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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew

  Gregor thought for a moment and sighed, “My computer says that the only way for it to work is to have a beacon to guide it to a location.”

  “Your computer is right, Gregor. But we have nothing that could do it. The Filaments are the best we have at being a form of beacon.”

  “Will you remove Bellingham from the Filament Map, when I call for it?”

  “I will. However, before you make that call, make sure you take numerous star-triangulations on the location of the closest intersections; you’re going to have to find it visually after you remove your filament.”

  “We can always restore the filament momentarily to find it.”

  Madellee smiled, “And if there’s a ship at the intersection that sees your filament appear, it could triangulate Bellingham’s location. Don’t take the risk. Line up a distant star with the intersection and use it to guide you there.”

  “You sound like you’ve done this before,” Elena commented.

  “We have. I was honest about going out and mapping the filaments. The Filament Makers gave us a stardrive to assist in the effort.”

  “What color is the stardrive’s field?”


  “So is the one we’ve stolen from that civilization.”

  “I suspect that civilization stole it from the Filament Makers.” Gregor’s expression changed instantly to surprise. Madellee continued, “How do you think they’re able to remove filaments?”

  Gregor stood up, “They must have taken that technology from one of the Filament Maker’s ships!” Madellee nodded. “I’ll let you know when to remove Bellingham from the Filament Map.”

  “Please, ask the Filament Makers to contact me!”

  Gregor smiled, “I will. I do have one other question.”

  “What is that?”

  “Do you know anything about an Insectoid agreement called a Gramget?

  ‘It’s a promise that can’t be broken,” Madellee replied.

  “Have they ever broken a Gramget?”

  “No, Gregor, they have not. A Gramget is binding on all Insectoids and any one that violates it will be killed. There is no exceptions made for that offense.”

  “Thank you, Madellee.”

  “Averel, please show them to their shuttle.”

  Averel nodded and stood up. She led them back to the shuttle and said, “Thank you.” Gregor and Elena looked at her and she continued, “By returning the cube, you have saved the Principal from censure by the Council.”

  “We only kept our word, Averel.”

  “No many will do that, Gregor.” Gregor nodded and entered the shuttle after Elena. They arrived on the Dragon Fly and the computer shouted, “WHAT DO WE DO FOR THE NEXT THREE-MONTHS?”

  “Head for Fellowship.”

  “Why there?”

  “Computer, I need to talk this over with Leonidas. I could also use Desiree’s opinion.”

  “You’re still uncertain about revealing the new stardrive?” Elena asked.

  “It will necessitate a lot of changes I’d like to avoid; I don’t really like hiding Bellingham. Leo and Desiree should be able to see the big picture.”

  “On our way. I’m going to cut across several filaments when we get closer, so we can use our full speed.”

  “How long will it take us to get there, computer?”

  “We’ll be there tomorrow, Gregor.”

  “Holy smoke!” Gregor punched a frequency into his filament communicator and pressed the send button, Leonidas Piper appeared.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Leonidas smiled slightly, “Is this what you call staying in touch?”

  “Sorry, Leo. Things have been a little crazy. I want to come by and visit you tomorrow”

  Leo’s eyes narrowed, “Desiree just spoke to Ana and she told her that Kaylee says you won’t be back for a few months.”

  Gregor rolled his eyes, “Trust the woman-network to keep everyone informed.”

  Elena sternly said, “HEY!”

  “Come on, Elena. You know it’s true. If you need to know what’s going on, they know.” Gregor turned back to Leo, “I need you to tell Desiree to not tell anyone I’m back!”


  “Yes, Leo. I’m headed your way and I need to have a discussion with you and Desiree.”

  “Does Kaylee know about this?”

  “No, I’m about to tell her.”

  “How long do you intend to stay?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “I’ll let the fleet at the intersection know you’re coming and to clear you.”

  “I won’t be coming through the intersection.”

  Leo stared at Gregor and managed to spit out, “SAY WHAT?”

  “I’m going directly to your estate and land behind the house.”

  Leo stared at Gregor again and looked to his left. Gregor heard, “You know he left in a ship that is undetectable.”

  Leo turned back to Gregor, “What time will you arrive?”

  “I’m coming in to Fellowship after sunset tomorrow.”

  “Are you sure you aren’t using the filament?”

  “I am.”

  “There must be some rather radical changes happening.”

  “More than you know.”

  “See you tomorrow night.” Leonidas replied ending the call.

  Gregor entered Kaylee’s frequency and she immediately answered, “I love you, Gregor but I have to go out and clear up some problems with the Filament Makers.”

  “Anything serious?”

  “No, but I need to go.”

  “When I get back, we should go and visit Emmett’s grave.”

  Kaylee’s eyes narrowed, and she immediately sat down. She closed the door to the communicator room and plugged in a set of headphones. She stared at the monitor in silence. “Kaylee, there is a problem that deals with the safety of Bellingham. We’ve uncovered a new stardrive that doesn’t need the filaments to travel at super-light-speed in subspace. Do you understand what that means?” Kaylee’s eyes widened, and she nodded. She knew that Gregor had used the code phrase of visiting Emmett’s grave to let her know something serious was happening and to keep it silent. “The problem is that the advanced civilization that wiped out the Filament Makers have this drive on their ships and are systematically destroying the filaments in their galaxy. The 440-filament runs by that galaxy and you can imagine what will happen if they remove it.” Kaylee nodded again.

  “I hope you understand this, but I’m back in our space and I’m headed to Fellowship to discuss what we should do about this with Leonidas and Desiree. Is it possible for you to join me there with Deuce?”

  Kaylee’s head fell, and she sighed as she raised it, “No.”

  “Is the problem with Gamgel?”

  “It is.”

  “If I can get him off Bellingham, would that help?”


  “I’ll see what I can do. I love you. I don’t want to reveal our top-speed to anyone until we come up with a way to protect Bellingham.”

  “I understand.”

  “I’ll contact you when I arrive at Leo’s.”

  Kaylee nodded and went outside. Gamgel was hounding Mackle again and Kaylee shook her head. She walked forward to get between them and Gamgel raised his left arm, looked at his communicator, and began speaking. He turned and ran toward the large freighter parked at the other end of the clearing. Mackle looked at Kaylee as she walked up, “THAT BEING IS TENACIOUS!!”

  “Scientists are like that, Mackle. I’ll try to keep him off you.”

  “Good-luck. Nothing’s worked so far.”

  Kaylee saw Gamgel moving quickly toward his ship and hoped Gregor could pull it off.

  • • •

  Gamgel rushed to the freighter’s bridge and entered Gregor’s frequency. Gregor appeared and Gamgel said forcefully, “YOU HAVE GOT TO ORDER THAT DAMN FILAMENT MAKER TO TALK WITH ME!!”

  Gregor stared at Gamgel and said, “And t
ell me what reason he’s refusing to do it?”

  “He says he’ll not discuss anything until you arrive.” Gregor stared at Gamgel in silence and Gamgel broke it, “What?”

  “You are aware that I promised the Filament Makers a vessel to leave whenever they choose to go wherever they want, right.”

  “Yes, so?”

  “If you make them angry enough, they will ask for that promise to be filled and you’ll learn nothing! Are you that stupid?”

  “Gregor, there’s so much they know that we don’t…”

  “Shut up, Gamgel! You’re out of control. Where are you in building the warship, I need to go back and stop the Greng from destroying the 440-filament?”


  Gregor said very deliberately, “I told you that civilization was systematically removing filaments out of their galaxy. The 440 runs right by it and what do you think will happen if they take it out?” Gamgel’s expression turned sick. Gregor continued, “You said you were going to build me a warship to go back and see if our weapons match up with theirs. Where are you on that?”

  Gamgel shook his head, “I’m sorry…I’ve not started.”

  “Do you not think your time would be better spend on getting the ship ready?”

  “I’ll leave now and start the project moving forward.”

  “Thank you, Gamgel. I know this is one of the most exciting times ever for you, but I need you to get two-warships ready. I’ve also been thinking about it and want them equipped with force fields.”

  “Why would you want that? It would take away your stealth mode.”

  “Because I am not certain they can’t see us, if we’re in motion. I want every possible defense built into the warships.”

  “The Bellingham Metal should preclude needing a force field?”

  “Are you absolutely certain about that?” Gregor smiled; no good scientist would ever say anything is absolutely certain, but Gregor saw Gamgel wanted to say it. He didn’t give Gamgel an opportunity, “Gamgel, just put a force field in to humor me. You can do that, can’t you?”

  “I suppose. I’ll have to create a new wiring harness.”

  “You have some time before I get back and you’ll be ready to have a discussion with the Filament Makers by then.”

  “Why do you want two-ships, Gregor.”

  “What if our weapons aren’t able to do the job? I’ll need a second ship to record what happens and get back?”

  Gamgel nodded slightly, “You’re right. I need to focus on the ships.”

  “Thanks, Gamgel.”

  • • •

  Kaylee was having a discussion with Mackle about keeping Gamgel at bay when her wrist unit vibrated. She activated it and saw Gamgel, “Kaylee, I apologize, but I have to go back to Romania and I won’t be able to return until Gregor arrives.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Gamgel. Be safe.”

  “I’m going to build two-warships for Gregor to take back.”

  Kaylee’s expression turned nervous and she caught herself, “Do a good job on them; my husband’s life depends on it.”

  “I will, Kaylee.”

  Kaylee turned to Mackle, “Gamgel is leaving for Romania and won’t be back until Gregor arrives.”

  “Thank the stars for that!” Mackle replied.

  Kaylee looked at Angel, as she said to Mackle, “I want to take a short trip to visit a friend and her new baby. I was wondering if there is anything you need before Angel and I go?”

  Angel’s eyes narrowed, and Mackle didn’t notice it, “No, we’re fine now. Without that crazy scientist, we’ll have some peaceful time to settle in.”

  “If you need anything, “Angel’s husband Sam will assist you.”

  “That is agreeable. I like Sam a lot. He’s so easy going and nice to be around.”

  “We’ll be back soon.”

  “Safe travel and don’t worry about us.”

  • • •

  Kaylee walked away with Angel and she looked at Kaylee, with lowered eyes, “What’s going on?”

  Kaylee shook her head and looked around, before asking, “Are the Filament Makers telepathic?”

  “No, I’ve not detected that.”

  Kaylee wanted to tell her but said instead, “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life, Kaylee.”

  “Then pack a bag and tell Sam to take our places taking care of the Filament Makers.”

  Angel stared at Kaylee and then nodded, “When do we leave?”

  “In an hour.” Angels eyes widened, and she began running toward her house.

  • • •

  “Gregor, there are more than eight-hundred pirate ships above Fellowship.”

  “How many have crews on them computer?” Gregor asked as he looked at the scanner monitor.

  “Most of them have limited crews but all of them have their scanners running.”

  “Well, this will be a good time to see if the depressions can scatter their beams with no reflections.”

  “But we’re going to have to go through the middle of them, Gregor!”

  “Computer, you can’t come in over the horizon and move under them?”

  “I guess,” the computer responded sullenly.

  “Do you not want to be here?” Toren asked.

  “I’d rather be at Bellingham.”

  “His closest buddy is in orbit above Bellingham, Toren.”

  “Easy for you to say, Gregor. You’re going to visit one of your closest friends.”

  “Computer, Kaylee is also on Bellingham; where do you think I’d rather be?”

  “You’re right, Gregor. It’s been a long trip and I’m being selfish.”

  “It’s been a long trip for all of us, computer. I’m sure Elena would like to see her family as well. However, I’m not ready to reveal this new stardrive just yet.”

  “Hold on!” Gregor waited and wondered what was going on. The computer finally said, “Kaylee and Angel are coming here to visit Leo and Desiree in Kaylee’s ship. They’ll arrive in three-days.”

  “If you can’t get Mohammed to the mountain, bring the mountain to Mohammed,” Toren said with a chuckle.

  “Where did you hear that?” Elena asked.

  “I studied a lot of Earth’s history while we were there.”

  “Computer, take us down!” Gregor ordered.

  “I’ve asked Kaylee to request permission to land at Leonidas’s home.”

  “Computer, you can just go into orbit and see him there. Just stay in touch.”

  “I’m such a dunce! You’re right again, Gregor. If they don’t allow them to land, I’ll go up and park next to her ship.”

  Gregor and Elena watched the planet getting larger and then they were sweeping across the ocean toward the pirate city; Fellowship was getting larger by the moment. “Why is that city named Fellowship?”

  “Toren, it was the only legal place where Pirates were allowed to live without interference by outside forces. They named it Fellowship to remind all of them that anyone that violated the peace, would be banished from the city. The pirates were well behaved in Fellowship,” Gregor answered.

  The Dragon Fly flew in over the coast and headed toward a large house just off the shoreline. The computer landed the ship behind the house and kept the stealth systems operational. Gregor, Elena, and Toren exited the ship and lights immediately came on in back of the house. They went through a wooden gate and saw Leonidas coming out of the back door with a shoulder blaster, “HEY, HEY, HEY!” Gregor shouted, and Leonidas lowered the blaster, “We’re just some drifters coming to beg for a bite to eat.”

  Leonidas laughed and walked quickly off the porch to hug Gregor and Elena, “Why didn’t you call ahead?”

  “Just wanted to make a big entrance,” Elena answered.

  Leo smiled, “It could have been a hot entrance.”

  “Why the blaster, Leo?”

  “Gregor, Fellowship isn’t quite as safe as it once was. Some of the new pirates to come here a
ren’t as nice as they should be.”

  “They need to be banished.”

  “Most are when they mess up, but there are those that are only a step away from making a mistake. Come inside; Desiree has been looking forward to seeing you.”

  Gregor smiled and saw Desiree standing at the door holding her baby girl. Gregor was surprised, the little girl was standing beside her mother. Desiree smiled, “You’ve been gone a while. Gem is nine-months old and starting to walk.”

  Elena ran up the steps and picked her up. The little girl yelled but started laughing, as Elena swung her around. “Is that a human infant?”

  Leonidas and Desiree’s eyes narrowed instantly, and Leo raised the blaster, “Who said that?”

  Gregor instantly retorted, “Put the blaster down, Leo! We have a guest traveling with us who is an energy being. Toren, go to your cloud form so they can see you!”

  Leo and Desiree saw a white cloud appear behind Gregor and Leo’s head went back slightly, “Did you say energy being?”

  “Yes. He’s normally invisible.”

  “What does he eat?” Desiree asked.

  “He takes care of his diet. Matter-of-fact, I don’t know what he eats.”

  “I’m solar powered; I draw energy from the stars.”

  Desiree tilted her head and chuckled, “One less mouth to feed.” They entered Leo and Desiree’s house and closed the back door.

  • • •

  Desiree had prepared an excellent meal and Gregor filled them in on everything that had taken place during the voyage. The computer sent some recordings to their wall monitor when they didn’t fully understand what was being said. By the time Elena and Desiree had cleared the table and put Gem to bed, they were up to speed.

  “This doesn’t look good, Gregor.”

  “Tell me about it! If they take out the 440-filament, they’ll remove one of the most important filaments in the local civilizations.”

  “Actually, if they remove it from their space, it will only affect their sector. Remember the 440 connects with five-massive black holes before it arrives in their space,” the computer interjected.

  Gregor was silent for a moment, and then asked, “Do you think they might follow it and try to take it all out?”


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