SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6)

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SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6) Page 19

by Melody Heck Gatto

  “Are you mocking me? I’m trying to do the right thing here and be honest, and it seems to be backfiring miserably.” What the hell? I’m no wuss.

  Finally, she was fighting a smile; her cheeks were pointed in like she was biting the sides. That little bit of hope was what he needed to see. He could fix this.

  “I should’ve been with you.” His words came out more like a whisper, but he knew she heard every word from the smile that was sliding across her sweet lips.

  “You had so much going on. You’re being a little unfair to yourself.”

  “You had a lot to deal with too, but you were strong. Stronger than me.”

  She looked down at her belly then back to him. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  She was so beautiful sitting there. All this time he’d wasted that he should’ve been with her. Mom said to follow his heart; well, it only led one place. Alison had held it since the day he met her.

  Kaden wanted her and only her, and he needed to make her realize that. Maybe it was their surroundings, maybe it was just how much he wanted to be with her, but whatever it was, it overwhelmed him. Instinctively, he dropped to one knee in front of her. “Ali will—”

  Her eyes went wide with panic. “Woah! What are you doing?” she whisper-scolded. But she didn’t look angry, instead surprised, shocked, maybe even embarrassed. But not angry. Her arms flailed around as she grabbed Kaden and pulled him off the floor and back into his seat. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Stop it!”

  “I don’t want anyone but you, and I want to be there to take care of you and my son. That’s where I belong. So it only makes sense. Right?” Didn’t it?

  “Kaden…” Ali was still breathing a bit heavily but looked like she was settling down. “We’re not ready for that.” She motioned with her finger between them.

  “But I thought—”

  “Listen, it’s not that I don’t love you. Because I do. You thought you were doing the right thing, and I need to respect that. As ass-backwards as it was. But that doesn’t change how I feel about you. It also doesn’t change that I am carrying your son. Now I know we didn’t plan this. Trust me; I wanted to do about a million more things before I became a mom. And I hoped to be married first, with a white picket fence and all that jazz. But that’s not how things turned out, and I’m okay with that. But I also don’t want to rush into anything. Especially marriage, of all things.”

  He hadn’t planned on proposing, but her rejection still stung. “But I want to be with you. I want to take care of you and our son. I want to go through this with you and be there for you.” Wait, did she just say…? “Did you just say you love me?”

  A soft smile appeared on her face and the slightest sparkle in her eyes while she bit at her bottom lip. “I want to be with you. I want you to be part of this pregnancy. I want us to do this together. But it doesn’t mean we need to rush into getting married. I don’t think we’re ready for that. Can you honestly say that you are?”

  “I guess I am.” Kaden’s self-esteem took a nose dive, and he was nervous like a schoolboy asking a girl to go steady. “I don’t want to see anyone else, Ali. I just want to be with you.”

  The soft smile stayed on her lips as more sparkle danced in her mesmerizing crystal blue eyes. “I don’t doubt that, Kaden. Just the fact that you were willing to marry me and put your bachelor ways behind you for this little guy…” She patted her baby bump. She then took his hand in hers. “But I don’t want to get married just for the baby. I want this. I want the months and months of planning. I want the stressing over every little detail. I want the big, beautiful wedding, and the crazy fun reception, filled with all of our family and friends. And cookies. Lots of cookies, and a huge, amazing wedding cake.” Excitement showed in her eyes as she talked about her dream wedding. He was definitely willing to give that to her, every bit of it.

  “There you two are! I’ve been looking all over the place for you, Ali!” Hailee exclaimed, as the door to the reception room slammed shut behind her. “I’m getting ready to throw the bouquet, and you need to be in that crowd of single ladies waiting to catch it.” She stood with her hand out to Alison. Then looking between the two of them, her face scrunched up in question. “Is everything okay here?”

  Ali smiled at Kaden, still holding his hand. “Yep. We’re good.”

  Kaden helped her up out of the chair. She groaned a bit as he lifted her from the soft cushions. “You definitely can’t miss the bouquet toss.”

  He winked at her once she was standing on her own. Just because she wasn’t ready, didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep trying.

  Hailee looked from Ali to Kaden, then laid her hand on Ali’s belly. “Okay, I’ll see you two and this little man inside in five minutes.” She put her hand in Ali’s and Kaden’s faces with five digits in the air. “Seriously guys, five minutes. I’ll be timing you. Tick-tock.”

  “Wait a second—” Kaden tilted his head as Hailee’s words swam around his brain. “Hailee knew it was a boy?” He could feel his face fall as the realization hit him that he might have been the last to know about his son, due to his own stupidity.

  Hailee’s expression didn’t change, and she put her hand on her hip. “Well, duh. Of course I did! Plus, I was at the ultrasound with her, because, well, you know. And you can put the wind back in your sails there, O’Conner. I didn’t tell Dominic. Or anyone else, for that matter. That’s for you to do, Daddy. See you two inside.” Hailee’s words softened at the end, and she disappeared back into the reception.

  Kaden was dizzy while still recovering from the feeling of being kicked in the nuts when he thought he was the last to know about his son. This meant more to him than he even realized. His son. The words still sounded weird, and yet so perfect. It was his own fault. He had nobody to blame but himself. Had he not forgotten about the ultrasound, he would’ve been there with Ali to learn the sex of their baby with her together.

  “You were upset when you thought that everyone already knew, weren’t you?” Ali laid her hand on his shoulder. The cute pout formed on her lips.

  He let out a breath and gently rubbed his thumb along her jaw. “I guess I was. You and this little guy mean a lot to me, so much so that I don’t even know how to begin explaining it. But what I felt when I thought I was the last to know… I don’t know, but it was the worst pain ever. But I understand why Hailee knew before me. It’s not like I was there.”

  Kaden concentrated on her features, committing every last one to memory. He missed her soft smile, the way her eyes glistened when she got over-emotional or excited, even the sweet scent of her hair.

  “That feeling was called jealousy. Fun, isn’t it?” Pink filled her cheeks.

  “God, no. Definitely not fun. Now please kiss me. I’ve missed you so much.” It’d only been a few weeks since he had kissed those lips, but it felt like years.

  Ali rose to her tiptoes as Kaden leaned in to meet her warm, soft lips. His tongue collided with hers, danced softly with hers. She tasted sweet like cookies and sugar. His dick reacted to their kiss, breaking the tender moment. Their bodies were so close, she no doubt felt the eagerness grow in his slacks.

  Ali pulled back with a tiny breathy laugh, and rested her forehead against his. “Hmm, I see someone else missed me, too.”

  “Sure has. Wouldn’t you rather slip out of here and get reacquainted with him?” It was an ass of a move, but if there was even the slightest chance she’d say yes, he had to try.

  Her deep sigh was heavy. “Kaden, you have no idea. But I know Hailee, and she’s waiting for us. If we don’t show…”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” He knew Hailee well enough to know that Ali was right. The fact that she had agreed with him was all he needed to hear. He dropped one more soft kiss on her lips before escorting her back into the reception.

  Alison squeezed his hand as they entered the loud room again. Dom was dancing like a fool to some rap song, with some of the guys dancing around him. They all looked r
idiculous. He knew Kris and Pat didn’t care if they looked like fools up there; they were having fun. Even Matt and Tyler joined in. Torin, Luc and the younger guys didn’t seem so eager to look like goofballs.

  Once the song was over, the DJ turned the music off and picked up the mike. “Okay folks, it’s bouquet time. Will the new Mrs. Dominic Zanetti please come over here to the dance floor? Also, single ladies, Hailee needs all of you to join her.” He waited for the dance floor to fill up with ladies. “Hailee, the floor is yours.”

  Ali stayed at Kaden’s side.

  “Aren’t you going to go over there? Remember what Hailee said.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what Hailee said. I just really don’t think it’s safe for me to be out there. I mean, what if the other girls knock me over?” She touched her belly. “I don’t think it’s very safe for us.”

  He stared at her, trying to read what she was really scared of. He knew the tradition behind the bouquet toss. That whoever caught it was said to be next in line to get married. Considering he had just tried to propose to Alison and she’d stopped it before it could even happen, was she really worried about getting hurt? Or is she worried about actually catching the thing? I guess some of those single ladies could get kind of rowdy.

  He glanced to the dance floor, where Hailee was looking right at them with her arms crossed, while some of the ladies were already fighting for a good spot on the dance floor. Yeah, it might not be the safest idea.

  Kaden took Alison by the hand and walked her over to the crowd. He cleared his throat. “Ladies, can I have your attention, please?” The crowd of women quieted and turned in his direction.

  Ali grabbed his arm and yanked hard on it, whispering, “Kaden, what are you doing?”

  “Relax, doll,” Kaden whispered back, before continuing his announcement. “I know you are all excited about trying to catch the bride’s bouquet. But we have a young lady here who would also like to participate, and she’s a bit worried about, well, about her safety.”

  The ladies murmured amongst themselves, and Ali buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. “Oh my god,” she muttered.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Hailee huffed. “What her hockey player boyfriend is trying to say is, she’s pregnant. So don’t knock her over, okay? Now who wants the bouquet? Ali, get over here!” She held the flowers up in the air, grinning, and shook her hips while dancing around.

  “Well, are you going to go up there?” Kaden asked, tilting his head towards the crowd.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Kaden shrugged. “Hey, Hailee said most of it.” Better her than me.

  Ali’s face was red as all the girls watched her slowly join the crowd.

  “Alright ladies, get ready!” Hailee turned her back to the girls and shut her eyes. “One… Two…” She wound up, preparing to throw the bouquet. “Three!” She tossed it high in the air and spun around to watch the chaos ensue.



  Ali couldn’t believe Kaden had done that. And for Hailee to go along with it—what the hell were my friends thinking? Oh my god, that was so embarrassing. Everyone didn’t need to know I was pregnant and worried about getting injured.

  She touched her swollen belly. The dress didn’t exactly hide her bump, but it didn’t really announce it, either. If someone wasn’t looking for it, they might miss it. But they sure all knew now. Her face still burned from the embarrassment.

  Standing in the crowd of women, she felt out of place.

  Why am I even doing this? I’m not technically single. I’m a mom-to-be. I don’t need a bouquet of flowers to tell me I’m going to be married next. I’m sure Kaden will ask me a million more times before I say yes.

  It’s not that she didn’t enjoy being asked. She just wanted it to be for the right reasons.

  “One… Two… Three!” Hailee tossed the bouquet up into the air and over the dance floor.

  Ladies scurried around her, some being extra careful not to bump her, yet others diving like they were crowd surfing. One girl cut in front of her, and Ali closed her eyes out of fear she was going to be knocked to the ground. She put her arms out in front of her to help keep the lady from getting too close to her, but instead, she felt something light drop into her hands. Opening her eyes, she saw it was the bouquet.

  “Ali! Yay! Woohoo! You’re next!” Hailee danced around before running to Alison and wrapping her into a bear hug. “I knew it!”

  “What? How?” Alison’s head was spinning as Hailee pulled back. She hadn’t even tried. How in the hell did I catch this? After what just happened back there… this is too surreal. “Did you throw it to me on purpose?”

  “Oh please, would I do something like that?” Hailee smirked.

  “Hey there, doll face. Nice flowers.” Kaden put his arm around her waist and pulled her into his warm chest, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “So, that means you’re next. Did I get that right?” The grin on his face was like a kid in a candy store. He was clearly quite satisfied with himself.

  “Shut up.” Alison faked a grimace as she held back a laugh, and elbowed him in the ribs. He was still so hung up on the marriage thing.

  “I think he’s right.” Mia laughed behind her.

  “Ugh!” Alison’s face radiated with heat as she hid in Kaden’s chest. Stupid bouquet. Why am I getting so flustered over this? Must be the hormones. It’s just a stupid tradition; it doesn’t mean anything, anyway.

  “I think someone needs a cookie break.” Kaden peeled her off him and held out his hand. “Shall we?”

  Yes, cookies. Good idea. “Absolutely.” She hurried hand-in-hand with him to the delicious looking cookie table. Before he could give her a plate, she grabbed a few lady locks and devoured them. She’d always had a sweet tooth, but this baby had done irrational things to her. I’m seriously going to have to hit the gym after this little one makes his appearance.

  “Um…” Kaden motioned towards her lips. She had no idea what he was doing. Then he pointed to his own.

  “Oh, do I have—” Before she could finish her sentence, his lips covered hers, and his warm tongue made a swipe over her bottom lip, not only taking the powdered sugar, but her breath as well.

  Kaden nibbled at her mouth a moment before he pulled back just enough to whisper, “So, I was wondering, how long do we have to hang around here?”

  “I, uh, I dunno.” Alison couldn’t think straight after that kiss, much less comprehend what he was asking. His kisses were always one of her favorite things, and she’d missed them more than she realized. She didn’t want to think about him kissing anyone else.

  These pregnancy hormones had a mind of their own. Alison had no intention of getting this close with Kaden so soon, but her hormones had other ideas, taking her directly to turned on. The warmth of his lips made her body hot and her girly parts react.

  The last few weeks had been annoying and the ups and downs exhausting. Being in his arms eased the stress she’d been feeling. Pregnancy hormones weren’t helping matters, but she didn’t hate how they had her feeling. She knew what she wanted. Him. Maybe she didn’t need words for this.

  Standing on her tiptoes, she grabbed his suit jacket, and pulled his lips to hers. She instinctively met his mouth and slid her tongue between his warm lips. He didn’t protest.

  Losing herself in him, the weeks that had passed disappeared from her mind. The only thing she focused on was him. And she needed to be closer.



  As he unlocked the door to his loft, Kaden’s stomach twisted with nervous anxiety. Alison’s forward actions surprised him as much as they turned him on. She seemed to know what she wanted, and he was happy to accommodate.

  But as much as he wanted to be with her, he’d never been with a pregnant woman before. Would sex hurt the baby? Would it hurt Ali? He would never do anything to hurt her just to serve himself. He had to let her take th
e lead on this. If she hesitated, he’d back off. Otherwise, they’d both have a satisfying and amazing night ahead.

  “Can I get you anything?” He ushered her into the loft. Worries took over as his stomach did odd things. She’s pregnant with your child, you dumbass. You don’t bring the mother of your child back to your place for a simple fuck.

  As he thought about throwing that limber little body up against the wall and ravishing her like he used to do, his dick grew hard—until his eyes met her newly rounded belly. He was still horny, but quickly went from full-steam-ahead to yield, as he worried more about her and less about his libido.

  “Um, do you want something to drink? Water? Are you hungry? Do you maybe want a glass of milk?” Glass of milk? Did I really just say that? What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “Kaden, did you just offer me milk?” Alison snickered as she folded her arms and cocked her head to the side.

  “Well, I… um...” He hung his head in the hopes of hiding his embarrassment. “Yes.” Why not just go with it at this point? I already look like an ass. Better to just man up.

  “Well…” Ali stepped in front of him and put her delicate hands in his. Her skin was soft and warm as she folded their fingers together. Slowly he lifted his head and their eyes met. “As nice of an offer as it is, I think I’m okay on dairy for now.”

  His body heated as she closed the space between them. The way she ran her lips softly along his jaw was like old times. As if nothing had changed between them. It was so easy for him to fall back into these old feelings.

  Kaden’s body stiffened; he wanted this so badly. But instinct to nurture her still took over to a certain degree. If he didn’t ask, he’d never get past the need to. His heart sped up as her lips caressed his skin, moving closer to his neck. Holding back every carnal desire, he was barely able to speak, but managed to get out what he needed to. “You sure I can’t get you anything to eat?”


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