All The Wrong Reasons

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All The Wrong Reasons Page 8

by JL Paul

  “Irelyn,” he said in surprise.

  Collin peeked around the kitchen door and grinned. “Hey, Irelyn. Hungry? I can heat something up for you before I put all this away.”

  “No, thanks,” I said, my hands trembling.

  “Suit yourself,” he said as he disappeared back into the kitchen.

  Standing in front of me, Lucas unzipped my coat. He removed it from my body and tossed it on top of a work shirt on a chair. “What’s the matter, love? Can’t wait until Friday?” His eyes smoldered and it took all I had to control my urge to slam him against the wall.

  “I, um, needed to talk to you,” I said.

  “Sure.” Lacing his fingers through mine, he led me to his bedroom.

  “Oy, Luke,” Collin shouted from the kitchen, a teasing lilt to his voice. “I replaced the box you stole from my room. You owe me.”

  “Thanks, bro,” Lucas laughed as he pulled me in his bedroom and kicked the door shut. He spun to face me, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes grazed my body, drinking in my oversized sweatshirt and jeans. “What is it about you that makes me want you know matter what you wear or how you look?”

  I opened my mouth but couldn’t speak. His eyes darkened as he lowered his head to kiss me. He edged back to grin.

  “I didn’t come here to fuck you, Lucas,” I said, hanging on tight to my anger before it could turn to lust.

  “Then why’d you come?” he asked, amused.

  “Did you sleep with Amber Gordon Saturday night?” I asked as fire burned in my eyes.

  Chuckling, he placed his hands on my hips. He kissed the spot behind my ear and dragged his lips along my jaw. “Did you sleep with Dustin Saturday night?”

  I shuddered as his lips continued to scorch my skin. “No,” I whispered.

  “So,” he said as he tugged my sweatshirt down my shoulder and kissed my neck. “You’re allowed to date Dustin and do me, but I’m not allowed to do Amber Gordon?”

  “I…”I stuttered. “I don’t know.”

  He laughed against my skin, causing my shudders intensify. Arousal claimed my body and I had a hard time concentrating on the topic of conversation.

  “Are we setting rules now?”

  Coming to life, my hands clutched his waist. I fumbled with the hem of his t-shirt and toyed with the waistband of his jeans. “I don’t know.”

  “Do you suppose we should figure it out? Or just let things remain the way they are?” He yanked my sweatshirt over my head and kissed the valley between my breasts. Gasping, I jerked away from him.

  I folded my arms over my bra, trying to hide. “I don’t know, Lucas,” I said, horrified by the tears that were blurring my vision.

  He touched my cheek, his eyes tender. “Don’t cry, love,” he said and kissed me. “Sit down, we’ll figure this out.”

  I perched on the edge of his bed as he picked up my sweatshirt and helped me put it back on. “Lucas, I’m sorry. I have no right to barge in here and demand to know what you do with other girls when I have a boyfriend. I’m sorry.”

  Hugging me to his side, he kissed the top of my head. “I didn’t sleep with her. She showed up at the club and watched the show. When we finished, she hung out with us – at our table- that’s all.”

  “You don’t have to explain,” I said in a whisper.

  “I do,” he said as he tipped my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. “You’re obviously upset.” He gave me a crinkly-eyed smile. “And we can’t have that.”

  I choked out a little laugh. “I’m fine, really. I just let my anger get the best of me.”

  “I can figure out a better place to release that anger,” he said as his eyes clouded again. He released my chin to trace my lips. “If you’re game.”

  But I couldn’t summon that fire that he usually started. My heart was out of lighter fluid. I heaved a deep, regretful breath and shook my head. “I really should go back to my dorm.”

  “Or,” he said as he kissed me. “You could just spend the night here. I have to be to work early and I can wake you before I leave.”

  A tiny smile crossed my lips. “Okay.”

  He kissed the top of my head before he got up to fetch a t-shirt from his dresser. Tossing it to me, I quickly changed and crawled in his bed. When he joined me, I rested my chin on his chest. “Where do you work?” I asked.

  “B & E Warehouse,” he said with a yawn. “Been there since high school. I used to lug the boxes around but now I’m a foreman.”

  “Really?” I asked. He nodded. “Wow, you’re a boss.”

  He laughed. “Well, I’m just in charge of my department. It’s not like I’m the supervisor.”

  “You will be,” I said. “You’ll be running the whole place in no time.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Because you’re smart,” I said softly. “And wonderful. And I just get the feeling that you’re a hard worker.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “And what does Irelyn want to be when she finishes college?”

  I blushed in the dark. “Actually, I’d like to be a writer.”

  “Really?” he asked and I nodded. “Hm, like, write books or music or commercial jingles?”

  I giggled. “I like to write stories – novellas I guess. I have a couple notebooks full.”

  “Notebooks? You hand write everything?” he asked in disbelief.

  “I don’t have much of a choice. The computer in my dorm is shared and the computer at my mom’s house is old and slow and in the dining room. When I write, I like to be in my own little space without feeling like someone is looking over my shoulder.” I sighed wistfully. “I’m saving up for a laptop but it’s taking a lot of time. My, um, grandparents give me a monthly allowance and I’m supposed to use it for meals and school stuff – that sort of thing. But I always tuck some aside every month.”

  “Why don’t you get a job?” he asked.

  “My grandparents have forbidden it my first year and since they’re paying for college…” I trailed off. He got the point.

  Reaching across me, he set his alarm clock before snuggling into the blankets and situating me comfortably in his arms. “Let’s sleep, love. I’ll wake you before I leave.”

  I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes.


  We took our usual table at Rusty’s and as soon as the band set up their equipment, they joined us again. Spencer’s eyes remained on Bailey as we chatted casually. Grinning, I winked at Lucas. He patted my thigh, his touch sending a shiver through my nervous system, reminding that the best part of the evening was yet to come.

  “So, Spencer,” Bailey said and he nearly fell out of his chair. “Irelyn tells me that you’re taking me out soon.”

  Spencer’s eyes darted to mine, full of surprise. I nodded at him and he returned his attention to Bailey. “Oh, yeah, sure. Tomorrow night – dinner, dancing, the works.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, she pulled her lips into a seductive smile. “How about dinner, a movie then back to your place?”

  His astonishment swiftly turned to pleasure as he sat back and placed an arm on her chair. “Sure – anything you want.”

  We laughed and a little color brushed Spencer’s face. Bailey pressed a moist kiss to his cheek just as someone else approached our table.

  “Bailey, you didn’t tell me you knew the band,” Amber said as she hovered over Morgan’s shoulder. “How nice.”

  “Yeah,” Bailey answered as she traced the lip of her glass with her finger. “They are nice guys.”

  “And it’s time for these nice guys to get on stage,” Collin said as he punched Lucas’s arm. Lucas squeezed my thigh before he followed the others to the stage. The suddenly crowded bar went nuts as Amber and Holly took the vacant chairs at our table. I groaned, not wanting to hear Amber drone on and on about Lucas, but I held my tongue, turning my concentration on Lucas instead.

  She ran her mouth nonstop about how she met with the guys last Saturday night after the
ir show, claiming they’d invited her to hang out with them and have pizza. She hinted that her evening hadn’t ended there but I ignored her. I preferred to believe Lucas.

  As they neared the end of their last set, I started to panic. How was I going to be able to sneak out with him while Amber was in our presence?

  “Are you going home with Lucas tonight?” Morgan whispered in my ear. I shrugged. “Well, I’ll help you if I can.”

  I didn’t know how she’d manage that – certainly Amber would notice if both Lucas and I disappeared.

  By the time the guys finished packing up their equipment, I still hadn’t come up with anything. I was hoping Lucas had because Amber hadn’t left and made no indication that she was.

  The guys crowded around our table wearing matching, playful smirks. “Ladies,” Collin cooed. “We’re thinking of having a little get together at our place. Are you interested?”

  “I am,” Amber announced to no one’s surprise. I looked at Lucas but he didn’t spare me a glance. He just gripped the back of my chair with a stoic expression on his face.

  “We’re in,” Bailey said with a false smile and narrowed eyes. “We’ll follow you.”

  “Great,” Lucas said. He rattled my chair and I stood. His eyes narrowed at me and filled with desire. I cursed Amber Gordon in my mind as I collected my bag, waiting for Bailey to join me.

  “Lucas, can Irelyn ride with you?” Bailey asked in a sweet voice. “Morgan and I have an errand to run.”

  “Sure,” Lucas said, his eyes sparkling. “Let’s go.”

  I followed Lucas to his truck, not even chancing a look at Amber. I hoped she fumed.

  As soon as he pulled out of the parking lot, I scooted to the middle and kissed his neck, my hand on his thigh. My desire exploded as I made contact with his body. I wanted nothing more but for him to pull over to the side of the road.

  “Hold that thought,” he said, chuckling. “We’ll get rid of Amber, don’t worry. Collin said he had a plan.”

  “If you hurry up and get home, we could…you know…before anyone gets there.”

  He laughed heartily and quickly kissed me on the top of my head. “Patience, love.”

  Plopping into the seat, I pouted all the way to his apartment. We were the first to arrive and I followed him into his bedroom where he dropped his guitar case. He snaked his arms around my waist from behind, resting his head on the top of mine.

  “I want you, Lucas,” I said huskily as I closed my eyes. He squeezed my middle and kissed my neck awakening my dozing desire. I turned in his arms to press my lips firmly against his, my tongue outlining his mouth.

  He groaned, jerking me closer to his body, his arousal very evident. I clawed at his shirt, eager to get it off, when his hands closed over mine. He ripped his lips away and smiled sadly.

  “Sorry, Irelyn, but everyone will be here soon.”

  “Whose stupid idea was this party, anyway?” I grumbled.

  Chuckling, he pecked my lips. Taking my hand in his, he led me to the kitchen where he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a beer, offering it to me. I took it and twisted off the cap while he grabbed another one and leaned against the counter.

  “Lucas, how old are you?” I asked.

  He sucked on his beer, his eyes on me. When he pulled the bottle from his mouth, he managed a smile. “Twenty-two. And you?” He raised a brow as if the thought just occurred to him.

  “Eighteen. I’ll be nineteen in January.”

  He nodded as his lust-filled eyes traveled up and down my body. I wanted him. Badly.

  The others arrived, breaking the sexual tension – temporarily at least. Amber rushed to the kitchen to claim a spot next to Lucas, eager to engage him in conversation. I drained my beer as Collin draped an arm over my shoulders.

  “We’ll get rid of her soon, just wait,” he whispered in my ear. “I have a plan.”

  Bailey and Morgan showed up and joined us in the kitchen. Morgan stuck to water while Bailey matched Spencer beer for beer.

  My body was extremely aware of Lucas all night and it ached for him. Amber pawed at him, stroking his arm and laughing at everything he said. I kept waiting for Collin’s brilliant plan to kick in so I could cut my poor lip a break and quit chomping on it.

  Around two-thirty, a pounding on the door moved the party to the living room. Morgan gripped my hand as Collin opened the door to admit a young woman with dark hair and a dark glower to match.

  “All right, guys, time to break up the party. I need some sleep,” she said.

  “Gotcha, Tori, darling,” Collin grinned. “We’ll wrap it up.” He turned to the rest of us with glee in his eyes. “Okay, party’s over – everyone out.”

  “Aw,” Amber said with a fake pout. She clutched Lucas’s arm, fluttering her eyelashes at him. “Do we really have to go?”

  “Tori is sort of our landlord. Sorry,” he said as he pried her fingers off his arm. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Are you guys playing anywhere tomorrow night?”

  “Not this weekend,” Lucas said. He took the coat that Collin offered him and helped Amber to put it on. “Guess I’ll see you at Rusty’s next week?”

  “Sure,” she smiled. She kissed his cheek, grabbed Holly, and marched out the door.

  I fumed through the entire exchange, wanting to yank every single hair out of her head, one at a time. Bailey distracted me when she appeared in front of my eyes, her fingers entwined with Spencer’s. “I’ll see you two ladies tomorrow.” She waved and left with Spencer. I glanced, wide-eyed at Morgan, and laughed.

  Morgan sighed. “Guess I get the room to myself tonight.” She pecked my cheek. “See you in the morning”

  I walked out with her in time to see Amber’s car speed off into the night, Spencer and Bailey not far behind. Morgan backed out of the drive, honked, and disappeared.

  “Tori - Irelyn,” Collin said.

  With a bright smile, the other girl shook my hand. “Nice to meet you. I’ve already heard about you.”

  “Nice to meet you, too,” I said. “Um, do you live upstairs?”

  “Yeah. My dad owns the house. He rents the upstairs to me and the downstairs to the boys.” She grinned at me. “Collin asked me to play irritated landlord and get rid of all the people.”

  “I owe you, bro,” Lucas said as he bumped fists with Collin.

  “Yeah, you’re racking up quite the tab,” he jested. He tossed an arm around Tori. “I’m crashing in your spare room, darling. I don’t want to be front row to that,” he said, pointing at us.

  My heart lifted and I laughed as they headed up the stairs. Lucas guided me into the apartment and straight to his bedroom.

  Chapter 8

  I helped my mother clean the house and perform chores to avoid the boredom that was settling in around me. I was officially on Thanksgiving break and had a week free from school. Morgan and Bailey had returned to their families but had each called me several times.

  Dustin was home, too, and had taken me out every night. We’d attended the theater, ate at expensive restaurants, and gone to the movies. The pensive mood that had haunted him the last time we’d been together was gone only to be replaced with giddiness. I finally found out the source the night before Thanksgiving as we left a party at his parents’ house.

  “So, Irelyn,” he said, practically bursting.

  “Yes?” I asked as I slipped my hand in his. “What?”

  Kissing the back of my hand, he winked at me. “I booked us a room at The Tranquil Inn this weekend. I thought we needed a little alone time.”

  I sucked in a breath that drew his attention from the road. “Oh.”

  “Oh?” he said. “I thought you’d be thrilled.”

  “I am, but, what am I going to tell my mother?” I asked.

  Laughing, he squeezed my hand as he raced through the streets toward my house. “You know your mother won’t care. She can hardly forbid you to go when she was having sex when she was sixteen,” he said. I didn’
t really care for the way he spoke about her even if it was true. “Besides, we’re both adults.”

  “I know,” I said as I slipped my hand out of his to rub my forehead. “I’ll talk to her. You’re right, we do need some alone time.”

  His already good mood was buoyed by my words and when he dropped me off, he kissed me with such fervor that I was still gasping for breath when I entered the house. Who knew Dustin could be so passionate?

  Mom was sitting at the kitchen table going over bills so I sat across from her, hoping to bring the subject up right away before I chickened out. True, I was an adult and perfectly able to spend a weekend with my boyfriend if I wanted, but it would make my life that much easier if my mother didn’t freak out about it.

  “Did you and Dustin have a nice time?” she asked as her eyes skimmed the bill in her hand.

  “Yes,” I said. I cleared my throat signaling that I needed to talk.

  She removed her glasses and carefully set them on top of her bills. I smiled feebly.

  “Mom, Dustin wants to take me away for the weekend. What do you think?”

  “Well,” she started, and I could see the parent emerging in her eyes. “Honey, you are eighteen and you and Dustin have been dating for a long time.” Taking a deep breath, she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I suppose I should be happy that you’re being honest with me, huh?”

  “Mom,” I said, averting my eyes. “Um, I’ve already had…um…sex with him. Um, a few times.”

  A pregnant pause filled the room and I was too ashamed to look in her eyes. If only she knew what else I’d been up to…

  She laughed which caused me to furrow my brow as I considered her carefully. I didn’t see what was so funny to a mother whose daughter had just admitted to having sex.

  “I don’t mean to laugh, honey,” she said as she stretched her hand out to pat mine. “It’s just, not a conversation I expected to have with you. I mean, we did have the sex talk and everything but I never expected you to come straight out and tell me that. I guess I should have known better – you always share things with me.”


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