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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

Page 17

by Ramona Gray

  Vida stood next to Silas and stared silently at Lloyd. Lloyd flushed a little. “Hey, just because your kind doesn’t care about your kids doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. I’m gonna go grab another glass of wine and something to eat. The games are starting soon.”

  He ambled away as Silas nodded to Vida. “How are you?”

  “Tired,” Vida said. “The queen was very demanding last night.”

  Silas gave him a sympathetic look and Vida shrugged. “You will find out soon enough.”

  “Vida?” A blonde-haired woman holding the hand of a blue-skinned boy tapped hesitantly on his broad back.

  “Hello, Asina,” Vida said politely.

  “I have brought Broden to say hello to his father,” she said.

  Vida crouched and smiled at the boy. “Hello, Broden.”

  The boy - he looked to be about seven - hid his face in his mother’s leg. She squeezed his shoulder lightly. “Say hello to your father, Broden.”

  “Hello, father,” the boy mumbled.

  “You are looking well,” Vida said. “Are you obeying your mother and doing well in your studies?”

  The boy nodded and Asina gave Vida a proud smile. “He is very clever, Vida. He is at the top of his class.”

  “Well done, Broden,” Vida said.

  There was a moment of awkward silence and then Asina smiled again at Vida. “It was good to see you again, Vida. I will be bidding on you this evening.”

  Vida stood. “I hope you win, Asina.”

  “As do I,” she said. She looked over his broad body and glowed softly before stroking Broden’s hair again. “Come, my son. We will have something to eat before the games begin.”

  “Yes, mama,” Broden said.

  They walked away and Gage gave Vida a curious look. “Do you spend much time with your children, Vida?”

  Vida shook his head as regret crossed his face. “Not as much as I’d like.” He paused as another troubled look flickered over his features. “In my world, there is a ritual that must be performed between a father and their offspring. If it is not performed within a few days of birth the child will not bond with the father no matter how much time they spend together.”

  “What kind of ritual?” Silas asked.

  “The father and the child exchange takenas,” Vida said.

  “What are takenas?” Gage asked.

  “You do not have them on your world?” Vida said.

  “I don’t think so,” Gage replied.

  “Takenas are not an object but more of a,” he paused, “living essence within us. Our young are born with their takena already bonded to their mother’s. It happens in the womb. But a father, no matter how much he might love his child, has no hope of his child’s love unless he bonds his takena with the child’s during the ritual.”

  “They wouldn’t let you do the ritual,” Silas said.

  Vida shook his head. “I asked repeatedly with every baby but the queen refused to allow it. The massina went to the queen on my behalf and tried to convince her but she still refused. The babbling idiot is wrong. I love my children very much but they will never love me. It is impossible for them to do so.”

  He stared moodily across the crowd. “If they had allowed me to perform the ritual with even one of my children, there would be a reason for me to stay. But they have not and now my children will never see me as anything more than a stranger.”

  “I’m sorry, Vida,” Silas said. He couldn’t imagine having a child who wouldn’t love him no matter what he did.

  Vida grunted in reply before pointing toward the foot of the castle where the women were beginning to congregate. “The games are beginning.”

  Two of the queen’s guards approached them. “It’s time, breeders. Follow us.”

  * * *

  Her stomach in knots, Quinn scanned the breeders. Silas was standing next to Vida at the back of the group. He smiled briefly at her and she scowled before looking away. She turned to the queen who was sitting in a lavishly-decorated chair beside her.

  “Are you ready to begin, my Queen.”

  “Aye, massina.”

  Quinn whistled piercingly. The large crowd quieted and stared expectantly at her. “Welcome to the claiming ceremony, my friends.”

  There was a loud cheer and Quinn waited patiently for them to quiet again. When they were quiet she said, “The games will begin. Those of you who wish to participate in this month’s claiming ceremony have given your choice of breeder to Zeeda and she has paired you against another to fight.”

  Quinn studied the crowd. “You know the rules. You must fight whoever Zeeda has paired you against. If you win you will move up in the rankings. As always, you may ask another to fight on your behalf.”

  The crowd cheered again and Quinn held up her hands. “Before we begin the claiming ceremony let us give thanks to our queen for her kindness in sharing her food and drink with us this evening.”

  “Thank you, my Queen!” The crowd shouted.

  The queen waved her hand at them before crooking her finger at Quinn. Quinn bent and the queen whispered into her ear. For the briefest of moments Quinn’s hands clenched into tight fists before she straightened and smiled at the crowd.

  “Our queen has chosen a breeder for this month’s claiming ceremony.”

  The crowd cheered as Quinn walked toward the group of men. Her stomach was churning and her hands were ice cold but she kept a look of vague disinterest on her face as she stopped in front of Silas.

  “Come with me, danen,” she said.

  A look of anger and frustration crossed his face but he followed her toward the queen. There were loud groans of disappointment and a flurry of movement as the women who bid on him hurried to Zeeda to amend their choice.

  “Your breeder, my Queen,” Quinn said. She pushed on Silas’ shoulder and he kneeled in front of the queen.

  “Such a handsome danen,” the queen said happily. “Sit at my feet, breeder.”

  Silas sat stiffly on the ground at the queen’s feet. Her hand stroked and tugged his thick hair. When she pulled sharply he lifted his head obediently.

  “Are you looking forward to fucking me tonight, danen?”

  “Yes, my Queen,” he said woodenly.

  “I am looking forward to it as well,” the queen said. “Although I doubt your cock is as big as Vida’s so you will have to work hard to impress me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my Queen,” Silas repeated.

  The queen laughed before glancing at Quinn. “Massina, do you think the breeder will be as good at fucking as Vida?”

  “I wouldn’t know, my Queen,” Quinn said.

  “No, I suppose you wouldn’t,” the queen replied. “You would never lower yourself to fuck a breeder, would you?”

  Before Quinn could reply, Zeeda waved at her and Quinn shouted, “Are you ready, my sisters?”

  There were loud cheers from the crowd and Zeeda clapped her hands irritably before scanning the paper in front of her. “The first fight is for the breeder Lutan!”

  The women screamed with delight as Lutan stepped into the middle of the courtyard and waved before stripping off his shirt. There was a pulse of light as nearly all the women glowed brightly. Lutan winked and flexed his arms before Quinn pointed her sword at him and motioned for him to return to the other men.

  “There are six who wish to claim him,” Zeeda shouted. “Yolan, come forward!”

  A small woman with red hair and freckled skin slipped out of the crowd. She crossed her arms nervously as Zeeda scanned the paper again. “Yolan will fight Belda!”

  There were groans of disappointment and a few shouts that it wasn’t fair. Zeeda glared at the crowd. “I draw the names randomly. You know that!”

  Wearing her battle outfit, Belda grinned fiercely at Yolan. “Are you ready, Yolan?”

  Yolan shook her head before staring at the crowd in desperation. “Fionn! Will you fight for me?”

  Fionn ran into the courtyard as the women
cheered loudly. “Aye, Yolan. I will.”

  Belda laughed as another woman handed wooden swords to her and to Fionn. “You will not defeat me, Fionn. It has been months since I’ve had a man between my thighs and my dry spell ends tonight.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Fionn replied before lifting her sword.

  The crowd quieted and stared at Quinn. She studied the two women in the middle of the courtroom before shouting, “Begin!”

  Quinn watched as the two women fought. She was feeling jittery and angry and her gaze fell repeatedly to Silas sitting at the queen’s feet. She was resting her hand on the top of his head like he was a dog and Quinn’s stomach twisted. She knew the queen would choose Silas so why was she so bitterly disappointed?

  There was a loud cheer from the crowd and her head snapped up. Belda had knocked Fionn’s wooden sword from her hand. With an excited shout, she shoved Fionn to the ground and pressed the blunt end of her wooden sword against Fionn’s throat.

  “Do you yield, Fionn?”

  “Aye,” Fionn said in disgust. Belda laughed and stepped back as Fionn climbed to her feet.

  “I’m sorry, Yolan,” Fionn said.

  “That’s all right,” Yolan replied with obvious disappointment. “Thank you for trying, Fionn. You did better than I would have.”

  Lutan was standing at the edge of the crowd and Belda ran up to him and grabbed his ass. She squeezed it tightly as she glowed brightly and Lutan grinned at her as Zeeda pushed her away.

  “You still have others to fight,” she reminded Belda. She scanned her paper before calling two more names. “Darra and Fina, come forward and fight for the breeder Lutan!”

  Two women slipped out of the crowd. They were two of the castle staff and Quinn watched as they both picked up wooden swords and held them clumsily. Quinn stared at the queen’s hand again, idly picturing herself chopping it off at the wrist, and jerked when Zeeda called her name. She stared at the old woman who frowned at her. She realized that Darra and Fina were waiting patiently in the middle of the circle of women and she cleared her throat.


  The two women began to fight, their swords smacking against each other with hollow thuds. Quinn studied Silas’ hands. They were clenched in tight fists. When he took a quick glance at her she immediately looked away. The crowd roared happily. Darra had already knocked the sword from Fina and she pointed it hesitantly at her.

  “Do you yield, Fina?”

  Fina lunged for her fallen sword and Darra kicked it out of the way before smacking Fina on the back with the broad side of the sword.

  “Ow, Darra! That hurt!” Fina said.

  “Do you yield?” Darra repeated. She jabbed Fina in the butt with the sword and Fina yelped before rubbing her ass.

  “Yes, I yield.”

  Darra screamed excitedly and the crowd screamed back as Fina stalked away. Zeeda herded Darra to Belda and the two stood at the front of the crowd as the old woman called, “Denia and Pelza come forward!”

  Quinn sighed. It was another gross mismatch. Pelza worked in the nursery and Denia was one of her best warriors. She waited for Pelza to ask for someone to fight for her and blinked in surprise when Pelza picked up the wooden sword and held it unsteadily in front of her.

  Denia gave her a curious look. “Will you not ask another to fight for you, Pelza?”

  Pelza shook her head. “No, Denia. I have been practicing.”

  “Have you now?” Denia said with a small grin. “Then let us begin.”

  They both glanced at Quinn who shouted, “Begin!”

  She flinched when Denia immediately knocked Pelza’s sword from her hand. The warrior allowed Pelza to pick it up again and even gave her the opportunity to take a couple of swings at her before she knocked the sword away for a second time. She gave Pelza a playful poke in the stomach with the tip of it. “Do you yield?”

  Pelza scowled at her and glanced at her fallen sword before her body slumped. “Aye, I yield.”

  She started to walk away and Denia pulled her into a friendly hug. “You did well, Pelza. Keep practicing and some day you can join the queen’s guard.”

  “Do you think so, Denia?” Pelza said eagerly.

  “I do,” Denia said. “Come see me tomorrow and we will practice together. If, that is, I’m not too tired from fucking the breeder.”

  Pelza smiled happily at her before disappearing into the crowd. Zeeda cleared her throat. “Belda and Denia will fight and Darra will fight the winner. Are you ready?”

  Belda ran out and picked up Pelza’s sword. “Aye, I’m ready.”

  “Denia?” Zeeda said.

  Denia nodded and raised her sword. The two warriors grinned at each other as the crowd quieted.

  “Begin,” Quinn said.

  With a shout of excitement Denia rushed Belda. Their swords clashed repeatedly as they circled each other, lunging and jabbing as the women screamed and shouted encouragement.

  Quinn smiled at Kila when the young woman slipped out of the crowd and stood next to her. “Have you put in your bids, sandora?”

  “Aye, I have, massina,” Kila said. Her gaze drifted to Gage and Quinn elbowed her lightly in the side.

  “Tonight is a very special night,” the queen said. “My child becomes a woman.”

  She pulled hard on Silas’ hair, twisting his head until he was facing Kila. “Are you sure this breeder is not to your liking, my child?”

  “I’m sure, mother,” Kila replied.

  “Perhaps it is for the best,” the queen replied. “Taking a danen’s cock as your first may not be wise.”

  Kila blushed and the queen laughed. “You will lose your innocence soon enough, Kila. I will let you know how this danen is in bed and whether he’s worth bidding on at the next claiming ceremony.”

  She stroked Silas’ hair affectionately. Quinn gritted her teeth and forced her gaze to the women fighting. Belda was tiring and she tripped and fell when Denia feinted to her right before moving left and slamming her sword down on her arm. Belda grunted in pain as her sword fell from her hand. She reached for it and screeched when Denia shoved her facedown onto the ground and planted one foot on her back.

  “Do you yield, Belda?”

  Belda squirmed violently and Denia put more of her weight down. “Do you yield?”

  “Aye! I yield! Get off me, for garna’s sake!” Belda retorted.

  Denia released her and held out her hand. After a moment Belda took it and allowed the woman to help her up. “You fought well, Belda.”

  “Thanks, Denia,” Belda said glumly. She gave Lutan one last look of longing before joining the other women in the crowd.

  “Darra, are you ready?” Zeeda said.

  Looking pale and more than a little nervous, Darra stood next to Denia and grasped the sword she handed to her.

  “Will you choose another to fight for you, Darra?” Zeeda asked as Darra gave Denia an anxious look.

  Denia gave her a predator’s grin and Darra paled further before scanning the crowd. Her gaze fell on Quinn and she shouted, “Massina, will you fight for me?”

  The crowd bellowed laughter and Darra flushed bright red. Denia patted her lightly on the shoulder. “You should have chosen another, Darra. The massina is injured and will not fight on your - ”

  She was interrupted by Quinn’s low voice. “Aye, Darra. I will fight for you.”

  The crowd gasped in surprise as Quinn stepped forward. She took the sword from Darra and nodded to Denia.

  Denia frowned at her. “Massina, you are injured.”

  “I am fine,” Quinn said. “Begin.”

  Denia hesitated. “Massina, I - ”

  Quinn raised the wooden sword and Denia instinctively did the same. “Are you certain, massina?”

  “Aye, I am. Begin,” Quinn said again.

  Denia shrugged and attacked.

  Chapter 15

  Silas shifted uncomfortably. The fighting for the breeders had been going on for hours and
his ass was sore and his back hurt from sitting on the hard ground. He glanced at Quinn and snorted to himself. He was whining about his back being sore when she had to be in excruciating pain.

  As if she heard his thoughts, she shifted herself and a grimace of pain crossed her face. Her hand reached behind to touch her back before she caught herself and dropped it back to her side. She took a few deep breaths before her face cleared and she watched as the two women fought.

  The crowd had thinned out a bit. The women with babies and children left first, followed by those who were too young or too old to participate in the claiming ceremony. There was a shriek of happiness as one of the women fighting lost her grip on her sword and it fell to the ground. Panting heavily, Kila tapped her on the shoulder with her sword and the woman nodded wearily before trudging off into the darkness.

  The torches were low and with some of the women gone darkness had crowded in on them. Silas searched for Gage in the gloom. His was the last claiming fight and the last two left to claim him were Kila and Akia.

  Kila had bid on Steve as well as another breeder whose name he didn’t know. Silas wondered if he was the only one who suspected that Kila deliberately lost her previous fights. He guessed that Quinn knew, at least the tightening of her mouth had indicated she did. Of course, that could also be pain and weariness. He studied her again, noting the lines of pain at the corners of her eyes and the way she continually shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She had fought in nearly every claiming fight tonight. After the first woman called on her to fight and she agreed, many more asked her to fight on their behalf. She accepted each one. If the crowd’s reaction was any indication that was extremely rare.

  He couldn’t understand why she kept agreeing to fight. Vida was very popular and over twenty women bid on him. Quinn fought on the behalf of another three women alone in the claiming for Vida. She’d only had a brief rest before Dora asked her to fight in the claiming for Evan. It was obvious that she was in pain and her last fight she had nearly been defeated. But it was only her pain and weariness that allowed Barkha to almost defeat her. He was sure of it. He was completely fascinated with watching Quinn fight. Her skills and her abilities were unmatched by everyone else.


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