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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

Page 18

by Saxon Andrew


  Gregor smiled, “Now that’s a reaction I didn’t anticipate. The cloud is an energy being named Toren. You’ll find out about him in the recordings I’m sending.”

  “I’ve heard a lot about you, Gamgel. I’m looking forward to meeting you,” Toren stated.

  “Gregor, I’ll be coming to Bellingham to set everything up.”

  Gregor smiled, “Watch the recording and let me know if there’s something else we need I’m missing.”

  “I’ll keep you informed.”

  “By the way, Gamgel.”


  “Remember, whatever you develop must be able to be moved through the Dragon Fly’s port.”

  Gamgel shook his head, “Now that might be an issue. I’ll let you know.”

  “What exactly are these boxes you’ve mentioned?” Mackle asked.

  “We’re going to teleport you off this planet.” Mackle’s eyes narrowed instantly, and Gregor added, “We’ve used teleportation to receive the supplies we’ve needed to make this voyage. However, our leaders, me included, have made it against the law to use this technology.”

  “I need to think about this.”

  “Mackle, I didn’t fly half-way across the universe to leave you to eventually die. You need to decide now before I’m forced to do things against our laws to save you.”

  “And this technology is safe?”

  “Elena will be the first one through.”


  “Elena, we need to prove to Mackle that the technology is safe. I’ll be leaving as soon as he’s safe to return to Bellingham. Think about it! One of us needs to go with them to make sure they arrive and are provided proper accommodations. Do you really see it differently?”

  “And you’re turning around and going back.” Gregor stared at her and Elena smiled, “If you intend to go and take a shot at a Greng Warship, then I will not be leaving. Give me your word that you’re going home, and I’ll do it.”

  “Elena, it has to be done.”

  “I agree. But we need to allow our scientists and engineers to examine the data we’ve collected on that ship, before we make the effort.”

  Gregor tilted his head and smiled, “You’re right. I’d be taking a risk that I promised to avoid. I give you my promise I’ll go back once the Filament Makers are safe.”

  Mackle listened to their conversation and said, “I’m convinced that its safe. Your willingness to lead us is enough.”

  Elena turned to him, “No, it’s not. Gregor is right and one of us needs to arrive with you and make sure your transition from here goes smooth. I will go first.”

  “You know they are going to have to do some work before they’re ready to leave?”

  Gregor looked up, “What do you mean, computer?”

  “Well, Mackle mentioned they’ve been living off their food processors. They will need to remove them from their shuttles and take them with them until a diet can be determined for them.”

  Mackle’s eyes widened, “You’re right. I didn’t think about that?”

  “Can it be done?”

  “We can remove the processors easily enough, but the reactors powering them poses a problem.”

  “What is the power needed to operate them?”

  “Five-hundred volts and three-hundred amperes.”

  “How large are the processors?”

  “About five-feet-high and four-feet-wide.”

  “Computer, get this information to Gamgel.”


  “Now, contact Kaylee.”

  “She should have been first, Gregor.”

  “I know, Elena. But the Filament Makers safety takes precedence over my own wants.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kaylee appeared on the wall monitor, and her fear was clear in her expression, “GREGOR! IS EVERYTHING OK?”

  “Yes, honey, it is.”

  “I’ve been worried sick about you wondering if you are ok.”

  “I’m fine and I’ll be leaving to come home shortly. But first, I need you to help Gamgel.”

  “Gamgel? You contacted him before you called me?”

  Elena said, “UH-OH,” under her breath.

  Gregor saw Kaylee’s anger growing and he said, “Kaylee, I want to introduce you to Mackle.”

  Gregor nodded toward him and Mackle lowered his head slightly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Kaylee’s expression was still hostile, as she asked, “Who are you?”

  Mackle nodded toward Gregor, “I’m what your mate calls a Filament Maker.”

  Kaylee’s eyes flew wide open as her head went back. Gregor quickly said, “Honey, the Filament Makers were attacked long ago and most of them were killed; we’ve found some survivors, who are under attack and I’m trying to save them. I need you and Gamgel to help make that happen.”

  Kaylee stared at the bronze colored alien and asked, “What do you need me to do?”

  “First, Mackle has told us that the filament-communicators cannot be traced, and I’ll be talking with you pretty much all the way home.” Kaylee smiled slightly and nodded. “Second, Gamgel is going to build a sending teleport box and send it to me; we’re going to put the receiver in the clearing on Bellingham. I have a limited time-frame to make this happen and I need you help to do it.”

  “Why are you sending them to Bellingham, Gregor? The clan leaders may not agree to do it.”

  “I need you to make that happen. There’s about fourteen-hundred survivors and if we sent them to Romania, what do you think would happen?” Kaylee’s mouth tightened, and Gregor said, “You see it. I’ve promised Mackle a vessel to leave, if he chooses and I need that vessel brought to Bellingham.”

  “What else, Gregor?”

  “I need accommodations for fourteen-hundred Filament Makers. Preferably near the Clan Center.”

  “We have the visitor village north of the clearing that should provide the necessary structures for them.”

  “We’ll need the Clan Leaders approval to use it.”

  “I’ll get Angel to go with me to convince them.”

  “Kaylee, you and Deuce are the most important thing in my life.”

  “I know, Gregor. You did the right thing contacting Gamgel first. Is he going to be able to pull it off?”

  “I don’t know. But if anyone can, he’s the one to do it. Tell the clan leaders that the Sword Bearers ask for their agreement to do this.”

  Kaylee turned around and picked up Deuce, “We’ve missed you. She looked at Elena, “And Angel has been as worried as I have, Elena. You should contact her.”

  “I’ll do that as soon as Gregor finishes.”

  Gregor smiled, “He’s grown a lot, Kaylee.”

  “He’s like his father. Is there anything else?”

  “Yes, and this may not be so easy. I need a sword forged for an alien on this planet.”


  “Tell them it will be an honor to the sword to do it.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes; and I need it to be about seven-feet-long and the blade twice as wide as normal.”

  “Just how big is this being?”

  “About ten-feet-tall and eight-hundred-pounds.” Kaylee stared at Gregor and he added, “He is the Supreme Ruler on this planet and he’s agreed to stop his attacks on the Filament Makers if we give him a sword.”

  Kaylee nodded, “I’ll go get Angel and ask for an audience. I want your promise you will contact me.”

  “Kaylee, call me on your communicator. If I’m not in the ship, the computer will let me know.”

  “Fair enough.” Kaylee looked at Mackle, “I hope we can save you. I’ve been worried about Gregor since he left to find you.”

  “I’ve been worried about allowing my people to do this…but I can see that your species
is very much like my own. We love deeply.”

  “Thank you.” Kaylee smiled, and the monitor went dark.

  Elena quickly said, “Computer, please contact my mother.”

  “I would have thought you’d contact your mate first,” Toren thought.

  “I don’t have a mate. I’m like you; unattached.”

  “Are you not of age to link?”

  “No, I’m old enough, but have not found anyone I’m interested in. I have things to do that a marriage would interfere with.”

  Toren started to respond but the monitor illuminated, and a female appeared, and squealed, “ELENA!”


  Toren listened to them and wondered why females of any species were so difficult to get involved with males. It shouldn’t be this difficult. The computer said, “Toren, it’s like you said to Gam-L, be careful what you ask for.” Elena looked up and frowned, but then returned to her conversation with Angel.

  • • •

  The conversation continued, until Kaylee arrived at Angel’s home, and she ended the call, promising to call back later. Elena looked up and said in a sarcastic tone, “Just what did you mean by your last remark, computer.”


  “Yes…you…did! What was it?”

  “Having a mate is not all it’s cracked up to be.”

  Gregor rolled his eyes and vowed to stay out of this conversation. However, Elena turned to him and said firmly, “Tell this idiot machine he’s wrong!”

  “Elena, you are on your own. You started this and you need to state your position without my help. I wish you luck. The computer is tough to beat.”

  Elena stared at him and said without taking her eyes off Gregor, “What evidence do you have to support your outrageous claim?”

  “Simply look at what’s happened here. Gregor and you were chastised for being too much a warrior to be fully trusted to go out on this search. What do you think would have happened if you had a mate?”


  “Get real, Elena. He would have refused to allow you to go. I was shocked when Kaylee allowed Gregor to leave. I think she saw that if he didn’t she would lose him anyway. If it weren’t for Kaylee and Deuce, Gregor would have left right after the meeting with Gem. He couldn’t do it and leave his family.”

  “No mate of mine will ever tell me what to do!”

  “Then you will remain single.”

  “You’re crazy, computer. There are many wanting to court me on Bellingham.”

  “And why have you not allowed it?” Elena was silent, and the Computer continued, “You don’t want to give up your freedom to do exactly what you want when you want to do it. If someone did marry you, you would make their lives miserable with your unwillingness to compromise.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “You know it is. And what happens if you have a baby? Do you give up your career as a warrior?”

  Elena was hot, “Gregor hasn’t given up his?!”

  “Gregor is not a mother and he has limited space to maneuver. You would be shunned if you left your baby behind to go out and fight.”

  Elena’s expression changed, and she sighed. She was quiet for a moment and then said, “You’re right. I’ll have to remain single.”

  “Elena, I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to cause you sadness.”

  “She’s not arguing effectively against you, computer.”

  “I thought you were going to stay out of this?”

  Elena looked at Gregor and he smiled, “Computer, what would have happened if Kaylee, Angel, and Sam had not made us agree to not take any unnecessary risks?”

  “You’re going to do this?”

  “I am, computer; answer the question.”

  “Then we would have sent Elena and the Filament Makers to Bellingham and gone out to attack one of those Greng Warships.”

  “Would that be a good decision?”

  “No, Gregor!”

  “So, by having a family, I’ve been forced to not go off half-cocked. My family brings balance and forces me to examine my actions before I act. You might say they balance me.”

  “That still doesn’t answer the issue about my having a family, Gregor. The Computer is right about that,” Elena said softly.

  “Not really.”


  “Elena, it doesn’t take a genius to know that you will only accept a warrior as a husband. I suspect if you were needed to go out and fight, both of you would be leaving.” Elena started to interrupt but Gregor said, “You have something Kaylee and I don’t.”

  Elena paused, “What is that?”

  “Parents. You could leave your children with Sam and Angel and they would be in loving hands.”

  Elena’s eyes opened wide, and she said, “Computer, did you see this?”

  “You know how often I miss things.”

  “Gregor, how have you managed to put up with him for so long?”

  “Believe it or not, he is exactly what he says he is, an acquired taste. Arguing with him has made me see things that I would have missed. I’m better for it.”

  “If you say so.”

  “So, you’re saying that choosing the right mate is what makes linking, or marriage as you call it, a good thing?” Toren asked.

  “You need look no further than having to link with Gen-L, Toren. How do you think that would have worked out?”

  “It would have been a disaster!”

  The computer interrupted, “Mackle, I think you’re going to have to stay with us until morning.”

  Mackle nodded, “My people know. Besides, I’m learning a lot about you being here; I’m in no rush to leave.”

  “What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever encountered constructing the filaments?” the computer asked.

  “There was a species we encountered that ate the filament leading to their planet.”

  “Get real.”

  “I’m not kidding, Computer. We had to remove the filament before they arrived at the intersection and spread out into the galaxy.”

  They spent the rest of the night sharing stories and by morning, the distrust was gone.

  • • •

  The days passed, and Elena and Gregor spent hours on the filament communicator with their families. After a few weeks passed, Kaylee appeared on the monitor, “Gregor.”

  Gregor saw Kaylee wasn’t happy, “Yes.”

  “I’ve just received a copy of the recordings you sent Gamgel.”

  “UH-OH!” Gregor thought. “What do you think, my love?”

  “Don’t ‘my love’ me. You promised not to take any risks and you removed your helmet when you fought that giant barbarian!”

  Gregor sighed and nodded slightly, “You’re right. Elena beat me up over doing it and she was absolutely correct in doing it. I was stupid and let my ego get the better of me. I will never let it happen again.”

  “You promise?”

  “I do. You need look no further than the second-fight to see.”


  Gregor snorted and shook his head, “I thought you saw it. Already?”

  “I’ll get back to you.”

  “Kaylee…” But the monitor was black. Oh, boy! This wasn’t going to be good.

  • • •

  An hour later, Kaylee appeared on the monitor and Gregor tensed up and gripped the arms of his chair. Kaylee stared at him for a long moment and then said, “What do you have to say?” Gregor shrugged. “You did wear your helmet and it saved your life.” Gregor nodded. “You really had no choice in fighting that second-warrior; it was that or forget about saving the Filament Makers. I don’t fault you for doing it. I do think you were stupid not preparing for a sudden attack.”

  Gregor nodded, “I’ve not been in a good fight for years and I’ve lost my touch.”

  “See that doesn’t happen again, Gregor.”

  “I will, Kaylee.”

  “Gregor, I married a warrior and
you promised not to take unacceptable risks. This risk was worth taking, your armor would protect you. However, that had to hurt!” Kaylee said with a smile.

  Gregor pulled his shirt open and Kaylee winced at the huge bruise on Gregor’s chest. “Trust me, it did.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “The bruise has gotten better. I’m embarrassed I let my guard down.”

  “I’ll rub you when you get back?”

  Gregor smiled, “I really look forward to that.”

  “The swordsmiths initially rejected the request to forge a sword, but Angel played it perfectly.”

  “Oh, what did she do?”

  “She agreed with them.”


  “She told the clan leaders that the smiths shouldn’t be forced to make a sword they couldn’t possibly forge. ‘It is beyond their talents,’ she said.” Monte swelled up and said, “We can easily do it.” Angel smiled at him and said to the clan leaders with a smile, “They should not be forced to do it.”

  Monte yelled, “YOU DON’T BELIEVE WE CAN DO IT?!”

  Angel said to him, “Monte, get real. You’ve never done anything like this and you don’t have enough time to pull it off. Just let it go.”

  “What happened then?”

  Kaylee smiled, “One of the smiths asked if this sword was truly intended for the supreme leader of a planet and Angel said, ‘Does it really matter?’ The smith looked at Monte and he replied. ‘Yes, it does.’ Angel sighed, “Gregor said that the sword would be given honor by who it was intended for.” Gregor started laughing and Kaylee continued, “It ended up with the swordsmiths insisting on forging the sword. I think the clan leaders saw what was going and, and truth be told, so did Monte. But the sword was approved, and everyone maintained their honor.”

  “Will they complete it in time?”

  “Gem and Gamgel are still working on the boxes. We’ll see.”


  “Yes, Computer.”

  “Elena needs you at one of the shuttles.”

  Gregor looked at Kaylee, “The best day of my life is when you accepted my proposal, Kaylee…and every day since then has only gotten better.”


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