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Wrenched_A Small Town Mechanic Romance

Page 20

by Kara Hart

  Susan walks to the door and opens it. “There you are. Oh,” she stops herself and laughs a little. “And who is this?”

  “Susan, welcome our new employee,” Michael says. “Emily Carter.”

  “Hello,” I smile and extend a hand out. She doesn’t attempt to shake it. Instead, she stands above me, analyzing everything about me. “I didn’t know you hired someone. You said you were still going through the process,” she says.

  “I was, but I decided ten minutes ago. Emily is incredibly qualified,” he says.

  I nearly fall out of my chair. My eyes dart at him, feeling like there’s flames coming from my pupils. Highly qualified. Does that mean highly fuckable?

  “So, what’s up? What do you need?” Michael asks Susan.

  “I just came to say hi to Lisa. Where the hell is she?” she asks.

  “Hanson has her,” he says. At least he’s not lying anymore.

  “Hanson? Why in god’s name does Hanson have our daughter?” she asks. She leans over and touches the wall, as if she’s stunned or out of breath.

  “He said he’d take her to the park. What the hell, Susan? She’s fine. Hanson is watching her,” he says. “Now come on, what is it that you want?”

  “Nothing. I’ll leave. Clearly, you don’t want me here.” She glares at me. “Call me tonight. We need to talk about things.”

  She walks downstairs, heels clicking each step, sending anxiety throughout my body. Finally, I hear the door close and I feel all the tension in my body release. “What the fuck?” I ask him. “That was…” I can’t even finish my sentence. That was more than a panic attack. That was painful.

  “Yeah. Sorry. She’s a witch,” he says. “I was fine with getting a divorce. A little sad and shocked when it happened, but I got over it in a lot of ways, faster than I thought. When the proceedings happened and I realized she wanted to stay with the business, I was taken aback. Now, I have to deal with this shit on a weekly basis.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry for you,” I say, sarcastically. “Look, I should go.”

  “Don’t,” he says. “Stay.”

  “I can’t. You’re right. You have a lot of responsibilities tied up in this thing. I’m just an employee. What business do I have prying into your personal life? I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early,” I say, grabbing my purse and starting to walk toward the hallway to the stairs.

  He stumbles on some words, but ultimately doesn’t say a thing back to me. He lets me walk outside, onto the dusty streets. I get into my car and close my eyes, listening to the sounds of cars pass us by, streets ahead. I thought we could jump into this thing, have some fun, and take some risks. In the end, the danger was just too much, I guess. Worst part is, the crush I have for him is still front and center, in every cell of my body.

  I can’t let go, but I must. I have to put this all aside. Sex, feelings, and all of the garbage that comes along with it is just not worth it. The pain and embarrassment is just too much.


  Fuck. This whole thing just turned into complete shit because of Susan. How am I not surprised? She wanted to break away from me, clean and simple, but of course, nothing is ever that easy for her. She always has to have the upper hand. She is always finding a way to make it harder on me because of what I’ve done and said.

  I drank myself stupid during that pregnancy. I’m not proud of it. I’ve said so many terrible things to her, out of spite. She made my life a living hell on a day to day basis, so eventually, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey, tilted my head back, and let myself drown in its contents.

  It’s not something I’m proud of. It haunts me every single day. I just couldn’t stop. It was my only comfort. During those lonely nights, she’d scream at me, telling me how worthless I was. As a man, you just want to break things when you hear that kind of shit. You want to detonate the highest mountain in the world. You want to watch it all burn because you know there ain’t any way of getting your power back. She sucked it all up with a giant smile on her ugly face.

  So, I know I’ve made my mark on her too. There’s no doubting that. I should have left a long time ago, before I got in too deep with Susan. But there are no doubts about her. Lisa is my life. Though she’s connected to Susan, she’s still the best thing to have ever happened to me. She’s made me a better human being.

  When I go downstairs to open the garage, I peak in her bedroom. She’s fast asleep and dreaming good dreams. She has no idea about the pain of life, yet. I feel as if it’s my duty to shield her from all of that. It’s my duty to work hard and create something better for her. God knows, I wish someone did that for me.

  I close the door and head to the garage. When I open it, Emily is standing in front of me. “Morning,” she mutters, before walking past me to her workbench.

  “Right, morning,” I reply. I glance outside for Hanson, but he’s not here yet. He still has ten minutes before the shift actually starts. I turn around and Emily is avoiding all eye contact with me. “Look, we should talk,” I say.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, really,” she says.

  “Emily, we work together. We need to talk about what happened,” I say. I walk over to her desk.

  She sighs loudly, clearly frustrated and says, “Nothing happened. Remember? Nothing.”

  “So, that’s it? You’re done with all of this? You’re going to just forget everything we felt in that moment?” I ask her, getting pissed off myself. Hers was the sweetest kiss I’ve ever tasted, the finest body I’ve ever felt, and the purest soul I’ve ever almost touched. I just can’t let it be done. Not yet.

  She sets her bag down and leans back in her chair. She closes her eyes and tries to remain calm. “Sometimes, it just works out like that,” she says. “When I think back on yesterday, I just feel sickly embarrassed. It’s not something I want to feel anymore. I’d rather just drop it and move on. We’re grown adults, Michael. It’s not that hard.”

  “Alright,” I throw my hands up and turn around. “I won’t argue with you about it. You’re right. We’re adults.”

  “Good,” she says, getting the final word in.

  I sit down at my own desk and look away from her. Hanson walks in and stops at the entrance. “Why the hell is it so quiet in here?” he asks us.

  I stand up and smile. “Just tired, man,” I say. “I hate to do this, but I have to go. Susan shit.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’ve been neglecting this job for the past week, man. You’re really leaving again?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I’m leaving. When you own a company, there are things you need to take care of,” I say.

  “Like your ex-wife? Okay, dude. Have fun with that,” he says.

  “It doesn’t matter. Can you check on Lisa every so often? I’ll be back in two hours,” I say. I leave without looking back at Emily, even though I’m dying to.

  “Wait, man!” he shouts. I don’t wait. “Dammit.”

  I need to make things right and I don’t want to have to wait until she’s done with me to do it. This Emily girl is a fucking treasure. Most guys probably take one look at her and know that. I’m not waiting for them to swoop her up. She’s going to be mine.

  I head downtown and stop at a small florist I used to see semi-regularly, back when I was married. When I walk inside, her eyes light up. “Michael Vanderbilt,” she says. “Where the heck have you been all this time?”

  The owner is an old woman, about 75 years old, with a big hunched back. She’s fiery, sweet, and completely understanding, even if she likes to give people a hard time. “Hannah,” I laugh. “I’m sorry, I’ve been—”

  “You’ve been letting this place go to waste, that’s what,” she says.

  “I’m really sorry, Hannah. I haven’t had much need for flowers lately. Susan and I separated,” I say.

  “Everyone has need for flowers. Plants, flowers… they’re life, Michael. Good for you on the divorce. I never thought you were good together, anyway,” she says. “But you held o
nto that first wave of love so tightly that you couldn’t see when it had faded away.”

  “Thanks,” I say. “Appreciate that.”

  She laughs and holds out her hand. “No, no! It’s okay, right? You’ve found a new spark. I can see it in your eyes and wallet,” she cackles.

  “Actually, yeah,” I say.

  “A forbidden love too. You always seem to get yourself into trouble, don’t you? Be careful with this one,” she warns.

  “When did you become a soothsayer?” I laugh. “I need something simple. Like a rose,” I say.

  “No, you don’t need a rose. Every guy gives his girl a rose. This isn’t a Disney movie. It’s real life, Michael. You need something much simpler,” she says.

  “Alright.” I shrug. “Like what?”

  “I’m thinking this one might like a sunflower,” she says.

  “Seems a little too simple,” I say.

  “What’s the occasion?” she asks.

  “I just want to brighten her day a little bit. That, and I want to say sorry,” I say.

  “Already messing up? Buy her the sunflower and some chocolate. The chocolate goes a long way. Trust me,” she says.

  “Alright, I’ll trust you on this. But if you fail me, I’m not coming back here,” I say.

  “You think I want you coming back here?” She walks over to the glass case of flowers and bends over to grab the best sunflower she can find. “Here we go. This one is perfect,” she says.

  “Alright, let’s do it,” I smile.

  “That’ll be $23.39.” She winks.

  “Here’s thirty. Keep the change. But I’m not fooled. I know you’re ripping me off,” I say.

  “An old lady has to try, my dear. Good luck with the new catch,” she says.

  “Thanks, Hannah.”

  I keep the chocolate and the flower in my car. I can’t give it to her in front of Hanson or else the whole thing could backfire in my face. No, instead, I wait until the workday is over. When Hanson leaves, she’s still putting her tools away, still new to where everything goes.

  I walk out to my car and grab everything, but I start to think twice about it all. Flowers and chocolate? I’m a grown man and I’m still playing these games? It’s a gesture of goodwill, I think to myself. If she doesn’t accept it, it’s fine, but at least I tried.

  “Emily, can I talk to you before you leave,” I say, holding my hands behind my back.

  “I said we didn’t need to discuss anything,” she says. “If you want to fire me over this, I understand. I didn’t mean to piss you off. It’s just weird now.”

  “Alright, that’s fine. I didn’t bring it up so I could fire you. I genuinely want you here,” I say. “And I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry.”

  I hold the flower in my hand, along with the box of chocolates. A faint smile forms across her face. I set them on her desk and take a step forward. “I was an ass,” I say. “I know that I was. I just… I don’t know. I want you. Is that so wrong?”

  “No. It’s not,” she says. “And you weren’t being that much of an ass. It’s Susan. She obviously hates me and I definitely understand why. It’s just such a clusterfuck and I felt embarrassed about everything. Believe me, I’ve been thinking about you too. I don’t know why. I just have been. I just wanted things to go a bit more smoothly, you know?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “I know. I didn’t expect her to walk in so abruptly.”

  “Well, everything is okay, by the way. I think I just needed some time to process everything. Thank you for the flower. I love sunflowers so much,” she says.

  She stands up and grabs her things. However, I’m in front of her path and I’m not moving just yet. “You going home, I’m assuming?” I ask her.

  “I was thinking about it,” she says. Her voice has dropped to a mere whisper and her lids have grown heavy.

  “You could always spend the night here,” I say.

  My lips are inches away from hers. She closes her eyes and nods her head slowly. “Yeah, I probably could,” she says.

  Right when our lips are about to meet again, for the second time, I turn my head and walk upstairs. “It’s your decision,” I say, leaving the door open for her, in case she decides to come in.

  Ten seconds later, I hear her footsteps, faint and undecided. Yet, she knows what she’s about to do, what she’s been thinking about since we met. I know it too, deep inside, where I carry the darkest of thoughts. Tonight, I want to let them all out. Tonight, I want to be my uninhibited self, alive and ready to feel something real for once.

  In my room, I sit on my bed, hard as a rock. I undo my belt and take off my shirt. When I see her in the hallway, she’s barely moving. She stops in the center of the hall and takes off every article of clothing. Her body reflects slightly, even in the shadows, as she bends back and displays what she has to offer, almost ballerina-like. Her hands touch the ceiling. She pushes her ass out and I know exactly what to do.

  I take off my boots, my pants, and all the other dead weight that’s attached to my body. I grab my belt and move through the hallway, toward her. I wrap the leather ends around her waist and pull her close to me. “You can’t escape me now,” I say.

  “Take me like I’m yours,” she whispers.

  There are no footsteps. There is no one to ruin this moment. Lisa is in the other room, but she’s sound asleep. Right now, it’s just Emily Carter and me. This is, after all, why I hired her. Now, she can get to work for me.

  “Get on your knees,” I tell her. “Show me how you please a man.”

  She smiles innocently, but the angles on her upper lips turn deviant. She’s a bad girl tonight, one who likes to show off her tricks of seduction. It’s all to please me. It’s all for me. Lowering her body, she moves left to right, until her knees hit the floor, alongside that perfect ass. I tease her, holding my cock away from her mouth. I reach down and feel her smooth cheeks. I run my thumb across her lips. She slides out that tongue of hers and I move two fingers across it. Her lips close around them. I grow even harder.

  “I want it,” she whispers. “I want it so bad, Michael.”

  “It’s all yours, baby.”

  My hand runs through her hair. It’s soft and thick, clean, with a hint of caramel brown. Her mouth turns into a smile as she pushes her head against my hand. “Good, kitten,” I smile back.

  I’m ready now. I’m beyond ready. She opens that mouth of hers and catches the tip of my cock. She pushes down further and further, until her lips have slid all the way around my shaft. I enter a world of pleasure. Moaning loudly, I push my hands against the hallway walls, making sure I don’t fall to the ground. “Fuck, baby,” I moan. “You’re good at this.”

  Her eyes look up at me, smiling, yet knowing. She’s a bad girl, deep down, with a good girl’s heart. She’s got the body to prove it and the soul to show it. Right now, I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. I have Emily Carter and she’s got my cock down her throat, pushing as far as it can go.

  She releases, saliva dripping down onto both of us. I fall to my knees and grab her cheeks again. I look her in the eyes and kiss her. “You’re dirty,” she says. I nod. I don’t give a fuck. I want this so bad. I spin her around so fast that, when her hands hit the wall, two picture frames fall to the carpet.

  “Oh!” she screams. I grab her ass, running my hands all around her cheeks. I smack the right one as hard as I can and move to the left. “Yes!” she groans, teeth closed. “Spank me! Harder!”

  “Who’s the dirty one now?” I wonder to myself.

  I lick her from behind, top to bottom. I make sure she’s ready for me. I hold the back of her hair into a ponytail and kiss the side of her neck. “Ready for me, sweetheart?” I whisper.

  She tries to nod her head, but can’t because I’ve got her hair in a bunch. I’m in control of her now. “Tell me,” I say. “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I need your cock, Michael. Please,” she pleads.

  I move in clo
ser. I feel her lips touch the very tip of my cock. I breathe deeply and close my eyes, for fear of losing it already. I feel myself enter her and the warmth is as undeniable, as it is incredible. Why have I been denying myself this for so long? Why have I been so pious, living a bullshit ascetic life? The only answer I can give is that I’ve been waiting for her, Emily.

  The deeper I go, the faster I sink. How does a man rise up from this? You can’t. When you feel her ass push toward you, hitting your pelvis and thighs, the only thing you can do is pray for your life because there ain’t nothing as deadly and perfect as that. The frequency of her seething moans hit my ears and it drives me fucking crazy. My cock keeps growing inside her. “Yes,” she whispers. The sound of the “S” drags on further, like a feminine snake, and I’m engulfed.

  Our sex is slow, deliberate, and deep. She gyrates those hips and I’m forced to let go of her hair. My eyes even start to water. Her pussy is so sweet, so tight, and so incredible that I know I’m not going to be able to let go. She turns her head and looks at me. The sides of her lips curl up, ever so slightly. Her eyelashes bat up and down. The reflective blue in her eyes shines like halos from up above.

  She’s an angel. There’s no doubting that. Anyone who has eyes can see it. She has come from above to pull me out of this hell, and it starts with her hips. I pull away and smack her ass again. She turns over and lies on her back. She spreads those legs and tilts her head back.

  “Do what you want,” she says.

  I grab her thigh, hard, with one hand. With the other, I pinch her nipple lightly. I slide my cock in deep. Her breath is sharp and piercing. Her body is warm against mine. I thrust hard against her as her legs curl around my neck. I contort her body against the wall and she complies with my every wish.

  I push my hands around her neck and feel the fragility of her inside my palm. She nods up and down, smiling at me. “Do it,” she says. “Choke me.” I thrust with conviction. I curl my hands around her throat. I don’t close them, for fear of taking it too far. The symbolism is enough for her.


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