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Wolf Spell 1

Page 4

by M. R. Polish

  “As soon as I am rid of Nicholas’s spell, she can leave… if she survives.”

  “She doesn’t even know she’s a witch! How does she not know this? She’s what—twenty now?”

  Victor nodded. “Eighteen actually, and to answer your question, Meadow concealed her magic. That’s why she didn’t know. Now Meadow’s too weak to hold the concealment and Esmerelda’s magic is showing itself.

  “Meadow went through so much these last eighteen years. Her husband, for all intents and purposes, is a marshal for the B.O.M.B., and they held each other in a Confidere Spell.” He opened the fridge, taking out a bottle of water and took a drink.

  I grew impatient. “What is that? I’m a Guardian, not a Warlock.”

  “I’ll put it humanly. They placed a spell over each other, making it impossible for the other to talk, or to go to anyone, about Esmerelda.”

  His voice dropped. “I had Meadow take Esmerelda as an infant, and Adonia and Torres—her real parents—hired Bry to find her. So they both had their reasons.”

  I hit the door, causing a dent. “She has no clue about that either does she? The part about Adonia and Torres…” Clenching my jaw, I ground my teeth. All this time, wasted, she had no clue who she was.

  Keeping her safe was my job now. She’d been missing for years and presumed dead. Torres and Adonia went into hiding as they searched for their daughter. Now she was in my care, and I would do whatever I needed to protect her.

  Victor shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “Fine, but you’re not expecting her to trust you after this, right?” It was going to be a long trip, and I needed to find a way out of working for Victor and take Esmerelda home, where she truly belonged.

  “I’m well aware of what could happen, and her safety must come first. It took us too long to find her in the first place. As it is, Meadow is almost dead because of her situation.”

  I was so sick of his excuses. I watched Esmerelda at the hospital a couple days ago when she visited Meadow. I stayed back, far enough away that she never knew I was there. I had watched over her for about a month now—in secret, but I never knew she didn’t know her true heritage.

  “Whatever man, but for the record, I think she should be told.” Anger boiled inside of me, and I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. I slid the door back open a crack.

  Victor held his hand up with an exhausted sigh and placed it in front of me on the door, stopping me from leaving. “You can’t tell her, do you understand? I pay you to watch her, nothing else.”

  Neither him nor his threats scared me. Victor leaned back out the door, making sure she was still asleep, and not listening to our conversation, then looked back over at me. “Meadow knew the moment Esmerelda was born. Everyone knew she was the one. She posed as a midwife for Nicholas while Adonia birthed, and took Esmerelda soon after she arrived in the world. She was supposed to bring her to me, but Bry caught her first. Thus, the Confidere spell. Bry refused to let her out of his sight, so they appeared married and raised her together. He was one of the marshals sent after Meadow to bring Esmerelda home.

  “He was unable to complete his job and Meadow was powerless to get to me. I searched for her, but it took me this long to find out what happened.”

  “Why do you need her?” I paced the small area. “Victor! I need answers.”

  “Nicholas has become addicted to power. He thrives off it. Creating crossbreeds who serve him will give him power. With Adonia as her mother, Esmerelda is sure to have some of the greatest magic. Can you imagine?

  “Today, I saw her bloom wilted flowers, and she said something about her hand. I’m thinking some kind of healing.”

  I wasn’t getting anywhere with him, but I agreed with him on one thing. Adonia was like the queen of all witches, and with her as Esmerelda’s mother… I made a mental reminder never to piss her off. I’d been around magical beings for my whole life, but she was rare.

  I stood there with my arms folded. I didn’t care what powers she had, she was still a person, not some weapon for them to use in a war. “Do you know where Torres or Adonia are?” I had gotten orders not to look for them years ago, and I abided by that commandment. I suppose I’ll have to break that order soon.

  He shrugged. “No. They have kept to themselves the last couple of years. I’m not sure anyone knows where they are.”

  I scoffed, knowing that I could easily find out. “So when you defeat Nicholas, she will be free of you?”

  He pressed his lips together before speaking. “I shouldn’t have a need for her after that.”

  I shook my head. “Shouldn’t? You might employ me, but I will do what is in her best interest… After Nicholas is gone, she will be too.”

  – Arabeth –

  October 7, 2012

  The sudden bump of the tires hitting the asphalt of the runway jerked the plane. My eyes shot open as I became jolted awake.

  Bolting straight up, a sharp twinge ran down my neck and through my shoulder blades. “Ouch.” I rubbed my neck trying to loosen the knot from sleeping in a chair for too long, regretting the quick movement. Talking with Jarak and Victor was the last thing I remembered and then nothing.

  Curious, I squinted out the window. The sun shone bright without a cloud in sight. The terrain was mostly flat with a few rugged hills in the distance. It reminded me of Nevada and an ache filled within my chest. That was the only place I’d ever lived. I couldn’t help but wonder how my dad was doing.

  The sound of a door closing came from the back, with Victor emerging from the tail of the plane and Jarak close behind him. Jarak snatched up his leather jacket and cut Victor off as he walked to the door. I wasn’t sure what happened between them since I passed out.

  I made little circles over my temples with my fingertips. “What happened?”

  “You fell asleep.” Victor stopped behind the chair I last saw him sitting in.

  “Oh tell her the truth,” Jarak grumbled. “He used a spell on you, putting you to sleep.”

  Ugh, I honestly hoped all the talk of magic was a dream and that I’d awaken in my own bed.

  “Come on, my sweet one, we need to get through customs before the guards change.” Victor gestured to the opening entry door.

  I shrugged. “Why?”

  Jarak’s hands tightened into fists. “Because most of the guards work for Nicholas and we don’t want him to know you’re here.”

  Victor scowled at Jarak.

  I twisted the seat so I could see them both better. “What do you mean he can’t know I’m here? And who is Nicholas?”

  Jarak grinned at Victor, but I could tell it was fake. “Yeah, why can’t she know? Maybe you should explain.” His mocking tone made me more curious.

  I slammed my hands down on the arms of the chair. “What is going on? I want an explanation, now.”

  Victor sucked in a long breath then slowly released it and stared at me. “Arabeth… Esmerelda, you are special, and there are some people who would stop at nothing to have you.”

  Jarak faked a coughed. “Like you?”

  Victor glared at Jarak again before turning back to me.

  “But I don’t have anything. Once he sees I came empty handed he’ll leave me alone, right?”

  Almost simultaneously, they both answered. “No.”

  I looked at Victor then at Jarak. “No?”

  Jarak took one step closer to me. “You are what he wants.”

  “Okay, enough talking. We need to go.” Victor walked to the opened door, not leaving any room for discussion.

  I stood and glanced around the plane, Jarak waited with his hands folded together behind his back. When I moved, he moved. Frustrated, I grabbed my sweater and marched to the door where Victor waited for us.

  I skirted behind Victor through the airport, trying to keep up with his long strides. Jarak stayed close on my tail. The colors were invigorating with all the yellows, greens, blues and reds. The building amazed me, with large windows that let in the
light from the sun and gave a good view of outside.

  I zoned out, staring at the high ceilings with colorful braces and dang near ran into the back of Victor. He’d stopped abruptly and looked around as if searching for something… or someone. I wasn’t sure what to look for, but the way both guys acted, I needed to be on high alert.

  Jarak’s hand glided along the small of my back. My heart fluttered, and I cringed. How could I react that way to him? He stopped and pulled back on my arm, stopping me too.

  “What is it?” I whispered, so only Jarak could hear me.

  “Nicholas’s energy is here, I think he’s expecting you, but I don’t know how he knew you’d be here.” His jaw clenched, and he looked at Victor. “Come on, stay close to me.”

  He nudged me to the right, leading me away from Victor. I wasn’t sure what happened, but I wanted to trust him.

  Victor turned around looking for us, nodded, and then we sped up our getaway. Without looking back, Jarak pushed me into a full run, dodging and pushing through hundreds of people in the terminal, but never released his grip on my arm.

  “Run to the bathroom. Wait five minutes and I’ll come get you.”

  I didn’t have time to argue or even question his plan. To my left, I spotted the ladies room sign and dashed inside, slamming the door behind me and locking it with the bolt lock. I could hear running water from a sink. Great, someone else was in here. I leaned back on the door, trying to catch my breath.

  I didn’t know where Jarak went, but I hoped I ran away with the right man. He seemed genuinely protective, and that alone gave me comfort as I sank into the corner by the door. I could still feel my heart beating wildly against my chest, fearing it might explode at the rate it went.

  Footsteps sounded on the tiled floor, coming from around the entry wall, where I presumed the sinks and stalls were located. “You can’t hide,” a man’s voice—not a woman’s, sounded from behind the wall.

  My throat tightened, and I stood from my crouched position in the corner, and fumbled with the lock, trying to be quiet. Click. The lock opened, and I pulled the door open slowly, in case it squeaked.

  A forceful grip tightened around my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist, dragging me from the door. “Surprised Esmerelda?” I could feel his whisper on my cheek. “Nicholas has waited a long time for you.”

  His hot breath was like acid on my skin, burning me. He pulled open the door and pushed me out of the restroom with his hand still clamped around my mouth. My arm hurt as he twisted it around to my back and held it firmly in place, guiding me through the congestion of travelers and their luggage. Not one person noticed we were there. It was like the same thing that happened at my mom’s funeral, when Joe and the other gorilla carted me off.

  He forced me down a long grey hallway, where the natural sun light didn’t quite reach, despite the skylights near the entrance. It was void of any other people, just him and me. I could hear the faint wheeze with his intake of breath, which was good. It meant he had a weakness, and he’d reached his limit. Maybe I could still escape.

  He pushed me over to a metal door that looked heavy enough to be bullet proof. I didn’t want to know what was on the other side of it. I jerked, trying to free my arm, but cried out against his hand as he twisted it more and sent sharp pains up through my shoulder. I was so done with people kidnapping me, after this I planned to take self–defense classes with Ailaina at the gym.

  His grip tightened. “I have to get Nicholas, you’re gonna stay right here. Open the door.”

  I shook my head. I wasn’t going in the room without a fight. I shrieked as he wrenched his grip around my arm again, shooting sharp flashes of pain that ripped through my shoulder and up across my collarbone. I lifted my foot and slammed it hard on his toes, using my free arm to elbow him. He let go long enough for me to break free of his grip.

  I ran, but wasn’t fast enough. He slammed into my body, grabbed me around my waist then gripped my wrist, pulling it behind my back. He spun me around toward the door. “I said open the door,” he said though clenched teeth.

  Tears welled in my eyes from the throbbing ache. I refused to cry as I used my free hand to press down on the handle, opening the door a crack. This was it, the end of my life, and I was the one who opened the door. He used his foot to kick it open the rest of the way then without warning, he shoved me into the room causing me to lose balance and fall. The door slammed shut, and my heart quickened as the loud echo vibrated in my skull.

  I jumped up and looked around for any other way to escape. The vent for the air conditioning was small and grated, with what looked like a welded edge. A folding table and the metal chair were the only things that sat in the middle of the room. The walls were grey, but void of any hangings. The whole room couldn’t have been bigger than what I imagined a jail cell to be.

  I walked over to the folding chair. I lowered myself onto it, feeling more numb than before. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. My eyes burned with fresh tears, but I blinked them back, trying not to cry. I needed to prepare myself for the torture I would have to endure. Maybe if I was lucky, Nicolas would kill me.

  I was eighteen, had my own apartment, and started a life of my own. Why was this happening now?

  Tears slipped down my face as I thought of how Jarak betrayed me. He had to have known that guy was in the bathroom waiting for me. I slammed my hand down on the desk, then wiped off all the tears and sucked in a deep breath. I was scared. All I wanted was my dad. It seemed like forever since I last saw him.

  I sniffled. Muffled voices from the next room hummed in the air. They were men’s voices—they were too deep to be a woman's. I strained to hear what they were saying. I got excited thinking that if I could hear them, then they should be able to hear me.

  “Help! Please, somebody help me!” I swallowed the lump in my throat. Oh, please let someone hear me.

  Crash! I jumped up from my seat, and my hand grasped the table for balance. The noise came from the room next to mine and sounded as if the roof caved to the floor.

  I darted for the exit, but tugging and twisting the doorknob was no use. I pounded on the metal door with the palms of my hands. The clanging echoed through the tiny room. I hit it harder, but only in vain.

  “Hello!” I yelled through the door hoping for a response. “Is somebody there? Can you hear me?... Help!” I hit, kicked and yanked on the door—anything to try and open it. Please, dear Lord, let someone help me.

  An ear-splitting roar came from the room next to mine and scared me. I spun around with my back against the door and covered my ears with my hands. What is going on? My heart raced as another thump vibrated the wall as something crashed into it. I held my breath in fear, but shorts gasps escaped my lips.

  I hugged my stomach as I watched the wall next to the door. My mouth grew too dry and sticky to swallow.

  “Esmerelda!” A muffled voice called from behind the door.

  I spun around to face the door, my eyes wide as I watched the doorknob jiggle. “Stay back!” the voice boomed.

  I took an involuntary step back. Another growling sound came from outside the room. My hands clenched together so tight my knuckles turned white. My eyes kept darting between the wall and the door. I was going to die. This was the end.

  Footfalls pounded in the hall, with more hushed voices that I couldn’t make out. Crash! The door fell onto the floor, taking pieces of the frame and wall with it. Debris fell on the rubble and dust filled the room. I coughed and waved my hand in front of my face, gasping for oxygen.

  A scream lodged in my throat. I clamped my hand to my mouth when a large figure walked through the disaster. I backed up even more until my back hit the wall, trapping me.

  The dust was so thick that I couldn’t see anything more than a shape. I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing this were a dream, and when I opened them, everything would be normal.

  Peeking one eye at a time, I recognized the man. I let out a s
igh of relief. It was Jarak. His aqua eyes glistened as he held my stare.

  “Esmerelda,” he whispered out of breath. He held out his hand for me to take, but I refused, shaking my head.

  My eyes were wide, and my body quivered. “What—what are you doing?” I felt betrayed by him. It was his fault I was inside this room. My heart pounded, telling me something else, aching to trust him. Maybe I was wrong.

  His hand still reached out for me. “Come on, we have to go—now.”

  I still shook my head no. I could feel my lips tremble. “N-n-no. I don’t know who to trust.”

  I looked for an escape. The only one I saw meant that I’d have to dash past Jarak. What were my chances of making it?

  The doorway filled with another presence. So much for an escape, I thought. It was Victor. His flushed face was bright red. “Come on,” he demanded.

  I stood immobile and couldn’t force my legs to move. Victor pushed past Jarak, grabbed my arm and pulled me against my will. “Stop! I can walk. You don’t have to yank me along.” What was it with this man that he thought he had to kidnap and manhandle me all the time?

  Jarak clenched his hand around Victor’s arm that pulled at me. “Victor, she’s scared can’t you see that?”

  Victor grimaced. “There’s no time to waste. We need to leave.”

  I didn’t move. I wasn’t sure what was going on.

  “Either I drag her out, or you take her out.” Victor was serious. I could tell by the tone of his voice. My whole body tensed up even more and I jerked away from him, freeing my hand. I’d rather leave with Jarak than him.

  Jarak looked at me, his eyes softened. “Forgive me Es.”

  Not even a second passed for me to catch my breath before his arms went around my middle, and he heaved me over his shoulder. I found my inner strength build. I kicked my legs back and forth and pounded my fists onto his well-muscled back with every ounce of anger I could muster. “I can walk you jerk!”

  “Hurry up. We can’t wait for more to show up.” I could hear Victor getting impatient with my rant. I flung my head to the side, blowing a pfft of air up with my lips, to move my hair from my vision.


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