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Immortal Bloodlines

Page 6

by Taige Crenshaw

  Storm bypassed her desk and went out to the unit. She nodded absently to the agents as she went by, going out of their division and into the hall. When Killian had asked her about why she wanted to see A’rm Ageddon, she hadn’t known how to answer him. She’d been thinking about seeing her for a while but had kept putting it off. Earlier today, she’d just gone. When she’d been told she couldn’t because of Killian’s order, she’d been livid. It was the last in a long line of overprotective things he’d done.

  She tapped her foot as she waited for the elevator, then when it arrived, she got in and pressed the button to the lower level. The whoosh as it descended only made her more agitated and Storm didn’t know why. The ride was quick to the floor they were holding A’rm Ageddon on. Storm strode off and the man who had stopped her earlier lowered his head in a nod before he stepped back, letting her pass. Storm didn’t know who the man was—she didn’t think he was an agent but she didn’t ask him his name again, since when she had earlier, he hadn’t provided it. Entering the cell area, Storm thought of the other levels of containment area they had that held prisoners who had been part of Blagden’s plan. A’rm Ageddon was on this level with at least ten floors between her and other prisoners. The sensations of the fortification Eve had done to the area pressed against Storm’s senses. They were set so that Blagden couldn’t sense where A’rm Ageddon was in the building. The wards were also to keep A’rm Ageddon there if she somehow became free. Storm stopped in front of the glass cell and watched the woman floating in the center, shocked again at how identical A’rm Ageddon looked to Eve.

  The cell A’rm Ageddon was in had all the comforts of a house. The woman was in stasis but Storm had overheard Christos saying that Eve was here most of the time, providing things that were familiar to A’rm Ageddon. Although the siblings were at odds, Eve loved her sister. Storm recalled Lupo’s words—Eve would one day have to make a choice between her life or A’rm Ageddon’s.

  Storm stood before the cell and watched A’rm Ageddon eyes glance down at her. “I knew you were aware.” She studied her. “Or is it just me that you show this with?”

  A’rm Ageddon didn’t reply but her eyes flashed. Storm stared at the woman. “Your wacko boyfriend has plans that necessitated us bringing you here.” In her gut, Storm sensed that. “I just don’t know why or what. But I’m going to figure it out. Then we will stop you. You see, we all sort of like this world the way it is. And having someone want to bring it to an end isn’t beneficial to us. Blagden might have to die for us to do so because I don’t see him as a man who will stop unless he is dead.”

  A’rm Ageddon’s gaze heated and flashed. “Ahhh… You don’t like hearing that. And I can understand it. I have someone I love too, and the idea of losing them would rip me open.” Storm rubbed her temple. “It’s too bad you’re bent on ending the world. I read your history.” She smiled at the look in her eyes. “I see that surprises you. I know there isn’t supposed to be anything on you, but my race—although I am new to knowing about it—has been around as long as you and Eve. They have information on you. I find it very interesting that, together, you and Eve created this realm for mankind. Yet you want to eradicate it.” Storm titled her head to the side. “Why build something only to tear it down?”

  She didn’t expect a reply and was shocked when she heard a faint voice in her mind.

  “It is mine to give or take. Humanity has lost their respect of me.”

  “Sister, I thought you would by now have learned the error of your ways. A’rm Ageddon, it is not yours to give or take. You do not give a gift then remove it,” Eve spoke behind her.

  Storm turned. With her first view of Eve since they had brought A’rm Ageddon to the agency, she could see the toll that being around her sister had wrought on her. Eve’s gorgeous face was lined with worry. Storm glanced at Killian and Ryne who were with her then back to Eve. Eve met her gaze and Storm staggered as pain lanced through her head. She grabbed at her throat and choked as power flowed from inside her, pushing out of her. A black film detached from her body and headed straight for Eve.

  Chapter Five

  Storm lifted her hand and shot power at the shadow, trying to stop it from reaching Eve but it bounced off it. It was almost to Eve when another shape materialized before her. The image of a man wavered and Storm realized he wasn’t actually present. He exuded power and danger. The man lifted his hand and the shadow turned and headed back to Storm. She threw up a shield, not wanting it in her again. He disappeared from view then Storm found herself looking at a broad back—she could see through him. The shadow hit him and he shuddered briefly before it flowed within him. Storm watched, awed, as the thing inside the wavering image of the man fought to be free. His power rose and Storm shook as it enveloped her, since she was so close. Her hearing went for a moment then everything came back.

  “Storm!” Killian roared.

  Storm stepped to go to him but her knees buckled. The faded man turned and caught her then lowered her gently to the floor, cradling her.

  “Shhh… It is best you sleep.” His violet gaze was tender and he touched her face, stroking her hair back. “I’m so sorry that my father has done this to you.”

  Storm opened her mouth to ask him who his father was but everything went black.

  Killian ran toward Storm as she collapsed. The man who had stopped whatever had been inside of her caught her before she fell. Killian flicked his hand, bringing up his sword, then lit it with flames. He clenched the hilt as the man touched Storm’s face so tenderly. The man murmured something to her but Killian didn’t hear or care what it was. He lifted his sword and brought it down. An invisible power stopped him from connecting.

  “Spilling my blood, even in this form, is a waste. Use your weapon where it is needed, Killian Erutan. I mean no harm to your mate.” The man looked at him then smiled. “She is a brave and strong warrior to have withstood a shadow hitcher for so long.”

  “Fyodor, Shadow King or not, you’d better have a damn good explanation for breaching my agency as you have.” Christos came into form by their side. He glanced at Storm then at Fyodor. “What the hell did you do?”

  “Saved me and Storm,” Eve said coming forward. “How did you know?”

  “Lupo, when he was sent to me, mentioned there was something off with Storm. Killian, come and hold her.” Fyodor gestured to him like he expected him to obey.

  Killian did, because he didn’t like how the Shadow King was holding his mate. He took Storm from the man and went to stand. His knees locked and he dropped to the floor. Killian glared at the Fyodor.

  “Sorry, but you can’t leave yet. I need to put a protection on her until I can be here in person to cleanse any residue of the shadow hitcher from her.” Fyodor went to touch Storm but stopped. “May I?”

  Killian stared at Fyodor and nodded. Fyodor laid his hand against the side of her face as he continued to speak. “Lupo sensed it but before he could get what it was, Lennox sent him away from Eve.” Fyodor glanced at her. “Nice to see you again, Eve. Your temper almost cost you both your lives.”

  “Lupo left A’rm Ageddon aware. He had no ri—”

  “He had every right. As a Shadower, by our code he should have killed her for what she did. But because of you he did not. His leaving her aware was all he took for his retribution for her killing his wife.”

  “My mother. If it was me, I would have killed her, showing no mercy for what she did.” Lennox strode in, coming to Killian. “I’m sorry, Killian, I didn’t sense anything amiss. I’ve been busy and haven’t been around Storm since your battle with Blagden.”

  “None of us knew.” Killian held Storm’s lifeless body, wondering if she would be okay.

  “Lennox would have known if he had got near her.” Fyodor ran his fingers along her temple. “Hmmm… This is where he hitched. She is a seer and when she linked with him, he saw his chance to enact his plan. Until then, he didn’t know how to get A’rm Ageddon near Eve.” Fyodor glanc
ed up at those in the room. “He expected it would be Harmony he would hitch on. He knows about Harmony and has been watching her and Lennox for a while. Storm was a surprise and convenient to his plan. He needed a hitch to get himself and A’rm Ageddon near Eve.” Fyodor studied Eve intently. “You are one of the keys to what their ultimate plan is. My father has been silent all these weeks because he has been channeling his energy into the shadow hitcher that was in Storm. It is why she was having headaches. She sensed something amiss but not what.” Fyodor stroked his hand on Storm’s face.

  Killian growled. Fyodor smiled at him then chuckled. “I’d be possessive if I had a woman like her too.” He pressed his finger on her temple and Killian felt the power along his skin. “She’ll be fine until I get here. When I do, I’ll get rid of the rest of the hitcher.”

  “Let Lennox do it.” Killian trusted him to not be lusting after Storm.

  “He can’t. I took the hitcher as part of me so I have to erase the rest of it,” Fyodor said.

  Killian looked at Lennox and he nodded. Killian frowned, turning his attention back to Fyodor, who was still working on Storm.

  “What would the shadow hitcher have done to Eve? Why is she the key?” Christos demanded.

  “It would have weakened her enough to wake A’rm Ageddon. She is the reason A’rm Ageddon cannot wake fully.” Fyodor patted Storm’s cheek. “Eve is one of the keys. Niya is the other.”

  “What? What does she have to do with it?”

  Killian glanced at Christos. Fury was on his face and his body was rigid.

  “Eve is tied to humanity but Niya is tied to earth. You need both to demolish this realm.” Fyodor shrugged. “I’m going to leave it up to you to keep Niya safe. Lupo has Eve.”

  “I do—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re going to say. You don’t need anyone to protect you. But, Eve, you always had a soft spot for your sister. She’s tried to kill you too many times to even count. Yet she still lives.” Fyodor waved his hand at the glass cell. “Your blind loyalty to her is a weakness she will exploit if she wakes. She will gut you and not even mourn you. But if you were to kill her, it would destroy you.” Fyodor lifted his head and Killian’s breath caught at the rage burning in his eyes. “I already know my father must die for all of us to live. I will mourn him but do as I must. Eve, someday soon you will have to answer the question—will you do what must be done or lie down and let yourself be killed?” Fyodor clenched his fist. “I hope you make a decision that you can live with.”

  “Death upon death, blood of blood will change the destinies of many,” Storm’s voice intoned in a sing-song cadence. “Each must fulfill their task that will unfold for many centuries to come. Life is dependent on each movement to compile the whole.”

  Killian stared at her hazel-green eyes, so glad to see her awake. Storm reached up and cupped Fyodor’s cheek. “Fire will bathe you and make you reborn but you will suffer and need it to survive.” She lowered her voice. “You have such pretty eyes.”

  “Thank you, Seer.” Fyodor cupped her cheek in return. “People underestimate you, Storm Davis, but you saw what no one else did. There was something deeper in the works. Trust those instincts and share them.” Fyodor rose then rolled his shoulders. “Storm will be okay until I arrive then I will make sure to get rid of all the hitcher. I’ll take my leave. But first—” Fyodor turned and ran through the glass into the cell.

  “No!” Eve roared.

  Fyodor paused in front of A’rm Ageddon. “I should kill you and end it here. Even though my body isn’t here and I’m just an astral projection, I can do that. But I won’t because if I did, it would make my father go and hide to plot even more. With you here and his failure in waking you, he will get careless. He will be desperate to get you back.” Fyodor turned his head and his violet eyes flashed. “Guard her well—she is our biggest asset in getting to my father.”

  In the next moment, he was gone.

  “Damn, that man knows how to make an entrance.” Storm chuckled. “If he is that powerful and wasn’t even here, I can’t wait to meet him in person.”

  “You will keep far, far away from him,” Killian said.

  “But he has to lay hands on me to get this shadow thing out of me.” Storm lifted her hand to her head. “That headache that always seemed to be lingering is gone.”

  “He said it was because of the shadow hitcher.”

  “The who?”

  “It’s a part of another person’s shadow. It can be used as a way to infiltrate an enemy’s camp without them knowing.” Lennox squatted beside them. “It takes loads of power to maintain for so long. It is a weapon. If Fyodor hadn’t interfered, it would have done what it was supposed to, then eliminated Storm. It takes the host with them when it is done.”

  Killian tightened his hold on Storm. He had almost lost her and hadn’t even sensed anything was wrong.

  “I’m fine now.” Storm patted his hand.

  “You are not fine!” Killian roared.

  “No getting all overprotective again,” Storm warned, her expression becoming mulish.

  “It isn’t being overprotective,” Killian protested. “It is my caring if you live or die.”

  “I care if you do too.”

  Killian met Christos’ gaze and he gestured for him to go.

  “Eve, we need to protect you.”

  “I’m no—”

  Killian used his power to take them away. At his house, he materialized them in his bedroom, laid Storm on the bed and stared at her.

  “You rest.”

  “Only if you lie down with me.” Storm patted the mattress.

  “I will, after I make sure that my wards are strengthened. I’m not letting Blagden get another crack at you.”

  “Fine, but five minutes then I’m coming to get you.” Storm settled on the bed.

  Killian stood and went out of the door before he strode down the hall. He could have checked his wards from the bedroom but he wanted a moment alone. Storm knew that too and had let him go. He rested his hand on the wall and breathed deep. A hand pressed against his back and Killian pushed into Storm’s touch.

  “It hasn’t been five minutes.”

  “It’s been long enough. I won’t have you out here blaming yourself and maybe even thinking you need to wrap me in cotton to protect me.” Storm leaned on him, hugging him.

  “I blame Blagden for this. He is endangering people to bring down the world.” Killian touched her hands against his chest. “As for cotton, I wasn’t even thinking about it. Don’t want to give you a reason to yank me into the ground again.” He turned in her arms, smiling.

  “I’m sure in the future you’ll give me reasons to.” Storm slid her hand down his arm and grabbed his hand. “But for now, bed for both of us.”

  Killian let her lead him to the bedroom. When they were by the bed, Storm undressed him slowly, kissing various parts of his body as she unveiled it. She gestured for him to get in then undressed herself before sliding in to join him. Killian cuddled behind her back and held her. She was his and he would not let anyone hurt her.

  * * * *

  Killian focused on his paperwork, making notes. A familiar sensation filled him and he grinned. In a moment, he made himself flash out then appear again, coming to stand before Storm who was strolling down the sidewalk outside the agency.

  “I thought you were through trying to escape from your partner.”

  “Crap.” Storm glanced up then blew out a breath. “I wasn’t escaping. I was getting you a surprise. I forgot you have some sort of sense when I leave the building.”

  “Not when you are leaving but when you are sneaking out,” Killian said. “You get this vibe to your power that lets me know you’re up to something.”

  “Ah-ha. So that’s it.” Storm pursed her lips. “I need to make sure to keep my mind innocent so I can get away.”

  “Umm… I could say something about you and a lack of innocence, but I’m going to resist.”
  “I admire your restraint,” Storm said drily.

  Killian laughed then stiffened as energy flared. Storm went still then lifted her hand and pushed out with power over his shoulder at the same time that Killian slid them out of the way from the surge. He glanced back in time to see the ground where they had stood blacken. Quickly, Killian evaluated the area. He was glad it was so early in the morning so the street was deserted.

  “I don’t know how you rejected my hitcher but I’m killing you. You are useless to me now.”

  Killian turned to face Blagden but Blagden’s attention was on Storm. He sneered then flicked his finger, sending black energy at her. Killian swiftly put out his hand and caught it. He held it, letting it crawl up his arm. Blagden watched him with a smug smile on his face.

  “Silly Amazonian Warrior,” Blagden mocked as he came closer. “You’ll die then I will have her anyway.”

  Killian glanced at Storm. “He likes to hear himself talk.”

  “Must be hard not having anyone to listen to your lunatic ravings.” Storm shrugged then tapped her finger on the black energy. “This is just sloppy.” The magic disintegrated.

  Blagden frowned. “How did you do that?”


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