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Owning Her Curves

Page 2

by Sway Jones

  When he saw her on that table, bleeding to death it was all he could do to stem his terror at the thought of losing her. She didn’t need his fear; she needed him to be in control. She didn’t need a boyfriend; she needed a master to take care of her. He and Dom had to take authority over her and get her out from behind these memories of terror. They had to reset her boundaries of self. Today had been a good start, but they needed to be firmer with her, much firmer.

  He smiled as he figured out what they needed to do to bring her back from the horror.

  Chapter 7

  “How was group?” Dom asked as the three of them sat down for dinner.

  “It was good,” Sofia understated. She always felt weird talking about her group therapy with Dom and John. It made her feel weak and like an infant.

  She had been quiet, listening to the others who had more horrific stories to tell than hers. She felt like she didn’t belong there. Until this week, she had not enjoyed going but they had demand that she attend.

  “Were you able to talk about what happened to you?” John asked.

  “A little.”

  “How did that feel?”


  It was like pulling teeth to get information out of her. They knew she had to talk about it. They did when they went through their own therapy.

  They ate in silence for a while.

  “I met someone,” she said, putting down her fork. She sneaked a glance at each of them.

  “Who?” Dom asked with a wide smile, happy she was meeting new people.

  “His name is Eric.”

  Dom’s smile froze. John looked up at her startled. She was all smiles.

  “Who?” Dom asked his voice dropping a couple of octaves.

  Sofia’s smile wavered a little with his change in tone. She didn’t understand what was going on. She thought they would be happy she was connecting with someone, who she could talk to and not bother them with her issues.

  “Eric,” she repeated. “He’s in the group. He invited me to coffee.”

  “You don’t like coffee,” Dom continued in that low voice.

  “I had tea. I’m sorry. Have I done something wrong?” she asked, looking between the two of them.

  They both thought about their answer before speaking to her.

  “You haven’t done anything wrong,” John answered. “You caught us off guard meeting a guy.”

  “What does that mean? Was I not supposed to meet a guy? Is that a rule?”

  “No kitten. But it does make us uncomfortable you going off somewhere with some strange man.”

  “He’s in group with me. He was raped and beaten by a gang last year. I – I won’t have tea with him anymore.”

  “That sounds good –” Dom began.

  “No.” John interrupted, staring daggers at Dom. “It’s fine for you to have tea with him but not alone. One of us needs to be there.”

  “Oh … I don’t think he would … have tea with me then. He talks about what happened to him and how he’s dealing with life now. Kind of a private conversation.”

  “Do you ever talk during these tea/coffee conversations?” John asked, knowing the answer.

  “Well … not really,” she answered honestly.

  “Does he not let you?” Dom asked.

  “He needs time to process everything he went through and our time together lets him do that.”

  “What about you? Don’t you need to process everything you went through?”

  “He went through something so much more horrible than I did –”

  “He was raped by a gang. A serial killer cut you up. I’d say you tip the balance in the weighing of horribleness.”

  “I – I don’t like to talk about … what happened. I mean, it – it’s nothing compared to everything they have all gone through.”

  “I see we are going to have to set some rules for you for your group time.”

  She shook her head. “It’s ok, I mean I’ll – I’ll get around to –”

  “No. We need you to take advantage of this group. It will help you with the nightmares and anxiety attacks.”

  “You and Dom help me with the nightmares. And the anxiety attacks … they’ll go away … eventually.”

  “What will you do when Dom and I aren’t here?”

  Sofia started to cry.

  “Why are you crying kitten?” Dom asked gently, reaching over to grab her hand.

  “You’re leaving,” she sobbed. “You don’t have to sleep with me anymore, if it makes you uncomfortable. I’ll do better. Please, please don’t leave me.”

  “Oh honey,” John drawled, pulling her into his lap. She embraced him tightly. “We’re not leaving. But we might have to go on a job.”

  “I can work,” she sniffled pulling back and looking him in the eye. “You don’t have to be the only ones, especially if you don’t want to. I can –”

  “No. We won’t have you working. Not right now. You need to take this time to recuperate. That means telling your story in group. We are going to give you direction for your next group session.”

  “Sir?” she asked not understanding.

  “Next time you go to group, you need to tell them what happened to you. How you came to be in that bastard’s possession and then what he did to you.”

  “I – I can’t. Please sir. I – I can’t hear them say the words.”

  “What words?” Dom inquired, gently.

  She went silent, her tears still flowing.

  “Tell us,” Dom said using his master’s voice.

  “It was my fault,” she whispered. “If only I had done what you told me to do, none of that … would have happened. I was stupid. And I deserved what I got.”

  She got up and walked away from them. They were stunned. Neither one of them had ever entertained the thought that she thought this had been her fault. Why would they? She had been kidnapped. Why would she?

  “Kitten,” John called out, getting up along with Dom. They followed her into the bedroom. She lay curled up in the bed sobbing. Dom got in on one side and John the other. They lay down next to her.

  “Kitten,” John repeated himself quietly. “It wasn’t your fault sweetheart. They were determined to take you. There’s nothing you could have done to stop them from taking you. Especially since we weren’t there.”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone.” Dom told her. “I should have listened to my gut and not left you alone.”

  Sofia plastered her body against Dom’s. “You had a friend to save,” she reassured him. “I was secondary to that.”

  “No you weren’t. Aren’t. I had a lover to take care of. John was helping with Jordan. I should have stayed and watched over you.”

  “Both of you are wrong,” John said tersely. “There was no stopping that bastard. I’m elated that we are all here today, together. Nobody is dead. Everything else we can handle between the three of us.”

  Sofia turned to face John, looking at him. She put a hand on his cheek.

  “Do you think so?” she asked him.

  “Yes. But we need to lay down some boundaries, rules and directions.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Kitten, we would like to collar you.”

  She looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  He gave her a half smile that made her stomach flutter. Something was about to change in their relationship.

  Chapter 8

  “We want to put you in a collar. It’s like an animal collar, but obvious made especially for you.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “You want me to be an animal?”

  “Yes, we want you to know to whom you belong. It’ll make you solely dependent on us and make you realize how well we take care of you. How much you’re worth to us. Give you a place to stand again.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said, her confusion and concern clearly visible on her face. “I’m your kitten already.”

  “Yes you are,” Dom
agreed. “This will be an added layer of submissiveness. We will control your every minute of life. From when you rise in the morning, till the time you go to bed. We will take care of everything for you. All you need to do is play and obey. Do you think you can do that?”

  “I have to wear a collar?”


  “Why? I can do all you want without –”

  “The collar serves as a reminder to all of us that you are dependent upon us, that we are your owners. It reminds you to let go, give up control to us. It reminds us that you are ours to care for, to make sure you are safe so you can surrender to us. We will use it to control you. You will use it to submit.”

  “I don’t know …”

  The men waited for her to digest the idea. She had to decide.

  She looked from one to the other, trying to read their trustworthiness. This was a different level of enslavement for her. Could she do it?

  “May I have a pink one?” she asked her voice wavering but clear.

  The men laughed throatily.

  Chapter 9

  They let her hold the collar, getting used to its texture and weight. It was high grain leather, thick but slender, the inside a soft suede. It was pink. The ring in the front was silver. John handed over the leash as well. It too was supple leather but black.

  When she put the collar up against her throat, Sofia heard the men grunt with primitive satisfaction. She unbuckled the collar and then passed it and the leash back to John. She turned and held up her hair, waiting for him to put it on her.

  John’s hand shook slightly as he raised it to her throat. Slipping the collar around her throat, it felt more like a possessive caress than a condescending entrapment. After buckling it on her, he trailed his fingers around her neck just above it. He felt her shiver beneath his touch. He pulled her hair into a ponytail and tied it up. Turning her to face them, the two men couldn’t help but groan as they saw her collared.

  “Ours,” John growled.

  “Yes,” Dom agreed.

  Sofia lowered her eyes but nodded her head.

  “Yes, sir, and master,” she acquiesced.

  Chapter 10

  “On your knees,” John commanded gruffly. She slid to the floor without hesitation. “On your hands too.”

  When she was on all fours, he leaned down and put on the leash. The hard clink of the clip stirred him to hardness. Dom had a similar reaction.

  “What a pretty kitten you are.” John murmured. “So beautiful.” He ran his calloused fingertips lightly down her spine. He smiled when he felt the goose bumps raise up on her cool skin. “Dom is going to put a tail on you kitten. It’s attached to an anal plug. You need to relax this pretty bottom of yours.” His big, powerful hand skimmed over her ample ass. He ran his thick finger down her now wet slit.

  “Fuck,” John whispered when he heard her give a small meow signaling her pleasure. He continued pulling her copious wetness upward toward her puckered hole.

  When the lubricant bottle popped, she took a sharp intake of breath.

  “Relax kitten,” John purred himself. He took both his hands and rubbed the two sides of her ass to get rid of some of the tension in her body. Dom kneeled down behind Sofia. Quickly he got her ready and implanted the cat tail butt plug. She gasped as it went in. It didn’t hurt as much as the first one had, but there was some pain. Dom licked at her slit to moderate it.

  She meowed and flopped down onto her side. She looked up at John and Dom beseechingly. John knelt down on one knee. “What’s wrong kitten?” he asked, his eyes full of concern. She rubbed her hand against her stomach scar. His eyes flicked to the scar and then back to hers. He reached out and laid a heavy, warm hand on her stomach. His heart broke a little when he heard her mewl softly.

  “It hurts baby,” he said stroking her trying to soothe the nerve damage. “I’m sorry kitten.”

  Sofia got back up on her hands and knees. With deliberate movement, she climbed up onto John’s knee, nuzzling her face in his chest. He sat down and pulled her into his lap and held her, his large hand on her stomach, gently caressing her.

  If only they had gotten to her earlier, he thought with tremendous guilt.

  Chapter 11

  Instead of just dropping Sofia off at the church where her PTS meeting took place, Dom and John waited with her outside while the group members filed in. Dom held her close to him, her back to his front, so she could see who was there for the meeting. He and John wanted to see Eric for themselves. More importantly they wanted Eric to see them.

  Sofia acknowledged the rest of the group members with a nod of her head, but with Eric, as soon as she saw him, she disentangled herself from Dom and walked up to the brown-haired, tall, skinny guy in a flannel shirt and jeans. John and Dom looked at one another with amazement as they watched her hug the other man. They hadn’t realized the relationship involved touching already. She grabbed his hand and brought him over to meet them.

  “Eric, this is Dom and John,” she began. “My …”

  “Boyfriends,” John supplied readily, putting his hand out to shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you both,” Eric greeted, gripping their proffered hands tightly.

  “You too,” John replied not quite sneering but pretty close. This boy needed to know he couldn’t hurt their Sofia without there being consequences – them.

  “You both are – Sofia’s – boyfriends?” Eric managed to stutter out, getting the near sneer he had been given.

  “Yes,” Dom asked without elaborating. He pulled Sofia back to him and kissed her passionately.

  “Wow,” she whispered, when their kiss broke. She smiled up at him.

  “Remember what we talked about in the car,” he asked her returning her smile. “You need to be the first to share at group tonight and speak for at least ten minutes about what happened to you. Are you going to obey?”

  “Yes master,” she said softy so no one else could hear. “I will obey.”

  “Good kitten. Now give sir a kiss.”

  Sofia kissed John ardently.

  “Thank you,” she said after she pulled away. “For your – direction.”

  “It’ll help you to move forward kitten, which will be good for you.”

  “I understand sir. I’ll obey.”

  “Good girl. We’ll be back at seven thirty.”

  The men’s eyes narrowed when they saw Eric take Sofia’s hand and walk her into the church. He looked back at them with a smug, satisfied grin on his face. It looked like it was going to take a hard lesson to get through to Sofia’s new “friend.” John and Dom shared with one another but not with anyone else. Ever.

  Chapter 12

  When Sofia came out of the church, she saw the two of them waiting for her. God they were so gorgeous. They were in jeans. John wore a button down shirt with a black motorcycle jacket. Dom wore a white t-shirt with a sports coat. Both outfits seem to highlight their long lean bodies in delicious ways.

  Then there were their handsome faces. Both ruggedly beautiful but in their eyes she could see kind souls. Dom was intense but his eyes could hold the greatest tenderness in them. John was more laid back but the need she sometimes saw in his eyes, would take her breath away.

  The words of the women in the group were made all the more sharp by her analysis of how good these men were. They did deserve someone better than her. Women like the ones in the group, pretty, skinny, who implied that point with their words and tone as they asked her about her “boyfriends.”

  “They’re both dating you?” one of them had asked innocently enough, but Sofia hadn’t missed the slur in her voice when she said “you.”

  The moderator had steered the conversation back to Sofia’s revelations about her experience with him, but the damage had been done. She finished her ten minutes of sharing and retreated back into her shell. Even Eric couldn’t get a smile from her at the end of group. He deserved better than her as a friend too.

  She walked out of the church as f
ast as she could and didn’t say good-bye to Eric or the therapist who called out to her. She had been living in a fantasy but now she had been brought back to earth and reality. Big girls like her didn’t have boyfriends, plural.

  Instead of walking toward John and Dom, she turned in the opposite direction and walked away from them. She was leaving.

  She heard John calling her name, but she didn’t stop. He would tire of following her and go home with Dom. They would both eventually tire of her. She was not only used goods but damaged goods. Fat, ugly and scarred beyond repair, both physically and emotionally. She was sick and tired of living with the pain.

  “Sofia!” John grabbed her arm and stopped her. He stood in front of her. She looked up at his beautiful green eyes and saw concern there. “Where are you going? What happened?”

  “Hey Sof! Are you ok?” one of the women who had questioned her about her relationship with John and Dom came up to her asking. She was just a couple of inches shorter than John. Long blond hair that was full and soft, and blue eyes that conveyed a false sense of worry looked at her for a second and then turned to look at John. “She shared a lot today in group and I think it might have overwhelmed her.”

  “Oh,” John sounded. “Well thanks for your concern but I think I can take care of her from here.”

  “No, let me leave the two of you here to take care of each other,” Sofia whispered and then pushed her way past John and the woman. The woman smiled up at him and grabbed hold of his arm. He broke her grasp easily enough and followed after Sofia.

  “Sofia, stop!” he barked at her.

  She did as commanded. Her breathing was coming hard. Tears were falling down her cheeks.

  “Sofia what is going on?” John asked grabbing her by the arms, his worry evident on his masculine face. “What happened?”

  “You deserve more than this,” she said, waving her hand at herself. “I see that again. I need to leave before you leave me.”

  “What brought you this revelation?” he asked gritting his teeth.


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