The Madoff Chronicles
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Other than checking on: Massachusetts Secretary of State Complaint against Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC and Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd., April 1, 2009
Fairfield Greenwich tried to: Ibid.
Remarkably, Madoff told: Ibid.
was found dead: NYC Police Department and NYC Medical Examiner’s Office
In the weeks before: Madoff’s 2008 calendar
Harry Markopolos, apparently: Harry Markopolos testimony, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, February 4, 2009
totaled only 4,903: Irving H. Picard
One ninety-year-old: Brad Friedman, Milberg LLP
Madoff listed two: Irving H. Picard v. Cohmad Securities Corporation et al., June 22, 2009
“He cultivated an aura”: Securities and Exchange Commission v. Cohmad Securities Corporation, Maurice J. Cohn, Marcia B. Cohn, and Robert M. Jaffe, June 22, 2009
Unbeknownst to many: Ibid.
Jaffe’s payments from Madoff: Ibid.
With Jaffe’s help: Ibid.
Sitting around the kitchen: Sources close to Madoff family
In an open letter: Newsweek, December 23, 2008
For example, one Madoff: Irving H. Picard v. Jeffry M. Picower et al., May 12, 2009
Investigators believe the “real”: Madoff case investigator
Foxton was unaware: Willard Foxton
“We gave them everything”: Sources close to Madoff family
Andy was crushed by his: Source close to Madoff family
payroll, at $163,500: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Affidavit of Michael Slattery, Jr., May 5, 2009
The bill would go: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Exhibit 25, May 5, 2009
In testimony before: Massachusetts Secretary of State Complaint against Fairfield Greenwich Advisors LLC and Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Ltd., April 1, 2009
His employees in London: Madoff case investigator
In June, 2008, Mark again: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Exhibits 13 and 14, May 5, 2009
Andy buy a $4 million: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Exhibits 11 and 12, May 5, 2009
Peter was a major: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Exhibit 4, May 5, 2009
buy Peter a $237,600: Joint Provisional Liquidators’ Expedited Petition for Recognition of Foreign Proceeding and for Commencement of Chapter 15 Ancillary Case in Aid of Foreign Main Proceeding, April 14, 2009
His wife, Marion, and daughter: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Exhibit 25, May 5, 2009
She later told people: Madoff family friend
The bankruptcy trustee charged: Irving H. Picard v. Ruth Madoff, July 29, 2009
“Actually it was my wife who”: The Philoctetes Center for the Multidisciplinary Study of the Imagination, “The Future of the Stock Market,” October 20, 2007
She charged dinners: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Exhibit 25, May 5, 2009
At one point, his sons: Sources familiar with the investigation
front for the illegal activity: Madoff case investigator
there could be a billion dollars: Madoff case investigator
Ike Sorkin called: Sources close to Madoff family
She was afraid: Sources close to Madoff family
She told people: Sources close to Madoff family
“magnet for celebrities”: Pierre Michel Salon Web site
Within days of: Sources close to Madoff family
Ruth worried that: Sources close to Madoff family
Ruth continued: Sources close to Madoff family
The cleaning ladies: SIPC v. Bernard L. Madoff, Affidavit of Michael Slattery, Jr., May 5, 2009
As the news coverage: Sources close to Madoff family
Ruth remained estranged: Sources close to Madoff family
She knew the world: Sources close to Madoff family
While Ruth suffered for her: Sources close to Madoff family
Baroni had replaced Litt: Madoff case investigator
Conspicuous by her: Sources close to Madoff family
In an agreement with prosecutors: USA v. Bernard L. Madoff, Stipulation and Order, June 26, 2009
In a letter to the judge: Letter to Judge Denny Chin from Ira Sorkin, June 22, 2009
was about $13 billion: USA v. Bernard L. Madoff, Government’s Sentencing Memorandum, June 26, 2009
than the initial $250,000: Source familiar with the investigation
She was denied permission: Associated Press, July 3, 2009
She was required: Irving H. Picard v. Ruth Madoff, Stipulated Order, July 31, 2009
who remains suspicious: Madoff case investigator
Ruth still loved Bernie and: Sources close to Madoff family
Even before she: Sources close to Madoff family
Ruth told people close: Sources close to Madoff family
“respected and trusted with”: Statement by Ruth Madoff, June 29, 2009
Brian Ross is one of America’s most respected and honored journalists. As ABC News’ Chief Investigative Correspondent, he has earned a reputation for holding the powerful accountable with investigations into financial corruption, human rights abuses and government failures. His reports have helped put the guilty in prison and helped free the innocent.
In addition to his groundbreaking work on the scandal of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme, Ross has helped to expose the cover-up of sexual abuse of Peace Corps volunteers, the CIA use of torture and its secret prisons, the unjust denial of Black Lung benefits to American coal miners, the use of child labor by major American retailers in Bangladesh, and a long list of scandals that have shaken the political world in Washington.
The winner of virtually every major journalism award many times over, Ross has worked at ABC News since 1994 and before that held a similar position at NBC News. He lives in New York.