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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

Page 16

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’ve never seen creatures like them.”

  The leader listened and, finally, said, “They are intruders, just like the ones in the hard buildings.”

  The warriors grew silent and one asked, “What are you going to do?”

  Kor looked at them and said, “Answer his challenge. If I happen to lose, you will leave and go tell the Arongin what has happened. Do not attack them further, do you understand?!”

  A warrior on the end of the line reached for a spear and every warrior in in the line saw an arrow appear in the smaller creature’s bow aimed at the warrior reaching for a spear. It happened too fast to see and the warrior moved his hand away from the spear. Elena put the arrow slowly back in her quiver and stared at the line. The leader looked at the warrior, who reached for a spear and said slowly, “If any of you disobey my instructions, I will take your heads.”

  The leader knew that many of his warriors were the sons of high-ranking chiefs and if he allowed them to die, his family would be shamed. He dismounted from his steed and slowly removed a huge shield from his saddle. He pulled a double-headed ax off the saddle and walked to the front of the line. He handed the reins of his steed to his second-in-command and ordered, “If I fail, get them to safety.”

  “I will, Kor.” The nine-foot tall leader turned and walked slowly toward Gregor. Gregor took off his helmet and held it out to Elena.


  “I can see better without it. Take it.” Elena glared at him, but took the helmet and placed it on the ground beside her. If it looked like Gregor was going to lose, that giant was going to die.

  As soon as Gregor removed his helmet, the warriors knew Kor was right; this being was an intruder. They almost broke ranks but the Second ordered, “You will follow your instructions!” They settled down and watched the small creature approaching Kor.

  • • •

  Gregor walked toward the giant warrior and saw him sizing him up. Gregor did the same and was thankful for the DNA modifications the Movement scientists made him endure as a child. He was faster and stronger than any human alive and probably most of those dead. He wasn’t the only one modified by the Movement, but most of the others died when their temple was destroyed. This huge being was a pretty cool customer. The being stopped ten-feet in front of Gregor and Gregor came to a stop as well. The leader still had his sword hanging at his side and the ax head was resting on the ground. He glared at Gregor, and slightly lowered his huge head. Gregor lowered his head slightly and the giant was on him in an instant. The huge double-headed ax flew at his head and Gregor barely managed to duck under it.

  Gregor almost died; the warrior stopped the swing and brought it back toward Gregor’s legs in an instant. Gregor leaped over the ax as the giant swung his shield toward Gregor, while he was off the ground. Gregor spun in the air and swung the flat of his sword into the shield. The sound of the impact echoed around the valley and the giant’s shield was stopped instantly. The warrior backed away and looked at his shield that had a massive dent in the center.

  He began circling Gregor and Gregor vowed to never underestimate another opponent, if he lived to face one. He should have kept the helmet; he let his ego get the better of his judgment. He saw the dent in the shield had injured the warrior’s arm. He circled toward the shield and waited for the next attack; he had to end this quickly. He concentrated and saw that the warrior’s arm was really hurting; he would use the ax.

  He saw the warrior make a feint with the shield and he stepped back as the ax flew just past his chest. He raised the sword, cutting the handle of the ax and the head flew away. The warrior was leaning down with the swing and Gregor hit him under the chin with an armored glove. The giant flew off the ground and landed ten-feet away, unconscious.

  The warriors in the line watched the fight and were stunned by how quickly Kor was beaten. They saw the small creature walk forward, place his sword on Kor’s throat, and then raise it to point toward the hill. The creature then pointed his sword toward Kor and then pointed it toward the hill.

  The Second stared at Gregor, then turned to two-mounted warriors on each side of him, before ordering, “Pick up Kor and put him on Gling. The rest of you start moving toward the hill.”

  The two-warriors rode slowly forward with Kor’s steed between them. They dismounted, lifted the unconscious leader, and draped him across the saddle. They were unable to remove the shield from his arm and it hung limply on one side of his mount. They turned and followed the line of warriors moving out of the clearing.

  • • •

  Gregor watched them ride away and heard, “You should know that they had a scout at the top of the hill that rode away as soon as you appeared.”

  Gregor’s eyes narrowed, “Toren?”

  “Yes, I left the ship to see if I could help. I might be wrong, but I think you were very lucky.”

  Elena rushed up and heard him, “GREGOR!”

  “Elena, I know I was stupid to take off the helmet. I won’t do that again.”


  “I deserve that. Toren is right, I was lucky.”

  Gregor turned and walked toward the shuttles. Elena was going to say more but hustled to keep up with him. They arrived at the shuttles and nothing happened. “Toren, can you hear them?”

  “No, but I can hear their emotions. They are really angry at us.”


  “They are ticked-off at what you did, and oh, by-the-way, those being’s community must be very close.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Look at the hill.”

  Gregor and Elena turned and looked at the hill. A giant black wall of warriors was building up on top of it. In the center of the line was a giant among giants. It had to be the leader of the warriors and it was clear he was glaring at Gregor.

  Gregor lowered his head, then raised his sword and pointed it at the Leader in the center of the huge line. His action was greeted by a roar of hostility from the thousands of mounted warriors in the line.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The huge leader of the warriors saw the challenge issued and turned to his left, “Jug, would you go and remove that creature?”

  “It would be my honor.”

  “Did you speak with Kor about how he was bested by that small being?”

  “I don’t need a babysitter of children to tell me how to fight!” The warrior dismounted, grabbed his shield, and started walking down the slope toward Gregor.”

  “I challenged the leader!” Gregor said loudly over the noise of the cheering warriors.

  “Gregor, it is often the custom in primitive societies that you have to prove yourself worthy to attack the King. You’ll have to defeat his chosen champion to get a shot at him.”

  Elena watched the huge warrior striding down the hill and shook her head, “This one is bigger, stronger, and more confident.”

  Gregor snorted, “Is there anything else you’d like to add?”

  “Yeah, he looks a lot meaner as well.” Elena handed Gregor his helmet and shook her head, “Do you want me to injure him with an arrow?”

  “Where did you come up with that idea?”

  “They stick the bull before the matador takes it on.” Elena nodded toward the approaching warrior, “He’s bigger than most bulls.”

  Gregor saw Elena was right. This warrior was a foot taller than the first one he fought and at least eighty-pounds heavier. “I don’t think they’ll accept anyone else entering this little get together, Elena, but thanks for the offer.

  Elena handed him his helmet and stepped back from Gregor, “Good luck and finish him quick.”

  “You don’t think I should try and tire him out some first?”

  “I don’t think you can,” Elena replied.

  Gregor turned and saw the warrior was getting closer. He put on his helmet and put the point of his sword on the g
round next to him. He waited for the warrior to stop in front of him and like the last fight and was shocked when the huge warrior walked right up and slammed him with his shield.

  • • •

  Elena winced as Gregor flew thirty-feet through the air and rolled several times as he hit. The only thing that saved his life was his armor and his helmet. His ears were ringing, and he managed to get slowly to his feet. The warrior should have rushed over and finished Gregor, but he turned toward Elena, raised a giant hand, and pointed at her, telling her she was next.

  In an instant, Elena notched an arrow, fired it, and the loop holding the warrior’s ax was cut off his belt. The warrior still had his finger pointed at Elena, when he felt the ax fall. He looked at the huge ax lying on the ground and turned back to her. She extended her hand and waved him forward. The warrior knew that would not be a good idea. He turned back to Gregor and saw he was standing and staring at him.

  • • •

  The thousands of warriors at the top of the hill grew instantly silent when the huge warrior struck Gregor with his shield. Jug had violated the rite by not acknowledging his opponent. The leader next to the Arongin said, “Jug has demonstrated unacceptable behavior.”

  “Yes, he has. I’m sure he’ll justify it by saying intruders do not deserve polite behavior.”

  “You knew he would do this?”

  “I suspected he would. My warriors need to see that he would not be a good choice to lead.”

  “Do you expect him to challenge you?”

  “I do.” The Leader turned back to the clearing and saw the small being was on his feet, as Jug started walking toward him. “Perhaps Jug has underestimated his opponent.”

  “Why do you say that, Arongin?”

  “That being is angry, and Jug doesn’t see it.”

  • • •

  Gregor was more than angry…he was close to rage. He no longer heard the thousands of warriors on the hill cheering and knew they did not agree with the way he was attacked without warning. He watched the warrior striding toward him with a small smile on his face and Gregor started walking toward him. His smile disappeared; this puny creature didn’t appear to know who was the master here.

  Gregor moved in on the approaching warrior and smiled. He looked forward to getting his licks in. The warrior moved quickly in and swept his shield at Gregor’s legs as he swung his ax overhead. Gregor moved out of the shield’s path in less than an instant and he swung his sword at the ax handle as he stepped out of its path. The metal ax handle was sheered, and Gregor swung his sword faster than the warrior could see at the shield as it passed. He cut away the top-half of the shield, above the warrior’s arm, and it flew to the left. The Warrior completed his swing and looked at his shield. Half of it was missing and he then noticed that the ax had also been cut into pieces. He backed up and pulled a long sword off his belt. Gregor saw his eyes were now wide and his demeanor had changed. Gregor moved in and the warrior tried to attack with his long sword.

  The warrior was powerfully built, and he swung the sword with incredible speed…but…he was not a match for Gregor. Gregor parried his blows and flipped them aside. He moved out of the path of the charging warrior and hit him on his backside as he passed. Soon, Gregor was pressing his attack and cutting off pieces of the warrior’s clothing, as the huge warrior moved away from the demon pursuing him. Finally, Gregor decided it was time to end it. The warrior had his sword in front of him and Gregor swung his Bellingham Blade and sheared the warriors blade away from the handle. He put the point of his sword against the warrior’s throat and he fell back into the dirt. Gregor held the point at his throat and the warrior spread his arms out and remained still. Gregor looked up the hill at the huge Warrior Leader, raised his sword, and pointed at him. He turned to walk away from the fallen warrior and Elena yelled, “LOOK OUT!!”

  The warrior had pulled a dagger out of his belt and was charging at high speed toward Gregor’s back, with the blade extended. Gregor stepped aside, and the warrior flew past him several steps, before he stopped, and toppled to the ground. The warrior’s head fell from his body and rolled away. Gregor has swung his sword too fast to follow. Gregor pointed the sword at the leader again before it appeared in the scabbard over his shoulder.

  • • •

  The warriors on the hill were silent. They saw Jug’s detestable behavior and were sickened by it; but he was one of them and they didn’t like his death, either. It was clear that small creature below them was incredibly fast. Could their ruler survive against it?

  • • •

  The Arongin dismounted and the leaders surrounding him started yelling. The highest-ranking leader implored his not to go and meet that demon in the clearing. The Arongin pulled his weapons off his saddle and looked at them, “I have no other option! Will the warriors continue to respect me if I don’t go and make that being pay for Jug’s death?”


  The Arongin smiled, “Yes, he probably did. But if I don’t go, I will not be respected. I cannot allow that to happen and continue to rule our tribes. However, if I die, please go down and kill them.”

  “We will, Arongin.”

  “Tam, you will go with me to hear what the challenger wants.”

  “Yes, Great One.”

  • • •

  Toren said, “Gregor, that leader is coming down to do battle with you. He has just ordered that, if he loses, he wants you and Elena killed.”

  “Now isn’t that just great.”

  “Talk to him Gregor.”

  “Just how am I going to do that? I don’t know their language.”

  “I’ll interpret for you.”

  “Can you do that?”


  Gregor shrugged, “Alrighty then. I wonder why the Filament Makers haven’t assisted us.”

  “There’s something going on there I don’t understand,” Toren replied.

  “Why are two-of-them coming?” Elena asked.

  “The other one is coming to hear why Gregor is challenging the Leader.”


  “Let’s see if he’s willing to talk about it.”

  • • •

  The Arongin and his second arrived at the base of the hill and strode up toward Gregor. They stopped ten-feet from the small creatures and were shocked to hear the taller one say, “I’m hoping we can talk about this and avoid the fight.”

  The Arongin asked, “How am I able to hear your words with understanding?”

  “I’m sending them to your mind.”

  “So…you can also understand me?”

  Gregor nodded, “I can.”

  “Why are you issuing a challenge?”

  “We want you to stop attacking the ones in the shuttles behind us.”

  “They, and you, are intruders and will not be allowed to enter my domain. It forbidden by sacred law.”

  “But they are doing you no harm.” Gregor suddenly noticed that the two- warriors and Elena were looking over his shoulder. He didn’t want to take his eyes off the huge warrior, but he snuck a glance over his shoulder and was shocked to see a Filament Maker walking over to join them. A port was open in the side of one of the shuttles and the Filament Maker had exited it.

  • • •

  The huge leader stared at the Filament Maker and said, “We’ve always wondered what you look like. Why have you come out now?”

  The Filament Maker spoke in the Arongin’s language, “We have come here to tell this creature that he should leave.”

  “But we’re trying to save you,” Elena replied.

  “You are attacking the Kligaters when they have done nothing to justify it.”

  “They are attacking your shuttles.”

  “We are intruders into their domain! We were not invited here, and they have every right to attempt to remove us from their lands. You are wrong to try and stop them from exercising their justifiable rights.”

  The two-Kl
igaters stared at the Filament Maker and the leader snorted, “You’re telling me that you are allowing us to attack and choose not to defend yourself.”

  The Filament Maker turned to him, “Yes.”

  “What could you do to stop us? If you could, you would have done it long ago.”

  The Filament Maker was silent, and Gregor said, “Show him.”


  “That’s the only way to make progress here. Show him!”

  The Arongin smiled, “Yes, by all means, show us.”

  “Arongin, I do not choose to use a weapon on your land.”

  “That’s because you don’t have any.”

  Gregor looked at the Filament Maker, “I need you to show him!”


  “Because I intend to take you away and I need you to help convince them to allow me to try.”

  The Filament Maker stared at Gregor and then pressed a medallion on his chest. He spoke quietly and then turned to the Arongin, “Please turn to view the hill.” Everyone turned toward the hill and suddenly, a brilliant blaster beam ripped through the air from the top of one of the shuttles and moved halfway up the hill, from one end of the hill to the other. It left a river of boiling slag flowing down the hill.

  The two-warriors jumped a foot off the ground as the blaster beam ripped into the hill. They watched the molten dirt flow out of the channel the blaster had carved into the side of the hill.

  The two-Kligaters were shocked silent and the Filament Maker said, “We will never use our weapons to harm you. You are defending your world and are entitled to do so.”

  The thousands of warriors on top of the hill were screaming and some started moving down the hill. The Arongin raised his hand and pushed it toward them, telling them to remain in place. He turned back to the Filament Maker, “So…you’ve been allowing us to attack you for centuries when you could have ended it at the beginning?”

  “We will never harm another being for selfish reasons, Arongin. You are entitled to the land we’re on.”

  “Why didn’t you just leave?” Gregor asked.

  “For the same reason you aren’t using any of your technology to contact us.”


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