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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

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by Saxon Andrew

  Gregor’s Search

  The Filament Makers

  Saxon Andrew

  Copyright © 2017 Saxon Andrew

  All rights reserved.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organisations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  Chapter One • Chapter Two • Chapter Three • Chapter Four • Chapter Five • Chapter Six • Chapter Seven • Chapter Eight • Chapter Nine • Chapter Ten • Chapter Eleven • Chapter Twelve • Chapter Thirteen • Chapter Fourteen • Chapter Fifteen • Chapter Sixteen • Chapter Seventeen • Chapter Eighteen • Chapter Nineteen • Chapter Twenty • Chapter Twenty-One • Chapter Twenty-Two • Chapter Twenty-Three • Chapter Twenty-Four • Chapter Twenty-Five • Chapter Twenty-Six • Chapter Twenty-Seven • Chapter Twenty-Eight • Chapter Twenty-Nine • Chapter Thirty • Chapter Thirty-One • Chapter Thirty-Two • Chapter Thirty-Three • Chapter Thirty-Four


  Books by Saxon Andrew

  About Saxon Andrew


  Angel looked up at the brilliant blue sky over the clearing and smiled. It was a shame most of Bellingham never saw the sun during their daily lives, because of the tall trees surrounding their communities. But here in the cleared area around the Council’s City, it was glorious. She raised her arms and stretched, feeling her joints protest at the effort. She was too young to start feeling the aches and pains this soon. Well, they might be due to the work she put in cleaning the house from top-to-bottom the previous day. Sam was due back from Romania today and she wanted things to be perfect for his arrival.

  She touched her toes, bent backwards, and leaned side-to-side, before taking a deep breath. She held it for a moment, and then released it slowly. She smiled and felt the thoughts that had brought her out to the archery range. She looked around and finally saw her about a hundred-yards away. She began walking and quickly arrived at the archer. “Good-morning, Kaylee.”

  “What’s so good about it?!” Kaylee pulled an arrow out of her quiver, fired it, and turned to Angel before it hit the target’s bull’s eye two-hundred-yards away. Kaylee sighed and shook her head slightly, before saying, “I’m sorry, Angel. I’m a little stressed out today.”

  “I could feel it.”

  Kaylee lowered her eyes, “Is it that noticeable?” Angel shrugged. Kaylee fired another arrow and turned back to Angel, “I am going to hit Gregor with a wooden-pike if he keeps this up.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  Kaylee reached for another arrow and Angel put her hand on Kaylee’s arm. Kaylee stopped, looked at her, and then sat down on the sand. “He’s driving me crazy, Angel.”

  Angel sat down beside her and smiled softly, “Tell me what’s going on, Kaylee.”

  “It’s that damn Gem’s fault. He told Gregor about the possible existence of Filament Makers and that’s all Gregor’s been focused on since. He doesn’t pay attention and I have to shout at him to break through his concentration. He just sits and stumbles around the house not focusing on anything. He’s just not here for me or Deuce.”

  “Kaylee, I was there when Gem told us. That was close to a year-ago.”

  Kaylee raised her left shoulder slightly, “It wasn’t so bad at first, Angel. We were both distracted by having our first-baby; things seemed normal for a while. But now…”

  “He’s not here.”

  Kaylee’s eyes narrowed, “NO, HE’S NOT!!”

  Angel replied, “Things have gotten worse.” Kaylee’s eyes narrowed, as she nodded. “And they’re going to go downhill if this continues.”

  “You’re reading my mind, aren’t you?” Angel nodded. “I can’t live with him like this, Angel. I just can’t!”

  “Gregor is also suffering.”

  “Get out of here!”

  “I can hear him.”

  “What’s going on, Angel. I love him but he’s not available to me or his son.” Angel’s mouth tightened, and she sighed. “Please tell me! I can’t take much more of his indifference.”

  “He’s not being indifferent, Kaylee. He’s being tormented.”

  “By what, for God’s sake?!”

  “Try to imagine this. You have an image in your mind of your family being killed and you constantly try to get it out. But wherever you turn, that image reappears. It’s with you all the time and there’s no escaping it.”

  “But why? We’re not in any danger?”

  “Are you sure about that?” Angel asked.

  “What are you saying?”

  “You heard, Gem’s analysis. There is an ancient civilization out there somewhere in the universe that built the filaments. We’re now using filament communicators that can be heard across the universe and if that civilization is still around, they must be hearing us.”

  “But we don’t know if they’re even still alive!” Kylee answered.

  Angel tilted her head slightly and looked up at the brilliant blue sky, “That’s Gregor’s issue; he doesn’t know.” Angel turned back to Kaylee, “Gregor is a warrior and, if you think back to how he was trained by the evil forces on Earth, how do you think he would respond to this possible threat to you and his son?”

  Kaylee glanced at the target two-hundred-yards away and saw both arrows in the center of the bull’s eye. “He’d be compelled to find out.”

  “And that compulsion would be impossible to ignore,” Angel added.

  Kaylee lowered her eyes, “Gregor never should have asked Gem to tell him.” Angel stared at her and Kaylee sighed, “He couldn’t stop himself.”

  “No, he couldn’t. He’s seen the dangers the universe can send at us with no warning. He’s a warrior first and foremost, Kaylee.”

  “Why aren’t the others bothered by this?”

  “They did not suffer the horrors Gregor went through as a child and adult. He is much more the warrior than all the others.”

  Kaylee’s eyes moistened, as she looked into Angel’s eyes, “I don’t want to lose him.”

  “You’ve already said you were close to leaving him; you’ve already lost him.”

  Kaylee shook her head, “No, I haven’t lost him, he’s losing me.”

  “You’re preventing him from fighting, Kaylee. I’m surprised you haven’t felt the same thing he’s going through.”

  “You say that because I was trained much longer than he was on Earth.” Angel nodded. “I didn’t suffer seeing my mother and adopted father killed in front of me like he did. Those events have made him what he is today. I’m more focused on raising Deuce than going out to fight again.”

  “You must let him go, Kaylee. It’s the only way for you to keep him.”

  “He could be gone for years if he goes out to find that civilization. I couldn’t bear to be separated from him that long, Angel!”

  “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, Kaylee. At least you’ll have him with you while he gets ready to go.”

  “Are you sure
about that, Angel?”

  “He’s lost because he’s forced to do nothing about his fears. Allow him to get on task and he’ll be able to break through this fear. Besides, it will take a long time to prepare to go out and confront the Filament Makers. He might lose interest.”

  Kaylee chuckled softly, “You’re not being honest. He’ll never lose interest and you know it.”

  “But he won’t go unless he knows for certain that he’s not going to lead them back to us. He might not find the technology needed to make the effort.”

  “I just want him to hold me again.”

  “Do what you think is right, Kaylee. I’m so sorry for what both of you are going through.”

  “You’ve helped me see that he’s suffering, maybe more than I am. Thank you.”

  Angel stood up and smiled, “If there’s anything I can do, let me know.”

  Kaylee nodded, and Angel walked away. Kaylee looked up at the sky and smiled slightly. She hadn’t noticed it was a beautiful day on Bellingham.

  • • •

  That night, Kaylee finished cleaning up after supper and put Deuce to bed. She saw Gregor sitting on the sofa staring out into space and she went over and sat down beside him. She took his hand in hers and stared at his vacant expression. “Gregor.” He continued to stare into space. “GREGOR!!” His eyes opened wide and she said, “You’ve got to go.”

  “Go where?”

  “To find the demons that are haunting you.” Gregor’s head went back, and Kaylee took his other hand in hers, “I know what you’re going through not knowing what might happen and it’s driving both of us crazy. You must go out and see if we are threatened by those Filament Makers.”


  “I know…you don’t want to leave Deuce and me to do it.” Gregor lowered his eyes and nodded. “But you’re not here with us as long as you feel we are threatened. You must remove that fear and the only way to do it is to go and find out.”

  Gregor lowered his eyes, “I’m so sorry, Kaylee. I just can’t get it out of my mind.”

  Kaylee lifted his chin to look in his eyes and smiled softly, “I chose to marry a warrior. It’s that part of you that is causing this, and I can’t blame you for being who you are. I just want you to promise you won’t take any foolish risks in doing this.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “I am, Gregor. You’re lost to Deuce and me and I want you back. This is the only way to make it happen.”

  Gregor stared into Kaylee’s eyes and then took her in his arms. Angel was right; he was back.

  Chapter One

  The next morning, Kaylee awoke and saw Gregor staring at her, “What?”

  “I was wondering if you and Deuce would like to take a trip to Romania with me. It would give you an opportunity to see Ana and Heather.”

  Kaylee smiled, “I’d love to go, and Ana has given me a hard time about not bringing Deuce to see them. What are you going there to do?”

  “I want to have a discussion with Gamgel about updating my ship’s computer.”

  “I thought they told you that it was too old to be upgraded.”

  “They did.”


  “They will find a way to do it!”

  Kaylee started to tell Gregor how he was being foolish but stopped herself. Gregor would not accept it and perhaps this would extend the time he was with her. “Well, let me get a bag packed for Deuce and we should be ready to go by this afternoon.”

  Gregor smiled and kissed her tenderly, “I love you, Kaylee.” He rolled over and got out of bed to get dressed. Kaylee touched her lips and smiled. Enjoy it while it happens.

  Gregor activated his link and thought, “Hey! Computer!”

  “Well if it isn’t the missing bum.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “When was the last time you contacted me?”

  Gregor thought a moment and said, “I give up. When was the last time?”

  “More than six-months ago. You’re a bum!”

  “Are you up to taking a trip to Romania?”

  “What are you going there for?”

  “To see if I can upgrade your systems.”

  “I thought that couldn’t be done.”

  “I don’t think I asked them in a manner they’d understand.”

  “Gregor, this sounds like you’re not going to take no for an answer.”

  “Let me worry about that. I need you to come down to the clearing just after noon. I’ll see you then.”

  “What are you up to, Gregor?”

  “Hey, I’m just going to visit a few friends and ask a few questions, that’s all.”

  “Tell that to someone that doesn’t know you. You’re up to something.”

  “I’ll tell you about it when we’re on board.”

  “I’ll be there to pick you up.”

  “Good. I’ve missed you, computer.”

  “Now I know you’re up to something for sure and it doesn’t sound like it’s something safe.”

  Gregor laughed, “You know me too well. See you this afternoon.”

  Kaylee smiled. This was the first time she heard Gregor laugh in months.

  • • •

  The computer pestered Gregor all the way to Romania about what was going on, but Gregor told it that he decided to wait to discuss it. “What? You don’t trust me?”

  “It’s not that. It won’t be an issue if it can’t be done.”

  Kaylee’s eyes narrowed. Was Gregor saying he wouldn’t be going without his computer? Maybe…just maybe…Angel was right, and he’d call it off, if he couldn’t get the tools he needed to make the voyage. She was startled when she heard the computer ask her, “What’s going on, Kaylee?”

  “Do you honestly expect me to go against my husband and tell you.”

  “You never had an issue with that in the past.”

  Kaylee laughed out-loud, “He’s had time to train me better.”

  “Get out of here! You would never give up your independence for someone to tell you how to behave!”

  “Computer, Gregor is the man of my house. I will follow his lead.”

  “Oh Crap!”

  “Why do you say that, Computer?” Gregor asked.

  “Whatever you’re up to, it’s a doozy!”

  Kaylee smiled, as Gregor glanced at her, and turned back to his console. The computer was right about Kaylee; she would never allow another to tell her what to do.

  • • •

  They arrived above Romania and Gregor was amazed at what he saw. The planet was the most advanced planet in the known universe and had always been covered with giant cities and mammoth air-traffic covering the planet’s surface. The number of commercial freighters waiting to land were in the thousands and it took a special order from the Cartian Traffic Controller to allow them to land without a lengthy wait.

  “Message coming in.”

  “Put it on the wall monitor, Computer,” Gregor ordered.

  Ana appeared on the monitor and Kaylee squealed with her, “ANA!”


  “I did.”

  Ana squealed again and said, “I have a landing place just outside the mansion. Hurry down!”

  “On our way!”

  Gregor smiled and asked, “Is Gem around?”

  “No, he’s gone to visit the Insectoid King. He should be back in a few days.”

  Gregor nodded, “Drat! It would have been good to see him.”

  “See you in a few minutes!”

  The monitor went dark and the computer said, “You were hoping he wouldn’t be here.”

  Gregor’s expression changed, as he said, “And just how do you know that?”

  “Am I wrong?”

  Gregor was silent, and Kaylee asked, “Is he?”

  Gregor turned to her, “Is he what?”

  “Wrong about your hoping Gem wouldn’t be here?”

  Gregor looked u
p, “In the future, you will keep your opinions to yourself.”

  “It’s not an opinion; it’s a fact.”

  “Keep them to yourself!” Gregor turned to Kaylee, “How do you think my plan will be received by Gem and the others?”

  “There might be some issues,” Kaylee responded.

  “I’d rather wait before I have to deal with those issues.”

  Kaylee shrugged, and the computer said, “Holy Guacamole…oops…keep them to myself, right?”


  “Are you sure about this, Gregor?”

  “About what?”

  “Going after the Filament Makers.” Kaylee and Gregor were both stunned by the announcement. “Hey, it’s the only thing that could make you want to update my systems and cause issues with the others.”

  “Keep this to yourself, Computer.”

  “You know I won’t allow you to put yourself in too much danger, don’t you?”

  Gregor glanced at Kaylee and said, “That is my intention, to stay out of trouble.”

  “It’s always your intention but you sometimes fail in the effort.”

  Kaylee looked up, “Computer, you will keep my husband safe!!”

  “I’ll do what I can, but he can be highly persuasive.”

  “Even so, you will do it!”

  “I thought he had trained you not to go against him.”

  Kaylee’s eyes narrowed, “Don’t get sassy with me! You will do it!!”

  “Just checking to see how well your training has taken.”

  Gregor laughed and shook his head, “Are you up to it, computer?”

  “Anything is better than sitting in orbit and watching you slowly die.”

  Gregor’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean by that?”

  “We’re still connected through your link. I’ve seen you suffering but couldn’t do anything about it. Your spirit has been slowly degenerating over the last year.”

  Kaylee’s eyes moistened and she knew that she would not allow Gregor to go without his computer. She also realized something else…he had to go.

  • • •

  They arrived at the mansion and Heather and Ana rushed out and were waiting as the port opened. They rushed forward, and Ana took Deuce out of Gregor’s arms, as Heather insisted on holding him. Deuce looked at the squealing women and looked at Kaylee wondering what was going on. But their laughter was infectious, and he started giggling with them. Gregor stared at him and felt a depth of love that filled him.


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