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Turning Tables (WeHo Book 3)

Page 8

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  Jovina picked up Kana’s call before the first ring ended.

  “Hello?” she said anxiously.

  “Our girl is fine; she’s back in San Diego and getting drunk as we speak.”

  Jovina blew her breath out in relief, nodding, “Okay, good, thank you for finding her.”

  “You’re welcome,” Kana said, “Can I give you some advice?” she asked then.

  “Sure,” Jovina said, her tone uncertain.

  “If Cat really means a lot to you,” Kana said, “And I think she probably does, you need to learn how to deal with her.”

  “How do I do that?” Jovina asked honestly.

  “I understand that Cat flirted like crazy with Jericho Tehrani,” Kana said, surprising Jovina.

  “Yes, at a party the other day,” Jovina said, wondering how in the hell Kana Sorbinno got her information.

  “You were there,” Kana said, it wasn’t a question.

  “Yes,” Jovina answered all the same.

  “And she knew it,” Kana said then.


  “She was pushing you,” Kana told her simply.

  “Why?” Jovina asked.

  Kana shrugged at her end, “With Cat it’s sometimes hard to tell, maybe you’re too close, maybe you pissed her off, and maybe she just wants to put up a barrier between you two to see what you’ll do.”

  Jovina took a deep breath, blowing it out in a sad sigh.

  “If you really want to make things work with her, you’re going to need to try to figure out what she’s doing and why,” Kana said, “It’s the only chance you’ll have with her.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Jovina asked, Kana Sorbinno didn’t know her from Eve.

  “Because,” Kana said, “I’m hoping that maybe you’ll be the one to save her.”

  “From who?” Jovina asked, thinking Kana might mean Elizabeth.

  “From herself,” Kana said.

  “Oh,” Jovina said, shocked by the statement.

  “I’ll be up there in LA in a couple of days,” Kana told her then, “I hope I get a chance to meet you.”

  “I would like that,” Jovina said, thinking she needed to meet the woman that had captured Cat’s heart, and actually let it go on purpose.

  “In the meantime, I’m going to text you the address in San Diego,” Kana said, “I’d give her the night tonight, but I’d suggest you go get her back if she doesn’t show up.”

  “Okay,” Jovina said, “Thank you. For everything.”

  “We’ll see if it helps,” Kana said.

  Jovina drove up to the house in San Diego. It was in a nice neighborhood, and it was a decent looking house. She immediately spied Cat’s Z in the driveway, next to a blue Porsche. She assumed the Porsche must belong to Elizabeth. Drawing up her nerve, she walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

  It took a minute but the door was opened, and Jovina stood staring at what had to be Elizabeth. Cat definitely had good taste, this woman was beautiful with honey blond hair and rich sapphire blue eyes and a finely boned face that screamed sophistication, as did her clothing.

  “Yes?” Elizabeth said, already suspecting this was the woman Cat had been seeing.

  Elizabeth hated the woman on sight. She was all dark hair and gold eyes, and she had a beautifully curvy body.

  “I’m looking for Cat,” Jovina said, her tone unapologetic.

  Elizabeth just looked back at her, her blue eyes narrowed.

  Jovina knew without a doubt that Elizabeth was trying to intimidate her, and she was bound and determined not to let her.

  “Are you going to get her, or do I need to come in and get her myself?” Jovina said, drawing on her Latina bitch side.

  Elizabeth made a disgusted noise, and opened the door wider.

  “She’s out there,” Elizabeth said, motioning to the backyard.

  “So sweet, thank you,” Jovina said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

  In the backyard, Cat sat smoking and staring at the pool. She heard the backdoor open and sighed, “Bet, I’m really not in the mood, so go fight with someone else.”

  “Good thing I’m not her then,” Jovina said, grinning.

  Cat turned her head, her eyes widening slightly behind the sunglasses she wore.

  “Jovi…” she said, her voice softer, then she canted her head, “Let me guess, Kana?”

  “Yes,” Jovina said, moving to sit in the chair across from Cat.

  Cat nodded, knowing Kana well enough to know that if she gave Jovina the address to the house, it was likely Kana’s way of telling her to stop being stupid and talk to the girl.

  “Catalina, I’m sorry,” Jovina said, her tone soft, “I shouldn’t have reacted that way about Jericho.”

  Cat looked back at Jovina, surprise registering on her face.

  “The question is, why did you react that way?” Cat said then.

  Jovina sighed, “I guess because I saw you flirting with her at the party.”

  “I flirt, Jovi, you know that,” Cat said, “You need to trust me.”

  Jovina grimaced, shaking her head, “How would I know to trust you, Catalina?” she asked, her voice non-accusing, “I’m beginning to realize how little I know this you.”

  Cat looked back at her, slowly reaching up to take off her sunglasses and set them on the table, rubbing her eyes tiredly with the other hand.

  “I guess that’s true,” Cat said, “I didn’t really think about it.”

  Jovina didn’t say anything, just looking at Cat her eyes searching.

  Cat leaned forward, looking up into Jovina’s eyes, “Jericho, while hot and all, is a professional contact. She asked me to be her back-up on Saturday at the parade and she meant that as a cop, not a love interest.”

  Jovina’s mouth opened at this information, then she closed it shaking her head, “Why didn’t you just tell me that?” she asked, thinking about what Kana had said about Cat pushing people away.

  Cat shrugged, shaking her head, “I’m not used to having to explain myself to anyone anymore,” she answered honestly.

  “Well, if we’re going to make this work between us, Catalina, we need to communicate.”

  Cat looked back at Jovina, thinking that Jovina had indeed grown up too.

  “Look at you, all adult and stuff…” Cat said, grinning.

  “Cale-se,” Jovina muttered telling her to shut up in Portugese.

  Cat laughed out loud at that.

  “Will you come back now?” Jovina asked then, her heart completely on her sleeve.

  “Yes,” Cat said, nodding, “I have some stuff to take care of here,” she said, gesturing to the house, “We’ve got some challenged plumbing, and if I let Bet she’ll call the most expensive plumber in the book and I’ll get stuck with half of a huge bill. But I’ll be back tonight, okay?”

  “Okay,” Jovina said, standing up.

  Cat stood up as well, stubbing out her cigarette. Reaching out, she touched Jovina’s cheek, and slid her hand to the back of her neck, pulling her in close to kiss her lips. Jovina’s hands slid around her waist as they kissed, her hand brushing bare skin at the back where Cat’s tank top rode up. Cat moaned softly at the feel of Jovina’s hand on her skin, deepening the kiss and feeling Jovina respond instantly.

  Cat knew that Elizabeth was lurking nearby and would likely watching. She didn’t really care, but she also didn’t want to have a big wicked fight with her either. Finally dragging her mouth away from Jovina’s, she looked into gold eyes.

  “I’ll be back by seven, let’s go to dinner somewhere, okay?” Cat said, her voice still effected by the passion between them moments before.

  Jovina smiled, enjoying the fact that Cat was so effected by her, just as much as she was by Cat.

  “Okay.” She said softly.

  Jovina turned and walked back toward the house, Cat watched her go, grinning.

  Inside the house Jovina noted that Elizabeth was in the kitchen, sitting at the table, and watching

  “So you’re my latest replacement,” Elizabeth said, her tone bored.

  “So,” Jovina said, her tone matching Elizabeth’s, “You’re the reason you need replacing.” She said, then turned and walked back down the hallway to the front door, leaving without another word.

  Elizabeth stared at the spot the other woman had just been in, unable to believe the woman had just bested her that easily. Standing up she walked out into the backyard.

  “Who the hell is that?” Elizabeth said, her tone strident.

  Cat was sitting again, smoking another cigarette. Her sky blue eyes looked up at Elizabeth, her look saying, ‘really?’.

  Elizabeth sat in the chair Jovina had just exited, her look searching Cat’s face.

  “Who is she?” Elizabeth repeated her tone still uppity.

  Cat just continued to look back at her, leaning back and smoking her cigarette amiably.

  Elizabeth blew her breath out loudly, rolling her eyes.

  “Fine,” she said, her tone calmer now, “Who is she?” she asked, her voice completely calm now.

  “Her name is Jovina, I’ve known her since I was about seven.” Cat said evenly.

  “And you’re sleeping with her,” Elizabeth bit out.

  Again Cat looked back at Elizabeth, “And you’re what?” Cat asked, her look direct.

  Elizabeth knew then that Cat knew about the men, and she knew she was losing her. She dropped her eyes from Cat’s. She didn’t see the quick wince of pain in Cat’s eyes. Cat stood up, stretching and stubbing her cigarette out.

  “Gotta go work on the plumbing now,” with that Cat walked back into the house.

  Elizabeth avoided her the rest of the day. Cat left the house without incident at 4:30 PM, making it back to Jovina’s apartment by 6:45. She showered and was getting dressed, when Jovina came into the room.

  “You’re back,” Jovina said, as if Cat had just given her a gift.

  Walking over to Catalina, she touched Cat’s face, her eyes searching Cat’s. Cat smiled, nodding. Jovina leaned into kiss her and Cat pulled back.

  “Dinner first,” Cat said, laughing, “Otherwise we’ll never eat.”

  Jovina laughed, nodding, “Okay.”

  It was a very good night.

  Zoey rang the doorbell a few times, and Jericho hadn’t answered, so she walked around the back opening the gate using the code Jericho had given her. She immediately heard Jericho talking and a dog barking in response. Smiling to herself, Zoey knew that Jericho’s Riley had come home. Walking around the corner of the house, she saw Jericho sitting in a patio chair, wearing shorts and a blue t-shirt. Jericho was holding a treat in her hand, and Riley was staring at her.

  “Go!” Jericho said, and threw the treat over her shoulder.

  Riley took off like a shot. Jericho glanced up seeing Zoey and smiling.

  “Good morning,” Jericho said, her blue eyes sparkling.

  “I see Riley made it,” Zoey said, walking over, even as Riley spotted the new comer and ran over to her.

  “Hold!” Jericho ordered, and Riley stopped instantly. “Sit,” Jericho said, Riley did as she was told. “Okay, easy…” Jericho said after a long pause.

  Riley stood and trotted the rest of the way over to Zoey, walking up to sniff at Zoey, her tongue hanging out.

  “Hi Riley,” Zoey said, reaching out carefully to pet the dog, glancing at Jericho as she did, Jericho nodded that it was okay.

  Zoey gave Riley a good rub on the head, and Riley was instantly in love. She dropped to a sit, and leaned against Zoey’s leg, her head leaning against her knee.

  “She likes you,” Jericho said, smiling.

  “Well, I like her too,” Zoey said, talking down to the dog, then glanced at Jericho, “She’s absolutely beautiful.” She said, smiling brightly.

  Jericho grinned proudly.

  “Riley, come,” Jericho said then, holding her hand up.

  Riley immediately got up and trotted over to Jericho, putting her nose to Jericho’s hand.

  “Good girl,” Jericho said, “Sit.”

  Riley dropped her butt to the ground instantly, her eyes on Jericho’s.

  “Down,” Jericho ordered, and Riley lay down. “Stay.”

  Jericho got up, walked to the far end of the yard, as Zoey watched. Then Jericho gave a whistle, and Riley was up like a shot and running at Jericho at top speed. Jericho held up her hand and said “Hold!” and Riley stopped, then Jericho tipped her hand down and said “Sit” and Riley did. Jericho leaned down, rubbing the dog’s head, and giving her praise. Then she told her to stay again and walked back to stand by her chair and repeated the exercise. After a few minutes it was obvious that Riley was getting tired.

  “Okay, okay,” Jericho grinned, walking over to the hose to put water in Riley’s bowl.

  “How do you know how to do that?” Zoey asked.

  “Spent time with a K-nine unit in El Paso,” Jericho said, shrugging.

  When the water bowl was filled, Jericho reached over to turn off the water and the top of the hose sprayed water all over her. Jericho simply closed her eyes, shaking her head.

  “Gonna be one of those days…” she said, shaking her head.

  Zoey chuckled, and then watched as Jericho stood up and stripped off the wet t-shirt, exposing the black exercise style bra that she wore and a serious amount of tanned and extremely well-muscled abdomen. Jericho had the kind of abs most women only dreamed about, the perfect six-pack all sleek and incredibly sexy. Zoey felt her mouth go dry as she stared. She’d never been attracted to butch lesbians before, but Jericho was a completely different thing altogether. There was something about Jericho that Zoey hadn’t been able to define, she had a way about her, a sexiness that she seemed either completely unaware of, or that she just didn’t use. Zoey didn’t know if it had to do with Jericho being a police officer, or the director, or just her, it was impossible to separate them. What Zoey did know was that she was desperately attracted to the woman and had no idea how to approach it. She’d only ever dated other bi-sexuals, never a lesbian and certainly never a butch one.

  “Be right back,” Jericho said, walking into the house.

  Zoey nodded, rolling her eyes as Riley looked at her.

  “Your mama is hot,” Zoey told Riley.

  A few minutes later Jericho emerged wearing a different T-shirt, this one was black and had a picture of a motorcycle on it, and the words “Try to keep up” on it. Zoey laughed at the shirt. She knew Jericho road a motorcycle, it was in her garage.

  “So,” Jericho said, moving to sit down again, and pulling out a cigarette, “What are you doing here this morning? It is Saturday, you know.”

  Zoey looked over at her, surprised by the statement, then wondered if she’d assumed that she could hang out with the Director when it wasn’t a work day. That had her thinking that she was just acting like some dumb love struck teenager and oh my God!

  Jericho saw the play of thoughts across Zoey’s face, and grinned. The kid would suck at poker that was for sure.

  “I’m sorry, Director, I didn’t even think…” Zoey said as she moved to stand up.

  Jericho’s hand on her arm stopped her, “Zoey, it’s okay,” Jericho said, grinning, “I just meant that if you had somewhere else to be, it was okay.”

  “Oh,” Zoey said, thinking that maybe she should have someplace else to be.

  “Oh Jesus,” Jericho said, seeing Zoey’s mind start to work overtime again, “You’re fine, okay? You’re fine.”

  Zoey sat back down, still looking edgy. “But am I interrupting your day?” she asked.

  “No,” Jericho said, smiling, “I’m actually meeting the girls at the gym, then for lunch, and later we’re all starting our Pride festivities.”

  “Oh yeah…” Zoey said, nodding, “I’d completely forgotten that Pride was this weekend! Wait, you’re in the parade aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, tomorrow,” Jericho said nodding.

  Zoey bit her l
ip, looking like she wanted to ask a question.

  “Ask,” Jericho said, knowing the look.

  “Would I be a pain in the ass if I asked to come along today?” Zoey asked.

  She wanted to see more into the lesbian world, feeling way too out of her league with Jericho, and hoping that meeting her friends would give her a better idea of how to handle things.

  “No, you wouldn’t be too big of a pain in the ass,” Jericho said, grinning, “You can come if you want. I just figured you’d have people your own age to hang with during Pride.”

  “Well, I do,” Zoey said, “But I think if I’m going to do this paper justice, I need to get out of my comfort zone.”

  “Yeah, hang out with the woman eating lesbians,” Jericho said, winking at her.

  Zoey stared back at her open mouthed and then realized she was being teased. “Stop it!” she said exclaimed, as she laughed. “But wait, I don’t have gym type clothes with me. Would it be too hard to swing by my apartment?” she asked, knowing she was pushing her luck.

  Jericho looked back at her for a long moment, then grinned. “I suppose we can do that.”

  A little while later they drove through Zoey’s neighborhood, Jericho was looking around her look reflecting near horror.

  “You live here?” Jericho asked, her eyes on the gang of hoodlums hanging out on the corner smoking dope.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” Zoey said.

  Jericho coughed, “Yeah it is,” she said.

  When they pulled up in front of the apartment complex Zoey lived in, Zoey went to hop out. “I’ll just run up.”

  “Like hell you will,” Jericho said, putting her hand out to stop her from getting out of the car. “Hold on,” she said, looking around and then getting out of the car.

  As Zoey watched, Jericho walked around to the passenger side and opened Zoey’s door, her eyes watching everything. Zoey looked back at the Director and was surprised by how good it felt that Jericho was being so protective. Zoey got out of the car and lead the way to her apartment, but not before Jericho engaged the alarm on the car and muttered something about hoping it’d still be there when they got back.

  Inside the building, Jericho didn’t feel a lot better. There was trash in the stairwell and the elevator was out of order and according to Zoey had been for over a year now. Her apartment was tiny but neat, and as she trotted down the hall to get ready, Jericho checked out the lock on the front door.


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