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Beyond the Dream Catcher

Page 19

by Rita Hestand

  "And Chase?" she asked in an almost whisper.

  "I'm afraid that is out of my hands. All I can do for him under the circumstances is tell the General the things he did to save us all." The Captain firmed his lips and looked away as though he didn't like what he had to do.

  "Is there nothing…?" She began

  The Captain cut her off, "Nothing…more…"

  But the site of the bodies had Katherine turning away. The stench alone was enough. The Captain wasted no time in going right to the wounds and digging with a knife until he had the evidence in his own hands. Once satisfied, he threw the bodies back in the holes and covered them up.

  "Not a pretty site," Lee commented as he watched Katherine.

  "No…it isn't." Katherine sighed heavily.

  "Guess you and I are off the hook," Lee surmised, waiting for her reaction.

  "It would seem…" Katherine said quietly. She looked at Lee and saw his questioning face.

  "No matter what happens, Miss Katherine, there is no way I’m going to let Chase Rivers hang," Lee whispered for her ears only. "Hadn't been for him, I'd be dead back at that shack. I won't let him hang."

  Katherine's eyes widened. "You have a plan…?"

  "Maybe, I'm working on one. It ain't the Captain's fault. But we can't let this happen. If it wasn't for Chase, none of us would be alive right now. Out here, in the rough of the land, things happen. Can't be helped. But I won't see a man like that hung. No ma'am, I won't."

  Katherine looked down on the ground, not at anything, but not wanting anyone to know she was talking to Lee in private. "If I can help, let me know…"

  "I will, just don't say a word about it…"

  "You have my word," she whispered and walked away.

  Katherine went to the burnt out ruins of the station and started prowling around. Everything lay in ash. She knew where she kept the locket and was determined to find it. She rummaged through the ash, raking it with a limb from a mesquite tree.

  "Looking for something?" Chase asked as he watched.

  "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. It was a locket, it had my brother's picture in it. We had it taken back in Missouri. It meant so much, I'd love to find it."

  Chase joined her trying to find it. They raked through several places. Katherine didn't seem to mind the soot and grime all over her, but Chase soon chased her out of the area, vowing he would find it for her.

  Two hours later Chase brought it to her. Dulled from the fire, tarnished, yet still intact, and the picture was still there. She showed it to him. "Josh was very young here," she explained.

  "Still the same smile, though," Chase added handing it back to her. "I wish I could have saved him…"

  "Me too…."

  She nodded, as a tear escaped down her smudged cheek.


  It was nearly noon when Chase came back with what looked like a wild turkey dangling from one hand.

  Lee smiled. "'Bout time we changed our menu."

  Everyone chuckled.

  Katherine began to clean and pluck the turkey, as Chase built a spit for her to cook it on.

  The Captain came to join them and poured himself a cup of coffee into one of the burnout tin cups they'd found about. He glanced at Chase. "I'm satisfied with your story, Rivers."

  Chase looked at him with a smile. "Good."

  "You know, I wish I could verify your story from Sweetwater," the Captain explained.

  Chase stared at him. "It's okay Captain. I'm resigned to my fate."

  The Captain eyed him. "After all you've done to help…I don't feel it's an adequate thank you."

  "When we heading out, Captain?" Chase asked.

  "We should all get some rest, eat up and tomorrow we can start for the fort." The Captain cleared his throat. "There's one horse here, we can let Lee and the girl ride, taking turns."

  "Sounds reasonable to me," Chase agreed.

  Chase understood the Captain's duty and he realized his own fate. But he had long ago realized that every man met the same fate, sooner or later. The only thing a man could do was face it with dignity. That was his plan. He was only sorry he hadn't gotten Katherine to the Shawnee camp. He was sure in time she would adapt as his mother had to the ways of old.

  Perhaps Burning Tree would send someone else, in his place to bring her back. Or maybe Lee could take her…

  If she'd go. It was time to talk to her. It was all he could do.


  "Katherine I'd like to talk to you…" Chase said as the sun began to fade behind the stark horizon.

  Katherine nodded. "All right, want to take a walk?"

  "A walk…yeah, I guess that wouldn't hurt," Chase agreed.

  "I love the colors of the desert at sundown, so many…" she gestured as they began to walk away from the encampment.

  Chase nodded, "Yeah, don't get to enjoy it as much as I would like, but it is something to look at, isn't it?"

  "What did you want to talk about," she asked glancing at him.

  "Katherine, exactly what did Hawks tell you…about your mother?" Chase asked, almost coming to a stop.

  She backed away from him a little. "He said my mother was captured by a Shawnee tribe, when her and my father were coming to Missouri."

  Chase nodded. "Anything else?"

  "He said my father went looking for her, but it took him many weeks to find her. And that when he did, she didn't want to leave. "

  Chase nodded again. "Did you understand what he was telling you?"

  "Of course…he intimated that I was part Indian, that mother was pregnant with me." Katherine almost laughed, but it was not a true laugh. Her hands shook as she spoke.

  "And do you accept this story?" Chas asked.

  "I'm trying to…yes," Katherine said, shrugging. "It's a lot to take in at one time. But I've always wondered why my coloring was not the same as everyone else's. I was always darker than the others." She looked at her hands now.

  "Burning Tree, the medicine man from the Shawnee camp told me the same thing basically. But he said you were a descendent of one of the most powerful chiefs in the Shawnee Nation. You come from the blood of O-qua-les-qua, a very famous and wise chief. He said you have special powers, Katherine. Powers you know not how to use yet. But that he can help you and that you can save the people there."

  Katherine listened, and tilted her head in question, "O-qua-les-qua, and special powers. And what is wrong with the tribe?"

  "They are sick, a fever much like the one that took your white family."

  "Then I cannot help them. I couldn't help my folks, how could I help these people?" She shook her head and almost turned away.

  Chase nodded slowly. "It would seem you are right, but he says he knows how to train your powers and you can save these people. Your people."

  Katherine turned on him now, her face lined with a frown, her lips curling with disgust. "They aren't my people. My people are buried here, under that tree…."

  "Katherine, I know how you feel, but what I tell you, I only tell you as a truth. I do not wish you any sorrow. But these people are your people too…a part of you. They would treat you as such. And you do have a power that can help. But in order to learn how to use it, you will have to go to the camp and meet Burning Tree. He is waiting there for your return."

  Katherine backed away from him. "I'm not Indian, you are wrong. It must be someone else. My mother would have told me."

  "She told Josh, but she couldn't tell you…she was afraid to, I'm sure. Afraid you wouldn't love her any longer," Chase said quietly.

  "My name is Katherine Hightower and those people are not my people. My people lay there, under that magnificent tree…." She cried.

  "Katherine I was sent to bring you back to them. By Burning Tree. That is the reason for the dreams, so that you would come willingly."

  "Oh…no…please don't do this," she begged. "Those dreams were some kind of black magic or something. They weren't real…"

  "Weren't they?" he questio
ned. "They were very real Katherine and we are bound together, no matter what you say or do."

  "No…please…please, leave me alone…," she cried, putting her hands on her face and turning away from him.

  "Is that what you want, for me to turn my back on the truth as you have?" he asked as he came behind her.

  "Yes…" she cried aloud.

  Chase looked down and realized whatever he sought to do, was futile and turned away too. "All right, Katherine…"

  And he went away from her. Katherine stood there feeling more alone now than she ever had. As though part of her went with him. She didn't understand the pull. But she refused to accept what he insisted was the truth. She would not believe it.

  And her heart broke a little more….

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Fort Davis: Command Headquarters

  "General, if you will but listen, I can explain a lot of this so it makes sense. Rivers didn't deny killing the Sergeant of Arms, sir, but the reason he did it was because the Sergeant was beating an old Indian Woman. The Sergeant beat her to death. So Rivers killed him."

  The General gritted his teeth and puckered a frown on his fat forehead. "Then Rivers admitted he killed the Sergeant?"

  "Well…yes sir, but I just explained…" The Captain insisted with impatience, "The old woman wouldn't be quiet. She wanted to go home. She didn't understand why she was there. She was harmless, but annoying. The Sergeant took pleasure in seeing her beaten."

  "Nonetheless, she was nothing more than a squaw." The General chomped on his cigar in agitation.

  "Well…yes sir…but," The Captain tried to explain.

  "Captain Reynolds, we have an admission of guilt from a man who is sentenced to hang here at this fort, tomorrow at noon. And you bother me with details such as this?"

  "Begging your pardon sir, but none of us would have escaped to the fort if it hadn't been for Chase Rivers, General. He pulled the Corporal himself, by hand on a travois he made himself. A feat unbelievable unless you saw it."

  "I'm sure it was admirable of him, and it will go down in his military record, Captain, but with an admission of guilt, my hands are tied."

  The Captain clenched his hands into fists at his side, and clamped his jaw together loudly. "Yes sir…"

  The General looked up from the paperwork at the Captain and managed a sarcastic smile. "Captain Reynolds. It is admirable of you to speak up for this man. And it will be noted in his files. But I cannot do anything more than I'm ordered. I'm sure you understand. Now…" he moved his cigar to the other side of his mouth. "My wife and some of the others have arranged for a small party at the men's quarters this evening, in honor of you and Miss Hightower. I expect you to be there."

  "Of course sir, I'll inform Miss Hightower," The Captain said with a tight lip.

  "That'll be all, Captain, dismissed." The General went back to reading some papers on his desk and totally ignored the Captain who lingered for a moment, then saluted and left.

  As he was walking out the General murmured, "Don't fret so over a breed, Captain, it's unbecoming…"

  Captain Reynolds stood outside the quarters and swatted his gloves on his leg. "A breed…"

  He saw Katherine on the other side of the boardwalk and went to join her.

  "Miss Katherine…you look lovely." He smiled.

  Katherine glanced at him and smiled back,(.) "Thank you Captain, you look rather handsome yourself."

  "I'd be pleased if you called me by my first name…Henry."

  She blushed,(.) "All right, Henry."

  He cleared his throat, and put her hand on his. "The General has a party planned for this evening, may I escort you to it, about six thirty?"

  "That would be nice." Katherine hesitated, glancing in the direction of the headquarters. "Did you speak with him?" she asked, holding the desperation from her voice, purposely.

  "Yes, I did. But to no avail. He hangs tomorrow at noon."

  Katherine could not hide the worry,(.) "I see…well...till this evening then." She turned and went inside her cabin.

  She stood against the door and held her stomach. She couldn't let Chase Rivers die, not after all they had been through. And deep down, Katherine knew it was much more than feeling for a man about to die. She loved him, and made love to him, and now knew how close she had grown to him. She could hide it from him, but not from herself. Tears fell as she tried to distract herself by taking her hat off and lying on the bed. But as they came pouring out, she wept for the man she had come to love.

  Fingering the dress one of the wives loaned her, she thought about her future. What future did she have? She had no station now; she didn't know how to make a living doing anything but cooking and cleaning. Would she become the fort washwoman? Was that her fate?

  If they knew the truth would they accept her? She doubted it, and how long could she keep it secret?

  Did she want to be white so bad she would take such a job?

  Again she wept, for now she was lost and did not know where to turn. She had no family, no one…except Chase….

  She had to see him, but how? She couldn't just march into the jail and ask. Instead she crept around the side of the building after lunch when most were either working or napping, and threw a small pebble at the open window.

  Chase came to the window and saw her. He saw the tears on her face, and the worry buried deep within her.

  "Little one, you should not have come. It is dangerous for you to be here, he whispered with a knowing smile.

  "They are going to hang you…tomorrow at noon," She whispered coming closer.

  "I know…do not worry yourself."

  "Lee is planning something…I’m sure of it," She cried.

  "Do not weep for me…I'm but a breed," He said lowly and almost turned away from her.

  "Who will take me to Burning Tree if you die?" she said harshly trying to get him back to the window.

  He came, and smiled tenderly, "Do you want to go?"

  "I must…and you know it.(,)" She admitted.

  He nodded. "If I am freed, I will take you. If not, Burning Tree will send someone else." He shrugged.

  Her face changed suddenly, and a spark of her true feelings leapt at him from a distance. "Thank you for all you did for me…and Josh."

  He nodded, this time his hand reached to stroke her cheek. She leaned into the caress, her lips brushing his fingers. "I will you my strength," she said and she was gone….


  At exactly six-thirty, the Captain showed up in full uniform. He looked quite handsome and his smile spoke volumes. "Miss Hightower, you are lovely."

  Katherine looked down at herself and smiled. "One of the ladies let me borrow the dress." She began to smile, and then noticed her skin was so dark, how could they all not know the truth?

  "It's lovely," The Captain said his eyes burning into her now.

  "I haven't been to a dance in some time, Captain, so if I step on your feet, please excuse me?" she said graciously.

  The quarters were a large barracks that had been set up for a grand ball. Punch was being served in a huge crystal bowl, while cakes and pies were being cut. In the middle was room for a large gathering or dance floor.

  The floor shone, and Katherine secretly wondered who might have cleaned it so beautifully. Would that be her duty if she stayed here? If one person found out about her…

  Using her fan to cover her shyness, she looked about just in time to see Lee coming towards her.

  "Miss Katherine you are ravishing."

  "Why thank you, kind sir." Katherine smiled and blinked, again hiding her worry.

  "Would you save at least one dance for me?" He asked, his face something between a frown and smile.

  "Of course, I'd be delighted," she whispered.

  Katherine knew none of the steps, but the Captain seemed bent on showing her how to do them all. He led her on the dance floor several times and she managed somehow not to trip over his feet.

  Seeing the C
aptain in this light made her realize that duty and enjoyment were entirely different things. For a moment she forgot her troubles and let the beautiful music carry her away. It was a wonderful party and everyone seemed so nice.

  Several of the ladies came up to her and started conversations but she had little in common with them and found it hard to keep the chatter up.

  Thank goodness Lee came to her rescue. "May I have this dance?"

  She smiled and took his arm.

  As they came closer, Lee's smile faded somewhat. "I've got a break planned for Chase tonight, after everyone is asleep."

  "This is dangerous for you, Lee…" she whispered, her smile still intact.

  "Yes, but it must be done, after all he has suffered on my account." Lee measured his steps and smiled to match hers.

  "Can I help?" she offered out of the blue.

  Lee looked at her with a puzzle on his face, then with a slight nod, he smiled and through his teeth he added, "You have a horse ready."

  "How about three?" she asked.


  She nodded.


  "You—you cannot stay here and face a court martial," she whispered once more as she placed her cheek on his.

  "Very well, three horses…" and with that he whirled her around and they changed partners.

  She danced the rest of the evening with the Captain, but the General insisted the last dance was for him.

  Katherine smiled as her mind played at the escape that could mean their lives.

  After cake and punch and more chatter, the Captain escorted her to her bungalow.

  "What has Lee planned…?" The Captain asked, his face a complete mask.

  "How did you know…?" She gasped.

  "Simple deduction. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. In fact, I'll help, but this means Lee has to go too. I cannot support his effort for the escape or we will all be court martialed. And there will be a price on his head from now on, by the army." The Captain frowned into her face. "Life is seldom fair, Miss Hightower…"


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