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Suspending Reality

Page 44

by Chrissy Peebles

  Chapter 15

  The iron gate, faded and rusted in patches from years of rain and snow, creaked as Sarah opened it and walked through. The moon hung high above the horizon, casting a silver hue over the trees on either side of the road. At that time of day, the village seemed deserted, devoid of life, reminding Sarah of a ghost town minus the eerie wind and hundreds of eyes peering from behind closed curtains. Her feet thudded across the bare ground as she led the way to the first tiny house with whitewashed walls and flowerpots on the windowsills. Stopping, she spun in a slow circle. How are we going to find anything out if the entire town is asleep? “Are you sure this is Ripteenia?”

  Frank nodded. “Yep, the one and only. Maybe we should split up—you know, start asking some questions.”

  “Sure.” Sarah shot him an amused look. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to accommodate us, particularly if we show up knocking so early in the morning, in a world where robbing and burning down villages is as common as baking bread.”

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  She shrugged. “Let’s look around and see what we can find out on our own before we wake up the entire town. Some people can be real nasty if they don’t get their beauty sleep.”

  “Sounds reasonable.” Beth pulled Frank’s hand. “C’mon.”

  Frank’s gaze lingered on Sarah and she motioned with a laugh. “Go on. You guys go that way, and me and the guys will go the other.”

  “I can protect her just as well as you can,” Adam said to Frank’s arched eyebrow.

  Men—always trying to out-macho each other, Sarah thought with a sigh. “Actually, guys, I think I’m well capable of protecting myself. Technically, you can’t even take a bullet for me.”

  Frank glanced over his shoulder and winked. “Hmm. I wonder if I could get the jump on inventing bulletproof vests—or bullets, for that matter. Any idea where Ye Olde Patent Office is around here?”

  Beth sighed and took charge, leading Frank away. “C’mon, Frank.”

  Adam smiled. “I told her to do it. Come to think of it, I actually begged.”

  “What for?”

  Adam shrugged. “Just needed a break from your lover boy, I guess.”

  She could only hope Beth wasn’t embarrassing her. Frank was not necessarily her idea of Prince Charming, but he wasn’t such a bad choice. He was surely better than an Immortal sociopath who was trying to marry her one minute and telepathically kidnap her in the next. She slapped Adam’s arm, returning her focus back to the conversation at hand. “You’re so bad. And for the record, he’s not my lover boy. I have no idea why everyone in this place seems to think that.”

  “Hmm. I wonder what gave them that impression.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Let’s go.”

  Frank and Beth had disappeared to her right, where the wide street seemed deserted now. The houses to the left looked barely bigger than cottages that wouldn’t withstand a strong autumn wind. She sighed and took that direction, the others following right behind.

  Steven resumed the conversation first. “Where are we going?”

  Sarah pointed to what looked like a large open space, peering through the houses. “The middle of the town. It’s too early in the morning to do much other than wait.”

  “I thought people got up with the sun to milk cows,” Steven said.

  “This world’s amazing—dangerous, but amazing nonetheless.” Adam quickened his pace, passing her.

  She grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Wait up! It isn’t safe to just venture off on your own.”

  He seemed to barely hear her. “We gotta take proof back with us. Somebody can always say the film is fake, but if we have something concrete, some tangible proof, I could be the first scientist to prove other dimensions exist. We could prove this is where Bigfoot comes from.”

  Steven patted his bag. “But I’ve got the footage, man! I even got the Immortal dude on tape.”

  “That’s admirable, man, but you know someone will say it’s like all that fake footage on YouTube.” Adam motioned around him. “Boy, I never thought a Bigfoot expedition would turn into all of this, that’s for sure. We just need proof—tangible proof.”

  “Interesting conversation, guys, but in order to be actually able to tell the world about it, you’ll have to get out of here first,” Sarah said. From the corner of her eye, she noticed something flickering in one of the windows. Who would be awake at this ungodly hour? Regardless of who it was, she was glad someone was up, because she was tired and hungry, and the cold night wind had sent shivers through her. In all the excitement, the others didn’t seem to care about such trivial things as keeping warm and eating, but she knew they’d thank her for it later. She took a tentative step toward the house.

  Suddenly, the door opened, and a woman clad in an off-white dress peered out. A wimple like that of a nun hid her features, and a fur shawl was draped across her shoulders, going halfway down her legs. “Elizabeth?” The woman’s voice came low and hoarse, as if she was still half-asleep. “Is that you, dear?”

  Sarah stopped, frozen to the spot.

  The woman inched closer and gripped Sarah’s arm. “It can’t be! Elizabeth?”

  With her heart pounding hard, Sarah shook her head. “No. Elizabeth is my sister.”

  “Your sister?”

  “Yes. Do you know her?”

  The woman’s eyes glinted as she turned Sarah to inspect her from all sides. “She came from so far away. How’s it even possible that you’re here?”

  “I found a way into this world just like she did—sort of by accident.” She took a step back, hiding her hand from view so the woman wouldn’t notice the incriminating ring. Everyone seemed to fear her or hate her for it, and there was no need to push her luck. “I heard that Elizabeth met a man named Charles, a man from this town.”

  “Charles?” The woman looked away into the early dawn.

  “Yes, that’s what we heard,” said Adam.

  “Charles wasn’t born here. He spent a year helping us rebuild after the flood. He met Elizabeth a few towns over.” She looked around and lowered her voice to a whisper, as if she was about to share some juicy gossip. “But they had to keep their relationship a secret, you know.”

  Steven inched closer, his camera and aspirations of fame forgotten. “Why? Was he a rich noble or something?”

  “An Immortal, and as I’m sure you know, it’s forbidden for an Immortal to court a mere human.”

  Sarah gasped. “What? Did you say he’s an Immortal?”

  “Yes. Elizabeth grew quite fond of King William’s son.”

  Sarah’s jaw dropped. Liz fell for the son of evil King William, the guy who’s trying to have me killed? And furthermore, how can Charles be such a saint, helping these peasants after a disaster nearly destroyed their city, if his father is such a monster? Her sister was so close, she could feel it. Her eyes widened, her heart pounding even harder. “My sister’s in the castle then?”

  The woman looked away, tears welling up in her eyes. “Dear, your sister married him and slipped on the Ring of Immortality. The other Immortals found out and…” She looked down for a moment before she could finish. “Oh, I hate to have to tell you this, but—”

  “What?” Sarah demanded.

  “They executed her…and Charles too. The funeral was last year.”

  Wait…Liz is gone? Murdered? For the same mistake I made? Horror washed over her as she fell to her knees. All her pent-up emotions came flowing out like a tidal wave.

  The woman dropped to her knees and patted her back. “I’m so, so sorry. It was a shock for all of us. I can take you to her gravestone in the cemetery if you would like. Perhaps it will give you some comfort and allow you to put it behind you, as we have all had to do. Oh, how awful it was.”

  Sarah spoke between sobs. “Please. I need to see it for myself.”

  “We put the headstone up to remember her. She was actually buried with Charles at the castle.” The woman looped her ar
m around Sarah’s, and they walked in silence to the other side of town with Adam and Steven in tow, shock written all over their faces. After they passed rows and rows of crude headstones, she pointed at a marble one.

  “I need a few minutes alone, if you don’t mind,” said Sarah, her voice quivering.

  “I understand, dear,” said the woman, and she turned and left.

  Adam touched Sarah’s shoulder. “We’ll be waiting outside the gate. Take your time.”

  Sarah knelt, and her trembling fingers slowly traced the letters: E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H L-A-R-K-E-R. “Oh, Liz. I’ve spent the last ten years looking for answers, looking for you…and I guess now I have them.” Tears rolled down her face as she spoke softly, “I know life here is tough, but you adjusted because you were always strong, just like Mom. You even…you even met someone to fall in love with. I am so glad to know you were happy in this place, if only for a little while. Charles must be a wonderful man who truly loved you.” She wiped her eyes and then continued. “It looks like I’ve gotten into the same terrible situation, only I don’t know the one who slipped the ring on my finger. He’s my husband, yet he’s a stranger. I’ve known him less than a few days.

  Oh, Liz, the Immortals are hot on my trail now, and if they didn’t spare you, surely I stand no chance against them. Déjà vu, I guess. Isn’t it funny how fate works?” She wiped a tear rolling down her cheek as she peered around at rows after rows of dry earth and bare crosses. Every few spaces, a gravestone jutted out of the ground, providing a change in the dismal display of poverty. “You weren’t just my sister, Liz.” She stopped and pulled her nose, her voice failing her. “You were my best friend. I’ll never forget the beautiful memories we shared. They might have taken your life, but you’re alive in my heart, and that’s one thing they can never take away, no matter what they do to me.”

  Numb and exhausted, she closed her eyes and tried to think of better times, of their happy childhoods, hide-and-seek, skipping rope, and Christmas mornings. “Do I have any regrets? Yes! For one thing—maybe the biggest regret of all—I’m sorry I left you in those woods years ago. I deserted you, and I have never forgiven myself, but I hope you were able to forgive me. Know that I’ll always love you, Liz, and I never stopped looking for you. I hope you are…resting in peace, dear sister.” Emotion choked her as she straightened her back and, with one last glance back, walked back through the iron gate. She had been looking for answers about what had happened to her older sister, but now she wished she’d never found out. It had been easier holding on to hope than it was to know the truth. She would never have stopped searching, but now she had lost all purpose in life. How can I go back to my life? How can I ever be happy again knowing my sister was killed…because I left her behind?

  The others had been waiting patiently in front of a big boulder. “I’m here for you,” Beth said, embracing her as she reached them.

  Frank wrapped his arms around her in a hug. “I’m so sorry.”

  She buried her head in his chest and let her tears flow freely into the fabric of his shirt. “She died a year ago—killed by the Immortals when she married King William’s son Charles. Liz and Charles were killed. Those same Immortals are after me!”

  “I know. Adam told us.” He held her tightly. “Everything is going to be okay, Sarah.”

  Okay? How can he even say that? Nothing is okay. My sister is dead, and I will never be okay again! The pain cut out a huge part of her heart.

  They all gave her words of hope and encouragement, but nothing they said could take away the pain in her heart, the only part of her that was still human. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. Even though she knew she would not find the person she had really come for, she couldn’t leave without meeting Gloria. “Maybe we could track Princess Gloria down and talk to her.”

  Adam shook his head. “Go into King William’s castle? There are probably wanted posters of your face plastered on every brick! Every single person in there is probably after your head…literally.”

  “No way,” Beth said. “We have to think about your life.”

  Frank gripped her hand tightly. “Remember, babe, those are the people who shoot first and don’t bother asking questions now or later. I know you want your questions answered, but getting yourself—and possibly all of us—killed isn’t the way to go.”

  “I know! Of all of you, I know! They shot me in the freaking heart. If I could get to Gloria, though, I think she could help us,” Sarah pleaded.

  “She might be able to,” Beth said. “She’s Charles’s sister.”

  Steven leaned against a rock and met Sarah’s gaze. “Yeah, man, that sounds great and all, but you won’t get one breath out to explain yourself before they string you up to be roasted like a marshmallow.”

  “Why do you even need to find Gloria?” Adam asked. “I’m not trying to be insensitive here, but it seems pointless when you have the answers you need. Let’s just get the heck out of here.”

  Sarah rolled her eyes. Adam wasn’t sporting an irremovable ring and running around with everyone out to kill him, or he might have been singing a different tune. “I’ll tell you why. Sure, I wouldn’t mind finding out more about my sister’s life, but that’s not the reason. I have a feeling those Immortals from the court will follow me right back home to my doorstep, and so will King Victor. For all I know, King William might even have a way to crash the party. I need to find out how to get this ring off and what I can do to get the Immortals off my back. Until I know that, I will never have control of my life again.”

  “They’re at war with King Victor,” Frank said. “They hate him. They might help us based on that fact alone.”

  “Gloria lost her brother,” Beth said. “She won’t want to lose you, too, especially over the exact same thing.”

  “I agree,” Sarah said. “I’m sure Princess Gloria loved Liz, and I think she will understand why I pretended to be her. It’s her father who is crazy, not her.”

  “Then we’ll avoid him like the plague,” said Frank. “Sarah’s right. She’ll never get her life back until we figure out how to get this ring off.”

  Adam kicked at stones in the dirt, his brows furrowed. “This sucks.”

  “This is something I have to do,” Sarah said. “If you don’t want to go with me, that’s okay, but I hope you understand.”

  “Nobody’s backing out on you now, Sarah. We’re a team, remember? Now c’mon. Let’s head toward the castle,” Frank said.

  Sarah nodded. Heading into dangerous enemy territory was risky, but it was something she had to do to get answers to the lingering questions in her head—and even more importantly, how to get that ancient wedding ring off her finger. “Let’s go.”

  To be continued….

  Eternal Destiny (Book 2) is available now!

  Eternal Destiny Link:

  UK Link:

  Fantasy Romance Series

  The Ruby Ring Saga is an adult paranormal fantasy romance series. It’s available in e-book, paperback, and audio.


  Book 1

  The Crush Saga

  by Chrissy Peebles

  Copyright © 2013 by Chrissy Peebles

  Editor: Autumn J. Conley

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
br />   A huge thanks to Autumn Conley, my editor.

  Visit the Author’s Blog at:

  Connect with the Author on Facebook at:!/pages/Chrissy-Peebles/351121651567296

  The Crush Saga Book Trailer:

  Chapter 1

  Big Bear Lake, California is located in a lush green valley, surrounded by mountains and the towering pines, sparkling streams, wildlife, and hidden lakes of the San Bernardino National Forest. We’d just moved into a cute, two-story brick house along the south shore of Big Bear Lake, a beautiful, quaint little home left to us by my grandmother when she’d passed away. She’d spent her whole life in the house and had loved it, so my parents thought it would be fantastic to dump our city life and move out to the smog-free middle of nowhere, where we could get lost in the peace and quiet tranquility. It wasn’t the easiest place to get to, and only three roads led in and out of the valley.

  My parents loved the solitude because they were writers. My father wrote mystery thrillers, and Mom penned romance novels. They hated the hustle, bustle, and noise of the city and were sure they’d be better able to concentrate out in the peaceful wilderness. “It’ll be a fresh start for all of us,” my mother assured me just after my bad breakup with my boyfriend, “a very healthy experience all around.”

  I wasn’t sure, though, if I could so easily adjust to the simple life after living in New York City, but once we got there, I loved the place. It was a far cry different, going from honking taxicabs and towering buildings to honking geese and towering trees, but I knew my mother was right; it would be the perfect spot to forget about my depressing love life.


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