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Sudden The Range Robbers (1930) s-9

Page 13

by Oliver Strange

  With a flourish he replaced the hat he had been holding, slid into the saddle with the ease and grace of a young panther and sent Blue racing for the plain. Noreen proceeded on her errand of mercy and spent quite a long time with the patient. She found him cheerful, the pain of his hurt being compensated for by the fact that he had avenged his friend, and he was full of admiration for the man who had saved him from the clutches of the marshal.

  `All wool an' a yard wide, that feller,' he said enthusiastically. `I reckon he'd be a good one to tie to, Miss Norry.'

  The phrase was one common enough in the locality, and indicated merely that the man to whom it was applied could be trusted, but the girl grasped that there was another meaning, and though she knew Ginger was not intending anything of the sort, she felt herself flushing.

  Meanwhile, Green was pushing Blue at a good pace through the Maze. Several hours' hard riding brought him to the spot he was aiming for, the blind canyon where the trail of the stolen cattle had melted away. Here he rode into the water and turned upstream, keeping as much as possible in the shadow of the cottonwoods fringing the banks. On either side the ground sloped steeply to the frowning cliffs above. It was a peaceful scene, with the sun dappling the foliage, the piping of the birds, and the chattering of the shallow river as it raced over the stones which sought to impede its course.

  The cowpuncher progressed slowly, his keen gaze searching every yard of the ground. He had covered less than a mile when the canyon narrowed and he came to a blank wall of rock which appeared to be the end of it. The foot of this was masked by a thick clump of trees into which the stream disappeared. Pushing aside the branches, which at this point almost met across the water, he forced his way through and then pulled up in astonishment.

  He had come to the end of the canyon, and as he had expected, the cliff was before him. At the base of it, however, was a small natural tunnel through which the river flowed. It was a curious formation, suggesting that, in some bygone paroxysm of Nature, the rocky walls of the canyon had been flung together, welding at the top and leaving a passage for the stream at the oottom. Approaching the opening, Green saw that the tunnel was too low for a rider to pass through and that the stream appeared to occupy the whole width. A faint gleam of light appraised him that it did not extend very far.

  Leading the roan, he stepped forward, cautiously sounding the depth of the water; it remained shallow, however, and the bed was firm rock, lightly covered by sand brought down by the stream. In a few moments they were emerging into daylight again, only to find the path barred by a rude pole fence. This removed, the puncher Ied his horse behind a clump of bushes and carefully scanned the scene before him; he had no wish to fall into another trap.

  He saw an open valley, oval in shape, and sloping gently at first and then steeply to the rim-rock on either side. The floor was covered with good grass, and winding through the middle was the stream which had led him to the place! The valley was something over a mile in length and about half that distance in width, and was devoid of trees save on the enclosing slopes, where groups of pine and birch could be seen among the thick undergrowth. A herd of about a hundred head of cattle was feeding leisurely, and appeared to be unattended.

  Green advanced, still keeping under cover along one of the slopes and leading his horse. Presently he descried a small log shack, half-hidden by trees, on the opposite side of the valley; it seemed to be untenanted.

  `It shore is a dandy place for rustlin',' soliloquised the puncher. `First they got a desert to lose the trail on, an' if that don't work the trick, there's a stream to drive the cattle along that'll wash out every track soon as it's made, with a tunnel nobody'd ever suspicion 'less they come straight on it, an' here's a natural feedin'-ground where stock can stay hid till yu want it. Why, it's as easy as takin' money from a sleepin' kid.'

  He had now worked his way along the side of the valley until he was level with the grazing animals, but they were still too far away for him to distinguish the brand, and this was imperative.

  `Gotta take a chance, Blue,' he said. `Them cows may be wear-in' honest monograms, an' we don't want to make a mistake.' Riding slowly and rather away from the herd in order not to startle it, he gradually got sufficiently near to decipher the brand. `Crossed Dumb-bell,' he muttered. `Huh, we gotta have a closer peep at that.' The loop of his whirled rope settled over the horns of the nearest steer and the roan braced back for the jolt as the frightened beast dashed off and rolled headlong. Green sprang to the ground, and having hog-tied the steer, examined the brand at his leisure. The story was plain enough.

  `Frying Pan brand with another "pan" an' a bar through the handle,' commented the puncher. `Pretty slick work though; in a month or so them scars will be healed over, an' as cows don't talk none, nobody'll be any the wiser. I guess that settles it an' I'd better be driftin'.'

  He released the limbs of the victim and lost no time in regaining his saddle, for a steer which had been thrown is not a proposition to be enjoyably dealt with on foot. A twitch of the rope set the brute entirely free, whereupon it bellowed furiously and charged. At the same moment came the sharp report of a rifle and the venomous hum of a bullet past the puncher's ear. He looked round and saw a couple of riders spurring down upon him from the upper end of the valley.

  Green did not stay to argue. Swinging the roan so as to dodge the infuriated steer, he rode for the tunnel, another bullet which drilled a hole in his hat leaving no doubt as to the intentions of the newcomers. He did not fear that they would overtake him, but they might cripple either his mount or himself, and so prevent the information he had gained being turned to account. The pursuers did not shoot again, being apparently under the impression that they could run him down; they may even have imagined that he was ignorant of the exit at the lower end of the valley.

  Halfway to the tunnel the fugitive narrowly escaped a calamity. He had to pass a scattered part of the herd, and several of the animals, with usual bovine stupidity, suddenly decided to run right across his path. Blue was going at too great a pace for a sudden swerve, and there was but one way out of the difficulty. With a supreme effort, Green lifted the roan as they reached the running steers and the horse rose and cleared the obstacle with a magnificent leap. A shout from behind, either of rage or admiration, greeted the performance.

  Two minutes later the puncher reached the end of the valley, flung himself from his horse and dragged his rifle from its scabbard under the left fender of the saddle. The pursuers were still coming on but with slackening speed, as though in doubt. From their appearance and gesticulations, the puncher opined that they were Mexicans. He and his horse were hidden in a thicket of bushes. Presently, as he expected, they pulled up and he could see them arguing. He levelled his Winchester and fired; the horse of the nearer rider sank to its knees and rolled over, sending the man in the saddle sprawling. Instantly his companion wheeled to ride away, but ere he could do so the gun spoke again and the second horse went down.

  `That sets yu afoot anyways, yu coyotes,' muttered the marksman, and without waiting further he led the roan through the tunnel again, mounted, and headed for home at the best speed the country would allow.

  Some hours later he reached the ranch and found the owner in his favourite spot on the verandah, talking to Tarman and his companion. The girl was there, listening, but taking little part in the conversation. The cowboy slid from the saddle and trailed the reins--he had now taught Blue to stay `tied to the ground.'

  "Lo, Green; yu want me?' asked Petter.

  `Got some news for yu,' said the puncher, with a half-glance towards the room which served the ranch-owner as an office. But the Old Man did not take the hint.

  `Well, let's hear it--our friends won't mind me 'tendin' to business for a minute,' he said, and added with a twinkle of amusement, `You met Mr. Tarman before, I think.'

  Green turned his gaze upon the visitor lounging easily in his chair, and with a perfectly grave expression on his face, said quietly, `Shore
, I lent him my hoss.'

  For a brief instant Tarman's eyes flashed murder, and then he joined in the laugh which, started by Noreen, spread to the others.

  `Yu gotta admit I didn't keep him long,' the big man said, and his laugh boomed out again. It was well done, but to the girl it did not ring true. She had caught that fleeting look and knew that the man's vanity had been rubbed on a sore spot, and that he would have cheerfully slain the offender.

  `Well, well, what yu got to tell us, Green?' asked Simon.

  The cowboy gave a bald account of the day's discoveries, and watched the faces of the visitors as he did so, but could see nothing more than a polite interest on either of them. His employer was plainly pleased.

  `Yu didn't recognise them two fellers?'

  `No, but they looked like Greasers, an' they could shoot.' `Well, if yu set 'em afoot they won't get them cows shifted without help. 'Course, mebbe they got other hosses, or there's more than just the pair of 'em.'

  `If there'd been more they'd 'a' come pilin' at the first shot,' Green pointed out.

  `That's so,' agreed the cattleman. `Reckon yo're tired?' `Not so as yu'd notice it,' smiled the cowboy.

  `Good for yu,' said the Old Man. `Blaynes is out on the range somewheres. Get another hoss, pick up any o' the boys yu can find an' hump it to the Frying Pan. It's Job's business this time, but it's ourn too an' we got to help him. Yu didn't see any o' our cows, I s'pose?'

  Green shook his head. `Hadn't time to look over the herd, but I fancy they were all Frying Pan.'

  As he swung into the saddle, Seth Laban rose from his chair. 'I reckon I must be goin' too,' he said.

  `Why, Seth, what's yore hurry?' asked Tarman.

  `Yu know I got a date with Rayne,' replied Laban. `I told yu comin' up I couldn't stay.'

  `So yu did, Seth; I done forgot it,' agreed his friend.

  When Laban had taken his leave the big man turned to his host and remarked casually, `That chap Green 'pears to be a pretty capable proposition. Handy with his weapons too, judging by the way he got that boy o' yores away from the marshal.'

  `Never seen him fire a shot but I should say he ain't no novice,' Simon replied.

  `Was it a fair fight, Mr. Tarman?' inquired Noreen.

  `Well, it was an even break, an' I told the marshal so, but it was forced on the dead man; the Y Z boys meant to get him, an' came there a-purpose. I should say Green framed it up, an' he certainly got away with it. Funny, as I was sayin' to Seth, I believe I've seen him somewhere an' can't just fix him, but I'll bet a stack he's more gunman than cowboy.'

  `He knows his work,' offered the cattleman.

  `Mebbe so, but if I'm right yu gotta ask yoreself what's a gunman doin' around here?' rejoined Tarman, and having planted this seed of doubt in the minds of his hearers, he went on to talk of something else.

  When Green reached the bunkhouse he found Larry lounging on the bench outside. The young man promptly greeted him, `How's the cow-thief business?'

  `Not so brisk as when yu were in it,' retorted his friend, with a grin. `Yu go get that four-legged table yu got into the habit o' callin' a hoss, an' drape yoreself across it; if yu can find any more o' the boys, fetch 'em along.'

  `Huh ! yu got that job as foreman a'ready?' snorted the other. `If I had I'd be handin' yu yore time,' smiled Green. `The Old Man's orders; get agoin'.'

  But Larry delayed another minute. `Say, do yu know that the Pretty Lady has been ridin' with the Handsome Stranger this afternoon?' he asked. Green looked at him and saw that the boy was not joshing. `What are yu goin' to do about it?' he inquired.

  `Me? What's it gotta do with me?' asked Larry.

  `Well, I was wonderin' that myself,' replied Green slowly, and left the other to work it out.

  `Hell's bells, can yu beat it?' muttered the young man, when he realised that he had been very neatly admonished. `If he ain't the cussedest...! He gave it up and went in search of Dirty and Simple, who were somewhere about. When he returned with them, Green had turned the roan into the corral, transferring the saddle to his other pony. He explained the situation to them while they were getting their mounts, and after snatching a hasty meal, they started for the Frying Pan ranch.

  `Might've took me in yore shootin' party,' reproached Larry, who, paired with Green, was leading the way.

  `No place for boys,' came the drawling reply.

  `Awright, grand-pop; yu old moss-heads want to hog all the fun. D'yu reckon the marshal will start anythin'?'

  `I would, in his place,' Green replied grimly. `I'd start a journey, an' I'd make it a long one.'

  For the greater part of the trip, however, Green was silent. Though he had not shown it, the knowledge that Noreen had been for a ride with Tarman annoyed him. He knew that this feeling was quite unwarranted, the girl had a right to dispose of her own company, and what was more reasonable than that she should show the visitor over the ranch? Nevertheless, the thought of it made him profane. Another thing that occupied his mind was the departure of Seth at the same moment as himself; it might have been just a coincidence but he felt instinctively that it was not.

  He was still puzzling over this incident when they reached their destination. In spite of the darkness they had made good time, though as Dirty ruefully remarked, `Supper must be damn near forgotten by now.' They rode past the bunkhouse, from which came the tinkle of a banjo and a powerful if unmelodious chorus.

  `Huh! Tryin' to scare off rustlers, I guess,' commented Simple. `Job must be away or stone deaf.'

  The ranch-owner was neither, for he came to the door in answer to Green's knock. He carried a lamp in his left hand, the right being hooked in his belt in useful proximity to his gun.

  "Lo, boys,' he greeted, recognising them. `What's up?'

  Green explained the reason for their visit and the effect on Leeming was ludicrous--as Dirty put it--`It fair set him alight.' `Hell's bells!' he cried. `That's the way things allus happen on this blamed ranch. Here's Dirk an' six o' the boys away with the trail herd an' me with half a staff. But we'll get 'em, yu bet yu; we'll have them cows back here an' hang every damn thief we find with 'em. Yu boys will want to hit the way, I reckon?'

  `We're aimin' to come with yu--we can get there by sun-up an' have a cat-nap on the way,' Green replied, adding slyly, `That is if yu want for us to come.'

  `What the...' the rancher started tempestuously, and then he caught the twinkle in the speaker's eyes and grinned himself. `Yu nearly had me goin' again, blast yu,' he said. `Course I'll be pleased to death to have yore help. Come along to the bunkhouse an' stoke up while I get the boys together.'

  Scrambling into a coat and snatching up a Winchester, Job led the way. At his entrance the concert ceased abruptly, and Charlie, who was sufficiently recovered to sit up in his bunk and manipulate his banjo, laid the instrument aside.

  `Hump yoreselves, boys,' Leeming cried. `Green here has located our cattle an' we're agoin' after 'em. Lucky, yu better stay with Charlie; the other five, with the Y Z boys, will be enough to turn the nrick.'

  `Oh hell, boss, I'm fit all right,' protested Lucky. `An' I shore owe them fellers a crack for the one they gave me.'

  `Yore turn'll come--we ain't expectin' to corral the whole bunch,' said the boss. `Somebody's gotta stay. Where in blazes is that grub I told that blasted cook to put up?'

  He bustled about, pouring out torrents of abuse indiscriminately directed at his own men and the cattle-thieves, and Green was amazed at the manner in which it was received.

  `Ain't he the son of a gun?' privily remarked Zeb Woods, who as acting foreman in Dirk's absence got more than his share. `But durn it, he don't mean anythin'. He'd ride from hell an'-all to give any one of us a helpin' hand, an' we shore knows it. How's Ginger makin' it?'

  `Doin' fine, barrin' the swellin',' Green replied.

  `Swellin'? Why, where he swole?' asked the puzzled Woods. `In the head,' said Green, smiling. `Yu see, Miss Norry is nursin' him.'

  A roar of laughter greeted
the explanation and Woods joined in. `I'm it,' he admitted, `and the drinks are shore on me next time I meet yu in town. Say, he'll be havin' a heart attack too, eh?'

  `Shucks! He done had that years ago, an' got over it, same as the rest of us,' volunteered Dirty.

  A loud inquiry from the boss as to whether he'd got to wait all night for them put a period to the conversation, and no more time was lost in starting. Having a fixed objective, they headed straight across the Y Z range, in a direction which would leave the Parlour well to their left. For a time they were able to travel at a fast lope which ate up the miles, but when they left the range-land and plunged into the wilderness beyond, the pace had to be moderated.

  Nevertheless, midnight found them little more than an hour's ride from their destination, and Leeming decided to rest both men and beasts. A fire was lighted, for the night air was very keen, the horses were picketed, and the men rolled up in their blankets and slept the sleep of the healthily-tired. Around them was the black silence, broken only by the sharp crackle of the burning logs, and the occasional cry of some wild denizen of the forest abroad on a predatory quest.

  They were astir again at the first pale gleam of light behind the distant mountains. Swiftly this deepened and became a roseate glow from the midst of which the flaming rim of the sun climbed majestically above the peaks, tingeing them with gold. The daily miracle which turned a world of cold and darkness into one of warmth and light had taken place. But in the gulches, canyons, and wooded tracts gloom still resisted the invading daylight.

  A gulp of hot coffee, a cigarette, and the party resumed its way, and by the time the conquest of the darkness was completed the blind canyon was reached. This was soon negotiated, and one by one they led their mounts through the tunnel, Green going first, with the boss of the Frying Pan following him.

  `Damnation!' said the puncher disgustedly. `They've razzledazzled us.'

  The valley was empty. Some hundreds of yards from where they stood were two black mounds, and as the horsemen approached, these disintegrated into winged portions which took flight; the scavengers of the desert had discovered the dead horses. No other living thing was to be seen, and Job Leeming, in his disappointment, rose to heights which astonished even his own men.


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