SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6)

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SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6) Page 24

by Melody Heck Gatto

  I have to do better. I have to be better. “I’ve had so much going on with the season and my mom. That will all have to change.” Before he could say any more, her small voice interrupted him.

  “Kaden, please don’t blame yourself. You’ve been great. I’ve been so stressed about the messed-up first meeting with your mom and then the do-over meeting, that I couldn’t sleep. Then I couldn’t eat; the nausea was too bad. But not eating was just as bad. I hid it from you on purpose. I was tired of the nausea and couldn’t take it anymore, so I just didn’t eat. You did everything you were supposed to and so much more. The stress was so out of control. I never intended to hurt the baby. I would never hurt our baby.” Tears filled her eyes as she looked around at all the wires taped onto her. “How long do I have to stay hooked up to this stuff?”

  “Well, they said probably a few hours. Since you’re pregnant, they’ll check to see how you’re fairing after that point and decide. They said something about maybe overnight, but we’ll have to just wait and see. With any luck, you’ll be home tonight. And by home, I mean my loft. No argument.” He watched her face, but the expression wasn’t anger. It was more sadness, and she didn’t protest like he’d thought.

  “I’m sorry that I scared you. I’ll be better at taking care of myself, taking care of us.” She put her hand on her belly.

  “Oh doll, don’t say that. It’s my job to take care of both of you. My dad would be disappointed that I didn’t see you were struggling. I was so wrapped up in hockey and the stuff with my mom…”

  “No—that’s what you should’ve been doing. Believe me when I say he’s not disappointed in you. Look what you’ve become. You’re a hockey star, you’re a wonderful human being, and an amazing son and brother. You take such good care of your mom and sister. Even trying to move them here, closer to you. Now you’re going to be a dad. There’s no reason I can see that he’d ever be disappointed in you.”

  Her words warmed his heart, and gave him the best idea. Taking her small hand in his, he paused a moment before speaking. A lump formed in his throat at the thought of his father. “I have a suggestion for the perfect name for our son.”

  * * * *

  Kaden stood in the middle of Ali’s loft and looked around at the now almost empty space. Whatever was left here was packed away in boxes, but most was on its way to his place. This is finally happening.

  His mom was also feeling much better, and since he refused to let her help, she was on the phone with him for most of the move. “Yes, Mom. The doctor decided to keep Ali overnight for precautionary reasons. But I’ll be bringing her home today. I guess they wouldn’t usually do that, except she’s pregnant, so…”

  “I still wish you would’ve let me help. I’m sure Alison would appreciate a woman’s touch.”

  “I appreciate the thought, but that’s what Hailee is here for, Mom. Look, I really should be helping out, so I’m going to go. But maybe you guys could come over tomorrow? You know, once you’ve found an apartment you’d like to have here as your Pittsburgh home. We could order a pizza.” If they didn’t start looking soon, he was going to pick one for them.

  As he ended the call, Hailee emerged from the bedroom. “Okay, everything is in boxes, and I’ve marked them so the guys can just put the boxes into the bedroom. Then if she wants, Ali can decide how to unpack them.” She wiped at her forehead and tugged at her violet hair. “Whew. It’s warm in here.”

  “I really do appreciate this, Hailee. Thanks again for helping out.” He pulled her into a sweaty hug. “With her scare last night, this had to be done ASAP.”

  “I agree with you on that. Plus, this way it’s all done and she can’t muscle her way in to help. I can see her trying to carry boxes.” Hailee ended her comment with a laugh.

  “Me too. If you and Dom want to come over later for pizza, you’re more than welcome.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but we really need to get packed. Our flight is first thing in the morning.”

  “Oh yeah. With everything going on I forgot all about that. Sorry.” Since the season was officially over, they could leave right away for their trip, instead of waiting. The perks of being a professional athlete: last minute reservations were never a problem.

  “Please. The last thing you need to be worrying about is my schedule! I’m just glad it all worked out that we were still here when you and Ali needed us. And now she’ll be here with you, and I won’t have to worry about her while we’re on our honeymoon. But please tell your mom that Dom and I said hi. How has she been doing?”

  “She still has to take it easy, but she’s doing good. Thanks for asking.”

  “Are they going home soon, then?” Hailee asked.

  “I don’t really know. She’s getting antsy being here, stuck in a hotel. That’s why I keep pushing them to find a place. If they don’t want to move here permanently, I understand that. But having their own place means they’d be comfortable staying here and not waiting for the moment they can go back home.”

  “I bet they’re excited about the baby.”

  “They are. Honestly, things have been tough since my Dad passed away. I haven’t seen my mom looking forward to anything since he got sick. Then, dealing with her cancer scare alone… I know this wasn’t planned, but I think we needed this. I think I need this.”

  Hailee smiled gently, her eyes were full of understanding. “Kaden, it’s going to be okay. She’s not alone, you know that right? She has you and your sister.”

  In his gut, he knew that. It was his brain that was messing with him. “Yeah.” Kaden avoided thinking about his dad since they lost him. He never figured out how to be okay with him being gone.

  His dad had been more than just a role model to him; his dad was his best friend. When Kaden thought about his son never getting to know his grandfather, it made his insides ache. It’s not fair that my dad isn’t here for this.

  “Kaden?” Hailee shook him from his thoughts.

  “Yeah. I’m good.” He quickly looked around the loft. “Hailee, thanks. I have to pick Ali up at the hospital.”

  * * * *

  “Wow, you really were busy while I was laid up, weren’t you?” Ali asked, as he ushered her into his—their—newly organized loft. “I was only gone a day. I expected boxes of stuff to be sitting around. Not this.” She stood in the doorway to the living room and gazed around.

  “You know me better than that. I don’t do things halfway. The guys all pitched in, and Hailee too, and we set most of it up. In all honesty, it looks a lot better in here with your stuff.”

  The emptiness of his bachelor loft was gone, and it seemed more like a home now. “I hope you like it. I mean, if you don’t like where we put things, I’ll move things around again. Oh, and Hailee took care of your clothes and stuff, so you’ll have to check the bedroom.”

  Alison was still looking around the room, her eyes wide in awe. “No, they did a great job. Everything looks perfect…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked at the floor.

  A lump landed in his chest as tears formed in her eyes, but didn’t fall. He softly brushed his knuckles along her jawline, and rubbed her shoulder with his other hand in an effort to comfort her. “Doll, what’s wrong? Tell me and I’ll fix it.”

  She shook her head, but her bottom lip trembled. “Nothing is wrong. It’s all perfect. You’re perfect. That’s just it. Everything you’re doing for me. It’s…” She wiped away a tear that threatened to fall. “Just… Thank you.”

  “I’m doing it for us. Over these last few months, I’ve learned there are so many things that I can’t control. I’ve also learned that I can’t control love. But what I can do is be the man that you need. I can take care of you and be there for you. And I can love you how you deserve to be loved. I can promise you that I’m going to be the best dad that I can be. And…” Kaden knew this was the perfect moment and the perfect place for this to happen, and there was no way she’d say no this time.

  Taking her hand, he dropped
to one knee, pulled a ring out of his pocket and held it out to her. “I want to be the best husband that I can be. Alison Bishop, will you please do me the honor of being my wife? I want to take care of you and our son for the rest of our lives. I want to be by your side, and I want us to grow old together.” Holding his breath, he watched tears fall from her eyes.

  “Kaden… I…”

  “Ali, I love you with all my heart and I only want you. Forever. Please don’t make me beg, doll.” Her hesitation didn’t hit him in the gut like all the other times. This silence wasn’t painful, it was different.

  Her bottom lip wobbled, and tears slowly fell down her face, but a sweet smile stayed on her lips as she quietly spoke the word he’d waited so long to hear. “Yes.”

  Jumping up from his knees, he slid the ring onto her finger before taking her face in his hands and kissing her lips. “Ali, I love you so much, and I promise that I’ll never be stupid and hurt you again.”

  She patted his chest and chuckled a little. “That’s a big promise.”

  “I mean it.”

  “I know you do. Kaden, I love you, too. And I know you’re going to be a great dad.” She took a deep breath and grabbed at him as if she was trying to stay steady.

  “What the hell am I thinking? You should be resting. I just brought you home from the hospital, and I have you standing around for no reason. C’mon, sit down on the couch and put your feet up.” He dragged her to the couch, propped a couple of pillows up behind her and one on the coffee table to put her feet on. “Better? Wait… Are you hungry? I’ll go get you—”

  She put her hand out to stop him. “I’m fine. Will you just sit with me? I’d like to relax for a bit and enjoy our loft.”

  “Absolutely.” Kaden wrapped himself around her. They sat in silence for a little while, just enjoying one another. He finally knew where he was destined to be. It had taken some time to get here, but to him it was worth it.



  Alison set her laptop on the coffee table in front of them. Looking at her reflection in the dark monitor, she anxiously ran her fingers through her hair. It’d been a while since she’d seen her mother, and she missed her. That was going to have to change with so much happening in her life now.

  “Kaden! Are you ready yet?” she called from the living room. He was taking longer than ever getting ready. “I’m pretty sure your hair is perfect by now.”

  “Well sue me if I want to look nice the first time I meet my future mother-in-law. After all it’s not like I asked her permission or anything.” Kaden was smiling, but she could tell he was nervous.

  “You’re supposed to ask the father for permission, not the mother. And he’s not around, hasn’t been in a long time, so I’d say you’re fine. And she’ll love you; trust me.”

  Kaden snuggled up beside her on the couch. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. “Okay, I’m ready.” His whiskers tickled her temple as he placed a soft kiss on it.

  Alison connected to Skype and her mom appeared on the screen. “Hey Mom! This is Kaden.” Alison pulled him close. She couldn’t stop smiling, and even giggled a little when his hand slid into her back pocket.

  “It’s so good to see you, honey. And, hello, Kaden. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Bishop.”

  “Oh please, Kaden, call me Lynne.” She lowered her voice and spoke out of the side of her mouth. “You were right, Ali. He is a cutie!”

  “Mom!” Alison’s face started to burn with embarrassment. “Anyway… we wanted to do this face-to-face, or kind of. We have some news for you.”

  “News? Ooh, I’m intrigued.” Her mom smirked.

  Her love for her mom was strong. While she was growing up, it was just the two of them. Alison smiled and held up her left hand, showing off her sparkly new ring.

  “Oh Alison! Does this mean…?”

  “We’re engaged!” Alison squealed with excitement.

  “Congratulations, you two!”

  “Mrs. Bishop, uh, I mean Lynne, that’s not all. We have more news for you. Doll, you want to do the honors?” Kaden squeezed Alison’s knee.

  Nerves swirled in her belly, under her new Renegades jersey. “Mom, in addition to a wedding to plan, we also have a nursey to prepare.”

  She waited for a reaction. But before her mom could say anything, Kaden excitedly interrupted.

  “Mrs—I mean, Lynne. Ali and I are having a baby. A boy.” The look on his face was pure joy.

  “Aaauuugghh!!” her mom screamed with excitement. “My baby is having a baby! I’m so happy for you two. I’m going to be a grandma!” She jumped up and danced around, but the screen cut half of her off; all Alison and Kaden could see was her waist down, but her yells and cheers were quite clear.

  “I told you she’d be thrilled.” Alison laughed. She snuggled into Kaden’s chest. “Mom, yoo-hoo, sit back down so we can see you.” Once her mom was seated, she continued. “Mom, we’re so happy.”

  “Baby, I know. I can tell. I can see it in both of your faces. I can see the love. That’s all I ever wanted for you. Oh, I’m so excited for you. Too bad I need to get going. I have to get ready for work. But thank you so much for making my day! I can’t wait to see you two face-to-face for real. And Kaden, I changed my mind; please call me Mom.”

  Saying their goodbyes was tough, since Alison hadn’t seen her mom in over a year. But they’d be planning a visit soon. Quickly Alison recapped her short stay in the hospital, just to keep her mom in the loop. After ending the call and closing the laptop, a yawn crept up on her. It’d been a long morning already.

  “Doll, you’re tired. Here, curl up next to me and rest before my mom and sister get here.” Kaden lay back onto the couch and cradled her in his arms.

  Closing her eyes, she was so comfortable with him wrapped around her. His warmth surrounded her. Taking a deep breath she settled in, just satisfied to be in his arms.

  * * * *

  Alison sat beside Kaden on the couch, while his mom and sister relaxed in the armchairs. Thanks to the first meeting do-over, Alison’s anxieties were gone, and she now wasn’t as nervous around them. Cathy O’Conner was very likable and incredibly caring, just like her son.

  All morning Alison had waited to share her news with them. She’d been hiding her ring since they arrived, but now that the pizza was here, hiding it was going to be difficult. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, and the crackers and cheese she’d been snacking on weren’t doing her any good.

  Her morning had been filled with texts to Hailee announcing her good news. Hailee and Dom were finally leaving for their honeymoon, and Alison didn’t want to interrupt too much, but needed to tell her best friend the news.

  She was pretty sure that they had been pulling for a storybook ending for her and Kaden, so they had to be the first to know. After a few texts back and forth, and a photo of the ring, Alison let them get back to basking in their new bliss, while she enjoyed her own.

  She snuggled close to Kaden. He was all she ever wanted and needed. She wanted to casually push his hair from his face, or slide her hand into his, but she was cautious to keep her ring hidden until she could announce the big news.

  He put his hand on her knee, making her heart soar. Her stomach flopped and butterflies danced in it, matching the speed of her heart rate.

  If she had to keep this a secret much longer, she might pop. As much as she had fought him on proposing before, this time it just seemed right. It wasn’t because he was afraid he’d lose her, or because he thought it was his duty with a baby on the way. This time she was convinced it was out of pure love and devotion. Those had been reflected in his eyes when he’d dropped to one knee and confessed his love for her.

  “So, Alison, dear,”—Cathy took the plate of pizza that Kaden handed her—“how are you after your hospital stay? And how’s my grandchild doing? You gave us all quite a scare. You’re feeling better, I ho

  Alison crossed her legs at her ankles to keep from bouncing out of her seat as she waited to announce the good news. Since they still hadn’t told Kaden’s mom the sex of the baby, she suddenly knew the perfect way to say it. Holding in the big smile that fought to slide onto her face, she wrestled to keep her excitement in check.

  “I’m feeling better. A little tired, but that’s expected. The doctors said no problem with the pregnancy. I’m doing well. He’s doing fine, healthy as he should be, and growing by the day. They kept me overnight to monitor me, only because I’m pregnant. But, as long as I eat properly and make sure I’m getting enough fluids, I’ll be fine.”

  She hesitated, but when Cathy’s face didn’t register her words, Alison kept babbling. “I need to be better about that, but I’m positive that it won’t be an issue now. It was a scare that I prefer not to have again. I don’t want to take chances with this little guy.” She put her non-ring hand on her stomach and waited nonchalantly for a response to her dropping the news.

  Cathy sat motionless, not taking a bite of her pizza yet. Her eyes locked on Alison’s belly. “Wait. Did you say he? It’s a boy? I’m going to have a grandson?”

  “Yes.” Her subtle drop of information got just the reaction that she was hoping for.

  Kaden had been waiting patiently all afternoon to add in his part to the surprise announcement. “And, Mom, we decided to name him Kaleb.”

  “Kaleb?” Cathy’s face flushed, then slowly she smiled ear to ear as a single tear slid down her cheek. “After your father.”

  Kaden nodded and winced, the corner of his eye shining with an unshed tear. Alison knew how much it meant to all of them to name the baby after Kaden’s dad. Kaleb O’Conner was a beautiful name, and she was happy to give their baby his grandfather’s name.

  “Oh, Kaden. I know he’s up there watching you become a wonderful and amazing man. Not to mention you’ve created a great life for yourself and an exciting career. The day you got drafted was one of your father’s proudest days. With all that’s happened and without anyone asking you to, you stepped up and became the leader of this family in his absence. You do so much for Kassie and me. Your father couldn’t have asked for a better son. And I know he’s very proud of you. I am, too.” Putting her pizza down on the table, she wiped happy tears away as they fell.


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