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Turning Tables (WeHo Book 3)

Page 12

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  “Another one?’ Zoey asked, tears in her eyes.

  “This isn’t right…” Jericho said, shaking her head, “Something’s not right… This isn’t a coincidence…” she said, glancing over her shoulder and accelerating into traffic again.

  Flipping the switch to activate her code three equipment, she pushed the vehicle to its limits, reaching the AG’s office in record time.

  Getting out of the car, Jericho strode around the car, opening Zoey’s door looking around as she did, her other hand near her holstered weapon. Moving to Zoey’s side, she walked her into the building swiftly, Zoey could feel Jericho’s tension. Inside she showed the CHP officers her badge.

  “I need to see Midnight now, I don’t have time for this,” she said, waving at the security system, her tone all director at the moment.

  The CHP officer hesitated, looking over at his partner.

  “Move!” Jericho bellowed, causing the CHP officer to literally jump and swiftly move from her path.

  Holding Zoey’s hand, Jericho strode through the lobby, no one else made the mistake of getting in her way. At the elevators Jericho let go of Zoey’s hand, and paced agitatedly until it arrived. Once in the elevator Jericho hit the button for Midnight’s floor. Zoey moved to touch her arm, worried. Jericho slid her hand over Zoey’s taking it and pulling her to her, hugging her close.

  The elevator stopped, and Jericho broke the hug, to walk off the elevator and headed down the hallway. Midnight’s secretary had already heard about the scene in the lobby, so she waved Jericho and Zoey through, having warned Midnight already.

  “You blew security?” Kana asked as Jericho walked past her.

  “We lost another one, K,” Jericho said by way of explanation, not pausing as she headed through Midnight’s inner door.

  “What?” Kana said, moving to walk in behind Jericho and Zoey.

  Jericho looked over at Midnight who’d stood at her entry, “We lost another one,” Jericho told Midnight, glancing back over at Kana.

  “Oh my God…” Midnight said, closing her eyes, and sitting down heavily in her chair.

  Jericho stood nodding, her fingers working at her sides. Zoey bit her lip, wanting nothing more than to comfort Jericho at this point, but knowing that there was too much to do.

  Midnight’s head snapped up, her eyes fiery now, “What do you need?” she asked.

  “This isn’t random,” Jericho said, shaking her head.

  “No,” Midnight said, “Not with two in one day, no.”

  “I want a task force,” Jericho said, “And I want Devin James, I don’t care how much we have to pay her, I’ll hock my car and my bike.”

  Midnight smiled sadly, “That won’t be necessary Jerich, you’ll have everything you need.”

  “I want Cat Roche′ too, and maybe some of your protection detail to keep my borrowed people safe.”

  Midnight nodded, looking at Kana.

  “Who do you want to use?” Midnight asked Kana.

  “Well, I’m not leaving you, so I’d say Windwalker for sure, maybe Bach.”

  Midnight nodded, “Good, call ‘em,”

  “You got it,” Kana replied, pulling out her phone and walking out into the outer office.

  Midnight looked back at Jericho, “What else?”

  Jericho looked at Midnight blinking. “Uh,” she stammered.

  Midnight grinned, “Not used to getting everything you want, Jerich?” she asked.

  “Not that easily, no.” Jericho answered honestly.

  “My people are all that matters,” Midnight said, “So we will do whatever it takes to find out what’s happening and stop it.”

  Jericho nodded, feeling her throat constrict. If she’d still been with the DEA her manager would still be picking his jaw up off the floor, and then burying her in paperwork. Midnight Chevalier was all cop and Jericho was very happy to be reporting to her.

  That night Jericho and Zoey were at the office until after 9:30PM. Calls had been made, office space was being organized. The only person Jericho hadn’t talked to was Catalina Roche’. She’d left a message with Jovina for her.

  Jericho was sitting in her backyard, smoking and drinking a Guinness when Zoey opened the back door.

  “Jericho, Cat’s here,” she said, opening the door wider and stepping aside for Cat.

  “Thanks,” Jericho said, smiling back at Zoey.

  “Jovi said you needed to talk to me,” Cat said, moving to sit down and pulling out a cigarette.

  “I need your help,” Jericho said.

  “Okay,” Cat said, nodding, “What do you need?”

  Jericho looked at her for a long moment, her face serious, “We lost two agents today,” she said.

  “Jesus…” Cat breathed, knowing how devastating that was.

  “Two female agents, in two different cities and in the span of an hour,” Jericho said, her tone measured.

  Cat stared back at her, her look indicating she knew exactly what Jericho was thinking.

  “Son of a bitch…” Cat said, her voice trailing off as she shook her head, then she looked back at Jericho, “What do you want me to do?”

  Jericho smiled, Midnight’s people were just like her, ready to jump into the shit on the word go.

  “I’m putting together a task force and I want you to lead it.” Jericho said.

  Cat nodded, “Okay,” she said, “What else do you need?”

  Jericho blew her breath out, “More help, I’m stretched thin right now.”

  Cat nodded again, “Can I bring in outside help?”

  “Who do you have in mind?” Jericho asked.

  “Maybe some of Rogue Squadron,” Cat said, “My team from the PD,” she clarified.

  “Anyone they can spare, I’ll pay them whatever they ask.” Jericho said, nodding. She’d heard from Midnight that her narcotics team was one of the best, Cat’s team being the best of the best.

  Cat pulled out her phone, hitting the speaker phone she dialed, holding the phone out in front of her. The phone rang and a man picked up.

  “Dibbs,” the man said.

  “Dave, it’s Cat,” Cat said.

  “Hey girl how are you? How’s LA?” Dave said, smiling at his end.

  “Good,” Cat said, “Look, I’m sitting here with the new Director of the Division of Law Enforcement.”

  “Midnight’s latest appointment?” Dave asked.

  “Yeah,” Cat said, grinning, “Look she needs our help.”

  “Okay, what’s she need?” Dave asked instantly.

  Jericho shook her head amazed at these people.

  “Well, she’s lost two of her agents today,” Cat said, her tone grim.

  “Oh crap…” Dave said, one of his biggest fears coming to life for someone else, he closed his eyes at his end, swallowing convulsively, “So what does she need from us?” he asked then, his tone stronger.

  Cat grinned, “Well, bodies,” Cat said, “can you free anyone up at this point?”

  Dave thought about it, running through everyone’s case load in his head, “Yeah, yeah… I can free up Jeanie, Pony’s on a big case, but Blue and Mace should be free, and I’ll come too.”

  “If you can spare the time, that would be awesome,” Cat said, smiling and nodding to Jericho. “If you guys can be up here tomorrow at…”

  “Eight,” Jericho supplied, “At the Division of Law Enforcement offices in LA… And…. Uh…” Jericho said, looking to Cat and mouthing the word ‘rank?’, Cat mouthed LT, “And lieutenant, I really appreciate the help.”

  “Anything for a fellow narc,” Dave responding, “We’ll see you tomorrow Director.”

  Cat hung up then.

  “Who else have you got?” Cat asked.

  “Well, I’m using Devin, to try and see if there was any kind of breech, we don’t know how these women were targeted.”

  Cat nodded.

  “I’m also bringing in a couple of people from the protection detail to keep an eye on people.”
r />   Cat nodded, thinking about Jovina, Jericho thought it at the same time.

  “Might want to make sure that your girl is safe,” Jericho said.

  “Yeah, I might see if she can go home to Cisco for a little bit,” Cat said, nodding. Then she looked at Jericho, “It is possible Director, that it has something to do with you?”

  Jericho nodded, “Yeah, I’ve thought about that too.”

  “Jericho,” Zoey said, as she stepped out into the back yard.

  “Hmm?” Jericho murmured, glancing over her shoulder and smiling softly.

  “You need to eat,” Zoey told her.

  “Mmm,” Jericho made a stubborn sound in the back of her throat.

  “Don’t give me that,” Zoey said, narrowing her eyes, then glanced at Cat, “Have you eaten?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Cat answered, looking over at Jericho and grinning.

  Zoey poked Jericho in the arm, “See? Now get in here…” she said, her tone inarguable.

  Cat stood up, as did Jericho.

  Zoey turned and walked back into the house.

  “Better make sure your girl is safe too,” Cat told Jericho as she made her way to the door.

  Jericho took a deep breath, blowing it out and nodding.

  Later when Jericho and Zoey lay in bed, Jericho addressed the concern.

  “I don’t want you going back to your apartment right now,” Jericho said, she was laying on her back, with Zoey at her side, her arm around Zoey’s shoulders.

  Zoey looked up at Jericho, “Tonight?” she asked.

  “I mean, during all of this,” Jericho said, gesturing to indicate around them, “I don’t know exactly what it’s about or who’s being targeted, and I need to know that you’re safe.”

  Zoey shrugged, “I don’t think you need to worry about me,” she said, her tone off-handed.

  Jericho reached up, touching her under the chin to turn her face to her, “Yes, I do.” Jericho said her tone very serious.

  “Why?” Zoey asked, confused. “I’m not an agent or anything, I’m just“

  “My girlfriend,” Jericho said, “And if this has anything to do with me, then they might target you to get to me.”

  Zoey’s eyes widened slightly, “Do you really think they could be after you?”

  Jericho was warmed by the fact that Zoey didn’t seem concerned for herself, but concerned about Jericho. She leaned down to kiss Zoey for that kindness, then looked back at her.

  “We don’t know what it’s about yet,” Jericho said, “But I know I want you with me at all times or in this house with the alarm on, when you’re not. Okay?”

  Zoey nodded, “Okay, whatever you think is best.”

  Jericho grinned thinking that this would have been a lot more difficult with Kelly. For whatever reason, Kelly had never seemed too concerned about what Jericho did for a living. Even when Jericho had been hurt, or even the time a booby trap had gone off in a drug lab, landing Jericho in the hospital for a week, it hadn’t affected Kelly’s life. Kelly had come to see her a few times, but had kept on doing whatever she’d had planned. It had been kind of a rough patch for them, in the end; Jericho had let it go to keep the peace.

  Cat climbed into bed next to Jovina that night, pulling her close and holding her. Jovina turned over, looking up at her.

  “What did Jericho want?” she asked.

  “She asked me to head a task force for her,” Cat said, her look grave, “She lost two narcotics agents today.”

  “Lost?” Jovina queried her look hesitant.

  “They were killed,” Cat said, knowing it wasn’t going to help Jovina’s state of mind about her job.

  “That’s terrible,” Jovina said, “But I don’t understand, what is the task force for?”

  “Well,” Cat said, “They were in two separate cities, were apparently murdered, and they were both female.”

  Jovina’s eyes widened at each point in Cat’s statement, “So you think it was on purpose.”

  Cat nodded, “We think they were targeted for some reason or another, and Jericho doesn’t want to lose any more agents before she acts.”

  Jovina nodded, her worry very clear in her eyes.

  “Babe,” Cat said, her look direct, “I need to help, you understand that, don’t you?”

  Jovina drew in a deep breath, nodding slowly, “I’m just afraid for you Catalina…” She said, her voice trailing off.

  Cat smiled, “Well, just know that we’re taking every precaution to keep us all safe, which brings me to the favor I need to ask you.”

  Jovina’s look became wary suddenly, “What?”

  “I want you to think about taking a trip back home for a bit,” Cat said, “Just till this blows over.”

  “What? Why?” Jovina said, her tone tinged with suspicion.

  “Babe,” Cat said, shaking her head, “I’m not trying to get rid of you, but I don’t know how close to home this is likely to get, and I don’t want it to reach you.”

  “What makes you think it would?” Jovina asked, still feeling that Cat was trying to push her away again.

  They’d never really talked about the night at the bar, they’d just gone on like it hadn’t happened. Now Jovina was worried that Cat was using this incident to push her away, and she had no intention of letting her do it.

  “Well,” Cat said, her tone changing slightly, “They attacked Elizabeth to get to Midnight, which indirectly affected me, since I was the one they knocked in the head to get her and I’m the one that had to help find her and rescue her.”

  Jovina blinked a couple of times, ever shocked by the things that Cat had been through in the years since she’d known her. She’d begun to wonder if she’d ever know everything this woman had been through.

  She shook her head then, “I don’t want to leave,” she said, her tone sure, “I need to be here for you.”

  Cat grimaced, knowing that Jovina was afraid she was pushing her away. She’d been trying, and she knew that it was her own fault now that Jovina wouldn’t trust her that it wasn’t what she was doing. In truth, it might be good for Jovina to see how she was when she was working, it would tell them if Jovina could handle it. But there really was a danger that something could happen.

  “Okay, look,” Cat said, “I won’t ask you to leave, but I am going to ask you to be with me a lot.”

  “Be with you?” Jovina asked, confused by the statement.

  “I mean, with me, physically with me,” Cat said, “Coming to the office, hanging out there while I work, that kind of thing.”

  “Like a take your girlfriend to work day?” Jovina asked, grinning.

  Cat chuckled, “Yeah, but like every day, Jovi.” She said, shaking her head, “You’re gonna be bored silly, but I figure you can bring your laptop to do your writing…”

  “I can do that,” Jovina said, actually kind of excited to get a chance to see Catalina at work. “And that’ll be okay with Jericho?”

  Cat shrugged, “It’ll have to be,” she said simply, “I’m sure she’d gonna do the same thing with Zoey.”

  “Wait, what? Why?” Jovina asked, looking surprised.

  Cat grinned, her blue eyes sparkling mischievously.

  “Really?” Jovina said, her mouth open in surprised.

  “Yep,” Cat said, nodding.

  “That’s fantastic!” Jovina said.

  “Yeah, I think so too,” Cat said, smiling. “Oh, I almost forgot,” she said then, “You’re also gonna get to meet some of my team.”

  “From San Diego?” Jovina asked.

  “Yep, they’re coming to back me up.”

  “But they’re from a different department,” Jovina said, looking confused again.

  “Blue helps blue,” Cat said simply and at Jovina’s blank look she explained, “Law enforcement is referred to as ‘blue’, you know the ‘boys in blue’ and all that. So, the term ‘blue helps blue’ means that we all work together when the need arises.”

  “Oh,” Jovina said, rea
lizing that she had so much to learn about Cat’s work.

  The next morning Cat and Jovina had just gotten in the car to drive down to the office when Cat’s phone rang. She picked it up on the Bluetooth hooked up to the car.

  “Roche’,” she said, glancing at Jovina, who gave her an odd look.

  Jovina was surprised by the way Cat had answered, using her last name. She realized quickly that it was probably how Cat answered work calls. It was just another facet of Catalina that she didn’t know, there seemed to be a lot of them these days.

  “Heya beautiful,” came a male English accented voice.

  “Hiya handsome!” Cat said, smiling brightly, “How’s it going?”

  “It’s goin’,” came the reply, “thought I should warn you about something.”

  “Oh crap, what?” Cat asked.

  The man cleared his throat, like he was preparing to tell her something he really didn’t want to tell her.

  “Well, it seems that Dave’s wife decided to come up with him to see you and to see Midnight and K, but…”

  “But what?” Cat asked, her voice serious as she sensed what was coming.

  “It seems her sister decided to join them…”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Cat exclaimed, her eyes flashing angrily.

  There was a low chuckle on the other end of the phone, “Sorry, babe, just thought you should be warned.”

  Cat glanced over at Jovina, “Great, and I’ve got Jovi with me,” she said, her tone matter of fact.

  “Ohh… We get to meet the new girl, huh?” the man said.

  “Do not start with me Blue, I swear to God I’ll shoot ya,” Cat said, shaking her head even as she smiled.

  “Uh-huh,” came the reply, “We’ll see you in about half an hour.”

  “Okay, thanks!” Cat said, her tone mockingly bright.

  She hung up then, glancing over at Jovina to see if she’d understood exactly who had shown up as part of the party.

  “Is that Elizabeth that came with her sister?” Jovina asked.

  “Yep,” Cat said, her look not happy shaking her head, “Why didn’t I just fucking call her back? Jesus!”

  “How many times did she call?” Jovina asked, not aware that Elizabeth had been calling Cat at all.


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