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His Dirty Bargain

Page 28

by Fiona Murphy

  A moan slides out of her as she grinds on me. “I love how you don’t need Viagra yet.” I chuckle as I slide my hands down to cup her ass. “A Sabatini does not need Viagra when his woman is as beautiful and sexy as you are. What are you doing with that damn prenup? I thought I destroyed all the copies that are out there.”

  “Nope, I kept one tucked away with Russell. Now that he and Steve and their six kids are moving to the wilds of Kenosha, Wisconsin he thought I should have it back.”

  She stresses six kids way too much. I thought we had settled this. “My love, if you get pregnant again, you’re putting your health at risk, your life at risk, my damn life and it’s just not happening. The vasectomy is the best thing for all of us. Five is pretty damn close, getting them to bed last night it felt like we had six. Three beautiful girls, two boys, we’re good. I think it’s a perfect ratio.”

  Her sigh heats the skin of my neck. “Fine, okay, I said okay already. Renegotiating the terms of the prenup is the subject, not me not getting my six kids.”

  I pull back to look down at her. “What renegotiating? Why?”

  “Because it’s been ten years. The prenup states in ten years we reevaluate if we want to stay married or not. And if we do stay married, then the terms of the prenup can be changed.”

  “Yeah, that’s not happening. You aren’t going anywhere. I only put that in there so you wouldn’t know just how completely and utterly you owned me.”

  Her smile goes wide, she glows as she kisses my cheek. “Whatever, you signed it. So now I want what I’m due.”

  Curiosity keeps me from laughing. “And what are you due?”

  “Just seven million dollars.”

  “Oh, just seven million dollars. What will you be doing with this seven million dollars?” It’s a pittance, I’d hand her twice that any day of the week without flinching but she’s making a meal of this so I’m curious what it is she really wants.

  “Buying land in Sicily so we can all build houses on it. It makes sense. We all love going there, it’s crazy to rent a house or even a hotel when we go.”

  I laugh. “I’m not giving you seven million dollars.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Why not? This is for all of us.”

  “Because the guys already went in on an island off Sicily. When we go on vacation to celebrate our anniversary, we’ll spend our time laying out the house for the build and picking out finishes. It was Cesare’s idea, he was getting tired of staying in hotels when he and Alicia went.” Over the last four years, now that our kids are old enough to leave for longer than a few days we’ve gone to Italy, going back again and again to Sicily.

  Chloe smacks my chest. “How could you not tell me sooner? Bethany, Alicia, Gina, Christina, and I have all been wracking our brains trying to figure out how to make it happen for weeks.”

  “A surprise means surprise. I think Cesare got the idea from Alicia, maybe he heard her talking to one of you about it.”

  “I’m mad at you but it’s so sweet. An entire island, being married to a billionaire has its benefits, I guess. Ooh, can we spend Christmas there? I feel a little bad we usually go when it’s freezing cold and we leave the kids.”

  “At least you feel bad about it. Dante teases Mass, Gia, and Lucia with selfies when he and Bethany go.”

  Laughing, Chloe nods. “I’m a bad person for laughing. I think it was awesome though the way you helped the kids get him back by filling his home office with thousands of peeps. He swears he can still smell them in his office.”

  “Of course he can still smell them. There are at least a dozen I’ve hidden in there he’ll never find.”

  “Just wait, he’s going to try to get you back.”

  “He already has. He sent an enormous donation to a truly bizarre charity in my name and they haven’t stopped emailing me and sending me letters since.”

  “You two.” Shaking her head, she runs a hand down my face. “It’s very sweet of you guys to buy the island. I think this calls for a special thank you.”

  “I was going to say your happiness is enough but if you want, it would be bad manners not to accept.”

  “Very bad manners. Mia went down for her nap like a good girl, I asked Evelyn to make sure we get some private time.”

  “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  “I think it was the day before yesterday. But you show me every day. Show me now, my amazing, beautiful husband.”

  Because I can refuse her nothing, I do.

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  Dominic’s story: Purchase

  His Fire Inside

  BBW Romance

  Okay, I know it’s crazy to hate someone you’ve never met before but Rourke Vega is not the average man. The arrogant billionaire manwhore is to blame for turning my beloved Austin from quirky, cool college town to hipster paradise.

  It’s a good thing I don’t have to deal with him while I help his mother recover from a stroke. Her, I love. Him, all right I might have this insane desire to lick the dimple in his chin. Then there’s the way from the outside he’s calm, cool, collected and in control as if nothing fazes him. It makes me want to press his buttons, to make him lose control, to see the fire he hides inside. The fire I felt all too briefly. The fire I can’t forget even as I tell myself I’m crazy because no way could a man as gorgeous as Rourke want a plus size like me.

  If my plus size doesn’t put him off my family situation will. Both of our lives are too complicated to add romance to it. Besides, he’s made it clear for the six months I’m his employee I’m off limits. Except he’s still staring at me with the heat of a volcano ready to explode. Like a fool I’m drawn to the fire even when I know it means one of us will get burned, but who?

  His Under Contract (BBW Romance)


  I never thought I would end up a housekeeper scrubbing floors on my hands and knees for one of the most obnoxious a$$holes I've ever met. It doesn’t matter if the floors are in a million-plus dollar condo, in one of Chicago’s most exclusive addresses. I never had huge aspirations for my future but it certainly wasn't this. While even his sister thinks he’s best taken in small doses, she offers me a job I can’t refuse. I need this job, and it’s not like it’s forever, just until I’m not on the edge of poverty. Let him be the unrepentant manwhore who didn’t do repeats. It’s better for him not to be at home, so close that my stupid body goes nuts when I even think of him. It’s better this way, because he could never want me. I’m a plus size not a size two model he’s used to having. I’m safe, it doesn’t matter how badly I want him, he doesn’t want me. Does he?


  In my world, the stakes are high, million dollar high, so no, I’m not nice. I don’t say please or thank you and I never apologize. If you have a problem with that, it’s your problem not mine. I didn’t make partner at one of the biggest law firms in Chicago at only thirty-two with my winning personality. I’m on top because I make money for my clients, whether it’s a high stakes takeover, or a player getting paid every dime he’s worth. My clients come out on top. I have worked hard for the life I have, the million-dollar condo, the Ferrari in the garage, and the hottest woman on my arm and in my bed. So, if my b!tch of a new housekeeper wants to look down on me, like I give a fu*k. My one weakness, my little sister parked me with a housekeeper who is far from perfect. Okay, she has the cooking and the cleaning down. But damn, does she have an attitude and a mouth on her that smiles even when she’s insulting me. It’s a good thing she isn’t my type, or I would make her pay the best way possible. At least, I’m trying to tell my c@ck she’s not my type, only the a$$ole has had his own idea since he saw her. It won’t last long though, it never wants any woman for long. When she offers herself to me, it’s with a contract where I hold all the control, all I have to do is sign.
  His on Demand (BBW Romance)

  To make my dream come true I’ll do anything, even put up with an a$$hole like Leandros Kaplan. Four years, five tops and I’ll have enough money saved to stop working and write full time. I know lying to him to get the job is crazy and stupid. It’s as crazy and stupid as the requirement for his new assistant to be married. I’m not married, and I’m not like his past assistants, the ones who dropped sexual innuendo daily and then would hand him their underwear when he asked for reports. I’m a freaking virgin at thirty-one.

  I swear I never thought I would fall for him, it doesn’t matter that he’s a gorgeous Greek god billionaire, he’s also a jerk who takes pride in being ruthless and cold-blooded. He’s so out of my league we don’t even play the same game. He’s into dating double zero models. There’s no way he would ever be interested in a plus size like me.

  When he finds out I lied I’m not surprised he wants his pound of flesh, I’m surprised he wants it in the form of my flesh, naked for him. The retribution he demands is me, whenever, however, he wants my body. I’ll give it to him, everything he demands. He doesn’t want my heart or tears, only I can’t stop giving him both, and it’s slowly tearing me apart. Can he ever forgive me for lying or will that one lie be the end of us?




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