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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

Page 35

by Audra Hart

  “How was that bitch able to curse Luca? He is so strong, his brain works differently than a humans.” Demands Morna stonily.

  “My daughter has been spending a great deal of time around other types of magic and with other supernatural beings, including vampires. She created those Stone Cannibals. It was a hybrid between a vampire and a Troll. We still don’t understand how she was able to do it. Obviously dark magic of some kind. Maria, Guldfey, Rowena and I have been researching my daughter’s escapades and we believe that she somehow twisted your mother and Kyera into the monsters that have been after you for all these centuries,” says Gullveig. “She’s trying to weaken you Morna through the people you love.

  “I am your Achilles’ Heel.”

  “And her greatest source of strength, at the same time.” Insists Heimdall. “Two sides of the same coin. You understand how that works.”

  Luca nods as he watches his wife. He sees her resolve forming. “Well, she won’t be able to twist me into the same kind of sick creature she has become. Because, I do have Luca, and my children and my friends. All she has is strong magic and an evil genius about using it. But that won’t be enough. We will bring her down. I will abandon my plan to hunt Kyera down to kill her. I will probably have to take her life, but I will try to stop her without killing her, if I can. Just because I am good at killing doesn’t mean it is the only solution to all of our problems.” Morna says quietly.

  Morna stands up and takes her mate‘s hand and says; “Let’s go eat, and take Aiden to the healer’s hall. Once he is healed we have business in Airendell. After the 22nd, I start preparing to ascend again. I will need coaching from Breena, Rinda, Maria, Gullveig, and I think Agnar as well. But mostly, from you Luca. You will be my lore parent and ascension guide. You have always been the purest of us all. You will lead me back into the fold.”

  “I am not so pure Morna. I was full of hatred just a short time ago.” Luca quietly reminds his mate.

  “You are still the one to lead me and my son.” Morna looks at Gullveig and Heimdall and asks, “Am I wrong?”

  “No, Baby Girl, I think you have figured it out. This is the solution. Be the best you that you can be. That’s what she hates because she fears it. That’s why she continues to attack in ways that might undermine your resolve to always take the high road. She goes after your children and your mate to force you to act out of rage. Rise above it.” Heimdall says enthusiastically while Gullveig nods her agreement.

  “Okay, next item. Can we trust Annie and Lou?” Morna asks, even though she is sure that they can she wants the opinion of those in the room with her. All three agree that the twins are to be trusted.

  Something else occurs to Morna. “We need to get those prophesies sorted out, quick. The ones Breena had studied and the ones that Annie spoke of. Who can we trust to do that?”

  “Collingwood,” says Gullveig simply. “I also think he has been keeping secrets about your abilities Morna. You think of yourself as only a killer, but I know there is much more to you than that. You need to spend some time with him, let him fulfill his role as your mentor.”

  Morna agrees with that assessment. “Okay, so the way I see it, I do not have time to go running off to the woods every night to hunt. I have to prepare and get my focus where it belongs. So Heimdall, I need someone to get a good supply of blood for me from several blood banks, in different areas. And for pity sakes, don’t get the rare stuff this time. I couldn’t stand it if some poor human died because I needed a snack.” Morna says honestly.

  Heimdall nods, “Sorry, I didn’t think of that until Luca mentioned it before. Consider it handled.”

  Morna nods and says, “Collingwood should be here any minute. I realized a few minutes ago that he has been monitoring me ever since Luca’s outburst this morning. He is finally satisfied that I am ready to proceed in the right way.”

  Morna opens the door to a smiling Collingwood. “Yes my child, you are ready indeed. I have sent for copies of the prophesies that Annie mentioned. Breena and Maria can help me sort them out. Although, I probably should consult Odin. He paid dearly for wisdom of this kind and I know he will be willing to help Morna. I don’t really think it will take us very long. Now we should go eat and take Aiden to the healer’s hall. Morna I am certain that he will walk out of there on his own power in a few hours.”


  “From your lips to God’s ear,” prays Morna. “Let’s get this party started then!”

  Once everyone is settled in the dining hall Heimdall fills everyone in on what has transpired this morning, leaving out Luca’s jealousy of Lou. If Lou heard of that he would figure out his past connection with his aunt. And no one wants him to be burdened with that knowledge. Morna sees Rinda talking to Annie and surmises that Annie knows that her brother no longer remembers his sexual relationship with Morna. Annie hugs Rinda and then shyly pulls back. The lovely warrior looks greatly relieved and looks at her brother and then over to Morna and mouths, “Thank you.” Morna smiles and nods. She only wishes that she too could forget.

  After Heimdall finishes addressing the group Collingwood stands and explains his role as Morna’s mentor and that she is ready to assume her full power. “We must get rid of the distractions for her. Her son needs to be healed, and the Guild business needs to be resolved. She must be installed as the Guild’s head. It is her destiny and in the best interest of the Guild.” And then he chuckles and adds, “And I would very much like to attend the ceremony in two days when Morna and Luca renew their vows.”

  A rousing cheer goes up at that reminder. “But hear me friends, we only have a few weeks until the baby comes. Morna must be ready by then. We must all work together to prepare her and protect her. She is most vulnerable through those she loves. She loves all of you, so we must protect all of you. The Vanirs will make sure that no one is currently cursed and I will place a protective spell on each of you that will prevent any more curses. Maria and George will make protective charms for each of you. I was a fool not to do this when I first arrived.” Collingwood admits.

  “I am sure I don’t need to say this, but her children must be protected at all costs. They are the key to maintaining the balance in the magical world. Aideen, Kyle, Aiden, Nora and her unborn son all have crucial roles to play.” Collingwood looks to each person in the room. “I know every one of you would protect each of these children without knowing that, but I felt you needed to know how crucial their safety really is.” Everyone in the room is firmly resolved to protecting Morna and her children.

  “The Vanirs have been examining all present while I spoke, and none are cursed. George and Maria will bless an object that each of you keep with you as a charm of protection. This will protect against magical attacks that my protective spell cannot. Is everyone ready? Once the Stone Breakers have blessed your objects, come to me and I will place the spell on you. After an hour everyone but Morna and Luca have had an object blessed and received their protective spell. Collingwood looks at Morna and says, “Do you two have anything you keep with you at all times?”

  “No, we don’t hold on to objects. Our lives have been too uncertain to get attached to things over the past several centuries.” Morna admits. “We don’t even have our original wedding bands.”

  Guldfey steps up to Morna. “My husband and I wanted to give you two something for protecting our daughter for us, Goldfir made rings for the two of you. I had planned to give them to you to use as wedding bands, if you wished.” Guldfey pulls a small velvet bag out of her pocket and opens it to show Luca and Morna. The rings are matching platinum bands, set with alternating emeralds and aquamarine stones. “The stones are meant to represent your eyes. Both of you have eye colors that are significant. Morna’s emerald eyes mark her as protector of her Guild’s power and Luca’s luminescent blue eyes signify that even though he is a vampire, he is blessed and highly honored. Many of you may not know, but the Moonlight blessing cannot be bestowed upon anyone that is not good at
heart. We all know that Lord Lucian is indeed a man of light, and deserving of this blessing.”

  Morna and Luca look at the rings and then smile at Guldfey and Sammy. “We have been blessed to know our dear Sammy. We love her like one of our children. We thank you for this generous gift and would be honored to wear them as wedding bands.” Says Luca with heartfelt sincerity.

  Collinwood steps forward and picks the rings up and hands them to George to bless. “The ceremony in a few days is a rededication. You two have been married for six hundred and ninety-six years. I don’t think it will hurt anything if you put the rings on a few days early.”

  Morna and Luca chuckle at Collingwood’s no nonsense ideas about this subject and agree. George smiles at them and says, “I could perform the ceremony right now if you wanted. I would be honored to preside over your vow renewal.”

  Luca chuckles and says, “I think we would be honored for you to do that, but let’s wait until the 22nd. You could even come back in four years and do it for our seven hundredth anniversary.”

  George laughs happily and says, “I will hold you to that brother.” He quickly blesses the rings to make them protective charms and hands them to the pair.

  Morna slides Luca’s ring on his finger and she says, “I still do, my darling.”

  Luca laughs happily and slides the ring on her finger, he too says, “I still do, my love.” The couple lock gazes and share the love in their hearts.

  After over a minute Collingwood clears his throat. Luca chuckles and leans in to kiss his mate. They both mouth “I love you,” and share a reasonably chaste kiss.

  George laughs and says, “I kind of expected a little more spice.”

  Morna elbows the Stone Breaker and says, “Be good little brother.” Everyone in the group laughs at that. Finally Morna organizes who will stay behind to protect Nora and who will accompany Aiden to the healer’s hall. Their group is pretty evenly split. Vali, Valliant, Thor, Bronwyn and Brian, as well as Carrick and Fionn, along with the household staff, all want to stay behind and guard Nora.

  Brigid and Aideen lead the team determined to heal Aiden. The team also includes Luca, Rinda, Gullveig, Agnar, Elias, Enya, Collingwood, Guldfey and Rowena, as well as the Anasazis. They plan to work with the Asgardian healer, Mordir. Micah decides to go along because he wants to run some more tests on Morna, and perform an exam on Breena. With all the stress Morna’s body is under, he is growing concerned that he needs to start Breena’s prenatal care sooner, rather than later.

  The trip into the mountains to the Healer’s Hall is uneventful. Luca asks Gullveig why the Hall is located so far away from the rest of the settlement. “The Healer’s Hall is located in the mountains because the type of magic needed for healing is strongest in the mountains. It is even stronger in Vanaheim, so really complicated healings often take place at the Vanaheim Ceremonies Hall and Healer’s Annex. That is where I usually practice my healing and where I teach young healers. And in my personal workshop.”

  Luca expresses in an interest in the Annex at Vanaheim and in seeing Gullveig’s workshop someday. “I will happily show you around Lucian. I believe you would enjoy having your own workshop. It’s very peaceful to work with herbs, plants, charms and various oils. Your magic is certainly strong enough to do what I do.”

  Once they arrive Morna and Luca are introduced to Surth, Valla and Cowall. Other Asgardian healers who are willing to work with the Spell Weavers and Stone Breakers in an attempt to heal Aiden. Mordir then introduces Micah, Morna and Breena to Reagan, another Asgardian healer. “Reagan is half human, but an excellent healer.” Mordir assures the group. Morna laughs at the idea that they might somehow think he was less of a healer because he was half human.

  Mordir finally understands what his remark must have sounded like to them and quickly assures them that is not what he meant. “Until two years ago, Reagan was a medical doctor in Midgard. I found him on one of my trips to Midgard. Once his internship is completed here he plans to return to Midgard and practice among the mortals. His specialty is very high risk pregnancies. Gullveig has spent a great deal of time teaching him about pregnancies where the father is a vampire. He is an amazingly talented healer, and uniquely qualified to assist Micah with Morna‘s prenatal care. He is familiar with all of our equipment and willing to work a Spell Weaver. Unfortunately, not all Asgardian healers feel the same way. My ways tend to go against tradition around here. I often think that I too will someday settle in Midgard.”

  After Morna’s exam and blood work Micah scratches his head. He confers with Reagan and finally says, “Morna, I am not sure why, but your blood work is cause for concern. Your iron count is very low and you don’t seem to be absorbing enough nutrition from your food. Reagan and I think you should increase your caloric intake and regularly consume human blood. Skip the animal blood. It might not have enough nutritional value for someone carrying a half-vampire child. We suggest you consume a unit of human blood every six hours. If your blood work doesn’t improve by the time we get back from Airendell we may consider giving you transfusions.”

  “Okay,” says Morna uncertainly. “But the child seems to be healthy?”

  “Yes, judging by what little data we can gather on him, he is very strong. We think the mother in these situations is at much greater risk than the baby.” Reagan says confidently. “Lady Morna, you must rest at least eight hours a day, get plenty of exercise, eat five times a day, and consume human blood four times a day. I know that might sound like a burden, but we must protect you.”

  Morna laughs and says, “No problem doc.”

  Reagan is startled by her reaction. “Sorry Madam, I forgot you have not always dwelled here in Asgard, you are so different in your manner from other Asgardians. Is that a slight Oklahoma accent I detect?”

  Morna chuckles. “Probably. I have lived in Oklahoma for over twenty years, in Texas before that and I was born in Georgia. So my accent is definitely southern USA in origin.” When Reagan seems confused, Morna quickly explains that although she was born to Valliant and a half Vanir Spell Weaver, she had been living for past forty nine years as a human on Midgard because of a curse that caused her to be reborn into new life times. “So I am certainly not a typical Asgardian Lady.”

  “Fascinating.” says Reagan.

  “Yeah, fascinating,” Morna snorts. “Well doctors thank you for your advice. I will follow it to the best of my abilities. But now I want to go check on my son and you should turn your attention to my sister. Her body is not as durable as mine, and my Godfather Heimdall assures us that she is indeed pregnant.” Morna stands and shakes Reagan’s hand. “Nice to meet you and thank you for your expertise.” She then turns to hug her godson and says, “Call me if you need help with your next patient or her mate.” Morna says with a wink.

  When she walks out of the room Reagan who had been confused by her parting remark asks, “Is she a healer?”

  “Not really. She has basic healing skills but her forte is protecting the vulnerable.” Laughs Micah.

  “Aha, so we are the vulnerable?” asks Reagan.

  “Perhaps, perhaps.” Agrees Micah with another laugh.

  When Morna joins the other group, Luca and Rinda rush to meet her. “Is everything okay love?” Luca asks.

  “Sure, they just want me to eat more, sleep more, get plenty of exercise, you know the usual. Well that, and drink human blood four times a day.” Morna says blithely. “I am fine, what have we found out about Aiden?”

  “He is in Odin’s chamber right now. Mordir, Brigid and Luca repaired the damage to his brain. Gullveig restructured his bones in his arms and legs. Once he comes out of the chamber in four hours he should be able to walk on his own. But Collingwood will have to work with him on developing his speech and work to strengthen other functions of his brain. Aideen healed some nerve damage in his hands and will do a surgery later to repair a problem in his lower intestine, but she says it shouldn’t cause him too much trouble until he is strong enough t
o undergo a surgery.” Rinda says excitedly.

  Luca laughs at Rinda’s excitement and says, “Yes, and Rinda will correct a slight curvature in his spine. He will truly be walking on his own very soon my love! With the equipment they have here it was easy to find the problem areas in the brain and correct them. I was humbled to work with talented healers like we have assembled here today. He will need physical therapy and occupational therapy, but he is well on his way to a new life.”

  Morna walks over to Odin and kisses her great-grandfather for his generosity. “Thank you Odin Allfather. I will always remember your kindness.” Morna says gratefully.

  “I am glad to do it Morna. I have been a spiteful bastard all too often in my life time. But watching all that you and your mate have gone through and still you both strive to be good, kind and generous to others, has made me reexamine my way of living.” Odin admits and then laughs; “That’s not to say I don’t reserve the right to act like an old bastard when I get the notion.”

  Morna chuckles and hugs him again and stretches her hand out to touch the chamber. “Is he awake? Can I speak to him?”

  Luca comes up behind his mate. “He is sedated love, but he could probably hear you if you want to talk to him telepathically.”

  “Aiden… You hear me baby?”

  “Yes Mom.” comes the groggy reply.

  “Sorry, I should have stayed with you for the exam and treatments. Honestly, I thought they would still be examining you and debating the best course of treatment by the time the doctors finished with me.” Morna says, feeling like a bad mother for not being here.


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