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Beach Bums

Page 1

by Neil S. Plakcy

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




















  Copyright Page


  There’s something so sexy about a beach—and the men who hang around it. Whether it’s on the ocean, a lake, or a New Zealand river, beaches mean water and sunshine and handsome guys showing off what God or genetics gave them.

  Pick any beach around the world, and you’re bound to find excellent eye candy. These gorgeous guys are the stuff of gay fantasy—from sleek swimmers to muscular surfers and boarders to sun-worshipping naturists. Their skins are toned golden brown and their bodies shimmer with droplets of water.

  The stories in this collection showcase those beach bums. From a Massachusetts winter to a hot Oregon summer, tropical St. Maarten to Venice’s Muscle Beach, sweethearts and strangers meet for love, seduction, and sex to the accompaniment of the crashing surf. Younger guys, older guys, beach volleyball players and bodybuilders—they’re all hot and they’re all here.

  Here’s hoping they inspire your own beach dreams!

  Neil Plakcy


  H. L. Champa

  Jared, you might want to get down to Sand Beach. We just had a hiker report they saw someone skinny-dipping. Better go check it out.”

  “Copy that. I’m on it.”

  I couldn’t believe my ears when the call came over the radio. It was barely six in the morning, the sun still trying to make its way over the horizon. I had just come on shift and already I had to deal with some idiot swimming naked. There truly was never a dull moment at Acadia National Park. Even though it was the middle of August and we’d actually had some really hot days, the water still only topped out at fifty-five to fifty-eight degrees. We had the honor of having the beach with the coldest water in all of Maine. Lucky us. It was a fact some brave and truly stupid soul was finding out.

  As I walked towards the beach, I wondered if the other guys were having fun at my expense. They knew my patrol was nowhere near the beach, but here I was. If they had dragged me there as some kind of joke, I vowed to spend the rest of my day thinking of a suitable revenge. I got to the edge of the sand and my heart sank when I didn’t see anyone or anything on the beach. I kept walking, just to make sure, and that was when he popped out of the water, letting out a loud yelp that echoed back quickly. Before I could do anything, the mystery swimmer was strolling calmly out of the water toward a towel and backpack I hadn’t even noticed before.

  He was, in fact, naked. Gloriously so, a sleeve tattoo his only adornment. His brown hair clung to his scalp and his well-muscled frame commanded all my attention. He looked like a misplaced surfer, as if someone had picked him up somewhere warm and tropical and dropped him in Maine. I knew I should be acting in my official capacity as a park ranger, but all I could do was stare at his body. My mouth was hanging open as he got closer and he shocked me even more when he spoke.

  “Hi. I didn’t expect to see anyone else out here.”


  “Man, that water is fucking freezing! I don’t think I can feel my feet anymore.”

  He wrapped his towel around his waist and I had to stop myself from groaning in disappointment. The water was still dripping off him, making him look totally edible. But I tried to focus on my job.

  “Skinny-dipping is prohibited here. There are signs all over the place.”

  “You know, I saw that. But I figured since I was the only one here, no one would mind.”

  “Well, unfortunately, it doesn’t really work that way. One of the hikers up on Great Head Trail saw you and reported you to the ranger service.”

  “Great Head Trail? You’re kidding, right?”



  He laughed, doubling over at the double entendre us rangers had joked about for years. I tried to keep a straight face, but I couldn’t help smiling. He sighed, wiping a stray tear from the corner of his eye. He smiled as he looked me up and down.

  “And you’re the ranger they sent after me, huh? Does this mean I’m in some kind of trouble? I mean, it was just a little swim. No big deal, right?”

  “In this park, public nudity is a ticket-worthy offense.”

  “So you’re here to haul me in?”

  “You could say that. Do you have clothes around here somewhere?”

  “I do. Just give me a minute.”

  I turned away as he started to pull jeans out of his backpack and he laughed again.

  “There’s really no need to turn around now. I mean, you’ve already seen the show. I don’t mind if you take in the encore too.”

  I desperately wanted to turn back around and get another look at his hot body, but I forced myself to look at the sand, pretending it was the most interesting thing in the world.

  “Okay, all done. Are you going to cuff me now?”

  His jovial nature made me smile, as did his laid-back approach to being caught red-handed breaking the rules.

  “There’s no need for that. You’ll just have to come with me to the station. It’s about a mile from here.”

  “Lead on, officer. I won’t resist.”

  The ride back to the ranger station started in relative silence, the only noise some occasional banter over the radio from the other rangers. But my new friend couldn’t stay silent for long.

  “So how long have you worked here, Mr. Ranger?”

  “You can call me Jared. And I’ve worked here about four years.”

  “I’m Aaron, by the way. Am I your first naked swimmer?”

  I cast a glance at him; his eyes were firmly planted on me.

  “In fact, you are. Surprisingly enough, most people don’t skinny-dip on Sand Beach.”

  “Then why don’t you go ahead and ask me what you really want to. It must be killing you.”

  “Ask what?”

  He laughed, putting a hand on my shoulder. I should have pulled away from the contact, but I didn’t. In fact, I loved it.

  “Come on, Jared. Don’t play dumb with me. You want to know what would possess a seemingly sane guy to go into that water. Nude.”

  I looked at him again, his crooked grin sending a shot of blood to my cock. That and the memory of him without any clothes on.

  “That thought did cross my mind, Aaron.”

  “Well, I hate to disappoint you, but there isn’t any profound reason. I just thought the water looked nice, so I went for it. It’s a cute beach you have there, Jared.”

  “Thanks, but I can’t really take credit for it. You’re right. The water does look nice. The temperature is a whole other matter entirely.”

  “Yeah, I have to admit I wasn’t expecting that. The scream I let out when I first got in was probably what got me busted. Oh well. Chalk it up to life experience.”

  I shook my head at his assessment and stopped the truck in the empty parking lot in front of the station. Everyone else was still out on their morning patrols. He followed me into the office and sat down across from my desk. I pulled out the forms I needed to report the incident while Aaron busied himself with his cell phone.

  “I’ll just need to ask you a few questions, Aaron. For the form.”

�Sure. Fire away, Jared.”

  “Are you camping here at the park or just here for the day?”

  “Just the day. I just finished the Appalachian Trail a few days ago and I figured since Acadia was only 150 miles away, I had to check it out. Plus, when I travel, I always like to visit a beach. Reminds me of being at home. Well, not this one, really, but most beaches remind me of home.”

  “Where is home?”

  Aaron smiled at me, his tongue tracing across his bottom lip. He really was so cute. My mind went back to his naked body, glistening in the morning sun, and I felt hot under the collar. I knew he must be popular on whatever beach he frequented back home.

  “Is that on the form, Jared?”

  “No. I was just curious.”

  “I like that quality in a guy. I’m from San Diego.”

  He slumped back in the chair and put his hands behind his head. His brown hair was starting to dry; it fell into his eyes.

  “I imagine those beaches in California are a little nicer than this one.”

  “That is very true. But what can I say? Sand is sand. I like the way it feels between my toes.”

  I filled out the rest of the form and wrote out Aaron’s ticket. He grabbed it from my hand and read it with a smirk. I thought it might finally get a rise out of him, but even his anger sounded calm and cool.

  “Fifty bucks! Shit, if I had known that I would have bought a cheesy pair of board shorts. Saved myself thirty dollars.”

  “Sorry. Nothing I can do. Gotta follow the rules.”

  He smiled again, pulling his chair close to my desk. His stare left me feeling exposed, but I couldn’t look away.

  “Are you sure about that? Can’t we just tear up that report and pretend this whole thing never happened?”

  “I can’t do that, Aaron.”

  “Sure you can. If you really want to, Jared.”

  It was my turn to laugh, but he seemed dead serious. His eyes swept down to my lips and back again, causing a flush to rise to my cheeks. I tried to defuse the situation, but my voice cracked as I spoke, undercutting my message.

  “If you’re planning to bribe me, it’s going to cost you more than fifty dollars.”

  “Bribery isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

  He stood up from his chair and walked around the desk. I watched him with wide eyes as he tore up the ticket I had just given him, letting the pieces of paper fall onto my lap.

  “Oops. I guess you’ll just have to write me another one. Unless I can convince you to just let me off with a warning.”

  I swallowed hard, my voice once again cracking as I tried to get my words out.

  “What did you have in mind, Aaron?”


  He grabbed the arms of my chair and turned me to face him, dropping to his knees in front of me. I knew I should have stopped him as he unbuckled my belt, but I just couldn’t. He gave me one more smile before he stuck his hand into my boxer shorts and wrapped his fist around my cock. With his free hand, he grabbed a handful of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. His lips still tasted of salt, a product of his time in the water, and his hand started moving faster around my hard dick. I tried to moan, but his mouth swallowed all the sound. Settling my hands on his shoulders, I pushed him back, trying to get reason to return.

  “Aaron, we can’t do this. Right?”

  “Come on, Jared. You don’t really want me to stop, do you? I mean, I haven’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.”

  I didn’t get a word out before he yanked my pants and boxers down to my knees, sending the remnants of his ticket to the floor. Aaron gripped the base of my cock and ran his thumb over the slit, which had begun to ooze pre-cum in anticipation of what was about to happen. After a long pause that felt like it would never end, his hot mouth was wrapped around the head of my dick, a moan coming out of my mouth before I could stop it. I cast a glance towards the unlocked station door and briefly thought of doing the smart thing and snapping the deadbolt in place. There would be no way to explain any of this to my coworkers. All those thoughts were pushed away when I looked down at Aaron, my cock disappearing into his mouth.

  My fingers wrapped in his hair, the damp strands soft as silk. My radio crackled on my desk, but I ignored it as I watched his head bob in my lap, his eyes meeting mine as he dragged his tongue up the underside of my dick and kissed the tip.

  “Shit, Aaron. That feels so good.”

  “That’s the idea, Jared.”

  He closed his lips around my cock again and I lifted my hips up to meet his mouth, trying to drive myself deeper into his throat. When his fingers dug into my thighs, I cried out, the slight pinch of pain making the pleasure of his mouth that much sweeter. It had been far too long since I’d been with anyone and I was afraid of coming too soon. As much as I hated to do it, I pulled Aaron off my cock, his face a mix of shock and disappointment.

  “Why’d you stop me, Jared? I wasn’t done with you yet.”

  I knew he was expected me to say something smart, something official about what a mistake we were making, but that was the last thing on my mind anymore.

  “Because it’s my turn, Aaron.”

  He stood as I slid out of my chair and onto my knees, undoing his jeans as fast as I could. He hadn’t bothered to put on underwear when he dressed on the beach, and I was glad. His cock was hard and thick and I just had to take a moment to drink it in. I looked up into Aaron’s eyes, lust written all over his face.

  “Fuck, Jared.”

  Aaron hissed out his words as I took him into my mouth, easing my lips down his shaft. Much like his lips, his cock tasted of the ocean and I couldn’t get enough of him. I took him as deep as I could, over and over, rocking back and forth on my knees as I sucked him off. I never dreamed that an innocent radio call would turn into something like this. He pulled at my hair, pushing me to take him deeper. I struggled a bit to keep up with the quickening pace of his thrusts, my tongue constantly moving along the bottom of his cock. I wrapped my fingers around his balls and his gasp made my cock harden even more. He dragged me to my feet, his lips back on mine before I could say a word. We got rid of the rest of our clothes. Now both of us were naked, just like he had been on the beach.

  “I really want to fuck you, Jared.”

  He kissed my neck, tweaking my nipple between his thumb and finger.

  “Wow, you really do want to get out of that ticket, don’t you, Aaron?”

  “I’ll tell you what, if after this you still want to give me a ticket, then I’ll gladly take it.”

  He turned me around and bent me over the desk, rubbing his hard cock against my ass.

  “I don’t suppose you have any condoms and stuff around here, Jared?”

  My face burned red as I turned around and looked at him over my shoulder, pulling open my desk drawer where I stashed a few condoms and a tube of lube. I called it wishful thinking. I never thought I’d ever get the chance to use them.

  “Wow, it really is always the quiet ones that surprise you.”

  He rummaged through the drawer until he found what we needed. Leaning over me, he whispered in my ear, strafing his teeth against my lobe.

  “Do you do a lot of fucking here in your office, Jared?”

  “No. You’re the first.”

  “Well, there’s one I haven’t heard in a while.”

  I looked back at him and watched him sink to his knees behind me. His big hands pulled my ass cheeks apart and when his touch grazed against my pucker, I moaned, resting my head against the desk. When his lubed digit started circling my hole, I felt my knees go weak. The form I had started to fill out on Jared crinkled underneath me as I bucked back against his probing fingers, letting him open me up.

  “Oh, Aaron. Fuck.”

  I heard him stand up behind me and looked back just in time to see him rolling the condom onto his stiff prick. He grinned at me before his face turned serious again, the head of his cock rubbing against my asshole. The tease made my cock gro
w harder and I wrapped my fist around it, jerking slowly as I waited for him to fuck me. When the head of his cock pushed inside me, I let out a gasp, my eyes pinched shut at the momentary bite of pain. As I relaxed, the pleasure returned and Aaron inched slowly deeper.

  “God, Jared, you are so tight.”

  I could only groan in response, my words completely failing as he started fucking me, each stroke slow and deep. His cock filled me, stretching me to the limit with each thrust. Aaron dug his fingers into my hips, so hard I was sure I’d have impressions of his hands to remember him by. Just as I got used to his slow, plodding pace, he sped up, each thrust more forceful than the last. My desk started moving, slipping across the linoleum bit by bit as he ravaged me. His hands moved to my shoulders and he started pulling me back onto his cock, our voices growing louder in the small office. My hand moved furiously over my own dick, the ecstasy I was after getting ever closer.

  “Aaron, I’m close.”

  I don’t even know if he heard me; my words did nothing to slow him down. He continued to pound into me hard and sweat started to drip off my forehead onto the paperwork below me. I closed my eyes and in my head, I saw Aaron, walking naked onto Sand Beach. That image was all it took and I started coming all over my hand, my ass squeezing around his cock as he continued to fuck me. Aaron’s steady pace devolved into a syncopated rhythm as he growled and groaned, holding onto me for dear life as he came. He gave one last weak thrust before collapsing on top of me, both of us panting to catch our breath.

  We got cleaned up using the last few paper towels from the station’s poorly stocked bathroom and found our clothes in the pile we’d made on the floor. I took a moment to take in his gorgeous naked body before he covered it back up. I knew the memory would have to last me. He shocked me when he leaned in and kissed me softly.

  “Jared, that was amazing.”

  “Right back at you. It certainly wasn’t how I thought I’d be spending my morning.”

  “So, about that ticket.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Consider yourself warned.”


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