enjoy it too,” Malone said.

  They laughed at his lewd inside joke. Leela found herself laughing much more in his presence, when they talked, or even when she thought about him. Those were the kinds of feelings she used to have for her husband.

  Guilt. Again. It seemed to follow her like a persistent shadow.

  “So how much time do we have together tonight?” Malone asked. Before Leela could answer, he quickly added, “Samantha said she was gonna set something up; you game, right?”

  Leela was tempted to say no. There was a small part of her that wanted to decline, but she wouldn’t mean it. She had to be honest with herself, regardless of how hard she struggled to live the lie.

  “I haven’t talked to her yet.” Leela wondered if he picked up on her attempt to stall. After their last meeting in the parking lot, she really struggled to get off the fence. She wished she could wave a magic wand and uncomplicate her life.

  “You don’t have to talk to her to know that I want to see you, so what’s up?”

  He didn’t give up easily. She liked that about him, but more importantly, she liked the way he treated her and spoke to her, instead of at her. That was something Riley couldn’t stop doing.

  The way her husband had gone on and on about Samantha not being allowed to come to the house while he was gone, she wondered whether he knew she was not a kid.

  “I know your man is gone for a few days, but I’m not gonna pressure you because I want you to be comfortable. All I’m gonna add is, this would be a great chance for us to spend some uninterrupted time together.”

  Leela was mad at the butterflies that insistently came to life in the pit of her stomach. How could she be so giddy with excitement over the suggestion of something so wrong?

  “Ah, I’m not sure about that.”

  “Sweetness, that’s what you’re telling me, but I know for a fact, your face, your heart even, is telling a different story.”

  “I can’t, Malone. You know I can’t,” she whined.

  “It sounds to me like you want to, and I want you to, so what’s stopping you? He’s gone, right?”


  “Well, Sweetness, let’s do this. I wanna wake up with you next to me. I want you to wake up in my arms. Imagine, we can spend the evening eating strawberries, sipping champagne, and acting like an old married couple.”

  Leela laughed.

  “I can tell you’ve never been married,” she joked.

  “Why? What’s that supposed to mean?” Malone feigned that he was insulted.

  “Well, for one thing, old married people don’t sit around sipping champagne.”

  “See, that’s where you’re wrong. If you were my wife, we’d sip champagne on a regular, Baby, and we’d damn sure celebrate each other often.”

  He always knew what to say.

  • • •

  Life suddenly stopped for Riley as he stood in the middle of the busy airport terminal. He was at his gate.

  “I have an emergency and I need to talk to Mr. Watson,” Riley said into his cell phone.

  He was more than upset as he stood and waited. His eyes darted around the busy gate. Blood rushed through his veins so fast, he literally felt like he was on speed. A thin layer of sweat blanketed his forehead and the back of his neck. He tried to calm himself as he waited for the person on the other end to verify the information he’d just received.

  Nothing moved as fast as he needed.

  “Hi, Riley. We are aware of the situation. Mr. Watson is on the other line now, trying to salvage details of the deal. Please stand by,” his boss’s assistant said into the phone.

  Moments before Riley was about to board the plane, he received a frantic message from his own assistant. He was frustrated because he never wanted to go in the first place.

  “Thank God, you’re not on the plane yet. The meeting needs to be postponed; there’s been a horrible accident.”

  Riley ended the call with her and quickly dialed his boss’s office. The problem was, boarding for the flight had started and business passengers were already walking onto the plane.

  “Is there any news on the meeting? They’re boarding the flight now,” he said as soon as his boss’s assistant answered.

  “Yes, Riley. I was just about to call you. The meeting has been rescheduled due to an emergency. You are not required to make the trip. So sorry for the inconvenience.”

  Riley sighed. “Okay. Thanks. I’ll be in the office tomorrow.”

  When he ended the call, he started to call home to let Leela know, but then he decided to call Bill first.

  Thoughts of Natasha entered his head and he decided against that too. It was a damn shame that he had to think twice before he could place a call.

  Riley made his way back through the crowded airport with lots of thoughts racing through his mind. He could go into the office or finish up from home. He decided the change in plans would be a great surprise for Leela. Lately, his active imagination had wreaked havoc on his marriage. He wanted the evidence to be wrong.

  For her part, Leela hadn’t done anything to make him think she was being unfaithful, but the thing with Bill had nearly pushed him over the edge. When he thought logically, he understood this was nothing more than Bill trying to reclaim their youthful single days, but there was still that part of him that felt like his manhood was being challenged.

  Back at his car and behind the wheel, Riley decided against going into the office tomorrow. He’d go home and surprise his wife. It would still be early enough for a nic
e romantic dinner; they could make love, and plan to play hooky together on Friday. They needed some quiet, alone time. He was so upset with her that he didn’t even get any before he left for the trip.

  It was about time he tried to put some romance back into their marriage. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that lately his paranoia had caused them to behave more like two people who shared living space but not much else.

  He was tired, and he knew it was about time he made some changes.

  Riley merged onto Beltway 8 and eased into one of the middle lanes. As he fidgeted with the radio, he looked up in time to see a sea of red taillights ahead. Traffic had come to a sudden stop.

  He quickly increased the volume and listened in horror.

  A massive 18-wheeler accident closed down all lanes of the freeway. So, instead of getting home to try and salvage the night, he’d be stuck in gridlock traffic for hours.

  “Damn! Could this crap get any worse?”

  Nearly three hours later, Riley tried to tell himself to ignore the image he had seen on his iPad. After spending hours in traffic, he wanted nothing more than to go home and do the right thing. He wanted to go home and wait on his wife. He knew she had left for Samantha’s house, but quite surely she wasn’t gonna stay there all night.

  The romantic dinner idea had seemed like the perfect thing to do, but that was before the 18-wheeler accident on the freeway. That was before bumper-to-bumper frustration had gotten the best of him.

  People had cut off their engines and started to mingle right there on the highway, but he wanted no part of that. He wanted to get home to his wife. He needed to put eyes on her.

  Once traffic started moving again, Riley called Bill.

  He was so pissed that the minute Leela thought he was gone, she went off and did her own thing. Now he knew for sure, his suspicions must be valid.

  Once he got Bill on the phone and told him everything, Bill seemed worried.

  “Don’t do nothing stupid, Dawg,” Bill warned Riley. “She ain’t worth it, Man. Believe that!” He sighed. “I know you pissed, ’cause you told her to stay away from there, but try to calm down, Dawg.”


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