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His Dirty Bargain

Page 7

by Fiona Murphy

  He’s insane. Two hundred and eighty thousand, as if he’s offering me an extra ten bucks on a tip. It hits me: I could do it, with his money I could have enough to buy a multifamily property. I shake my head, his eyebrows go up. I swallow my smile. “Three fifty and twelve weeks.”

  Another laugh and I’m smiling again. “Deal. Let’s go do some paperwork.”

  Walking out of the house, I want to squeal with happiness. I get to work on the house I’ve been in love with for over a year, and I get paid to do it. And I get to spend the next three months with Enzo while I do it. I stumble a little as I realize what I’ve done, what I’ve agreed to. Enzo might say he wants me to deal with it, but he’ll be breathing down my neck, I have no doubt about it. What the hell have I agreed to?



  The purchase of the house takes all of twenty minutes. I offer full price for immediate occupancy and it’s accepted. As I sign the contract I see Chloe is pulling into herself, something she started doing only seconds after she agreed to handle the remodel. Swallowing a smile isn’t easy, I knew she’d get so wrapped up in bargaining with me she’d ignore her inner reservations about continuing to work with me.

  My cell phone goes off, it’s Dante. “Yeah.”

  “You picked? Which one did you go with?”

  “The gray one.”

  “Cool, I’ve shown Bethany the pictures of the other one, we’re going to look at it tomorrow. You and Alicia come over to celebrate. We have two lasagnas, Bethany went overboard with the sauce.”

  I nod at Chloe. “Dante wants us over at his place to celebrate.” Her cheeks flush. Why the hell do I love when that happens? Into the phone. “Chloe would love to come. We’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”

  “Why did you do that? What if I had plans or something?”

  “You don’t have any plans, you would have cancelled them five minutes after I called you to tell you I would meet you. And if you didn’t, tough. Since you’re starting on the remodel tomorrow Dante needs to know I’ve made a claim on your time, best to tell him tonight. Besides, if you say no Bethany will end up crying.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Fine.” She stomps around gathering her things, shutting off her computer. “But only because I don’t want to be the cause of Bethany crying.”

  It isn’t until we’re in the car that she says something. “About this claim on my time. What do you mean?”

  I shrug, avoiding her searching gray eyes. “I’m paying enough I want you on site every day even if all you’re doing is walking through it. Preferably you check the work for the day in the morning, then you go back at the end of the day to make sure what was agreed upon was done. In case it wasn’t done properly, it’s not weeks later it needs to be fixed. I do want approval of the contractors you use. While I won’t be there daily, I will check in at least weekly. Even though you are getting three months, I don’t think it will take that long. You’ll get the three fifty once it’s done, whether it takes three months or less.”

  “Wait, at the end? No way am I going through months of dealing with you every day and not getting paid for it. I want money up front and on a weekly basis.”

  “No money up front. Money at the end of the first month then weekly from there.”

  “You have lost your mind; nothing for the first month? Oh, hell no, this isn’t going to work. Never mind, you can do it on your own.”

  “I bought the house because you said you would be the one to handle the remodel. There’s a twenty-four-hour buyer’s remorse clause. I’ll have Dante pull it and go find someone else who keeps their word.”

  Silence. I can feel her vibrating with outrage. Not laughing isn’t easy, but I’m not sure she won’t get violent. “Payment on a weekly basis starting week one.”

  I consider the offer. “Weekly, starting week two.”

  “I hate you. I just want it out in the open now.” She spits out the words at me.

  Biting my tongue to keep from laughing, I shrug. “I don’t need you to like me. I need you to do the job I hired you for.”


  Shit, I can’t stop my laughter before it bubbles out of me. She does that thing again where her eyes go big and she can’t look away from me. A honk from behind us tells her the light’s green. Yeah, she hates me all right.

  Once we’re in the elevator, I lean back against the wall. “Fair warning, Bethany is crying for no reason now at the drop of a hat, so pretty much anything you say or do might make her cry.”



  I mean it, I hate Enzo Sabatini with his smug, superior attitude, he knows it all, and I should be going down on my knees thanking him for even being in his presence. I wish he would stop laughing, I really wish he would stop. I take back wanting to know what it sounds like; it sounds like a rumbling thunder, soft yet soothing as a storm comes in. I’ve never been afraid of thunderstorms, I love them and whenever one begins, I immediately want to run to bed to lie there and listen to it. He’s already gorgeous but when he laughs, dear god it should be illegal. If I had been driving I would have run into something. It’s super fucking annoying that me telling him I hate him didn’t annoy or anger him in the slightest. I’m so fucked.

  When the door opens, Bethany flings her arms around me. “I knew it. I knew you’d get Enzo all tied up in a single day with one hand behind your back.” I get barked at by a small tan chihuahua whose name I can’t remember, but Ginny and Maxie greet me by winding around my legs. “Sorry, come in. Enough you guys, shoo. Wine?”

  “Yes, please.” I watch in fascination as Enzo scoops up the whining chihuahua. The tiny dog is in ecstasy in Enzo’s arms. I’m not jealous of the dog. I think.

  “One glass, she’s driving,” Enzo rumbles.

  Bethany nods. “One glass only. Enzo, if you behave you get to take the extra lasagna home with you.”

  It’s annoying how sweet he is with the small dog as he gently sets it down after cuddling it close. He’s an asshole; he’s not supposed to also be sweet, nice, or anything that could mean he’s not just an asshole. I’m at the table sipping deeply on my wine, wishing I weren’t driving. “Chloe, cheese garlic bread?”

  I nod and take the basket from Bethany. “Thanks, I can never believe you bake the bread from scratch. I don’t have the patience for it. I’m already smug from making my pasta from scratch. I’m forever in love with your lasagna. Almost every time I eat it, I swear I go home to play with mine to figure out why it doesn’t taste as good as yours.”

  “It’s not hard, I love kneading the dough, it allows me to get my frustrations out. And don’t even try it, I’m not giving you the recipe no matter how much you beg.”

  Taking a bite of the lasagna, I can’t help releasing a small moan. “I swear this is better than sex.”

  A deep, smoky chuckle comes from Enzo. It goes right to the core of me, leaving me slick with desire. “With all due respect to Bethany’s skill, if this is better than sex then your partners have been letting you down.”

  “It’s an expression, trust you to take everything literally.” I hate the blush I feel on my face. It doesn’t help I meant what I said. My past sexual partners have been less than impressive. I take too long to get there, they usually gave up before I even felt a freaking tingle. I’m far happier with my two vibrators than I have ever been with a man.

  Bethany shakes her head. “Enzo, be nice. Before I met Dante I would say food was better than sex, now I know differently. How soon are you moving into your new house?”

  “Not soon at all. It needs work. The kitchen is getting a gut, all the bathrooms, the office and the basement is a wreck. Chloe is in charge, she drives a hard bargain, she gets three months and three fifty for her hard work.”

  Dante groans. “Come on, man, she’s my number two. You’re going to monopolize her.”

  “What can I say? She impressed me. Given her own extensive knowledge on remodels she’s done herself, I think I’ll get my money�
�s worth putting her in charge.”

  “La de freaking da.” I swallow the last of my wine. “The great Enzo Sabatini is paying me a compliment. I must make sure to transcribe it into my diary the moment I get home.”

  “Yes, along with how you had an orgasmic moment eating dinner. You wouldn’t want to forget that. Bethany, I refuse your offer to take the second lasagna. Chloe can take it home and get the satisfaction she so desperately needs.”

  I want to smack his stupid beautiful face. “And you would know about making sure a woman is satisfied, with your manwhore ways of using a different woman every night. I’ll take the lasagna over worrying about getting tested any damn day.”

  A thump snatches my attention from Enzo to the end of the table, where Bethany has set down a dish. “Tiramisu, I made tiramisu for dessert. So, leave room.”

  I stab the last of my lasagna, wishing it was Enzo’s face as I nod. Dante clears his throat. “You want to wait to put your place up for sale until the house is done or now?”

  “Go ahead and put the place up for sale tomorrow. Everything in it included. You have the info for it, right?”

  “Yeah, but we need to get pictures since Sheryl made changes. I’ll send the team over tomorrow. Chloe, you want to handle the sale?”

  Shaking my head, I push my plate away. Maybe one glass of wine was more than I should have had. My head feels fuzzy; I’m so tired and done. “It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t have a client who would be interested in it.”

  “Are you concerned about it selling? Don’t you want to have someone go in and change it? Sheila only got through half the place. Won’t it be an issue when it goes on sale?” Bethany asks.

  “No, as awful as you and I think the place looks, not everyone will think so.”

  Dante nods in agreement. “We’ll put it on the books among the team. So any thoughts on contractors you want to work with, Enzo?”

  “I was going to leave that up to Chloe; however, I was thinking Dom and Tony would have better referrals. He and Tony have worked their way through Boystown and Uptown, last I talked to them they lost count of flips. They went ahead and kept two of their multifamily properties.”

  “They are going to Che and Alicia’s on Sunday, all the more reason for you not to make an excuse to get out of going.”

  Enzo grunts in answer. I laugh. I can’t help it. “Poor Enzo, a few hours spent with people who love and care about you and actually want to spend time with you. My heart bleeds for you.”

  “Dessert,” Bethany yelps. “Tiramisu, Chloe?”

  “How do you put up with him now that you can’t drink, Bethany? I’m dying for another glass of wine.”

  My chair is yanked back from the table. “Then let’s get you home so you can have that glass.”

  A huge hot hand wraps around my arm before not too gently pulling me up out of my chair. My legs weak from his touch, I sag against him, and holy shit, it’s like falling on an electric fence. Whether I’m drunk or tired, I sober up pretty damn quickly as my entire body comes alive at the sensation of his body against mine. Except nothing is working as brain synapses explode and clang against each other at this new, shocking feeling. He heaves a sigh, then his arm wraps around me and oh, god oh god I’m wet and my bones are made of Silly Putty, hot, wet, gooey Silly Putty.

  “Say thank you and good night, Chloe,” Enzo rumbles from above me.

  “Night, thanks.” I toss the words over my shoulder; they sound as slurred as I feel. Any minute now, any damn minute and my brain will stop whirling and I’m going to stop pressing even closer to Enzo. Only all the way down in the elevator nothing happens, except Enzo’s arm tightens around me and I’m fighting not to climb him like a damn tree. Then the elevator door opens into the quiet, well-lit garage. Enzo’s hand tightens around my waist as he all but drags me beside him. Crap, I didn’t even realize he has my purse. He pulls out my keys from it to beep my car open.

  Enzo opens the passenger door for me, trying to put me inside. “I’m driving,”

  “No you aren’t. Get in before I put you in.” His chest is moving raggedly. God, I’m a freak I want to push him more, to see his breathing shudder the way it did when I pressed up against him in the elevator, to feel him up against me all over again. My eyes flick up to find his jaw tight, hard, pulsing like a heartbeat. I chicken out and get in, grateful to be off my rubbery legs. The door slamming closed sounds loud in the car.

  “Address,” Enzo grits out as he turns onto the street from the garage. I give it to him. I’m not surprised when he nods as if he knows where it is. The drive is quiet, not a word spoken. Sinking into the warm leather seat, I swear I blink and then I’m shaken awake by Enzo.

  He’s at the open door of the car. “Come on, sleeping beauty, time to get you into an actual bed.”

  Grumbling, I push him away. I’m so tired. Suddenly, I’m in Enzo’s arms as he mumbles under his breath in Italian. Oh yes, yes, thank you. I snuggle into him, so big, so hot, he smells so good, he feels amazing. Best. Dream. Ever.

  Until Russell is buzzing around at the edge of my dreams. Ugh, bright light then I’m on my bed, soft, familiar, my eyes flutter open. Enzo is looking down at me, his smile slays me with his dimple flashing. I smile back, unable to deny him. I blink and he’s gone.

  Pepe meows in my face; I push him away as I roll over onto my side. I sigh into the pillow, my brain roaming over the feeling of Enzo’s arms around me, and sink back into sleep.



  Out on the sidewalk in front of Chloe’s place, I’m pacing, trying to get my body under control. Christ, I can still feel her in my arms, still smell her skin, her hair, and her wet pussy. How I stayed standing, I have no fucking idea. Walking away from her, hell, I hated it. All I wanted to do was fall into bed beside her. As hard as my cock was, I simply long to hold her again. Only her fucking roommate was asking me question after question. I wanted to deck his ass for being there. At first, I wondered if he was more than her roommate. He laughed, telling me he was gay, but he still wanted to know what my intentions were. And if I was going to break her heart, he was going to kick my ass. I appreciated the fact he cared about Chloe, but I wasn’t telling him shit.

  A cab drops off a couple a few houses down. The cab crawls next to me. “Need a ride?”

  I nod, getting in. Only I’m not ready to go home. I give him the address to Dom’s club, I need a drink.

  It’s only a little after nine when I enter the club. There aren’t many people, then again it is only Thursday night. The place is a members-only private club with a restaurant and bar on this level and gambling and another bar in the basement. Before I make it ten feet in, the bartender nods. “Dom’s on his way down.”

  Turning, I find my cousin behind me. “Cugino, what brings you to my humble club?”

  I go with honesty. “I have no fucking idea.”

  He laughs. “Women troubles, I’ll get us a bottle. Head upstairs. I’ll be right behind you.”

  His place isn’t humble in the slightest. Half the place is devoted to the bar, while the other is seating for one of the best Italian kitchens in the city. Not everyone pays the thirty-thousand-dollar member fee per year to gamble freely; for many the attraction is the food. The stairs go up to his office. From his office there is a door that goes into other parts of the building, all of which Dom owns. His apartment is on the second floor, with a door from his office as the only entry other than a fire escape.

  I sag into one of the club chairs in the corner of the office. I’m wondering where he is when he comes in followed by a pretty blonde waitress. He’s carrying a bottle and two glasses, she’s carrying an antipasto platter and a plate of fried calamari. With a wide smile she leaves.

  “A little something so I’m not getting you drunk on an empty stomach.” Dom pours a glass of the impressive scotch.

  “I came from dinner but I didn’t eat much.”

  “A woman keeping you from eating. What’s her deal

  Shrugging, I’m not even sure how to answer. I take another swallow of whiskey, thankful for the burn.

  “I hear you’re in the market for a new place. You looking in my neighborhood?”

  I nod. “Not far from here.” I name the street. “I’m pretty sure I found what I want. Now I’m wondering what it’s really going to cost me?”

  “When the value is there the cost becomes negligible.” Dom knows I’m not talking about a house. “You also have to consider, what is it costing you to go without what you want?”



  Consciousness comes over me slowly, then all at once. Flashes of last night come back with technicolor brilliance. Oh god, I didn’t say that shit in front of Bethany and Dante. Burying my face in my pillow, I groan. Kill me, kill me now.

  Russell bangs on my door; at least it’s still closed. “Wake up, it’s seven thirty. You owe me. When I get home tonight I expect all the dirty details, every last one. I’m out.”

  Shaking my head, I groan again. I am not telling Russell a damn thing. I look down; Russell was nice enough to tug off my pants and take off my blouse. I’m wearing my bra, though, and it’s pinching like a motherfucker. A few moves and it’s off. I’m in granny panties, or at least my version of granny panties, the hipster briefs are my comfy, cozy panties.

  I put up my hair as I turn on the shower. I’m trying to take a quick shower except my stupid body comes alive in memory of last night, me plastered against Enzo, me in Enzo’s arms. Dear lord, my body has never, ever responded that way to a man. Hell, it barely responded like that when I was alone with my vibrator.


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