SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6)

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SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6) Page 25

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Wiping the tears off his own cheeks, Kaden cleared his throat. “I’m just hoping I can be half the man that he was. And just as good a dad.”

  “Oh, honey.” Cathy’s expression was soft and kind. “You are already that man, and you’ll be a wonderful dad.”

  The knot in Alison’s throat was the good kind this time. Happy tears and loving words had her pregnancy emotions all wonky. Sliding her hand along his lower back, she did her best to comfort Kaden, while keeping her ring hidden.

  Kaden took in a deep breath before giving Alison a small smile. “Okay, no more mushy stuff. In other business, have you two been looking online for apartments? I hope so, because if not, I have a list all ready for you. I can even help out, if you’d like. We could start this afternoon.”

  “Online? No, we haven’t,” Kassie answered a bit half-heartedly.

  “C’mon guys. Why not?” Kaden groaned. They were testing his patience, and even Alison could see their reluctance was wearing thin. “You guys really need to be looking. If you don’t get on this soon, I’m just going to just pick one for you—”

  “Bro, calm yourself. We haven’t been looking online, because we already found a place.” Kassie grinned, showing she was very satisfied with herself.

  “Huh? You what? What do you mean?”

  “What Kassie means is, we went out this afternoon and looked at a place. It’s very nice. Plenty of room for both of us. And room for when my grandson visits.”

  “And it’s close by.”

  “It’s also in a very nice neighborhood.”

  “I think it will do just fine for our Pittsburgh home.”

  “I need a minute here.” Shaking his head, he looked confused at their answer. “I can’t remember you two ever being so eager to follow through on something that I suggested, especially anything about moving to Pittsburgh. This has been an uphill fight, not to mention a mostly one-sided one from the beginning. You guys are for real? You seriously found a place? I’m not being punked, am I?”

  “Kaden Michael, I don’t know what that even means, and aren’t you the one who’s been hounding us to look for one?” His mom obviously used his middle name to make a point. And by the taken aback look on his face, it worked.

  “Well yeah, but—”

  “Well, we did, and we found one. The realtor is holding it until you can go see it. Obviously, we’d like you to check it out before we go any further.”

  It was evident that Kaden wasn’t used to getting his way with his mom, because he was sitting there with his mouth gaping open.

  Alison now knew the perfect way to announce their other big news. “Well this is wonderful news. And I’m sure Kaden will love the one you chose. I for one can’t wait to see it. And, now you’ll have a home here in Pittsburgh. Which will make planning for the wedding much easier.”

  “Wedding? What wedding?” Cathy had just taken a bite of pizza. She coughed a little at the words.

  Alison held out her hand, showing off her new sparkly diamond ring.

  Cathy gasped. “Oh! Alison, it’s beautiful!” Then realization hit her. She jumped out of her seat and hugged Alison. “You said yes! You said yes! I’m getting a daughter-in-law, too! A grandson and a daughter-in-law. I’m so unbelievably blessed.”

  Kassie hugged Kaden. “Congratulations, bro.” Cathy pushed her way in and frantically bear-hugged them both.

  “Settle down, Mom,” Kaden said. “Yes, she finally agreed, but I don’t know that she’s ready to set the date right away. We have time, right? No need to rush into anything… if Alison’s not ready. No pressure.”

  The look on his face didn’t match his words. Who was he trying to convince?

  “I’m definitely not against setting a date.” She was the one who had lectured him about their not needing to rush into marriage just because they had a baby on the way. Maybe it’s the hormones talking, but I’m more ready than I’ve ever been. She no longer had any concerns about his motives.

  “But I know you don’t want to rush into—”

  “Right, I did say that. But I might be reconsidering my position. Plus, you need about a year to plan everything. Trust me; I helped Hailee. It’s no small task. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Kaden O’Conner. And I don’t think a year is rushing, do you?” She batted her eyes and tilted her head in the cutest expression she could muster.

  “Absolutely not. You pick the date, and I’ll be there waiting.” Kaden’s eyes sparkled as he looked into hers.

  The love she felt for this man was unlike any other. He had certainly stolen her heart and turned her world upside down. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Cathy was beaming. “Well, looks like it’s a good thing we’ll be making Pittsburgh our part-time home. We wouldn’t want to miss out on a single minute of our growing family.”

  For the first time in months, Alison was happy and content. Things were finally coming together, and she knew in her heart that this was meant to be.

  Her, Kaden and Kaleb. Her happily ever after.

  The End


  Thank you for reading Shootout Save. The support of my readers and fans means the world to me. I loved writing about Kaden and Ali and I hoped you enjoyed their story.

  I’d like to first thank my editor, Bree. I’ve never met the woman face to face (yet) but I like to call her my friend. She’s good at what she does and is making me a better writer because of it. I’m learning, Bree. Slowly but surely. And it’s thanks to you.

  My betas… Jennifer and Mary. Thank you, guys, for reading the raw, un-edited story and giving me your input. Thanks for being friends that I can count on. And Cindy, even though you aren’t into mushy-romance books, you took the time to read Shootout Save and I appreciate that. Thanks for being my go-to “hockey/Letang/or anytime I want to vent” kind of friend. One of these days we’ll finally get to go to a Pens game together.

  To the Ice Crew, you guys are the best! I love your friendship and your support. I adore our little group of friends.

  My Hearties… You guys keep me motivated and focused on the task at hand. Your knowledge and your first-hand experience is invaluable. You are always there to guide, to support, to listen and to cheer on. Mostly you are wonderful friends that I hope to always have. I’m just happy that you let me be a part of your group.

  To the Renegades fans. A million thanks to you! I write because it’s my desire, but you all are why I can keep doing it and call it my “job”. I never had a job that I enjoyed before this. Thank you. I’ll keep writing as long as you keep reading.

  My husband and son, you stand by me no matter what. You give me the time and space I need to write and the time to read when I need to unwind. You realize this is my job as well as my passion – Thank you.

  I’m not great at the mushy stuff, so I’ll wrap this up.

  There’s plenty more Renegades planned for 2017 so I hope you guys will stick around. You know where to find me.


  Other Books by Melody

  Until You (The Renegades Series Prequel 0.5)

  Score on Me (The Renegades Series Book 1)

  Unsportsmanlike Conduct (The Renegades Series Book 2)

  Playing the Game (The Renegades Series Book 3)

  Zambonis and Mistletoe (The Renegades Series Book 4)

  Shutout (The Renegades Series Book 5)

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  SHOOTOUT SAVE Playlist on Spotify


  Melody was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her husband, and son. She’s a dog lover and losing her two 15yr old girls (dogs) inspired them to adopt a new puppy, in addition to a new cat. After years of begging for a cat, she finally let her son adopt a kit
ten (even though she’s allergic!) The cat is definitely a “mama’s boy”. She graciously accepts kitty snuggles and head butts even though it will result in an allergic reaction. Buddy the cat is her kitty-baby.

  She feels that a house just isn’t a home without pets.

  The whole family are avid Pittsburgh Penguins fans and like going to hockey games when they get the chance. Having met some of the players has fueled her interest in writing about them and creating wonderful stories.

  Melody has loved writing since she was small, in school she never met a creative writing assignment that she didn't love. She is lucky enough to have a wonderful husband who encourages her to write. When she was laid off from her job of 14 years, he was supportive about letting her stay home and just be a mom. During that time, she discovered hockey-romances and found a renewed love of reading as well as a passion for writing.

  When she’s not being a teacher to her teenage son (cyber school), she spends her time reading hockey romances. During the holidays, she really enjoys any romance about Christmas, and Hallmark movies on tv. When it is the hockey off-season, she enjoys swimming and spending her days out in the sun with her family and a good book.

  Basically, if she’s not writing or reading, then she’s doing something that has to do with hockey!

  Facebook Author Melody Heck Gatto

  Readers Group Renegades Ice Crew

  Twitter @BookChick58

  Website Melody Heck Gatto




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