Taking Chances: A Holiday Romance
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Rachel blushed under the intense scrutiny of Ashley’s stare. “Ashley, can I help you?”
“No.” Ashley smiled. “I know where I’m going, and you are?”
“It’s nice to meet you, Rachel,” she said taking Rachel’s hand in her own. Ashley thought about kissing the hand she held, but thought that might seem too hokey for this young woman. “I better get back there. Maybe I’ll see you later.”
“You know where to find me,” Rachel responded as her eyes followed Ashley down the hallway.
Once in the studio, Ashley picked up her phone and texted her favorite florist. When they took their break at lunchtime, Ashley walked out to the reception area.
“Oh, Ms. Rowlands. Thank you for the flowers,” Rachel said standing.
“You’re welcome, but please call me Ashley.”
“They are beautiful,” Rachel said pointing to the dozen red roses that sat on her desk in a beautiful vase.
“I’m glad you liked them. Maybe you’ll have dinner with me tonight?”
“You want to have dinner with me?” Rachel asked blushing.
“Sure. Unless, of course, you aren’t single?” Ashley asked standing so close to Rachel that she could feel the heat radiating off her body.
“I’m single,” Rachel answered shyly. “You really want to go out with me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Ashley smiled. “Why don’t you put your phone number in my phone?” She handed her phone to Rachel. “We should be out of here by four.”
“I don’t get off until five,” Rachel answered as she put her information into the phone.
“Does seven o’clock give you enough time to get ready?” Rachel nodded. “I’ll call you later to get your address.” Then she disappeared back into the recording studio.
“So what happened to April’s album?” Bob the drummer asked.
“We released her album on line and I tweeted out the information. It’s been selling really well.”
“Are you going to use her as our opener?” David the guitarist asked.
“Yes. We’ve got those dates scheduled at the end of the month here in L.A.”
“You struck gold with that one,” Kara who played bass and was a backup singer added.
“I think I did. She’s great and it was fun to write with her.” Ashley put on her headphones and the band went back to work.
Ashley was on her way to Rachel’s apartment. She felt excitement at the anticipation of dating someone totally different. Most of the women she had been with in the last five years had been in the industry. Ashley just hoped that Rachel wouldn’t turn out to be one of the many psychos she had been involved with in the past. She parked her car and walked up to the building. Before she could climb the stairs to Rachel’s apartment, she appeared on the steps smiling.
“Hi.” Ashley looked at Rachel’s skinny jeans and V-neck t-shirt and thought they would be dining casually this evening. “Are you ready to go?” Ashley asked kissing Rachel on the cheek.
They walked to the car and Ashley opened the car door for her. “What do you feel like eating?”
“There’s a Thai restaurant just a few blocks from here,” Rachel paused, “if that’s okay with you?”
“I love Thai food.” Rachel gave Ashley directions and before they knew it, they were seated in the restaurant. Ashley noticed as heads turned to their table and she knew she was being recognized by the younger crowd. She was used to going places where the clientele kept to themselves because most of the people were more famous than her. Tonight, she knew this was going to be a whole other experience.
“I’m sorry,” Rachel said leaning toward Ashley. “I didn’t realize that people would recognize you.” They both watched as cellphones were clicking around them. “That’s so rude to just take your picture without permission.”
“Honey, don’t worry about it. Let’s just enjoy our meal.” Ashley took Rachel’s hand. “This won’t cause you a problem at work, will it?”
Rachel giggled. “No. Everyone knows I’m gay, but I think they are going to be surprised as to who I’m seeing.”
The dinner was pleasant and Ashley and Rachel carried on a conversation easily. As they got back to Rachel’s apartment, she got out of the car and walked Rachel to her door. “I had a nice time tonight, Rachel.”
“I did too, Ashley.”
“I’d like to do this again.”
“I’d like that,” Rachel answered a little shy.
“So I’ll call you.” Ashley chuckled. “I will probably see you tomorrow at the recording studio.”
“You will.”
Ashley moved closer to Rachel once they reached her door. “Thank you for coming out tonight.” She leaned in and kissed her softly. Ashley was now surprised when Rachel deepened the kiss and her tongue plunged into Ashley’s mouth. They both broke away breathing deeply. “Wow.”
“Yeah, wow,” Rachel responded grinning. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Ashley nodded before she headed for the stairs. The smile remained on her face as she drove home. See, who needs you Jill Thompson.
The following day at the studio, Ashley and Rachel made arrangements to see each other the next night. Since it was Friday, Ashley invited Rachel over to her house.
“I’d love to see where you live,” Rachel said excited.
“Great. I’ve invited a few friends over. It’s just going to be an impromptu party.” Ashley looked around the lobby before she kissed Rachel softly. “I’ll text you directions.”
Ashley checked on the food that the caterers were preparing in the kitchen. She was wearing a comfortable pair of jeans and a t-shirt with her bands logo across the back. The shirt was going to be used for the next tour and underneath the band’s name was April’s name. People starting funneling in at eight o’clock and soon Ashley’s great room and back yard became crowded. By the time Rachel arrived, the party was in full swing. Ashley watched as Rachel walked into the room. Her face automatically smiled as she made her way over to her. “Hi, babe. I’m glad you came.” Ashley kissed her softly.
“I thought you said this was going to be a small party,” Rachel said with a wave of her hand across the room.
“It is,” Ashley answered with a chuckle. To someone not used to this life, it would appear to be a large party. The room consisted of mainly same-sex couples although there were a few straight couples including April and Kevin. Ashley’s eyes opened wide as she saw who just walked into the room. Jill was walking toward her with a friend of Ashley’s at her side. “Karen,” she said leaning in to kiss her cheek and then looked over Karen’s shoulder. “Hi, Jill.”
“I hope you don’t mind I invited Jill to come?” Karen asked smiling.
“Of course not. She is welcome here anytime.”
“Thanks, Ashley,” Jill said smiling at their host. “Nice place.”
“Thanks.” Ashley pointed the way as she said, “Food is that way and the bar is outside.” Rachel walked up and put her arm around Ashley’s waist. “Karen, Jill, this is Rachel.”
“Hi,” Rachel said smiling.
“Didn’t know you were dating someone new?” Karen asked with a wink at Ashley.
“We met at the recording studio where Ashley is working.” Rachel pulled Ashley closer to her. “We just hit it off right away.”
Jill just watched the interaction between the three women. She was very surprised that Ashley was dating Rachel. Not only did she appear very young, but she wasn’t the typical blond that Ashley went for. Then she realized that she didn’t know Ashley’s dating habits since they didn’t know each other that well. She’s not yours so why do you care? “It was nice to meet you, Rachel. I think I’ll go get a drink.”
“Good idea,” Karen said leading Jill toward the bar.
“I didn’t know Jill Thompson was gay,” Rachel said softly.
; “I don’t think she is. I think they are just friends,” Ashley said as if she were trying to convince herself. Now she wondered if she was dating Karen.
The music played through the speakers in the backyard and people were dancing to the beat. Rachel was dancing with two different women who were in closer age to herself then Ashley.
“Cute girlfriend,” Jill said as she sidled up to Ashley.
“She is and she’s a lot of fun to hang out with.” Ashley turned and looked at Jill. “It’s good to see you again.”
“You too,” Jill answered with a giggle.
They both now watched as Karen was flirting with Sara Parker. “I think your date is trying to get Sara to dance.
Jill laughed. “Karen and I are just friends.” She leaned in closer to Ashley, “But I don’t think she stands a chance with Sara.”
Ashley laughed along with Jill. “I don’t think so either. Sara is dating that Brazilian model over there,” Ashley indicated with her hand trying not to be obvious.
“Oh, she is gorgeous,” Jill said and then covered her mouth. She looked over her shoulder to see if anyone else heard her. “I mean Karen is very pretty, but she isn’t in her league.” They both watched as a defeated Karen walked toward them. Ashley and Jill couldn’t help themselves and burst out laughing.
“Very funny,” Karen said shaking her head. “How did I know she was seeing someone else?”
“Not just someone else.” Ashley turned Karen around and they watched as Sara walked up to girlfriend and planted a kiss on her lips. “Holy shit. I didn’t stand a chance even if she were single.” She turned to Ashley. “How did you manage to snag a teenager?”
“She is not a teenager. She’s twenty two.”
“She’s still a kid and beautiful to boot,” Karen added. “You are great looking Ash, but you get women out of your league all the time. I need to become a singer or get my acting career to skyrocket if I’m going to get women like Rachel and Sara Parker.”
Jill and Ashley began to laugh and patted Karen on the back. “Your time will come soon enough, Karen.” Ashley looked at Jill. “I’m sure Jill can now get whoever she wants after her blockbuster film.”
Jill scowled. “Maybe I just don’t want anyone. I’d like to find someone who is going to treat me with respect and not look for me to further their career.” Jill huffed. “I’m sure you know what I mean, Ashley.”
“Yeah, Ash knows, but she also likes to have a good time.” Karen nodded with her chin at Rachel dancing. “She’s young and what a body,” Karen said with a giggle. “I need to get famous like you, Ash.”
Jill looked at Ashley and they’re eyes met with intensity. “I choose my partners based on more than a pretty face or body.”
Karen now looked at the three women standing off to the side of the pool. “Excuse me ladies,” she said before she walked toward the group.
Before Jill or Ashley could comment, Rachel came up to Ashley and kissed her softly. “Come dance with me, Ash.”
Ashley looked at Jill. “Go ahead. I’m going to get something to eat.” Ashley watched as Jill went into the house before Rachel pulled her arm and dragged her toward the dance floor.
By the time Ashley came back into the house she saw Jill talking with her friend Janet in the corner of the room. They were in deep conversation and Ashley felt jealousy tugging at her heart. As she stood watching them, Jill looked at her. She saw the intensity in Jill’s eyes that she had seen earlier in the evening. Then just as quickly Jill’s eyes went back to Janet’s face.
It was two o’clock in the morning before the last guest left the house. “That was a great party, Ash,” Rachel said flopping onto the couch.
“Yeah, it was fun.” Ashley hadn’t spent much time with April, but it appeared that she had a good time. She now took a seat next to Rachel. The moment she sat down, Rachel was on her in a split second. Their kisses intensified instantly.
“Show me your room,” Rachel said running her finger down Ashley’s arm.
Ashley leaned over and gave Rachel one more kiss before she took her hand and led her up the stairs to her room. They didn’t even bother to take their clothes off before they fell onto the bed. Ashley’s lips kissed Rachel’s neck as she threw her head back. Hands reached for clothes and they were naked in a matter of seconds. Words weren’t needed as their bodies settled onto one another. Ashley was on top and she spread Rachel’s legs with her thighs. As their cores touched, a moan left their lips. Both bodies moved together in a rhythm that seemed to be their own. Ashley’s hips moved in circles without tiring. Mouths came together until Rachel first reached her peak with Ashley moments later.
“I can’t believe you got me that way,” Rachel said breathing breathlessly. “I have never had an orgasm that way.” She squeezed Ashley to her, but Ashley wasn’t done.
Her lips found Rachel’s nipple and sucked it into her mouth as her hand moved down her stomach, to her thigh and between her legs. The moisture on Rachel’s core allowed Ashley to slide over her extended clit. Rachel was now uttering little noises as her hips rose and began to move. “Come for me, babe.”
“Don’t stop, Ash,” Rachel screamed before her body tensed and crashed back onto the mattress. When her breathing returned to normal she flipped Ashley onto her back. “It’s my turn now,” she said with a growl.
Ashley felt as if Rachel’s hands were everywhere. She was kissing her deeply and then her lips took Ashley’s breast. Her hands began to lower and she teased Ashley with her fingers, but never gave her the pressure she desired. “Please, Rachel.”
“Don’t worry. You will come, but for now you are going to allow me to have my fun.” Ashley’s response was a strangled moan. As Rachel moved between Ashley’s legs, she moaned in appreciation. Rachel was an ardent lover. Her tongue took Ashley to places she had never been and just as she was about to orgasm, Rachel lifted her head. “Do you want more?”
“Yes. Please, Rachel.”
Rachel moved three fingers into her and plunged in and out, but reaching for her G-spot at the same time. It didn’t take long for Ashley’s body to start convulsing with the strongest orgasm she ever had. “OMG, Rach. What the hell did you just do to me? I think my heart stopped for just a second.” Ashley reached for Rachel and pulled her up so she could kiss her mouth. “Are you sure you are only twenty-two?”
Rachel giggled. “I guess you enjoyed that?”
“Immensely,” Ashley said taking a deep breath before she kissed Rachel senseless.
“Well, we are going to do that over and over tonight.”
By the time both women collapsed, Ashley knew she was going to have a hard time keeping up with Rachel’s youth.
Rachel didn’t leave Ashley’s home until midday on Sunday and the only reason she left then was because she had work the next day. As Ashley closed the front door, she walked over to the piano. She looked at the keys before closing her eyes. A melody began to fill the house and Ashley began to sing softly.
When I walked into the room our eyes meet with intensity, but just as quickly you looked away. I have someone in my life who is willing to stay, but you just walk away. Why am I thinking of you when you are just willing to walk away?
Ashley’s hands slammed the keys before she lifted her shaky hands. “Forget her. She doesn’t want you,” Ashley shouted to the empty room.
For the next two weeks, Ashley and Rachel spent most of their evenings together. It was either at Rachel’s place or Ashley’s for the weekend. Even during the day, neither woman could keep their hands off each other. Ashley walked up to Rachel at lunchtime. Her breath caressed Rachel’s ear. “Are you free for lunch?”
Rachel spun on her chair. “It depends on what you have in mind.”
She could see Rachel’s brown eyes darkened with desire and knew her own were showing the same thing. “Come with me,” she said softly.
“Wait. I need to get Ann out here to cover.” Rachel picked up the p
hone and made her phone call.
Ann walked toward the front of the building and looked at the two women. She chuckled as she took the seat that Rachel had vacated. “Enjoy your lunch ladies.”
Ashley took Rachel’s hand and led her to one of the private bathrooms. As the door closed and Ashley pressed her body to her, she asked, “Is this what you had in mind?” Rachel nodded before Ashley captured her lips in a deep kiss. Their hands were all over each other as they continued to kiss deeply. Ashley fought for dominance because she needed to take this woman hard and quickly. She realized that Rachel would never be the love of her life, but the sex was fantastic. Her hand moved into Rachel’s pants and she moaned when her fingers felt how wet she was. She lowered Rachel’s jeans and slid her underwear down. Ashley’s fingers went into her as she thrust in and out. Rachel’s body moved in time to Ashley’s fingers and she bit her shoulder as she was pushed over the edge.
“God, Ash. How do you do that to me?” Rachel moaned against Ashley’s neck.
“I just can’t get enough of you, Rachel.” Ashley withdrew her fingers and kissed Rachel. She now became the victim as Rachel spun her around so she was against the sink.
“I need to touch you now,” she said pulling open Ashley’s jeans. As Rachel brought Ashley to a climax, she felt Rachel coming again which only increased the sensation that Ashley was feeling. “That was better than food any day,” Rachel said with a giggle.
As they straightened their clothes, Ashley told Rachel. “I won’t be around the rest of the week. We’ve got rehearsals for the dates we have in LA.”
“Will I see you in the evening?” Rachel asked running her hand down Ashley’s chest.
“You know I’m going to try.”
For the next three days Ashley and her band practiced for their shows. She had only been able to see Rachel one night and it was two days ago. As rehearsals ended for the day, she sent a text to Rachel. By the time Ashley left the rehearsal hall, Rachel hadn’t responded so she called her. Her voicemail picked up. “Hi, babe. We just finished practice and I wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner tonight. Give me a call.”