Doctor's Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)

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Doctor's Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) Page 2

by Violet Jackson

  “Well I am off tonight.”

  “Good, I will be off in a couple of hours. Let’s say I pick you up around 8 or so?”

  “Wow, okay. I will see you at eight then.”

  “Great, can’t wait to see you.”

  Meeka stared at the phone as he hung up. She could hear noise in the background, it sounded like he was busy. She second guessed her decision to call him, but figured that it was too late to back out. She wasn’t sure why she called him, maybe it was the talk with her mother, but she couldn’t think of anyone else she would want to go out with. Meeka met people at work and many guys hit on her, but she just wasn’t interested. There was something about Rick that made her feel comfortable and she realized that she had really liked him and his debonair charm.

  Rick seemed like one of those guys that was just an all-around good guy. She could still see his bright blue eyes in her mind and remembered how attractive he was. She realized then that she looked a hot mess and decided to get into the shower to wash up. Her mind went to the him and she found herself responding to the idea of being close to him again.

  Her fingers touched her center gently and her nipples hardened. It had been a long time for her and she pondered the idea of breaking her two year dry spell. While she still had the cravings, she rarely even thought about sex anymore. There just wasn’t any time for those kinds of thoughts. Between school, work and her son, her mind was more or less occupied all the time. Her mother was right though, one night out with an adult to talk to would be good for a single mother.

  Getting out of the shower, she wiped off the steamy mirror and evaluated herself in the reflection. She was on the verge of thirty and she thought she looked pretty good for her age. There was a slight slackening in her lower abdomen, but the rest of her was still as tight as when she was in High School. She cupped her large breasts and let them fall back a few inches into place. There was a terror creeping inside of her, the idea of someone else’s hands on her body. No one else had touched her since she lost her husband and she wondered then if she was ready. She knew she probably wasn’t, but her body didn’t seem to care about her inner struggles.

  “Calm down, you don’t even know if it is going to go like that.”

  Meeka smiled back at herself and knew that if given the chance, she was going to pounce on Rick. She felt like she owed him for fixing her car, but there was also that attraction that she could not deny she felt for Rick. It also didn't help that she had been pushing a two year dry spell, and she barely met nice guys like Rick. Meeka wondered if he was thinking along the same lines, if he imagined them having sex as she was doing right now. Her mind also tried to envision him naked. Meeka had never been with anyone else but her husband before and the idea of someone else made her nervous and excited, all at the same time.

  Chapter Four

  Meeka spent the better part of the next hour getting ready. She changed several times before deciding on a simple white dress that contrasted well with her milk chocolate skin tone. It was kind of tight and short, but the way her mind was going, that was just as well. She wanted him to want her and she liked the way she felt in it. She felt beautiful and slightly naughty.

  Meeka put on a little makeup and fixed her hair into an up do. She put on a necklace that plunged into her cleavage and a pair of gold hoops that matched. Stepping back, she was happy with what she saw and she hoped that Rick would be as well.

  The door buzzer went off and she went to the wall to ask who it was. It was a few minutes before eight, so she figured it was Rick, which it was.

  “Wow, you are nice and prompt.”

  “Yes, I would have been here sooner if I could have been. “

  “Okay, well give me a minute and I will be right down.”

  One last look in the mirror and a deep breath was all that she needed to find her composure. Meeka grabbed her purse and headed out the door to see Rick. He was waiting on the passenger side with the door open and she had to admit to herself that he was dashing. Her body responded in kind and she was happy to see the stricken look on his face. His blue eyes darkened considerably and she knew then, that he liked what he saw.

  “Oh my Meeka, you look beautiful. I knew you were pretty the other night, but tonight, in that dress…damn.”

  Meeka couldn’t help the little girl giggle that came out of her mouth. She felt like she did when she had dated in her youth. There was anticipation as she walked towards him, his eyes devouring her body in one glance. Meeka was more than pleased with his reaction and she was glad that she had picked the white dress. His reaction is what she knew she had hoped for. His desires were evident and when he swooped down to kiss her on her cheek the same electric current went straight down her spine and into her nether region. If he would have been able to, he would have seen the woman blush as her heart rate and blood pressure went up considerably.

  Rick rushed in front of the silver car and slipped in beside her. His eyes instantly went to her long legs that the dress displayed in her high hemline. She looked back at him and paused with the passion in his eyes. She almost just invited him up right then and there. She wondered if he could read her mind because his hands stilled on the keys in the ignition.

  After a moment though, he started the car and left the curb. There was a slow jazz song on and the seat seemed to envelope her in comfort. While she wasn’t comfortable with money ,it was nice to be surrounded by a little luxury once in a while. She looked over at him while he drove, his profile showed a strong chin. Rick was wearing beige slacks and a button up polo shirt. He looked good and she could tell by the way the clothes laid, that he was in really good shape. His arms were almost too big for the sleeves and they bulged underneath a bit as he turned down another road. He was going towards his part of town she assumed.

  “So where are we going Rick?”

  “I was thinking we would get a bite to eat. Are you hungry?”


  “Good, I know this little steak house on the other side of town that has amazing seafood and steaks. Sound good?”

  “Yes, I love seafood.”

  He smiled over at her and her heart beat a little faster. She was definitely going to be getting some tonight she thought. For the first time in a long time, Meeka thought about men and relationships. More specifically she thought about what it would be like to date a guy like Rick or to even date at all.

  Chapter Five

  It took about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant and she had to admit, the place looked great. There were wisteria vines over a beautiful arboretum leading into the door. A valet opened the car door for her and helped her get out. She really hoped that she did not flash the guy her undies because the car was really low to the ground. She laughed to herself about that thought. The valet gave Rick a little card and then he grabbed her hand to walk in.

  “Sorry, you don’t mind if I hold your hand do you?”

  Meeka smiled at him and nodded that she didn’t. It was nice to have a guy ask before he did anything, though she wondered if that was how he was going to be in bed. She chuckled to herself with the idea of him asking permission to penetrate her. Her eyes flashed down to his pant front and then admonished herself for her wanton feelings. She almost regretted the decision not to just pull him into her apartment right off the bat. Meeka felt like she could jump his bones right then and there.

  When the door to the restaurant was opened though and the smells hit her nose, she decided that a little food wouldn’t hurt. The couple was seated far in the back and the hostess seemed to know Rick. She asked how he was and he just smiled.

  “I am great now Darlene, thanks.”

  The waitress seemed to know him as well, asking him if he wanted the same drink as always.

  “I am not sure. Meeka, what would you like to drink? They have a great Merlot if you like wine.”

  “That sounds lovely, thanks for asking.”

  The waitress left to get their drinks and Meeka picked up the m
enu. The prices glared at her and she knew that she couldn’t have afforded to eat a salad there, let alone anything else. While she knew that Rick seemed well off, the cost of the menu made her a little nervous. They really were from two different worlds.

  “So what looks good to you?”

  “I don’t know, it all looks good to me. What do you suggest? You seem to come here often.”

  Rick chuckled.

  “Yeah, I don’t know how to cook, so I am here more often than not. Besides, I work a lot, so I never had time to learn.”

  “Oh, you sound like a typical man. I love to cook, but I don’t get as much time to do it as I wished I could.”

  The waitress came back and took their order. Meeka ordered the surf and turf platter, while Rick went with a Caesar salad and some seafood pasta. He ordered an appetizer for the table.

  “I guess I should have ordered a salad.”

  “Why, I hate women that pretend they don’t eat. There is nothing sexier than a woman who is not afraid to order what she wants in front of a man. You don’t seem to be the shy type and I really like that.”

  “Ah, and here I thought it was the dress.”

  Meeka laughed when flames shot into his eyes.

  “Well there is that. I can’t help but look. You look absolutely radiant in that dress. It matches you perfectly and makes your skin really pop.”

  Meeka was so flattered. Rick was a smooth talker and she had to admit that she liked what he had to say. There was nothing wrong with a little ego boost, she told herself. She liked the attention and she was finding herself more and more attracted to him.

  The appetizers came and the waitress brought the wine. The Merlot was wonderful and she had drank a couple of glasses before the main course even came. She could already feel the warmth washing over her and her smile was a little bigger. It also became clear that Rick was what she wanted. As she sat across from him, all she could think about was those thick lips on hers again and maybe on other parts of her body. She tried to pull her mind out from temptation.

  “So what do you do, Rick?”

  “I am a doctor.”

  “Oh, like a medical doctor?”

  “Yeah. I work at one of the hospitals in town.”

  “Wow that is great. What is your specialty?”

  “I work in the E.R. over there. It is a lot of stress, but I like that I can actually help people and not just do labs and testing.”

  A pained looked went across Meeka’s face, but she tried to shake the memory. Her husband was taken to a hospital after he was shot in a convenience store robbery. She had never been able to bring herself to even go passed the place and it was in the E.R. where he was pronounced dead. Meeka was not even able to say goodbye to him, he was gone before she got there. There were still so many questions of what went wrong, but she had since given up on actually getting any answers. There was even a long standing malpractice case which one of her close relatives was handling, as she wanted nothing to do with it. The pain was just too strong and she didn't even care about getting any money from the suit, but her relatives had insisted and she agreed to get some closure and stop that careless doctor from working again.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just lost someone over there and I always think about them when I think about that hospital.”

  “I am sorry. Let’s talk about something else. My job is a bore anyways.”

  “I doubt that, but what would you like to talk about?”

  “Well, what do you do, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I am a waitress at the moment, at that little Italian place on Third Street.”

  “Oh, I love that place, but I never have time to go out that way.”

  “Well it is a whole lot cheaper than here, might save you some money. I am also almost finished with my Bachelors in Finance in a couple of months.”

  “Wow, you sound like you have a pretty busy life.”

  “You could say that. I think this is the first date that I have had in almost two years.”

  “I feel honored that you chose me. I was kind of worried that you weren’t going to ever call me.”

  Meeka looked over at the him and she wasn’t sure what to say. She almost didn’t call him, but something told her that she needed the pleasure that only a man could give her and she was starting to think that that something was right. She hadn’t smiled that much in a long time and she was happy that she had called him.

  “I almost didn’t Rick. The car thing was a bit too much, and completely unexpected and I didn’t want you to expect something out of it.”

  Rick’s face went solemn and she could see the heat dying from his eyes.

  “I just wanted to help. I don’t want you to feel obligated over it. Certainly not about you know.”


  “You know, I don’t want you to think I want sex from you because of it.”

  “Oh, well that is too bad because that is all I can think about right now.”

  The fire was back and she chuckled to herself. Rick wore his emotions on his sleeve and she kind of liked that about him. It endeared him to her in a way that she was not used to. The very idea turned her on quite a bit and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with him. He was so different than anyone she had went out with before and certainly a lot different than her ex-husband that she had lost. Malik, her ex, who their child was also named after, was aggressive and there wasn’t even a question when it came to sex, he just kind of took it. She found herself wondering if there was a little of that aggression hiding in Rick. While she liked sweet words and him opening doors for her, she missed a man’s sure hands on her body. Their pleasure and need was hers as well.

  “God, you should see the look on your face right now. I think you have dirty thoughts on your mind.”

  “Oh really?”

  “I hope so anyways.”

  The waitress walked over to the table to take away some of the dishes on the table. She asked if they wanted dessert and they both answered yes.

  “I have a sweet tooth, what can I say?”

  Chapter Six

  The two were quiet on the way back to Meeka’s apartment. While nothing had been spoken in actual words, there was definitely quite a bit of sexual tension between them. Meeka had made up her mind and Rick had his mind made up that night when he first picked her up. There was a short chaste kiss as they waited for the valet and Meeka almost melted with the contact. If she wasn’t sure before, after that kiss, she was.

  The jazz and the wine relaxed her into the cushiony seat. Her dress was mid-thigh and she could see Rick glancing at her several times. He wanted her bad and there was no way for him to hide it. Meeka was an enigma and he had wanted her since the first time he had met her. They were back to her apartment quickly and Meeka sat in her seat. The tension was thick in the car and when their eyes locked, they both knew what was going to happen.

  “Do you want to come in for a night cap?”

  “I thought you would never ask.”

  Meeka smiled and waited for him to turn the engine off. He went around the car and opened her door. She followed him to her door and then unlocked the security gate. His close proximity was driving them both mad. Rick’s mouth came down on hers as soon as they were both inside of the her apartment and in that moment, she knew that he was perfect. There was fervor in his actions and the slight aggression she needed to really go wild.

  His lips were soft on hers but so insistent and bending her to his will. His large hands pushed her against the closed door and grabbed her round derriere. She groaned into his open mouth and felt her body heating up. Her nipples hardened and pushed against the thin material of her dress. Rick groaned as he felt them against his hard chest and he broke the kiss to trail more kisses down her neck and upper chest.

  His mouth moved slowly down her neckline and delved to the top of her heaving breasts. Meeka’s hands went to his short brown hair and pushed him clo
ser. Her nipples were standing on edge and she could feel a flood of fluid go to her core. She moaned when his mouth nipped at her turgid tips through her clothing. Rick made his own groan of pleasure and his hands started to push the hem of her dress up.

  Meeka felt his hands find her panties and then a couple of fingers pushed against her covered core. She could hear the hiss of air through his teeth when he felt the wetness there and it made her pussy start to drip. She was so wet and ready, that she half wanted him to just take her right then and there, against the front door.

  “Oh Rick, that feels so good.”

  His fingers wormed their way into her underwear and slid up her clit. Meeka’s mind stopped working and she whimpered with the touch. Her hands urged his head down towards her core, needing to feel more than just his hands on her. Rick seemed to get the picture and he went to his knees in front of her. He pushed her dress up to her waist and growled when he saw her pussy lips peeking out from the wet white fabric.

  “Damn Meeka. You are driving me crazy. You are so wet.”

  Meeka gasped as he pulled the cotton material down her thighs. She stepped out of them and he started to kiss her ankles. His move up her leg was torturous for her, but all of her urging did not seem to faze him. By the time he got to her thighs, she was close to begging him to just finish her. Rick hiked one of her legs up to his shoulder and opened her wide for the his tongue. The first touch sent her head back onto the wooden door and her eyes closed from the sheer pleasure.

  His tongue licked up the line of her slit and stopped at her tight nub. She felt engorged with blood down there and her pussy was throbbing. Rick’s mouth was magical and he concentrated on her clit. Meeka could hear him slurping at her wet core and the sound was almost as good as the feeling. She could feel her body responding and there was a tight ball of energy expanding inside of her.

  Her leg tightened up and the one on his shoulder started to shake as her orgasm came closer. She was on the verge when he slid one of his fingers inside of her. Her insides clenched around the intrusion and she started to implode around his thick digit.


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