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Captured by Charybdis

Page 16

by Bruce McLachlan

  ‘Stop, I...’ she panted, laying slack, her body welling with new pearls of cold sweat, her flesh twitching from the pain as she lay sprawled before him, barely able to even speak.

  ‘It’s okay, Mina, when you awake you will be back with Oceanus and Tethys,’ he promised, and applied the voltage again. ‘They will be more careful this time, and you’ll soon get over this rebellious phase.’

  The screaming shock drilled into her, making her arch her back and claw at the floor, her loins thrown up as the electrical charge chewed at her most susceptible portions.

  Blackness welled in her vision as flashes crossed her sight, her body being pushed beyond its capacity to endure this maltreatment. She had been beaten. She had tried her best and lost. She would not try to escape again; she knew it was useless. At last she was ready to give up her life and pass it into the hands of Charybdis and his Titans, and this sudden choice committed the session of electrical discipline to the regions of sweet treasured memory. With a grizzling sob she fainted.

  Chapter 12

  When Mina started to come to, she at first assumed that the fabulous events of the past few days were nothing more than a rich dream brought on by a dissatisfaction with her life. The state of semi-consciousness after sleep continued to trick her and she tried to stretch. Instead of feeling her slender limbs slipping on soft covers, she found herself hampered by the imposition of manacles.

  Flashing her eyes open, the blurred image of her sight gathered into clarity and revealed her situation and that the world of Charybdis was no night time fantasy inside her head.

  Mina found herself lying upon warm white tiles in a section of a larger room. The rest of the chamber was dark, the lights extinguished so that shadow and half images were all she could gain. She could make out vague apparatus and structures, but nothing more than that. No oval windows presented her with a view of the ocean, so she was definitely not in any familiar room. Could this be some sort of prison where she would be punished for her sins?

  A row of six spotlights without fired stark beams at her area of the room, filling it with radiance, making the tiles glow and leaving the rest of the chamber a consuming Stygian void.

  Checking her immediate vicinity, Mina found that the long, deep-set alcove was completely tiled, like a shower designed for half a dozen people as one might find at a sports hall or gymnasium. A row of detachable showerheads emerged from the wall beside her, set high on small rests, their retractable hoses plunging back into the tiles. The silver nozzles had their own individual taps incorporated at the handle, letting the wielder maintain constant control.

  Other additions in keeping with the fetishes of Charybdis and his Titans were upon the shower unit as well. Directly before each shower fitting, in the middle of the floor was a drain that also unleashed a length of chain. The few feet of slumbering metal serpent lay curled upon the floor, awaiting a prisoner to hold. The one beneath Mina had such a target available to it and reached to a metal pole. A thick padlock fastened the chain to a ring set in the middle of the thick rod, the spreader bar being a metre wide and charged with securing leather and latex lined fetters at each end. These bands had been padlocked into irrevocable place upon Mina’s ankles, keeping her legs parted and confining her to the shower unit.

  Another chain descended from a hole in the ceiling directly above. Every other length was only a foot or so long, while the example above Mina stretched all the way to the floor. The links extended down to snatch the second bar responsible for spreading her arms and holding her within a set of restraints identical to those trapping her feet. Both sets of cuffs rose up after the joint, flaring out into a cone to provide extra support and to prevent her interfering with them. Mina guessed she was destined for suspension.

  Mina pulled at the bonds a little, finding them far more secure than she could ever hope to break or slip free of.

  She was still covered in the grime and sweat from her attempted escape, so she could assume that the shower was going to be used on her, and she could further guess that it would be no gentle cleansing after the crimes she had committed. In a way she was looking forward to whatever abuse was going to be meted out, for such punishment would help ease her guilt, help her atone for what she had done. If she suffered enough for the pleasure of others they would have to eventually forgive her, and accept her back into the folds of subservient slavery. Now her allegiance had been broken she was ready to start accepting this new life in full. Once she had paid the price for her earlier division, of course.

  Sitting upright she awkwardly traced the smooth metal of her chastity belt, the device a harbinger of pain and pleasure in addition to its purpose of perpetual abstinence. Mina pondered how long it might be before she was permitted orgasm. The long period of teasing and denial when she had first arrived would no doubt continue, driving her insane with need. It would keep her obedient, but it would also be a stringent form of erotic punishment.

  Sat in her brightly lit stage with only her thoughts to hound her, Mina had no idea how long it was before she heard the hiss of a door parting and the sound of footsteps drawing closer. She counted four sets - three of them in heels.

  Movement in the depths attracted her eyes and she watched as the forms started to materialise into the light. White garments seemed almost disembodied as they caught the radiance, the rest of their attire formed from black latex, rendering them formless wraiths in the night beyond the shower unit.

  Oceanus and Tethys stepped forth, their emergence causing Mina to wither back a little, scuttling on the floor until her spine bumped against the tiled wall, her chains rattling against the tiles. She was afraid of what they might do after she had so brazenly assaulted them.

  The couple were clad in latex cat suits, the black skin spilling over every portion of their frame, flowing over their hands, merging into footwear and rising to a high neck. The polished fabric rippled with their movements, catching hesitant sparkles of light on its ridges and stretched fields.

  Over their suits they wore white coats in imitation of doctors, the pockets of the open jackets clearly containing objects. Their rings were worn over their jet gloves, exposing their membership of the noble caste as well as giving them control over the various automated facets of the room.

  The other two footsteps belonged to servants. The two shapely women were also sealed in cat suits, save that their examples were a step more towards total enclosure than those of their owners.

  The suits rolled up to encompass their heads, the featureless black domes given token eye slits and a small aperture at the mouth and nose. Their maws were craned wide and filled with a gag, and the small nozzle protruding through the hood suggested to Mina that the gags were of the deepest variety. Tottering on their skyscraper heels, the women wore white aprons of latex and perched upon their smoothed brows were latex nurses’ hats. Even through the thick latex cocoon they wore, Mina could discern the subtle traces of their chastity belts, confirming them as Nymphs.

  ‘Awake at last, Mina?’ commented Oceanus, folding his arms before him and fixing her with a stern look.

  ‘How do you feel?’ quizzed Tethys, with a little more warmth.

  ‘Guilty,’ said Mina with hissed tones, her head lowered as she found herself unable to meet their icy glowers.

  ‘I meant physically,’ corrected the woman, rubbing a wrist as though she could still feel the shackles Mina had placed upon them.

  ‘A little weak, that’s all,’ Mina replied.

  ‘That was not very nice what you did back in the training room, slave,’ Oceanus stated sibilantly, clearly the more outraged of the two, his masculinity bruised by the defeat.

  Silence fell as they awaited her response, seeing if she would beg forgiveness or try to lie her way out of it. Mina considered her response before finally answering them.

  ‘I can’t reveal why I did what I did, but I�
��m sorry it had to come to that, I had no choice in the matter,’ she sighed softly with resignation, well aware that whatever she said or did would be useless in placating their anger. She had bound and assaulted Titans, defied her caste, visited that which was their exclusive preserve upon them, and they would assuredly remedy the situation. By taking such revenge they would show Mina her place in the scheme of things, and hopefully forgive her in the process.

  ‘So Charybdis said,’ snapped Oceanus.

  ‘And not another detail thereafter,’ Tethys added irritably, the lack of information about their property annoying them both. They were used to having all the facts, and now they found that they had a mystery before them, one they could not unravel. Would they try and interrogate her? Pry the information from her by force?

  ‘But that does not matter right now. We are not here to ferret into your past, but to consider your future,’ stated Oceanus, with aloof tones.

  Mina looked up and found them both regarding her with intensity. She frowned as their words sunk in. ‘You mean I have one?’ she questioned, caught by surprise. Despite what Charybdis had said, she was sure they would take instant retribution and then sell her off, or more likely just give her away.

  ‘Of course you do,’ offered Tethys, a hint of worry in her voice.

  Mina looked from one to the other. ‘Please, give me a second chance,’ she pleaded. ‘I’ll not disappoint you again. Take whatever measures you wish as precautions, take revenge for what I did - anything.’

  ‘I don’t think that will be necessary,’ said Oceanus, and then turned to his wife.

  ‘What do you think, my love?’

  The woman pondered a moment, and then to Mina’s joy, smiled broadly. ‘Let’s just forget about the past and continue where we left off.’

  ‘Oh, thank you, thank you,’ Mina burbled, jiggling excitedly, her chains chiming like sleigh bells with her movements.

  ‘You may thank me, slave,’ announced the woman with regal authority, her nose in the air as she extended a foot onto the tiles.

  Mina shuffled forward, the steel links clattering loudly upon the floor as she slithered over and looked into the smooth polished toe of the woman’s boot. Without hesitation she lowered her face to it and let her lip wander on the point, the humbling act making her shiver with delectation. As she kissed and licked the power of her derogation made her heart pound and her head swim.

  ‘Good girl,’ purred the woman, reaching down and stroking Mina’s tangled locks, pacifying her.

  ‘Now, are you ready to play again?’ added Oceanus, moving to Mina’s side now that there was clearly no danger from the possession. ‘You still have lessons to learn if you want to be our pet.’

  Mina looked up across the curvaceous leg of her owner, following the tightly bound limb before panning her gaze across the alluring torso and succulent breasts of Tethys. Meeting her intense black eyes, Mina smiled and addressed Oceanus. ‘Yes, yes, please teach me - I want to be your pet more than anything I’ve ever wanted,’ she stated with conviction, dedicating herself to this goal, fixing her life to it.

  ‘Excellent,’ chuckled Tethys, stepping back into the shadows and removing her foot from Mina’s adoration. ‘First we shall clean you up, and then we’ll play doctors and nurses.’

  Mina watched them from beneath a lowered brow, wondering what was going to occur. The usual events she expected from such a childish term would obviously be considerably different, and Mina entertained herself with numerous notions of just what would be visited upon her. The fantasising made the chastity belt seem all the tighter, her loins growing hot upon the plugs as she squeezed her tracts to the intruders.

  Tethys reached out and touched a section of wall outside the shower alcove and therefore hidden to Mina. There was a click and the chains sparked into life, toothed cogs set in floor and ceiling snatching the links and drawing them in.

  The speedy retraction of the length above lifted Mina’s hands upwards, bringing her onto her knees as she hung from them, letting herself stay limp so she could enjoy the feeling of being hoisted by the machines.

  The cranking grind of the mechanism brought her up into a low crouch and then to her feet. For a moment she struggled a little, before her feet left the floor. With a gasping sigh she was spread-eagled in the air, the drag of the chains making movement almost impossible. A penetrating ache started to roll through her limbs, the ligaments and joints protesting at this maltreatment. But Mina just let her head loll back as she breathed deeply, her body alive with new sensation that only served to stoke her algolagnic lusts. The feeling escalated immeasurably as she felt a latex covered hand rise up her flanks, tracing her curves with a subtle touch.

  ‘Oohh,’ she moaned, beset by the effects of suspension, relishing them as she hung, defenceless, stretched tight for the attention of her owners, unable to stop the palpating digits.

  ‘Mmmm, such a darling physique,’ commented Tethys, letting her hand spill across Mina’s breasts, the orbs thrust out and exposed by her elevated position. The feel of fingers moving across the delicate tips made Mina quake, the nipples growing hard, standing out under the gentle caress of the woman.

  ‘But let’s see the rest of it as well,’ added Oceanus. The Titan formed a fist and pressed his ring to her chastity belt. Running the gems over the front of the waistband, he then moved them back as Tethys performed the same manoeuvre on the back.

  With a spry click the crotch band opened, the pressure of it to her flesh almost spitting the entire thing from her. Taking hold of the strip, Tethys took it from her. The slithering flight of the twin plugs as they emerged from her almost brought Mina to instant climax, the ridges sliding against the juices her fantasies had brought forth.

  With her loins finally free she gasped softly, panting wantonly as the waistband was opened and also removed from her, rendering her utterly naked and vulnerable. The hand of Oceanus trailed between her plucked legs, his fingers ploughing through the furrow of her sex. Mina spasmed and released choking sobs of rapture at his touch, her motions almost hidden by the bondage.

  Oceanus lifted his hand and examined the digits, rubbing them to assess the moisture Mina had deposited.

  ‘Such an excited little thing, and so easily aroused by just a little bit of bondage,’ he mused, presenting her with the fingers. Mina craned her head forward and engulfed them with her mouth, tasting of her own sex as well as the spicy burn of the rubber on her palate. With a rocking attention she suckled on the phallic shafts, her eyes half closed in a licentious trance.

  ‘I can barely resist her,’ sighed Oceanus, his dark eyes fixated with Mina’s performance, his length straining against the latex at his loins, his arousal plain.

  ‘Soon, my love,’ smirked Tethys, wandering back around and embracing her husband, her hand dropping to massage his shaft, the two layers of latex releasing soft squeaks as they ground against one another. ‘First let’s get her cleaned up.’

  Mina continued to adore his fingers until they started to retreat, her head straining forward to keep them in her maw for as long as possible. When she could hold them no longer, Mina flopped her head back, regarding the ceiling and the bar above that spread her limbs wide. She couldn’t watch the two of them fondling each other. If she was made any more aroused she felt as though she would explode from pent up frustrations.

  ‘Come, let us proceed,’ said Tethys, and the pair walked by her, each fetching one of the showerheads. As they were pulled out they revealed the long pipe affixed to them, the implements able to be detached and brought around to attend a subject from every angle.

  Turning the valves, a shimmering cascade of warm jets spilled forth, the thin streams thrown forth with considerably higher pressure than normal. When they touched her, Mina almost cried out from the effects, the bushel of tiny jets proving to be a tickling bane. Gasping for breath,
she quivered and strained against her bonds, the tingling waters making her cavort to evade them.

  Screwing her eyes shut, she clenched her teeth and mewled softly with the strain of enduring them as the couple afflicted her breasts, the teasing pound of the droplets a heinous pleasure. It was worse than any tickling. The waters were a terrible bliss she could hardly take. It was such a simple deed, yet one of incredible potency.

  ‘Nurses, if you please,’ commanded Oceanus.

  Mina jerked her head upright to see the man indicating with a wave of a hand, his shower pummelling her front, her abdomen alive with thrilled sensation. The women stepped forward, armed with soft brushes and a bottle of liquid soap.

  Squeezing a line of the golden gel onto their brushes, the anonymous nurses reached up and started to scrub at Mina’s form, themselves being pelted with stray spray that merely clung to their impermeable shells.

  Mina writhed wantonly under their touch, the soft bristles spilling over her skin, working up a thick lather as they washed away her grime. The flows of water moved in after an area was cleaned, continuing the sensual banquet.

  The attendance of her breasts and rear had her shaking with delight, the nurse behind her rocking the brush into the valley between her buttocks.

  A slight push allowed the smooth rounded head of the device to press deeper into her rear, opening the orifice. Mina moaned aloud as the bristles touched her insides, the soft strands running against her before slithering back as a chafing passage against her rear. The nurse pushed back in, thrusting slowly in and out, turning the brush, the sheets of waters running down her acting as lubrication to the intrusion.

  The nurse wiggled her device, shaking it to make Mina wail aloud, thrusting her buttocks onto the brush, eager to ride it, to feel it grate against her anus, to feel it inside her.


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