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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 24

by Audra Hart

  Her climax is building steadily. She has been struggling to hold it at bay for several minutes when she says, “Oh hell, I’ll wait for you later!” Morna’s body tenses as the waves of savage pleasure rock through her and she savors the intense sensations as her mate laughs in joy at her obvious satisfaction with his efforts.

  He rises up her body, trailing kisses and leaving a path of renewed wildfire as he goes. When he reaches her lips, she returns his kiss ardently and quickly flips them over so that she is on top. Morna takes her mate’s face in between her hands and kisses him deeply. She pulls back slightly and meets his eyes. She smiles and lightly kisses his lips and then delicately licks her scent from his face and lips. While she is doing this, she is positioning herself over his shaft and glides onto its hard length effortlessly, with the expertise of one who practiced this maneuver for centuries. She moans loudly and tenses as his hardness fills her and she welcomes the small orgasm that this simple act engenders.

  When she finally relaxes, she strokes his face lovingly as she starts to move slowly up and down the length of his shaft. He sits up and wraps his perfect, hard arms around her lovingly. He holds her body close to his as her eyes lock his in an ironclad hold. He moans pleasantly as she starts to move a little faster on his swollen member. He caresses her back and supple hips. He enjoys digging his fingers lightly into her ample flesh. He smiles wickedly when he moves his hands down to her generous backside. He roughly caresses her perfectly supple buttocks before gripping them firmly and driving her up and down in harder and faster motions.

  After several minutes of this they are both breathing much harder and he can hear her heart racing frantically as she tries vainly to stave off her orgasm. “I can’t wait any longer!” She pants as she goes rigid and the violent climax ravages her body. He happily joins her in his own release. Luca’s heart is filled with joy as he watches her face as the waves of her orgasm assault her repeatedly. As she finally begins to relax, he lovingly strokes her cheek and kisses her gently and then he rests her head on his shoulder. He knows sleep will overtake her in seconds. He continues to hold her completely relaxed body against him for many minutes, reluctant to break their connection.

  Finally, he fears that she will get stiff in this position and lies back and tries to turn to his side and peel her off of him, when she moans, “No,” very softly in her sleep. He smiles happily because even though she is sleeping soundly, she too, does not want to break the spell their lovemaking has woven in their bodies tonight. He lies on his back, gently cradling her in his arms as she sleeps soundly on top of him for hours. He savors the sound of her breathing and heartbeat. He treasures the sound of his son’s beating heart and the occasional flutter he feels against his abdomen, as his growing progeny moves around inside his mate’s body. He savors the three times she softly breathes his name in her sleep. And for the first time in hundreds of years, he is actually glad that he cannot go to sleep with her after they make love. If he had been asleep, he would have missed all of this.

  But all too soon for Luca, Morna does become uncomfortable sleeping straddled across his body and she shifts off of him in her sleep but quickly snuggles into him again and sighs as she settles contentedly into her new position next to him. She caresses his chest and abdomen lovingly in her sleep and mutters, “I love you Luca.” He kisses the top of her head softly and then whispers, “I love you Morna.” into her ear.

  Luca knows the sun has been up for a little while and he has been listening to members of the household waking up. He hears their youngest daughter rousing. He decides it is past time that he gets a little quality time with dearest little Nora, whom reminds him so much of Morna’s original incarnation. He gently moves away from his mate and silently dresses and goes to Nora’s room. He can hear her in there playing. He knocks softly and says, “Nora, it’s Luca. Can I come in?”

  “Come in Daddy Luca,” the sweet little girl voice rings out. Luca smiles and turns the knob and slips in quietly. She is sitting on her bed still in her nightgown playing with a doll. She is pretending to feed a bottle to it. She looks up at Luca happily and says, “Beatrice is almost finished with her breakfast. Can we go eat breakfast when she is done?”

  Luca sits on the edge of Nora’s bed and says, “Of course we can, sweetheart. What would you like to eat for breakfast?”

  “I love pancakes! Could we have pancakes for breakfast?” She asks earnestly as she turns her eager, beautiful, brilliant green eyes on Luca.

  He smiles, because he knows he is totally lost in those beloved eyes. So like her mother’s but yet all her own. “As it happens, I make excellent pancakes.” Luca assures Nora. He gets up and picks out a purple tee shirt with multi-colored hearts on it, blue jeans, and a pair of socks out of her dresser for the little girl. She watches him and points under the bed. He bends down and looks and finds her sneakers. He reaches under the bed to get the shoes and then sits down on the bed again. “Is Beatrice finished with her breakfast yet?” he asks in apparent curiosity. When Nora nods, and puts her ‘baby’ on her shoulder to burp her, he smiles indulgently and asks, “Do you want me to help you get dressed?”

  “Please do. I still have trouble with snaps and shoelaces.” Nora informs him sincerely.

  Luca chuckles and says, “It would be my pleasure to help you this morning. Your Mom is sleeping in. She had a very busy day yesterday.”

  “Aiden says the baby growing in her tummy takes a lot of energy from her. Is she okay?” Nora asks with mild concern.

  “She is better than okay. She is very healthy. Mommies growing babies in their tummies just sometimes need a little more sleep.” Luca assures her as he helps her snap her jeans. He quickly helps her into her tee shirt and watches as she slips her feet into her sneakers and tries to tie the laces. After several tries she looks up at him and says, “I don’t do it right, yet. Can you do it for me?”

  Luca smiles and then nods, and kneels down to tie her shoelaces. When he finishes, and raises up, Nora wraps her arms around his neck and kisses his cheek somewhat wetly, before she says, “Thank you Daddy. Let’s go make pancakes! I am very hungry.”

  Luca chuckles and picks her up in one fluid movement and holds her in his arms. “Off we go then. You want to ride piggy back to the kitchen?”

  She squeals in delight and Luca shifts her around until she is on his back. “Hang on tight pumpkin!” And he runs to the kitchen so fast that the trip is just a blur to Nora. When they arrive in the kitchen he sets her down carefully on her feet. He looks into her eyes to make sure she is not dizzy before he turns loose of her shoulders.

  Nora meets his eyes and kisses his cheek again. “That was cool!” She gushes happily and turns toward Auggie and says, “Good morning Auggie. My Daddy is going to make pancakes for me.”

  Luca looks at Auggie and says, “You don’t mind do you?”

  Auggie sets her coffee cup down and says, “That sounds like a fine idea to me, Lord Lucian. You can prepare Mistress Nora’s breakfast and I will see to finishing breakfast for everyone else. Pancakes sound very tasty.” Then she looks at Nora and says, “Do you like sausage and bacon little love?”

  Nora claps her hands and says, “I love bacon!” Luca puts Nora on a high stool at the breakfast nook and goes to work.

  “Good!” says Auggie. She turns and starts helping Luca assemble the ingredients for the pancakes then she starts the sausages and bacon cooking. While Luca is preparing the pancakes Auggie beats some eggs and milk and starts some French toast. She goes to the refrigerator and gets a very large bowl of peeled potatoes. Luca takes the bowl out of her hands and carries it to the sink for her. She looks at Luca and says “I peeled these last night before bed for hash browns.” Luca watches as she drains the water off the potatoes, and then he carries the bowl to the counter for her. He is surprised that it is so heavy. Auggie catches his surprise and says, “That’s thirty pound of potatoes. We have a full house today.”

  Luca chuckles and says, “I am sorr
y for the extra work, Auggie.” He picks up the grater and starts preparing the potatoes for frying.

  Auggie laughs, and says, “I love cooking for a big group. With you in here helping the work will go quickly.”

  Morna laughs from the doorway. “He is a man of many, many talents, Auggie.” Morna walks over to her daughter and hugs her and kisses her forehead.

  Nora squeals happily when she sees her mom and cheerfully covers her face with kisses. “Good morning Mom! Daddy is making pancakes for me.”

  Morna has some paper and colored pencils in her hand. She sets them on the counter for her daughter. “I heard that, Nora. Why don’t you sit here and draw us a picture while I help Daddy and Auggie?” When Nora agrees and eagerly starts drawing, Morna goes to the sink and washes her hands. She is wearing a coral colored silk sundress, so she dons an apron and asks Auggie, “What can I do to help?”

  “Well you could help your mate watch the sausages, bacon and potatoes while he griddles those pancakes and French toast. I will mix up some biscuits.” Auggie says happily. She is really enjoying cooking with Luca and suspects that Morna will be just as handy in the kitchen.

  Morna smiles and says, “Is 425 degrees okay for the ovens?”

  “Exactly right!” Assures Aggie as she turns to another counter top to mix up the biscuit dough.

  Morna sets the ovens, and then flips the sausages and bacon. She removes some pieces that are ready and adds more to the skillets. She lowers the heat under those pans slightly as she starts flipping hash brown patties. She eyes the growing stack of pancakes her mate is making and says, “Nice pancakes, Daddy!”

  Luca leans down and kisses her, “Why thank you, Mama. How are you feeling this morning?” he asks as he takes her into his arms and kisses her again, a little more earnestly. Then pulls back when Nora giggles at them. He smiles at their daughter, and returns his attention to grating more potatoes as Morna lifts some patties out of the skillet and places them in the buffet table pan. She removes more sausages and bacon from their respective pans and places them in the appropriate buffet pans. She adds more bacon and sausages to the skillets and seasons the new potato patties her mate has formed and put in the skillet.

  Luca has returned his attention to the pancakes and French toast when Auggie comes up from behind, and says, “Let me in there, loves. I need to pop these biscuits in the ovens to bake. She has a cart loaded with six large baking sheets of biscuits.” Morna eyes all the food they are making as she watches Luca put the heavy baking sheets in the ovens for Auggie.

  “Auggie, would you mind if I made some sausage gravy to go with those beautiful biscuits?” Morna asks.

  “Not at all love. But you would have to do it, because I don’t know how.” Auggie admits.

  Morna laughs and says, “I think sausage gravy is a specialty of southern America in Midgard. There is no reason that you would know how to prepare it.” Morna has cooked all but the last two pounds of sausage, when she drains most of the drippings out of the pan and crumbles the sausage into the hot skillet and starts browning it. She quickly washes her hands and turns her attention back to the bacon and hash browns, only stirring the sausage crumble occasionally. When the buffet pan is full of bacon, she puts the lid on it and carries it out to the buffet line. The other kitchen helper is setting up the tables and setting up the two immense coffee makers, and pitchers of juices and milk. “Good morning Surt.” Morna calls happily to him. He smiles pleasantly at her but returns his attention to his work. Morna counts the number of place settings and says, “Please set six more places.” Morna goes back to the kitchen and removes the bacon pan from the stove to a rack to cool on another counter.

  Auggie hisses and says, “Morna! Your hand, you aren’t using a mitt.”

  “Sorry Auggie. I tend to burn myself frequently when I cook, so I just wove the iron-lion as a precautionary measure. I can’t feel it, the heat doesn‘t penetrate the spell.” Then she looks at Nora drawing at the breakfast nook. “But I guess I should set a better example for my daughter. I will use the mitt next time.” Morna promises.

  Morna returns her attention to the hash browns and sausage crumbles. When she decides the sausage is brown enough she gets two large scoops of flour and pours them over the crumbles. She stirs them gently and asks Auggie for a wire whip. Morna lowers the heat a little and stirs the mixture gently as it browns and then goes to get a gallon of milk. She decides the roux is little dry and adds a touch more of the sausage drippings, and stirs it in as it browns. Finally she decides the flour has browned enough and adds the milk slowly as she stirs it efficiently with the wire whisk. Once all the milk has been added, she turns the heat up marginally so that it will thicken. She adds salt and pepper and continues to stir. She removes the last hash brown patty just as Luca pulls the last of the pancakes and French toast from the griddle. Morna sniffs and says, “Luca, I bet those biscuits are ready.”

  Auggie has been carrying items out to the serving line while Luca and Morna finish up their respective dishes. Luca removes the biscuits from the ovens and starts to put them in the buffet pans when Morna indicates Nora with a nod of her head, so he uses the tongs to pick them up. Morna smiles appreciatively at him for going along with her. When Auggie returns to the kitchen Morna compliments her on the biscuits. They smell heavenly and look as light as a feather.

  Auggie eyes the Lord and Lady before her and says, “I am pleasantly surprised at your talents in the kitchen.”

  Luca chuckles and says, “Morna made everyone take turns feeding the warriors on duty back at Airendell gate. We are all skilled in the kitchen because of it. One would be very foolish to burn a meal intended for a barracks full of Airendell warriors.”

  Auggie chuckles and says, “I bet that is very true. Well, all of your family and friends are assembling in the dining area. We had to set up the bigger banquet table and not the family one.” She watches admiringly as Luca helps Morna pour the gravy into a large buffet pan. And loads the other buffet plans on a cart for her.

  Morna kisses her mate and says, “Please take Nora to the table. I heard our other children come in a couple of minutes ago.” Luca cups her cheek and then pats her rump affectionately before he turns his attention to the little girl drawing at the breakfast nook.

  After he walks around to her side of the nook he stops to admire her artwork. She is genuinely a very talented artist. He can easily recognize everyone in the picture. It’s a family portrait. Luca sees himself standing behind his seated mate, gazing lovingly at the bundle in her arms. Morna is holding an infant in her arms, and smiling happily. Kyle is on Luca’s left side, proudly looking at his mother and infant brother. Aiden is standing to the right of Morna, playing with his baby brother, while Aideen stands to the left of Morna. There is an incomplete silhouette to the left of Aideen. Luca assumes that was meant to be Agnar. And Nora has drawn herself kneeling by her mother, she too is playing with the baby. Luca motions Morna over to join them and she looks at her daughter’s drawing with obvious pride. “She’s really very talented, isn’t she?” Morna asks quietly.

  “Beyond a doubt.” Agrees Luca. “Nora that is a lovely family portrait.”

  “Thank you Daddy. Did you notice Aiden doesn’t need his chair? I didn’t get a good look at the baby’s face in my dream though. Sorry.” Nora says seriously. She points to an empty spot beside Aideen and says, “Kylor belongs there, but I don’t know what he looks like.”

  Luca looks at his mate and they share a sad smile before turning his attention to their daughter. “May I keep this?”

  “Sure Daddy. I made it for you and Mom.” Nora says brightly. Then she adds somewhat impatiently, “Can we go eat now? I am really hungry.”

  Luca laughs as he lays the picture on the counter and says, “Like mother like daughter.” as he scoops the seven year old up into his arms and carries her quickly to the dining area.

  Morna continues to look at the picture of her family when Auggie comes to her side and looks a
t the drawing. She clears her throat and when Morna tears her eyes away from the picture Auggie says, “She has the second sight, you realize that don’t you?”

  “I wasn’t sure. I can sense very strong magic in her. I knew she has always had a talent for never being surprised by anything, so I have suspected it these last few days. But I am now pretty sure you are right. That’s a difficult burden for one so young.” Morna says seriously. Auggie gives Morna a hug. She understands the burden for one so young and sympathizes with Morna and her daughter.

  “If it becomes a problem for her, you are strong enough to put a dampening spell on her talent until she is older.” Auggie reminds Morna.

  “Yes, that is an option I may have to consider. Well“, she pulls herself away from her daughter’s drawing and faces Auggie, “We should get the rest of this food out there so that everyone can eat.”

  When they have placed the last of the food on the line and uncovered it all for everyone to serve themselves. Morna looks around the room at her family and friends. Auggie is turning to go back to the kitchen. “Not so fast Auggie. Spell Weavers don’t like to be waited on. If you help prepare a meal for us, you join us to eat it.” Morna spots Ingrid and Brynhold hovering around trying to figure out a way to be useful to their guests. She smiles at Ingrid and motions her over to her. “Where are Surt, Tena and Skjarr? You are all supposed to take meals with us. It’s one thing for you to not eat with us when my family was first reunited, but now we all eat together.” When Brynhold starts to protest, Morna says firmly, “It’s our way.” Brynhold looks around the huge assembled group and many nod at him to affirm Morna’s words.


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