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Baron of Bad: Lords of Scandal Book 5

Page 10

by Andresen, Tammy

  * * *

  Need pulsed through Bad, making thought near impossible. He’d wanted to wait. But in this moment, he couldn’t stand another moment without making her his.

  Grace was meant to be here with him, skin to skin. “I love you,” he gritted out. “Grace, I love you so much. I want to grow old with you. Spend my life learning to love the way I didn’t know that I could.”

  “I love you, too,” she replied and then she tilted her hips so the head of his cock slipped inside her warm, soft channel.

  He’d begun to shake. Bad wasn’t certain when exactly that had happened but now he couldn’t control the response.

  He inched deeper into her tight sheath, the control he was exercising near breaking him. He felt her maidenhead and he thrust against it, breaking it in one quick movement.

  She cried out, pulling him closer and he stilled, his lips brushing her temple, then her nose. “Are you all right, love?”

  “I…” she started, tightening her hold. “I am. It just hurt…” She paused again. “More than I expected.”

  His body cried to move but he held still. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It only hurts this one time.” He kissed her cheeks, her jaw. “The pain will go away soon.”

  She nodded, pressing her face into the crook of his neck. “When the pain goes away, does it feel as good as your kisses?”

  That made him relax. “I believe so.” He’d heard more than a few say it was even better but he’d allow her to draw her own conclusions.

  She stretched out, relaxing underneath him. “Really? Better?” She lightly stroked his neck. “No wonder women allow themselves to be ruined.” Then she giggled. “I have allowed myself to be ruined.”

  It was his turn to tense. “You’re marrying me now, Grace. There’s no backing out of it and—”

  She tilted back her chin and took a kiss. “I tease.” Then another. “Besides, it’s fun to be bad. Especially when I know you’ll make an honest woman of me.”

  He drew in a long breath and then rolled onto his back, rolling her with him so that he stayed inside her. “It is fun, but we will be married very shortly.”

  Being on top, she moved a bit on his staff, making pleasure tighten his sac. “After we’re married, can we pretend not to be?”

  “What?” He stopped moving, holding her hips. His old fears reared to the surface. “What do you hope to gain by pretending not to be married?”

  She moved against him again, her hips pulling him deeper into her body. “You could come to my chamber pretending to be a servant or…” She looked up at the ceiling. “My solicitor.”

  Dear God, the woman was discussing role play. She really was perfect. “Grace.” He pushed the word out through gritted teeth. “I will do whatever you ask if you just move your hips like that again.”

  “Hmmmm,” she answered. “Like this?” And she swirled her hips making pleasure rock through his body.

  “Yes,” he hissed, holding onto her hips. “Again.”

  “So bossy,” she murmured, slowing the pace further. It only heightened his pleasure. “As your queen, I demand you lay quietly.”

  A laugh nearly burst from his lips, but he clamped his mouth closed. His sassy woman could say whatever she wanted. “Yes, my love.”

  And suddenly, she stopped moving slow and began to take him faster and faster, her hands planted on either side of his head, her hair creating a glorious tent about their faces that shut out the rest of the world so it was only them.

  He dug his fingers into her soft flesh, helping her to move over him until they were both breathless with desire.

  His body was taut as a bowstring as he tingled with the need to release his seed. He held on until she spasmed over him, crying out his name.

  Only then did he let his own pleasure go.

  They lay there together, wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing and murmuring softly until finally Grace lay her head on his chest. He was still inside her and it occurred to him that he had never, in his entire life, been this satisfied, felt so complete.

  “Ben,” she murmured, her middle finger skimming over his nipple. “Is it always like this?”

  “I’ve never felt this way before,” he answered. The words were true but he took extra satisfaction in saying them. “What we have is special.”

  “I assumed as much,” she replied, her voice sleepy. “If every coupling was like this, no one would do anything else.”

  He choked on a laugh, but her soft sigh of sleep told him she hadn’t heard it. His little minx was sound asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Two days later…

  Grace stepped off the boat, drinking in the lovely landscape that greeted her. Beyond the village where they’d docked lay craggy cliffs and green fields as far as her eye could see. She drew in a deep breath of the ocean air, so fresh and clean after London.

  “Have you ever lived anywhere else besides the city?” she asked Ben, whose hand was firmly about her waist exactly where it was meant to be.

  He shook his head. “I haven’t. Not that I remember anyway. I’ve visited the country estate entailed with my lands but didn’t stay long.”

  She nodded. “I always thought I preferred London. More exciting. But standing here…”

  He brushed a kiss across her temple like a painter might brush his canvas. “You see the beauty of the landscape, the quiet repose we might have together in such a place.”

  “Yes.” She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling. “How did you know I was going to say that?”

  “I was thinking it too,” he answered, squeezing her closer. “Two days together and I feel as though…” He paused.

  “We grow more connected.” Grace picked up his thought.

  “Yes,” he said, touching his forehead to hers. “After we return to your family, it might be nice to spend the summer away from the crowds. Spend time just being together.”

  “I agree,” she said, love swelling her chest. “Though we should likely marry first.”

  He smiled. “That we can do. Although…”

  For the first time in two days, she felt out of touch with what he was thinking and a bit of fear tingled through her fingertips. “I’ve left London with you. You’re not changing your mind now, are you?”

  He straightened, his eyebrows drawing together. “Of course not. How could you even think such a thing?”

  She reached for his biceps, holding them in her hands. “My old fears, I suppose.”

  He gave a nod, dropping his forehead back to hers. “That, I completely understand. But let’s leave those in London. I am ready to accept the fact that you might be able to love me if you can accept the fact that you are more, in every way, than I ever dared to wish for.”

  A soft smile played at her lips. “And to think, you thought you weren’t good with words. That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.”

  He chuckled then. “You bring it out in me.” Then he gathered her closer. Ben took a step back, and then with his arm about her, walked her down the plank.

  “So why did you hesitate when you talked of our wedding?” she asked when they reached the bottom.

  “Well…” he started. “I’ve a surprise for you but I don’t know when exactly that surprise will arrive.”

  “Surprise?” She crinkled her brow. What could he possibly have surprised her with? “Running away to Scotland wasn’t adventure enough?”

  He stopped walking and then raised his hand, pointing through the crowd of sailors leaving the boat. “There.”

  She stood on tiptoe, straining through the crowd, but she wasn’t nearly as tall as him and couldn’t see what he pointed at. The morning sun glinted off the rock causing her to squint as she searched. “Where?”

  “Grace?” a female voice called from the crowd. “Grace, is that you?”

  Cordelia? “No,” she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. “How is my cousin here?”

  Ben winked. “I sent Malice a letter the d
ay before we sailed. I’d hoped you would say yes.”

  She gave him a sidelong glance. “For a man who was uncertain about my affection, you seemed rather certain about my actions.” Then she swatted his arm. “And thank you. This is a wonderful surprise.”

  He grinned as he began pulling her through the crowd toward her cousin and his friend. When they reached Cordelia, she threw her arms about her, so glad to have her cousin here now. “I’m so happy to see you. How did you get here so quickly?”

  Cordelia hugged Grace tight. “We were here already. Getting ready to sail north to see Chad’s family.”

  Grace held Cordelia tight. “How fortunate we didn’t miss you.”

  “How does everything fare down south?” Malice rumbled as he shook Ben’s hand. “Did you leave because you weren’t safe?”

  Grace backed up as she waved her hand. “Ben took care of all that.”

  Malice raised a brow but didn’t say more.

  Ben clapped his hand on Malice’s shoulder. “We’re here because Grace’s mother wanted to plan a very elaborate wedding sometime in the distant future and—”

  Cordelia let out a tinkling laugh. “Say no more. I know how overbearing my aunt can be.” Then she reached for Grace’s hand. “I know just where the blacksmith is located. Let’s go see him now.”

  * * *

  Bad’s heart raced in his chest. Grace was about to be his, absolutely and completely. His fear was still there, of course. A lifetime of feeling unworthy hadn’t washed away in a single night.

  But those worries had lessened and with each day by Grace’s side—and honestly, each night in her bed—they further washed away. He’d still love her long after her blonde hair had faded to grey and wrinkles spidered out from the corners of her eyes.

  She’d love him too, he grew more certain of that every day. Not that he wouldn’t work hard to give her what she wanted. He’d do nearly anything to keep her happy.

  And right now, that meant marrying her in a blacksmith’s shop in a small village in Scotland with the spring sun shining down on them. He grinned as the sun glinted off her hair, her arm linked with Cordelia’s, and she tossed a smile at him over her shoulder.

  “You look like a man in love,” Malice rumbled next to him, his deep voice, carrying despite the fact that he hadn’t spoken very loudly.

  “I am,” he answered simply. Then he turned to his friend. “So do you.”

  Malice shook his head. “How did it happen? One minute we’re happy bachelors, intent upon debauchery and the next…” He waved his hand at the women. “I spend hours a day considering how to make Cordelia happier. I’m helping her to write a book, can you believe that?”

  “You’re writing a book?” Bad stopped to stare at his friend.

  Malice shook his head. “I can’t write for a hill of beans. I’m her secretary, recording her words since she injured her hand.” Malice ran his hand through his hair. “What’s more astounding is that I love the task. To listen to her voice, to see her mind at work.” He gave a quiet sigh. “I’ve completely fallen under her spell.”

  Bad didn’t look at his friend. Instead, he stared at the woman who had bewitched him. “I’d throw myself in the Thames to protect Grace. Hell, I chased her across half of England to save her. Even managed to get myself shot.”

  Malice laughed. “Not so unusual for you.”

  Bad quirked a brow. “We’re moving to the country.”

  A laugh burst from Malice’s chest. “Well, that is interesting indeed. Love has struck you for certain.”

  The blacksmith’s shop lay just ahead, the sound of his hammer, permeating the quiet street. “I can’t wait to make her my wife. I—”

  Malice clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m glad I get to stand next to you when you do. No one deserves a happy ending more than you, my friend.”

  The air whooshed from his lungs as gratitude filled his chest. He was thankful to Malice for being here but also to Daring for suggesting this. It wasn’t just Grace who benefitted, but himself. He’d lost his family long ago but he’d gained a new one without realizing it. The men who’d ran the club with him, they’d become his brothers. “I’m glad too. Thank you,” he said, then hugged Malice, something he’d never done before in his entire life.

  And Malice hugged him back.

  The blacksmith was ready within a quarter hour to see their nuptials completed. He tied their hands with ribbon, joining them together as they promised to love and cherish one another for the rest of their days.

  As he stared into Grace’s eyes, he had the distinct feeling that his love for her would not only be with him in this life but into the next.


  Two months later…

  Grace stood in front of the church looking onto the busy London street as carriages and people passed noisily by. She could see her parents’ house from the front steps. In fact, she’d grown up attending this very parish. She snapped her fan open and gave it a wave, cooling her skin from the summer heat. The country was so much more comfortable this time of year.

  Her mother twitched next to her. “Did you see the flowers inside? Aren’t they marvelous?”

  “Of course, mother. With you planning this blessed occasion, how could they be anything but?”

  Her mother beamed. “Thank you, dear.” Then she turned to her daughter. “Of course, this was supposed to be your wedding.”

  Grace sniffed as Diana chuckled next to her. “Yes, Grace. You went off and eloped without even inviting me.”

  Grace reached for her sister’s hand. “I’m sorry for that. But Ben and I simply couldn’t wait. Other than missing you, I’ve not a single regret.”

  “What about me? Didn’t you miss having me?” Emily said as she climbed from her carriage. She wore a lovely pale blue empire waist silk and lace gown that mostly hid her growing belly.

  “You know I did.” She grinned at her eldest sister. “And you look absolutely stunning.”

  Emily gave a quick curtsy as Minnie stepped out from the carriage behind Emily. Her eyebrows were raised. “Which begs the question. Why did you give up this opportunity? No one likes beautiful gowns and ribbons more than you.”

  Grace gave a shrug but inside, happiness and love filled her chest. “Some things in life are more important than pretty dresses.”

  All of the women laughed. “My God, Grace. How you’ve grown,” Diana gave her hand a squeeze. “I’m so happy for you and Lord Baderness.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. But then she turned to Emily. “But today is about Emily and Lord Effington.”

  Emily blushed. “It was a rough start but I think we’ve finally found our way.”

  Grace covered her heart with her hand. “I’m so glad for both of you. You deserve to have a happy ending.”

  Emily winked. “And mother deserved the opportunity to plan one wedding.”

  Mary, their spinster cousin, stepped out of the carriage. She gave a long sigh. “It’s moments like these that I wish I’d been able to find someone.”

  Mary was four and twenty and had never married. A petite blonde, Mary had a delicate beauty and an even kinder heart.

  Minnie reached for her hand. “You still could. Both of our fathers would help you.” Mary’s fiancé had been a soldier who had never returned from the war. Somehow, she’d never been able to move on.

  Mary shook her head. “I like working and I’m content with my future.” But her eyes held a sadness that belied her words.

  “You’ve gotten a new position now that we don’t need a companion?”

  Mary nodded. “Darlington found it for me. I’m to be a tutor for the Earl of Sinclair.”

  Minnie raised a brow and gave Grace a long look. “Have you met the earl yet?”

  Mary shook her head. “No. Why? Is there something I should know? Is he old and awful?”

  Grace pursed her lips. “Quite the contrary. He’s young and extremely handsome.”

  The women about her shuff
led. His nickname was the Earl of Sin.

  Mary sniffed. “I am immune to such things.”

  Her mother gestured for all the women to step forward. “Come. Let’s go inside. We’ve a wedding to begin, after all.”

  Emily stepped to the front of the group. “My wedding.” She gave a sigh. “I’m so glad to have made it to this moment.”

  Grace gave Emily a peck on the cheek. “We’ll go take our seats. I’d wish you luck but you don’t need it.”

  Turning she made her way inside. The moment her eyes adjusted, she caught sight of Ben waiting for her near the front of the church. Rushing to his side, he slipped an arm about her even as he kissed her forehead. “My love.”

  She gave him a quick squeeze. “I can’t wait to see the wedding. It’s so exciting.”

  He held her close, resting his forehead on top of hers. “You are magnificent.”

  She looked up at her husband. “Me?” His scars were barely visible in this light and his strength radiated through her. “Don’t tell anyone, because I mean no offense to my cousins and sisters, but I am the luckiest woman in all of England.”

  The organ started but she didn’t turn back right away, Ben held her to his side. “I love you so very much,” he whispered.

  “I love you too.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before she turned to watch Emily float down the aisle toward Jack’s outstretched hands. After all the insanity with the club and the Countess of Abernath, the world had righted itself again.

  Earl of Sin

  Lords of Scandal Book 6

  Miss Mary Chase stood at the front gate of the stately mansion situated in the heart of London and stared up at the imposing brick façade. It wasn’t too late to turn around, go back to her aunt and uncle’s, resume her life.

  Lord and Lady Winthrop had taken her in after the loss of her parents seven years ago, even financed a season for her. But she could not, in good conscience, continue to leech off them with no prospect of marriage.


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