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by Graysen Morgen

  Scooter and Ike snapped to attention and saluted before leaving the room. Once they got into the hallway Ike wiped the sweat from his brow and patted her on the back. "Welcome back. You're free to resume your life and your career."

  "Yeah, for now at least. Do you think the Depart of the Navy is going to clear my file?"

  "Yes, there shouldn't be a reason why they wouldn't, but don't let that bother you. It could take six months for them to come to a decision. Until you hear from someone, continue as if nothing happened."

  "What did he say about Petty Officer Greenfield?"

  "You will never work at the same base again. I'm surprised they are not discharging her. But, then again, they wouldn't tell you or me if they were anyway. Besides, that takes months too."

  "Did I hear right?"CAPT. Undell said when they walked around the corner together.

  "Yes Sir, effective Monday I am back as the XO of the Lincoln."

  "Congratulations, Commander." He shook her hand. "It's an honor to have you back."

  Chapter 18

  "I can't believe this, Scooter. You just went through hell for the past month. You've been back to work for two weeks, how are you getting deployed again so soon?" Libby paced the kitchen floor.

  "It's a scheduled deployment. During peace-time we go to sea to participate in 'war games'. Three months will go by fast. Be glad it's just practice and we really aren't at war."

  "I know I'm just pissed," she said as she sat on the stool next to Scooter. "I hate what they have done to you. I'm finally starting to see a little bit of that bright light coming back in your eyes."

  Scooter put her arm around her little sister. "I'll be fine. It's over. I need to go on with my life and this is what I do, I go to sea." Scooter never told Libby about the Department of the Navy reviewing her file.

  "I know. I know. I know," she said in defeat. "I just don't like it." She pouted.

  Scooter smiled. "Three months will go by really fast, then, I'll be back in your hair again."

  "I like it when you're here and you're never in my hair, you know that."

  "Take a vacation. I talked to Mom the other day. They are enjoying Canada."

  "Yeah, I think they want to move up there. I'm really glad they decided to stay away during all of the hiatus."

  "Me too. I had enough stress during that month. Those two drive me crazy when life is normal. I can only imagine how they would've been with the news cameras and everything else. Besides, I didn't want them to hear all of those nasty accusations about me."

  "Well, they were all lies anyway."

  "I didn't want you to hear them either, you know."

  "I'm a big girl Scooter, there's no need to protect me from hearing it and it was all bullshit. It was amazing watching all of those sailors take the stand and commend you over and over. Not to mention the display they put on in your presence. I am so damn proud of you Scooter. You have nothing to be ashamed of, not ever."

  Scooter pulled her sister into a tight hug. "I love you, shrimp."

  Libby smiled at the pet name her sister called her when they were kids. "I love you too."


  Scooter didn't want her sister to know how much she was actually looking forward to going to sea. She honestly wished it was longer than three months. Her nerves were still on edge, but she was slowly finding herself again. Going through her daily routine working on the sub was the best cure to any ailment and she had thrown herself back into her duties full force. The second cure was staying as far away from women as she possible could. Even on the sub, she was alert to the women in her command at all times. She made it a point to never be alone with another female while at sea or even in port for that matter.

  Chapter 19

  Denise and Tabitha were thrilled when Layne called and wanted to meet at Frog's Friday night. She had barely been out at all in the past six months and pretty much not at all since the not guilty verdict in the Navy trial two months ago. They were still getting use to the fact that Layne's hot Naval Officer one night stand was the person falsely accused of raping another woman. The distraught hollow look on Layne's face when she walked into the bar meant she was still trying to swallow the news herself.

  "Hello ladies," Layne said as she sat down at their table on the edge of the dance floor. It was still early and the bar had just enough patrons to keep the bartender/owner from noticing them or so she thought.

  "How was your week?" Tabitha asked as she poured Layne a margarita from the ice-cold pitcher on the table.

  "Hell." Layne downed the glass in two long sips. "I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with all of the bullshit left over from that trial. I have five pending cases on my desk and Stewart is in my office daily throwing it all back in my face."

  "That's ridiculous. Maybe you should quit," Denise said.

  "Easier said than done unfortunately. I'm an A.D.A. we don't just quit. Not that I haven't thought about it, because I have contemplated throwing my career away every single day for the past three months, since the whole fucking ordeal started."


  Libby was surprised that she missed the brunette come through the door, but she would be damned if she was going to let her patronize her bar like nothing happened. She threw the bar towel down and marched across the bar.

  "Excuse me," she said when she stopped at the table occupied by the woman she loathed.

  Layne turned towards the hardest stare she had ever seen in her life. The petite woman standing in front of her looked like she wanted to kill her with her bare hands.

  "Don't speak," Libby said and held her hand up. "I'm going to be as civilized as I can here because this is my establishment and this is my personal business. I do not appreciate your patronage and I am kindly asking you to leave and not return in the future."

  "What?" Denise asked and stood up. "You're not seriously kicking her out. What the hell?"

  Libby turned toward her. "This doesn't concern you. Ms. Carmichael, I would like to get this taken care of without a scene please."

  "Denise, it's okay. She has every right. I don't know why I said to come here in the first place."

  "She doesn't want to see you and I definitely don't want you around her, so I would appreciate it if you would leave," Libby said.

  "How is she?" Layne asked.

  Libby laughed sarcastically. She knew Beasley was waiting to toss this woman out on her ass. She knew the story. Hell, everyone knew the story. "My sister is none of your business. None!"

  Layne stood. "I'm sorry. You will both never know how sorry I truly am." She walked away without turning back.

  "I can't believe you just threw her out like that," Denise said. Tabitha also stood and tossed some cash on the table.

  "She's lucky she wasn't literally tossed on her ass. Let her ruin someone's life that you care about and tell me if you would still want her around you." Libby walked back to the bar.

  When Denise and Tabitha walked outside Layne was gone.

  Chapter 20

  Scooter laughed when she read the email from Libby about her tossing Layne out of the bar. She was shocked that she even showed her face back at Frog's. She knew Libby was the owner and that Libby was her sister. She typed a quick reply and went back to the control room. She had one more month to go and so far, the drills were going smoothly. She was happy to be busy and back at sea, albeit a little edgy around the other females aboard.

  The EAM light flashed when she walked down the steps signaling an incoming Emergency Action Message was being sent from Washington. She and the captain rushed to the radio room to receive the message.

  The communications chief read the message. "A Russian Attack Submarine has been picked up by satellites in hostile waters less than 2,000 meters from our current location and closing. Torpedo counteraction is authorized…THIS IS A DRILL. THIS IS A DRILL. THIS IS A DRILL." He handed the message to Scooter.

  She read it. "I concur," she said and passed it to the captain.

ssage is authentic," he said after reading it.

  Scooter and CAPT. Undell went back to the control room. He picked up the microphone and relayed the message to the crew of the sub.

  "Chief of the Watch sound the battle station alarm, Weapons Con, alarm all torpedoes for a drill."

  Scooter picked up the microphone.

  "This is a drill. I concur with the captain. This is the XO."

  "Com to control, we have a submerged sub bearing five, zero, zero and closing," The Communications Chief radioed to the Control Room.

  "Dive the boat and maintain your heading," CAPT. Undell said to Scooter.

  "Chief of the Watch, make your depth six, zero, zero, five degrees down bubble. Quietly steady on course." Scooter relayed the orders.

  Ten minutes later, the Communications Chief noticed a bearing change with the submarine on the sonar screen and it was headed straight for them.

  "Make your depth eight, five, zero. Change course to three, two, four. All ahead standard," Scooter said, then listened as the Chief of the Watch relayed her orders. So far, the drill was running smoothly.

  "Torpedo in the water, bearing zero, five, zero one thousand yards," the Communications Chief announced.

  "Weapons Con, arm torpedo tubes one thru five, stand by for launch code." Scooter wiped the sweat from her brow and grabbed the microphone to concur everything the captain transmitted to the crew.

  "XO take us to DEFCON 3," CAPT. Undell said.

  She learned a long time ago to presume nothing, especially during a drill. Any higher DEFCON and you were at war. Scooter spoke into the microphone.

  "We are at DEFCON 3. Silent orders begin in sixty seconds. Maintain your battle stations. This is a real as it gets ladies and gentlemen. This is a drill. This is the XO."

  "Com to Control, torpedo is at eight hundred yards."

  "All ahead full right rudder," Scooter said.

  "Five hundred yards and closing."

  "Weapons Con set to release tubes one thru five. Stand by. Chief of the Watch launch counter-measures and sound the collision alarm."

  Scooter waited for the loud alarm that would sound when they were struck by the incoming torpedo. That shrieking sound always made the hair on her neck stand up and her throat close tight. In a real attack situation it was the signal that they were all dead.

  "Commander the torpedo has taken the bait and is following the dummy round."

  "All Ahead standard. Make your depth one, five, zero. Change course to two, three, nine." She picked up the microphone. "Stations report damage."

  Scooter relayed the orders once again and waited. Thankfully, the electronic torpedo had missed them. So far, they were performing very well during these past two months. She stood patiently next to the captain. She hoped her decision to turn the boat and rise would be just enough movement to send the Russian sub into a panic looking for them and she would come up behind it with just enough time to launch a torpedo up its ass.

  "Com to Control, the Russian sub is heading zero, seven, zero and has changed course to three, one, five."

  CAPT. Undell smiled. "Bring us home, Commander."

  "All ahead one third, zero bubble, silent and steady. Weapons Con authorize release tubes one and two. Code is Zulu, Alpha, Hotel, Tango, Echo, Echo, Zulu." She gave the orders to fire the torpedoes.

  "I concur," the Weapons Officer said.

  "Authenticated and authorized. This is the Captain."

  Scooter typed the code into the launch computer and pushed the simulated fire button twice. Everyone on board waited silently. Ten seconds later a shrill alarm sounded indicating a direct hit and kill. CAPT. Undell patted her on the back and smiled. The rest of the crew was cheering.

  The EAM alarmed and Scooter and the captain went to the radio room to get the message confirming their kill and ending the drill. It also gave them orders to return to their home port.

  "Great job, Commander." CAPT. Undell said when they were out of ear shot from the Control Room. "I mean it Scooter. You'll have your own boat one day, then god help us all." He joked and smiled. "Go take some bunk time. I'll call you in a few hours to relieve me after dinner."


  Scooter sat in her stateroom glowing. She was very proud of her crew for performing at the highest standards during all of the drills. Her nerves seemed to level out completely once she was in command of a severe situation. She loved standing in the Control Room literally playing life or death chess with her hair on fire.

  Chapter 21

  Libby was sitting in her office when she heard the back door buzzer go off. She checked the calendar and wasn't expecting a delivery. She had come in a few hours early during the bars closed hours to catch up on paperwork and put together the order for the following week.

  She closed the screen she was working in on her computer and pulled up the security cameras. She clicked the back door and zoomed in.

  "What the hell is she doing here?" she said to herself as got up and walked towards the back door.


  Layne was pacing back and forth and talking to herself. She was an A.D.A. for Pete's sake, she shouldn't be nervous waiting to talk to a former lover's sister that hated her guts.

  When the door opened she turned to face a feisty little blonde that looked like she was growling.

  "I took a chance you would be here. I need to talk to you."

  "I don't care to hear anything that you have to say to me," Libby said as she stood with her back holding the door open.

  "Can you give me five minutes, then, I swear I will never come here again."

  "What the hell makes you think I want to hear anything you want to say to me? For that matter, you have a lot of balls coming back here. I thought I made it clear I didn't want you in my establishment."

  Layne looked her in the eyes and in her best courtroom voice she spoke. "Please. I don't deserve a chance to explain, but I am asking for one."

  Libby snatched the door open and gestured for her to go inside. "You have two minutes."

  Layne walked in and followed Libby to one of the tables by the dance floor.

  "Well. Let's hear it," Libby said as she looked at her watch.

  "I'm sorry." When Libby went to speak she held up her hand. "You said two minutes." When Libby crossed her arms over her chest she continued. "When I was given that case I had no idea who Commander B. Scuttero was. The night Scooter and I met she said her name was Scooter. I didn't know she was in the Navy. Hell, we knew nothing about each other. It was a one-night stand, something I have now done only twice in my life and I am thirty years old. I don't go to bars and pick up women. I felt a connection with Scooter that I have never felt with anyone in my life, that's why I let her come home with me that night. I never thought I would see her again honestly."

  Libby butted in. "That doesn't give you the right to do what you did. You should have taken yourself off of the case."

  "Please let me continue," Layne said. Libby huffed and waved her hand as if to say hurry up or get to the point. "I still did not put two and two together when I saw Scooter come into the bar in her uniform. I was completely shocked when I saw her walk into that courtroom. I was not at her arraignment hearing because I totaled my car on the way to the courthouse. I asked to be removed from the case due to a conflict of interest but Stewart Griffin wouldn't allow it."

  "So you just tried the case anyway and went on to destroy my sister's life because your boss made you do it. That's the most ridiculous excuse I have ever heard."

  "I should have just quit my job. I barely knew Scooter, hell I didn't know her at all, but I knew there was no way she could have raped that girl. Not the woman I spent the most incredible night of my life with anyway, but I had to find out the truth. It made me sick to go into that courtroom every day. I was a coward and I'm so sorry for what I did to Scooter."

  "Sorry doesn't take back what she went through. Do you know my sister didn't eat or sleep for those two months? She lost so much weight her
clothes didn't fit. She drank until she passed out so many nights I can't even count them. I watched her die a little bit every day. Every god damn day that you went in there and broke her down a little bit more. The light in her eyes is gone. She goes through the motions of each day now instead of living them with her hair on fire. You killed a part of her, you, Layne Carmichael. So, don't come in here thinking you can just apologize and move on like it was nothing. I don't care for your poor pitiful me excuse. You're so lucky I am not a physical woman or I would have slapped you across the face by now. I think your two minutes are over." Libby stood and began walking towards the door to let Layne out.

  "I don't expect you to forgive me. I will never ask Scooter for her forgiveness, I don't deserve it." She choked on the tears that slowly fell from her eyes. "I hurt her because I was too God damn coward to stand up against something I knew was wrong. Stewart Griffin is so adamant to ruin her career and make a political point out of this whole situation. He won't stop until he wins and I will not be a part of it, not ever again. I know sorry isn't good enough; nothing is ever going to be good enough. I made a huge mistake and I am paying for it every day. Every single day." She wiped the tears from her face and stood up to leave.

  "What do you mean Stewart Griffin is making a political point of this? Is he still going after my sister?"

  "Yes. I thought you knew. I'm sorry."

  "No I didn't. Scooter's been at sea for a few months and she hasn't mentioned this. Maybe she doesn't even know. That fucking son of a bitch."

  "He and Senator Wainwright and another senator are all trying to use this whole situation to prove that women don't belong in the military, much less on submarines, and the don't ask, don't tell policy should never have been rescinded. The last I heard they were headed to the Supreme Court of Appeals with the case."


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