Deliver Us From Darkness
Page 30
War damage, Kerkstraat, Zetten, in 1945. (Jannie Anderson)
Jannie Anderson (née Arnoldussen) sitting on the front gate outside her home at 25 Molenstraat, Zetten 1945. Note shattered buildings in background. (Jannie Anderson)
Jannie posing with her family and friends on a Sherman tank abandoned near her house on Molenstraat. (L to R) Ali Poves, Aunty Jannie, Jans Teunissen, Jannie, Henk Arnoldussen and dog (Henk was wounded during the battle of Opheusden), Fred (a British soldier), and Alie Arnoldussen (front kneeling). (Jannie Anderson)
Hoofstraat, Zetten 1945. Local people patiently standing in line waiting for parcels from the Ministry of Food. (Jannie Anderson)
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First published in Great Britain in 2012 by Osprey Publishing,
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© 2012 Ian Gardner
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For my mum and dad, Joan and Dennis