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Gregor's Search-The Filament Makers: Stories from the Filaments

Page 32

by Saxon Andrew

  “One blaster is not enough to break through the force field…now firing two-blasters at the same location. They were stopped but the force field was demolished at the site…now firing three-blasters…”

  Sam felt his ship rocked and jolted when a missile hit it, but the blasters did not cause any damage; the Bellingham metal was holding up. He heard his ship’s computer announce, “Two-more Greng warships coming in at high-speed.”

  Solo heard the announcement and said, “Brock this!” Suddenly, the Greng warship in front of them went up in a massive blast.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I fired three-blasters into their force field followed by a single missile. The missile made it through and must have hit something critical on that vessel. Activate the stealth systems and let’s go meet the next ships coming in.”

  The Greng warships arrived and Leonidas and Jek took one and Sam and Solo attacked the second. Activating the new force field,” Sam announced.


  “The left wing has burned areas on it removing the stealth depressions.”

  “Do you know what caused the burns?” Solo asked as he opened fire on the Greng warship.”

  “No, I was too busy flying the ship, but Gregor should have it recorded.”

  • • •

  Leonidas moved in on the first-Greng warship to arrive and Jek shouted, “SAM STARTED WITH THE BLASTERS; I’M INITIATING OUR ATTACK WITH MISSILES!” A missile lept out of a port and hit the giant Greng warship dead center. The explosion was massive but the Greng wasn’t damaged. “Two-missiles launched!”

  Leo ignored the possible damage to the Greng ship and focused on moving the ship out of its line of fire. The Greng ship couldn’t see them but was firing every blaster randomly around it. Missiles were pouring out of the giant and Jek was picking any off approaching them with the blasters. Jek suddenly fired six-missiles and they homed in on the giant at incredible speed. There were five-giant explosions and then the Greng ship had a giant blast erupt out of the center of the ship. Jek fired the blasters into the front and rear of the giant vessel and the computer overrode Leo’s panel and moved the ship away at maximum-speed just before it went up in a giant explosion.

  “Gregor, ten-Greng warships are moving our way!”

  Leo, Sam, get out of there. Go back to where we started. I’m remaining here and record what happens.”

  “They’ve left, Gregor.”

  “How do you know, Computer?”

  “Now that I have the frequency of that new force field, I can enter it into the passive scanner to search for it. They have the force fields on and I can see them moving away.”

  “Toren, did Gam-L make it out?”

  “He did.”

  “Well, thank creation for that.”

  “Gregor, there is a huge fleet of Greng Warships moving this way.”

  “Back us out and continue recording, Computer. Do you have their language figured out?”

  “I recorded Mackle’s conversations with his warriors while they were on Bellingham and have it deciphered.”

  “Record any conversation you can intercept.”

  Elena looked at Gregor and sighed, “I owe Solo a kiss.”

  Gregor saw Toren’s expression change. “What are you thinking, Toren?”

  Torne shrugged, “I don’t know. But if you’re passing them out, I’ll take one.”

  Elena laughed out loud and turned back to her monitor. Gregor turned to Embree, “What do you think about what just happened?”

  “I’m just an observer here. But the real issue is going to be the numbers of vessels involved in a future attack. If there were ten-Greng-warships in this attack, they would have filled all the space around the battle site with a cloud of missiles. Our ships would have to withdraw or face being damaged or destroyed.”

  “Wouldn’t that many missiles endanger their ships as well?”

  “No, Elena. Their ships have transponders that the missiles will avoid. The two-missiles fired at Toren’s friend turned and chased him. They have stardrive-fields and are extremely fast. Sam’s left wing was damaged by either a missile or blaster hit. The stealth depressions were melted, and that ship is now unable to be completely invisible using its stealth systems alone. They didn’t break through the wing, but it was damaged.” Gregor nodded, as he stared at the monitor; the number of Greng warships was growing incredibly fast.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Computer, are you hearing anything from the Greng?”

  “There’s so much conversation, it’s difficult to separate it out. Give me a few more minutes to find someone in charge in that fleet.”

  Gregor stared at the images coming in over the optical scanner and pursed his lips, before saying out loud, “These ships must have just flown in from wherever they were at the time of our attack; there doesn’t appear to be any organization to their formations.”

  “That’s exactly what happened,” Embree agreed. “Replay the recording of their approach and you’ll see they were scattered and completely unorganized, as they arrived. It also appears that no one is in command.”

  “That should change momentarily,” Elena announced as she stared at her console’s monitor. “I’m picking up a very large vessel approaching…it’s much bigger than any of the other warships.”

  “Focus on it, Computer.”

  “Already on it.” As the giant vessel came roaring in, the chatter between the Greng warships grew silent. Gregor stared at the wall monitor, showing three-Greng-warships burning furiously and a huge gathering of warships surrounding them.

  He sat back and heard the computer translate a transmission from the giant warship, “WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!” The question was greeted with silence and the speaker shouted, “I ASKED WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!”

  “My three-ships arrived immediately after the last two-warships were destroyed, Excellency. We were able to record the final moments of the attack but whatever attacked our ships were not visible on my scanners.”

  “Send the data to me, immediately.”

  Another ship commander spoke up, “Excellency, I was in contact with the first ship as it approached this place and it fired two-missiles at one of the Energy Beings that had come back to investigate what we had done here. I have a recording of a small warship that attacked it.”

  “Send it to me!” There was several minutes of silence and the Greng Leader spoke over their communications frequency, “Am I right in saying that three-warships were destroyed by just one small ship?”

  “There were at least two of them, Excellency.”

  “This data doesn’t show two-ships.”

  “The missiles that were fired at the Energy Being were moving in to hit it but were hit and destroyed by blaster beams before they arrived. There had to be another ship at that location. After our first warship was destroyed, the ships that attacked us disappeared from our scanners.”

  “Excellency, why would they reveal themselves to attack the first-ship?”

  “You simpleton! They revealed themselves to cause our ship to attack them; they were getting data on our defensive and offensive capabilities. Once they had that information, they used whatever technology they have to avoid our scanners.”

  The Greng Leader stared at the burning warships and the lead scientist on his vessel stated, “Commander, that ship looks like the vessel Mackle described before he disappeared.”

  The Leader looked at the scientist, “I thought he never got a clear look at it?”

  “He reported after he was taken to that planet that one night he saw a ship being dropped into a giant tank of liquid metal. He reported that it was shaped like a long wing.”

  The Senior Commander pounded his panel with a fist. He shouldn’t have executed Mackle. Could this be the civilization that captured his unit? Mackle reported that one of the Energy Beings was on the vessel he boarded on the decoy planet. The evidence was clear, this had to be that civilization. They came here to trial the
ir new ship and see if it could hold up against his ships. Ummm…what would they do now. If they came here to avenge the attack on the Energy beings…what would they do next?”

  The scientist answered his question for him, “Commander, if they now know their ships can hold up to our warships, and cannot be detected, I fear our major planets are in jeopardy of being attacked.”

  The Commander realized the scientist was probably right. “Collect all the probes and every ship here will immediately report back to our territory. Central control will assign you the planets you will be charged to defend.”

  “What about the Energy Beings?” a ship commander inquired.

  “They can’t harm us, but these new warships can. We’ll come back after the issue with this new enemy is resolved; now leave!!”

  “Are we going to follow them, Gregor?”

  “No, Embree; we know where their territory is, and I am not going to attack one of their planets. We’re going to pick up Gam-L and go to Toren’s new community. The ones that escaped the destruction should be contacted and told it’s safe to go there now.” Gregor turned to Toren, “Can you contact Gam-L?”

  “He’s currently with the other two-ships. He can attach to our hull to go to the new community.”

  Gregor nodded and looked up, “Computer, take us to Sam and Leo’s ships.”

  “Why don’t you want to take a shot at one of their planets?”

  “Elena, Greng territory is out close to that new civilization’s probes. I don’t want to run the risk of being seen doing it. They would then know that the Filament Makers are not working with the Greng, if we’re seen attacking their planets.”

  “Good point.”

  • • •

  They arrived at the new community and Elena sat in her chair using the ship’s active scanner to see what was going on. Toren had left the Dragon Fly in his energy form and she kept her eye on him. Toren was greeted by several Energy Beings and she didn’t need to hear what was being said to understand what was going on. There was great sorrow shared by all at the loss of so many of their leaders. A new Lead Councilor had been chosen and he spent a very long time talking with Toren.

  “Toren is telling them what Gam-L did to assist our attack. He’s also instructing them to go out and find the survivors and bring them to the new community; it is now safe to do so.”

  “How do you know that, Computer?”

  “I’ve learned their language. Even though it’s done with energy, I can decipher it. It appears Gam-L has been restored to full membership in the community and everyone agrees his ancestors would be honored by his bravery. His ancestry lineage has been restored to him.”

  Elena watched the community’s leader start communicating with those present, as another energy being walked up to Toren. She saw they remained in conversation for a long time, even after the leader completed his address. She wondered what was going on, but the computer didn’t offer to tell her.

  • • •

  “Toren, your parents agreed to a contract with my family immediately after you left. The contract has given approval for us to be linked.”

  Toren changed color slightly, “Sal-E, I am not at your level.”

  “I think after what you’ve done to save us, your level is higher than anyone in the community. You should stay here and lead us; I’m sure you would be accepted by all for the position. I thought I was giving you an honor by asking my parents to approach your family to make the contract, but now I see that it is I receiving the honor.”

  “Sal-E, I gave my word to Gen-L that I would not link during the current linking period.”

  “You know that the linking period is to encourage all unattached young adults to start a family, especially those that recently came of age. Adults can link at any time they choose and are not required to do it during the linking periods. I’ve not linked for three-linking-periods because a suitable mate had not been found. Now I’ve found you, Tor-N. I want you here with me.”

  “My place is protecting our community and, to do that, I must remain with these aliens fighting the Greng. I will keep my promise and continue the effort to defend us.”

  “Do you not want me, Tor-N?”

  “Sal-E, it has nothing to do with what I want. It has everything to do with my duty to our people. You are the most desired female in our community, and I am humbled that you have chosen me to be your mate. However, I will not break my promise.”

  “This only makes me want you more, Tor-N. I will be patient until you come back where you belong.”

  “Thank you for allowing me this honor.”

  Sal-E saw her parents staring at her and sighed, “It’s not proper for an unattached female to spend this much time with a male. I’ll be waiting for you, Tor-N.” Toren nodded and watched Sal-E move away. She was so beautiful! Toren turned and went back to the Dragon Fly.

  • • •

  Toren returned to his human form and Elena asked, “Who was the one you were just talking with?”

  “Her name is Sal-E.”

  “Her?” Elena asked.

  Toren nodded. Gregor turned to Toren, “What were you discussing?”

  Elena was thankful Gregor asked. She didn’t want to do it. “Sal-E is the highest ranked unattached female in our community. Her family made a contract with my parents, before they died, that we would be linked.”

  “I guess you’re happy about that,” Embree said with a smile.

  “It is an honor for her family to choose me to link with her. But I have promised that I will not link before the next linking period; I keep my promises.”

  Elena couldn’t stop herself, “How did she take that, when you told her?”

  “She said it only made her want me more. She said she would be patient until I returned home.”

  Gregor smiled, “You’ve done a lot to protect your people, you can stay if you want.”

  “My place is here, Gregor, if you don’t mind me staying.”

  “Not at all, Toren! You’ve done things to keep us safe as well. I can use you.”

  “That is what I told her. I will remain with you until the danger of the Greng is removed.”

  “Elena, you look disappointed!”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Embree. I’m glad he’s staying with us.” Elena glared at Embree and he backed down. He knew that she knew he wasn’t talking about that.

  Elena turned to Gregor to change the subject, “What happens now?”

  “We’ll take the Dragon Fly out on the major filament the Makers used to leave this galaxy and allow the probes put there by their attackers to detect us. We’ll wait a few weeks, and then remove the probes on that new civilization’s filament.” Gregor looked up, “Computer, contact Sam and give him the coordinates of that filament and ask that he and Leo go find the probes around it. We’ll meet them there after we are detected.”

  “Sam wants to know if he should stay there or move away until we come back?”

  “Tell him to use his best judgement.”

  “He says he’ll contact you on the filament communicator if there are any issues.”

  Gregor gripped the Dragon Fly’s controls and began moving away from Toren’s community. He went into a filament and headed toward the galaxy’s central black hole. It would be faster to go there and pick up the Maker’s filament than to fly across subspace to it. The Dragon Fly entered the nearest filament and went to its impossible speed.

  • • •

  Gregor saw the edge of the galaxy approaching and said loudly, “Alright, we’re going to maximum speed to insure we leave a wake behind us.” Elena came out of the sleeping quarters and went to Embree’s chair. He had stood up and she shook her head, “Keep your seat. I’ll be fine here.”

  Embree sat back down and shook his head, “I keep being astounded by the speed this force field stardrive allows us to travel inside the filaments.”

  Gregor shrugged, “Look at the temperature gage, Embree.”

  Embree’s eyes
narrowed and he looked at the hull-temperature gage, “HOLY CAMOLE!”

  Gregor smiled, “The friction being created on the hull at these speeds would melt most vessels. Bellingham Metal is the only way we’re able to do this.”

  Toren was in his human form and he smiled, “We’re leaving a substantial wake behind us. The probes will easily see it.”

  “Computer, do you see the probes?”

  “There are four of them placed equidistant from each other just outside the Galaxy’s edge. We’ll be passing them in ten-minutes.”

  “Gregor, the temperature of the hull is higher than our blasters can produce,” Embree announced.

  Gregor thought about it and pressed the filament communicator, “Sam?”

  “Yes, Gregor.”

  “I’ve just discovered that if you take your ships to maximum speed in one of the major filaments, it will heat the hull far beyond any temperature that was used to harden them. I recommend before you settle in waiting for us, you take your ships and go on a high-speed run in one of the major filaments toward the black hole. Make a run going in and coming back but don’t go near the edge of the galaxy.”

  “We’ll make several runs while you’re gone. I wish I had known this before we made that attack; my wing might not have been damaged.”

  “I just found out about it, Sam. Embree pointed it out.”

  “How long do you anticipate being gone?”

  “About a week, maybe less.”

  “Be careful and stay in touch.”

  “I will. I know I have precious cargo on board.”

  “And don’t forget it,” Sam added before ending the contact.

  • • •

  “We’re passing the probes now, Gregor.”

  “Thanks Computer. Toren, are we leaving a wake?”

  “Are we ever; it’s twice as long as the first time!” Toren paused and stood up.


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