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Wrenched_A Small Town Mechanic Romance

Page 24

by Kara Hart

  “Feeling like you are second best?” I ask her. My eyes fall to the floor. “Yeah, I know.” Sometimes, intent isn’t everything. I thought that by distancing myself from potentially getting hurt, I could remain strong and safe. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Someone always gets hurt when you’re not being honest.

  “Yeah, I just want to know what I am to you. Am I really your girlfriend? I mean, do we even want that?” she asks. She pushes her hair behind her ears. The moonlight reflects against her smooth skin. She’s a splendor to behold. She’s fucking gorgeous, no matter the situation. I need her. I know I do. I’d be a fucking idiot to ever let something so beautiful go.

  So I take a stand. I nod and grab her hands. Our fingers curl within the bumps of our knuckles. I love how she feels, how she smells, and how she looks at me right before I can say something right for once. She’s a hopeful soul. There aren’t too many like that anymore.

  “I want it. I want you. I want to be yours, your man,” I say.

  “I want to be your woman,” she whispers. She’s looking at my chest, but after some silence, she slowly tilts her head up. Her eyes are glistening and waiting for a sign, anything to reassure her.

  I kiss her. I kiss her long and hard. Electricity rushes through my body. I can’t pull away. I need it like water in my body, like air in my goddamn lungs. “Emily,” I groan.

  “Michael,” she says. This kind of passion is enough to make a person go crazy.

  She turns around, but I hold onto her tightly. I grab her ass and hold it against me. She fumbles with her keys and finally gets it into the lock. The door falls open and we stumble into the living room. This is the first time I’ve ever been inside her place, but I’m strangely excited, as if it was a national landmark of some sort.

  She takes my hand in hers and turns, leading me toward her bedroom. She walks backwards, keeping her eyes on me every second. I’m powerless when I see her, yet I gain all the strength in the world when I think about her in my arms.

  We fall into bed and I take her one more time. I suck on her lips and eat her for hours. I make her squirm. With her legs around my neck, I make sure she begs for more. She screams, “Michael,” over and over again because she knows who’s the boss. She understands that I’m the man who’s willing to give her the source of pleasure, just as long as she’s a good girl and does what she’s told.

  And when she’s done, I pull out my cock and watch her. I stroke slowly, while she gives me a little show. She lies on the bed, curling her body against her satin sheets. Her limbs extend and her soft stomach and curves blend in to the feminine structure of the frame. As she pushes her body onto her knees, she waits with anticipation, eyes gleaming and curious.

  “I bet you want to cum so fucking bad,” she whispers, blowing air onto my balls. She extends her tongue, but only gets close enough to pull away.

  “Yes, baby,” I whisper. If she keeps teasing me like this, I’m going to blow within seconds.

  “How bad?” she asks me.

  I grab her hair and pull her closer. “Suck my cock,” I command.

  She pulls away, but I’m still holding on. “Make me,” she says, with fire in her eyes.

  I pull even harder and her jaw drops. Her tongue hangs in front of my thick cock. One touch against her warm, soft tongue and lips, and I’m done for. She looks at me the whole fucking time. Her lips curl around my shaft. She slowly moves her head forward. I watch as my cock disappears inside her mouth. She holds her head, enclosing me deep, and keeps her eyes steady.

  She pulls back, but only slightly. Then, she moves forward once more. “Baby, I’m going to cum,” I whisper. I feel the edging relief coming my way. It’s like the sun in the horizon, or running to the tree to open Christmas presents, or going to fucking Disneyland. No, it’s so much better than that. It’s a damn spiritual experience with this woman, and she knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

  Of course I can’t be without her. Of course I need her. She’s got everything a man would go to war for. I get one last look at her and I feel myself slip. My legs tense up and give out. I nearly fall back, but I catch myself by holding onto the thick of her ass. I let out a deep growl and close my eyes. I’m lost, lost within her abilities.

  The feeling of infatuation is something that’s new to me, but when I fall into her bed with her, I can’t help but love the feeling. “I’m going to tell Susan,” I blurt out.

  Her eyes widen. “Don’t lie,” she says.

  “I’m not lying. I’m done being beholden to her and the divorce court lawyers,” I say.

  “Lisa. We’ve talked about this, remember? You can’t,” she says.

  “She’s not taking away my baby,” tell her.

  “She could,” she says. There’s a hesitance between both of us and I’m not sure how to approach it, but I’m still here, still in her bed, and I’m not leaving.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “Sure. But I can’t just walk away from this.”

  She moves away from me, but keeps her hands on mine. She turns serious and makes sure I know that she’s feeling this way. “I’m not saying you should walk away. I’m saying that you should be careful. I don’t know Susan, but the only time I met her, she reacted like a total cu—”

  “Yeah, I know,” I cut her off before she can get to the punch line. We don’t need to go that far, but she’s damn right. Susan can get pretty fucking insane when she wants to. “I’m just not sure she’d actually go to those lengths. I was with her for a long time, Emily. She’s spiteful, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t know… sometimes, I get the idea that she wants me to move on.”

  “What do you mean?” She eyes me very carefully.

  “I don’t know. Sometimes, with Susan, it’s all a big act. She treats this world like a stage. When she gets real mad, I’m not sure if she fully believes the emotions she lets out,” I say. I exhale and shake my head. “I know. It sounds insane.”

  “Yeah, you’re just proving my point further, Michael,” she says. “Be. Careful.”

  “Fine,” I sigh and place my head against the pillow. She falls onto my chest and kisses my right rib.

  “It’s going to be fine,” she says. “We’ll take this slow.”

  Slow. More like a head-on collision, while driving a hundred on the freeway. So, now the tables switch. Right when I’m ready to jump head first into this thing and scream it to the entire world, she backs away and tells me to take it slow. Of course, she’s right. I have a daughter. I have too much at stake here.

  “Okay. Slow is good,” I say.

  Hell, I can’t complain. This dad has the hottest woman on the planet. No fucking complaints. Just smooth sailing.


  War is hell? Sure, I’ll agree with that. I have no idea what war is like. Right now, however, I’m thinking one thing only: WORK is hell. Yes, it’s all fine until you’re fucking your boss. That’s when shit gets really weird.

  I can’t stop staring. I can’t stop twiddling my damn thumbs and almost biting my perfectly manicured nails, growing more and more wet by the second. When he looks up at me with that saw in his hand, it’s like nothing else. He’s the man on every woman’s mind. He’s fucking perfect and I have him to myself.

  He smiles and my panties soak underneath me. “Stop,” I mouth at him, but that only makes him grin wider. “Please?” I beg him. No, of course not. He’s not stopping. He presses the table saw down harder, against that wood, and his muscles just pop out at me. Eventually, I have to just put on some headphones and attempt zoning out. This time, Hanson has no idea, somehow. It’s our little secret for the time being.

  After work, I pack up my tools extra slow. We keep eyeing each other, placing every screwdriver, every nail, and the rest within our boxes. Hanson leaves and the dust settles. “Well, I should probably go,” I say.

  “Oh no you don’t!” He snatches me up and I squeal, laughing my ass off. He lightly squeezes around my waist and sets me back down on my feet. “You
can’t leave yet. Come on.”


  “What am I going to do without seeing you for another twenty-four hours?” he asks me.

  “I’m sure you’ll manage,” I laugh. We’re both thinking the same thing. We’re mad about each other. Totally insane.

  He kisses me, but I pull away, playfully. “I’m not sure I will,” he says.

  “You’re going to have to.” I smile. “Because we have to be careful.”

  “Susan,” he sighs.

  “She’s coming in soon, right? You have bigger things to take on than me today,” I say.

  “In an hour,” he says. “But you should stay. I’m going to need someone to help out with Lisa, anyway.”

  “You want me to hang out with your daughter, while your ex-wife is in the other room? That’s twisted,” I tell him.

  “You’d rather go home? Think of it this way. She’s going to leave and then we have the whole night to ourselves. I’ll cook you dinner. We’ll watch a movie,” he reasons with me.

  “A movie? Like, Netflix and chill?” I laugh.

  “I don’t even know what that means,” he shrugs. “But sure.”

  “It means… never mind. Fine, I’ll stay. But if she gets pissed, I’m seriously dipping out,” I warn him.

  “Alright. Don’t worry. We’ll just finish some sanding down here or something,” he says, picking up a block of wood. He drops it and shrugs.

  “I want you so bad,” he finally says. “Right now. I want to fuck you in every corner of this room.”

  I’m still wet. It’s a never-ending thing with me now. I jump onto a counter and spread my legs. I smile and wait for him to come over to me. “How much time do we have?” I ask him.

  There’s a loud knock on the garage door. Any wetness I had immediately dries up. I fall to the floor and grab the nearest thing I can find. It’s a small nail. I hold it in front of me as if I’m about to use it for something, though it’s pretty obvious that I’m caught in my tracks.

  “Hello, hello,” Susan’s voice shoots in like a dagger from the outside world. “Don’t mind me. Keep doing whatever it is that you’re doing.”

  Lisa runs inside the room and heads for Michael. “Daddy!” she yells.

  “There’s my Lisa!” he grabs her and picks her up, groaning from her size. “You’re getting bigger every single day!”

  “We were just finishing up,” I say. Susan darts her head toward me and raises an eyebrow.

  “How are you doing around here so far?” she asks me. I grow tired, heart ready to burst. Why did I have to say anything to her?

  “She’s doing real well,” Michael interrupts, bouncing Lisa against his chest. She giggles wildly and this seems to annoy Susan, just a little bit.

  “I didn’t ask you,” she grumbles.

  She has a stack of papers in her hands. She holds them tightly, looks down, and realizes why she came in the first place. “Oh, the code. Right. We need to do some dramatic renovations to this place, Michael,” she says.

  I eye her closely as she sits down next to him. “But I think we have a clear budget and it will fit nicely into our taxes,” she says. Then, something weird happens. She places her hand against Michael’s cheek and sighs loudly. “You look so pale, dear. Have you been getting enough rest?”

  “Mom!” Lisa calls out. “Don’t mess with Dad. It’s not nice.”

  “She’s always looking out for you, isn’t she?” Susan laughs.

  “I’m fine, Susan. I’ve just been working all day. I doubt I’m pale,” he says.

  For the record, he’s not pale. As for me, I’m turning red with anger, and the shade is growing darker by the second. “So, what? Are you going to look this over with me?” Susan asks.

  “Sure. Whatever,” he says. He takes the packet in his hand and glances it over. “What the hell? This is like way over our budget, Susan.”

  “It needs to be taken care of,” she says.

  Michael looks away and breathes out quickly. “We don’t have enough revenue coming in. I’m serious, we’ll be in debt if we go through with all of these changes.”

  “Think of the long-term gains,” she replies. “This needs to be done.”

  Lisa walks over to me and Susan eerily looks out of the corner of her eyes at me. “Hi,” Lisa says.

  “Hey.” I smile.

  “Want to go outside and play?” she asks.

  I look over at Michael, who nods. Meanwhile, Susan doesn’t say a word or move a muscle. “I’d love to.”

  I grab her hand and we leave the room, toward the backyard. Outside, the weather is fairly nice. The rain has gone away for the week and the green has started to show more and more. In the center of the yard is a large trampoline. This is, oddly enough, the first time I’ve even set foot in the yard.

  “Do you want to jump?” Lisa asks.

  “Do you?”

  “Yes!” She jumps into the grass and runs over to the trampoline. “Come on!”

  I throw my shoes off and run after her. There’s something contagious in a child’s energy. Seeing her glee is something beautiful and fun. When we dive onto the trampoline, we’re already giggling wildly and out of breath. When I jump, I feel the gravity pause in the center of the air. I come back down and hit the elastic resistance. I bounce back up and I feel free.

  “Do you like my dad?” she asks.

  It throws me completely off guard. I sit down and catch my breath. I look up at her honestly and try my best to navigate this. “Your dad? I don’t know. He’s my boss,” I say.

  “Yeah, but do you think he’s fun?” she asks. “Because I think you’re fun. More fun than my mom.”

  I hate to say this, but is it wrong to feel some sort of joy from her comments about Susan? I try to hide my smile when I say, “Thank you. But you should give your mom more credit than that. She does a lot.”

  “She’s always working. When she’s not working, she’s arguing with Hank,” she says.

  “Hank? Her boyfriend?” I ask. This is all new to me. It’s territory I probably shouldn’t be walking in.

  She nods her little head and forces a smile. “You jump with me!” she shouts, and pushes her body back onto her feet. She bounces, jumping over me, until she falls over my chest.

  “Oh!” I groan. Her laughter is never-ending.

  I roll out from under her and tickle her. “No!” she squeals.

  I stop and lay across the trampoline. “I like you too, Lisa. You’re fun,” I say.

  “Thank you.” She smiles. “My daddy likes you too.”

  I stare off into the sky, watching as small clouds pass overhead. The tops of the green trees peek their heads through my peripheral. This is the kind of life I’ve always dreamt of. Work, relaxation, and fun. I love Michael’s reality. There’s just that one glitch of a woman that I can’t be around. It’s literally the only problem in the equation.

  The sliding glass door noise spins me out of my trance. I look back and Susan is standing next to Michael. “Come on, Lisa!” she shouts. “It’s time for your tutor.”

  “I hate homework,” Lisa sighs.

  “Yeah, but you won’t be able to watch TV if you don’t do it,” I whisper.

  “It’s like a game, right?” she asks.

  “Yeah. If you do your homework, you get a prize. That’s how life works.” I wink.

  “Well, we can’t tell mom. She doesn’t like prizes,” she whispers back.

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  I jump up and out of the trampoline. I hit the ground and half-expect to bounce. Of course, I don’t. When I get over to Michael and Susan, we’re both dizzy and laughing, from running.

  “Looks like you two had some fun,” Michael says.

  “I did!” Lisa jumps and falls into the grass.

  “Lisa, you’re going to get yourself covered in stains.” Susan sighs.

  “It’s fine,” Michael quips back.

  “We still need to talk,” Susan says. “Call
me after seven.”

  “Sure,” he replies, turning his head to look at me.

  “Time for your tutor,” Susan says, walking back inside.

  “If I finish my homework, can I watch TV?” she asks, with a big, fake smile.

  “If you finish your homework, yes,” she says.

  Lisa immediately turns to look at me. I mouth the words, “Told you,” and watch as she skips out the front door.


  When Susan leaves, it’s a fucking giant breath of fresh air. The door closes and I feel lighter than normal. “At least you and Lisa are hitting it off,” I say.

  “Yeah, well, she’s easy. I really like her. She has so much happiness in her,” she says.

  “I have no idea where she got it from.” I laugh.

  “What’s up with Susan?” she asks. “What do you need to call her about?”

  “Who the hell knows? She’s probably pissed off that I hired such a hot woman to work under me,” I say.

  “I’ll work under you any time you ask me to.” She winks and walks toward me.

  I smile and run my hand around her firm ass. “I like the sound of that,” I whisper.

  She turns around and pushes her ass onto the zipper of my jeans. I’m hard, of course. I’m practically drooling. When she moves away, she smiles, taunting me. This is her go to move, I see.

  “Don’t call her tonight,” she says. “Let’s just have another night to ourselves.”

  “That sounds perfect,” I tell her.

  She walks over to the couch in the living room. She takes off her jeans, and her shirt. She sits down on the couch delicately, and stretches her body over the leather. “I thought we could get a little comfortable,” she laughs.

  “Make yourself at home,” I mutter.

  I pull off my shirt, zip down my jeans, and fling off my boots. I fall onto the couch and accost her. I wrap my big arms around her. Judging by the way she holds me, she feels safe and true with me. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the same.

  “What’s up with the building codes?” she asks me, while switching to Netflix on the TV.


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