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Page 46

by Blake Severson

  You have dealt 40 damage to Alex (Level 15) with Stone Spear (Minor Bleed).

  Alex slowed his approach and decided to take his time feeling for a weakness. He slowly walked back and forth, trying to get an opening. Arthur heard a yell and watched Vana go down. She had a deep cut on her ribs and had gone down, holding her side and unable to get up. Arthur didn’t have any time to waste. Allendria was facing off against Xavier, and she was exhausted already. He decided to trip up Alex a bit, quite literally.

  Since Alex was stalking back and forth, he decided to wait, and right before he changed direction, Arthur silently conjured a short earth wall in his reverse path. When Alex turned and headed back, his boot caught the wall, and he stumbled to a knee. Arthur used that chance to stab forward with his spear and stabbed the man high in his left shoulder.

  You have dealt 130 damage to Alex (Level 15) with Stone Spear (Critical Strike).

  Arthur quickly pulled the spear out and stabbed into Alex’s chest. The man crumpled to the ground.

  You have dealt 130 damage to Alex (Level 15) with Stone Spear (Critical Strike)(Mortal Blow)(Fatal Blow).

  Arthur turned and darted the short distance to Allendria. Xavier ducked one of her strikes and hit her in the head with the hilt of one of his daggers. She went down and couldn’t seem to get back up. She looked dazed and unsteady as she tried to make her way up onto an arm.

  Xavier had turned in time to see him approach, but Arthur was already committed to the strike. He plunged his spear into the man’s side but at the same time, the momentum of the man’s arm caused his dagger to go into Arthur’s left leg.

  You have dealt 125 damage to Xavier (Level 15) with Stone Spear (Critical Strike)(Mortal Blow)(Fatal Blow).

  Xavier (Level 15) has dealt 30 HP damage to you with Iron Dagger (Crippled Left Leg)(Minor Bleed).

  Arthur fell to the ground in pain, and his vision was flaring red. He was down to only 50 HP, but Xavier had gone still. At least Allendria would be safe.

  “Well, well, well, what a shame. The valiant party falls, and all are on the ground. It looks like I get the pleasure of the dark elf’s company all to myself now. Don’t worry I’ll also make sure your ranger friend gets her share of attention. I’ll make sure to take my take with them both, and then I’ll be sure to kill them both off. Can’t let people that powerful live to oppose us again.” Lazaru said with a smile on his face.

  Arthur looked up at the man with disgust in his face. People like him should be wiped from the face of this planet. If he had his way, that would be the case, and he wouldn’t feel a single bit of remorse.

  “I am impressed you managed to stand up to us and get to this point. The people you took out were borderline useless, but that’s what happens in this line of business. We always have a steady supply of these disposable people, though. I’ll finish you off, take your nice weapons and armor, and travel to Seora and pick up some more hands to come back and kill all the villagers. Without all of you here to help, they will be easy to deal with.”

  Arthur was furious at this point. If nothing else, he was now sure that Lord Golgara and every one of his enforcers needed to die. Lazaru started to slowly walk toward Allendria as his eyes roamed all over her in a predatory manner. This only served to infuriate him more. Arthur was able to grind his teeth together and slowly force himself up. It was a slow process, but he managed to make it to his feet, although he wasn’t very steady on them.

  “I am not going to give you that chance. I will protect my friends and the people of this village.” Arthur told him vehemently.

  Lazaru kept walking toward Allendria and didn’t even change pace.

  “Ha, how do you plan on doing that. You can barely stand up. I think a stiff breeze might finish you off. I think I might just take her in front of you, though. It would be interesting to see the look of defeat in your eyes. Do you think she will cry? It would be ni…”

  Arthur’s fury had been building higher as the man spoke. He couldn’t understand what was happening, but he felt an immense heat flush through him. Out of instinct, he raised his hand with his palm facing Lazaru.

  “DRAGONFIRE!” He screamed out in rage.

  A searing, white-hot, flame burst from his palm and slammed into Lazaru. The man’s mouth opened to scream, but the fire melted him away. Arthur could only see his silhouette as the man was burned to ashes in front of his eyes.

  “Burn you bastard,” Arthur muttered to himself.

  Chapter 30


  Arthur slumped to the ground, exhausted. Lazaru was a smoldering pile of ash with a few bits here and there that hadn’t completely burned. Arthur wasn’t sure what had happened.

  Alex (Level 15) has died.

  Congratulations, you have learned Spears for a 100 experience bonus.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 13! You now have 5 available skill points. Looking good, champ.

  Xavier (Level 15) has died.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 2 in Spears. Strikes with two-handed weapons deal 3% more damage. I liked the flair of that summon. Stop stealing moves, though.

  You have dealt 500 damage to Lazaru (Level 16) with Dragonfire.

  Lazaru (Level 16) has died.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 6 in Light Armor. Movement speed increased by 15% when wearing Light Armor. The bastard deserved that.

  Congratulations, you have learned the Bloodline Ability: Dragonfire for a 500 experience bonus.

  You have gained 5600 total experience in Light Armor for the fight.

  You have gained 4550 total experience in Swords for the fight.

  You have gained 3850 total experience in Small Blades for the fight.

  You have gained 3850 total experience in Dual Wield for the fight.

  You have gained 920 total experience in Fire Magic for the fight.

  You have gained 240 total experience in Earth Magic for the fight.

  You have gained 700 total experience in Block for the fight.

  You have gained 1400 total experience in Parry for the fight.

  You have gained 700 total experience in Spears for the fight.

  You have gained 13850 total experience for the fight.

  Bloodline Ability: Dragonfire

  Requirements: Fire Magic, House of Firebrand

  Spell Damage: 500 HP

  Cast Time: Instant

  Description: Summon pure Dragonfire to deal with your enemies. Only useable once a day and only useable by a member of the Firebrand Family.

  Mastery Level: 1

  Arthur heard trumpets blaring in his head.

  Defend Alem’s Crossing

  Requirements: Level 12

  Rewards: 25000 experience, 7500 skill experience to allocate as you choose, unknown rewards also possible.

  Description: The village is under attack. Rally your friends and defend the village. Go forth protectors of righteousness and end the threat.

  You have successfully fulfilled the required objectives. Do you wish to complete this quest now? Yes/No

  Arthur couldn’t hit yes fast enough on that prompt. He had already healed and was back on his feet from when Alex had finally bled out. Now he felt a rush of experience flow over him.

  Congratulations, you have reached level 14! You now have 10 available skill points. Is that what you call teamwork?

  Congratulations, you have reached level 15! You now have 15 available skill points. Hey, where is your worthless pet?

  You have 7500 unallocated skill experience to use at any time. Do you wish to use any now? Y/N

  Arthur heard the cheering of a large crowd in his head.

  Congratulations, you have been blessed by the Goddess Lianne for fulfilling this quest and have gained the title of Righteous Defender.

  Title: Righteous Defender

  You have gained the title of Righteous Defender for your bravery at Alem’s Crossing. The Lady Lianne herself has deemed fit to grant you this honor. With it
comes the following bonuses:

  ● You are awarded 10 skill points to use with any stat you see fit.

  ● You are awarded 10 talent points to use as you see fit with any skill.

  Arthur couldn’t believe it. He had earned a title and three levels to go with it. Not to mention the experience for skills. He told himself he would wait on it but was sure that experience would go toward combat skills. He had no problem gaining experience in crafting skills or magical skills. The combat arts were what was holding him back. There were also talents to look at now that he had leveled many skills in the fight.

  Arthur went and knelt by Allendria’s side. She was shaking and trying to regain control of herself. He grabbed her shoulder.

  “It’s okay, Allendria. You are safe now. I saw the hit you took and know it shook you up. Accept the defense quest, and everything will be good.”

  Arthur sat there watching her for a few moments as she slowly regained composure and then all of a sudden went perfectly still and sat up straight to look at him. She had a slightly scared look in her eyes, but she smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him anyway. He kissed her on the cheek and held her tightly.

  Looking around, he saw Vana stand up, good as new, and was shortly followed by Samson.

  “Dear maker, a title…” He said in awe.

  “Holy shit! That is amazing.” Vana exclaimed.

  Vana took off to Zeke and started slowly trying to bring the man back to consciousness so he could accept the quest and restore his health as well.

  “Woo Hoo!” Said James as he came sprinting back. “A title as well as some well-earned levels. I’ll be damned if that wasn’t as intense as hell. I thank you for bailing me out there at the end, Arthur. I was almost done for had you not showed up when you did.”

  “We watch out for each other, James. That is how we roll.” Arthur told him with a smile.

  I am also pleased you survived intact. Balair told him mentally.

  “Where the fuck were you, you useless damn dragon!” Arthur yelled as he looked around.

  You honestly didn’t expect me to fight people twice my level? I know I am a dragonling and all, but there are limits for me as well. You had it covered, and I had faith you would awaken. He told him cryptically.

  “What the hell do you mean, awaken?” Arthur asked.

  “Um… Arthur, your hair changed color…” Allendria said slowly as she looked at him.

  “That’s not possible, how would my hair change color?” He asked.

  “I am guessing it is because of who you are. It would be a family trait, although you are supposed to be dead.” Allendria said to him in disbelief.

  “Allendria, nothing you are saying is making any sense,” Arthur said, exasperated.

  “Arthur, your hair has started turning a purple color. There is only one family in all of this world who had distinct hair that was that color, and they were all killed 100 years ago. King Tristan Firebrand, Queen Violet Firebrand, and their infant son Arturian Firebrand.

  Our current king led a coup against them and hunted them down. When he finally trapped them, he killed them before they could find help. It was said he murdered Tristan first because he stayed back to buy time for Violet to summon a gate to escape through. She was trying to flee with young Arturian. The story goes that he killed her and the child before she was able to complete the gate. With you being here, though, she must have cast the gate and sent you through to safety before she was cut down.” She told him.

  Arthur sat down on the ground for a moment. There was no way that could be right. That was far too long ago. He would have already grown old and died by now if that was true. He couldn’t possibly be this Arturian Firebrand.

  Lianna, is this true? He whispered in his mind.

  I am sorry you found out this way, Arthur, but yes, it is. I told you coming here would be the chance for you to discover what happened to your parents. Allendria speaks the truth, but you were sent through the gate before they got to your mother. Out of fear, the current king lied to hold his power after he overthrew your parents. Your parents had the power of dimensional magic and were able to escape, but he kept finding them, and they couldn’t figure out how. She told him solemnly.

  This is possible because time doesn’t always flow normally with dimensions. When your mother crossed dimensions with her spell, it was hasty and not well planned out. It was an emergency decision, and when it happened, it sent you as an infant many years into the future in the dimension you lived in on Earth. When I brought you back, I did it in a stable gate, and there was no time distortion. You are Arturian Firebrand, true born prince of this land and rightful king. I would be careful about letting that information spread too quickly, or it might bring more trouble than you can handle in a short time. I am so very proud of you, my champion. You have done much to help this village and bring these people out of their squalor. It is time you start expanding your city and preparing defenses. This is just the beginning of your struggle. I wish you the best, she said as her voice faded from his mind.

  “I am Arturian Firebrand,” Arthur whispered to himself. “That is why I never knew my real parents and why John and Eve were never able to give me any details about them. They honestly didn’t know.”

  He looked up to Allendria with tears in his eyes.

  “What did my parent’s do to deserve this?” He demanded.

  Allendria sighed and looked sad. “They did nothing wrong, Arthur. When your parents ruled this country, it flourished. There were amicable relationships with most of the races. Armed conflict was also something they prevented much of. They were betrayed for greed and malice. King Wailyn and some of their court betrayed them. Almost no one knew what happened until after your parents were dead, and Wailyn had already assumed control of the capitol. Some cities held out against him, and many of the other races turned their backs on him, that’s why the Dark Elves no longer have relations with humans.”

  Arthur thought about this for a moment and looked to Balair, who had come down and landed near him.

  “You knew all of this, you little shit, and you didn’t tell me?”

  He made a sighing noise in Arthur’s mind. I did not know what happened to your family, but I did know you were a Firebrand. Only a member of the Firebrand family could have summoned one of my kind due to your bloodline. You have the power of dragons in your blood. I assumed you would find out when you needed to know.

  Arthur grunted at him. “What fine timing this is. I don’t even know what to do with this information.”

  “I’d suggest you keep it quiet as long as you can. The hair will set off some alarms, but most out there will probably not remember that. You could say it was a problem with some errant magic during the fight. The time of your parents was so long ago most of the people still alive wouldn’t remember much of them.” Allendria told him.

  “Fine. Fine.” He said as he waved it away. “It doesn’t change any of my goals anyway. I am still the same person I have always been. I guess all of you turned in your quest and got your title?” He asked as he looked around.

  They all beamed with pride and nodded at him.

  “To think I was blessed by a Goddess herself. She is the one you have been doing this work for correct?” Samson asked.

  “The very same one,” Arthur told him with a nod.

  Samson fell to his knees and looked up to the sky.

  “Goddess Lianna. I would like to become a paladin on your behalf sworn to the service of Arturian Firebrand, the rightful king of Dravincia!” He yelled to the sky.

  They all looked around nervously for a moment until a golden light enveloped Samson.

  “Oh my dear Samson, I could never deny the request from one as valiant and stalwart as you. I name you Paladin and Grandmaster of the Order of Aduro on the world of Dravincia. Go forth and serve well, my brave soul.”

  As she finished speaking, the light that had surrounded him faded. He stood up in a daze. Everyone around was s
taring at each other with dumbfounded looks.

  Arthur was the first to shake away the confusion. “Congratulation Paladin Samson. She couldn’t have picked a better person for the job.” Arthur told him seriously.

  “I thank you for bringing life and a purpose back to me, Arthur. Now it is time we fix the wrongs that have been done here.” He said.

  “You are ever so correct in that. We have a bit of time before we are on the radar again, or at least I hope, and it should allow us a chance to fortify and build. I want this turned into a proper city. No more run down and collapsing buildings. Hopefully, word will make it to surrounding villages, and we can have some of the villagers come to join us here for safety. We finally have some crops planted and are still foraging for more. With some magic, we can truly turn the place around. That being said, I have a lot of skill points and experience to allocate.” Arthur said with a laugh.

  All the others joined him in the laughter. He took a look at Balair and noticed that the dragon had gained levels as well. The little freeloader had jumped to level 10 with the quest Arthur turned in. Hopefully, that would get him to be a bit more useful, but Arthur doubted it. They walked back to town and were chatting like old friends. Zeke had gotten back on his feet and after accepting the quest, was as good as new. All of them walked into town with bloody and cut up clothing but looking as healthy as can be.

  When they got close to the inn, people started streaming out of it and cheering for them. They all waved at the attention but kept walking toward the inn. Leveling may have restored all of their stamina and health, but they were still mentally tired from the fight. They made it inside, and Daniel and Dalia approached.

  Arthur smiled at them both. “The day is won. The entire group of them has been killed, and the village is safe.”


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