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The Hades Conspiracy (A Delphi Group Thriller Book 3)

Page 23

by John Sneeden

  “From the moment we entered this cavern, I sensed something was out there, something dark. And it wasn’t just the general creepiness of being in a strange place. There was more to it than that, and yet, I couldn’t put my finger on what that was.

  “That all changed when we actually began walking through the city. I realized someone or something was watching us. I never saw them. I just felt the eyes.”

  Carmen recounted the events inside the building, from the killer rats to seeing the child. She also shared how he seemed to vanish when Zane came up the stairs.

  When she was finished, Emily asked, “Are you sure it wasn’t a member of the order?”

  “No. As I said, this was a child. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall seeing any children on the way down.”

  “Nor did I,” Keiko said.

  “You said he spoke a few words to you,” Amanda said. “What did he say?”

  “It was weird. He asked me if he could approach. He also mentioned wanting something to eat. Honestly, it’s all so bizarre. None of it makes any sense.”

  “No, that’s fine. You’re sharing what you saw.” Amanda frowned. “You also mentioned his eyes looked strange. How so?”

  “They were black—black as night. I can’t begin to tell you how frightening they were. It was like looking into the pits of hell.”

  “What do you mean when you say black?” Amanda asked. “Some people have eyes so brown they appear black.”

  Carmen shook her head. “No, his eyes were completely black. Not just the iris… the entire eye.”

  A look of understanding spread across Amanda’s face. “I think I know who you saw.”

  Zane’s brow furrowed at her remark. “You know who he is?”

  “They’re called black-eyed children, and they’ve been seen all over the world. Most believe they’re a hoax, an urban legend, but others believe they’re something that has crossed over from the supernatural realm. There are even those who believe they’ve been created via genetic manipulation—modern-day Nephilim, if you will.”

  “It sounds a bit far-fetched to me,” Zane said.

  “I’m not saying I agree with them. I’m simply saying those are the theories. If they do exist, I believe they’re somehow related to demonic activity. Perhaps they’re demons masquerading as children. As I said before, the whole thing could just be an urban legend.”

  “Put me in that camp,” Zane said.

  “Fair enough. That’s certainly possible.” Amanda gestured toward Carmen. “But that leads us back to her story. How do we explain what she saw?”

  “I believe her story. I saw it in her expression when I arrived. She’s telling the truth.”

  “Maybe I got everything right but the eyes,” Carmen suggested.

  “We may never know what—”

  Amanda was cut off by a distant sound. At first, it was hard to hear. As the group fell into silence, Carmen realized it was the loud blast of a horn. She also realized what it meant.

  The order had discovered the gate.


  ZANE LED THE team out of the temple and into the streets. The bullhorn had blown for several minutes. As best he could tell, the sound came from the far end of the cavern. When they turned on to the main avenue, members of the order filed in the same direction. A few wandered too close for comfort. It would be hard to avoid contact for much longer, something that concerned Zane greatly. If exposed, they could probably fight their way back to the surface, but it would also mean they’d have to leave Reid and Pratt behind—unacceptable.

  “Do we know what we’re going to do when we get there?” Amanda asked as they walked.

  “We need to go through our due diligence then formulate a plan,” Zane replied. “It’s impossible to come up with specifics until we know what we’re dealing with.”

  “We’re going to need a diversion,” Carmen added.

  Zane was thinking along the same lines. While he still held out hope Reid and Pratt might be held somewhere away from the action, it didn’t seem likely at this point. They were being taken along with the rest of the order, probably for some nefarious purpose.

  “Anything specific in mind?” Zane asked.

  “Only that it needs to be something that will create a high level of chaos, something that will have them scrambling in every direction.”

  “Gunfire perhaps?”

  Carmen raised an eyebrow and nodded.

  “I can peel off and take shots from a distance,” Zane said.

  “I was thinking Keiko,” Carmen said. “She’s unlikely to be harmed by return fire and can also better fend for herself if we get separated.”

  Zane nodded. “I like it. Anything that keeps me alive is a great idea.”

  Carmen smiled.

  “I think we’re almost there,” Amanda said.

  The city ended two blocks ahead. Beyond, the flock gathered at a natural alcove in the cavern wall. Zane checked to make sure no one was directly behind them then signaled the team to step into an alley. There, Carmen laid out her preliminary plan. After entering the alcove, they would first attempt to determine the location of the hostages. Once that was established, Keiko would slip off to a remote location while Zane and Carmen moved as close to Reid and Pratt as possible. Keiko would shoot at the guards, not just to take them out but also to create chaos. Hopefully, the incoming fire would draw the guards out of the alcove. If it worked, Zane and Carmen would take out any remaining guards and free the hostages.

  The more Zane contemplated the details of the plan, the more he liked it. Not only was it tactically sound, giving them the best possible chance to save their fellow operatives, but Keiko was the perfect one to fill the shooter role. Her titanium-plated armor made her impervious to all but the most carefully placed shots. Not only that, but she was an outstanding shot.

  After the briefing, the team returned to the main boulevard and traversed the final two blocks. Most of the order already crowded around the mouth of the alcove. Zane had wanted to get as close to the captives as possible, so he led the group to the right where the crowd was sparser. With a little maneuvering, they were eventually able to make their way to the front, where a line of guards prevented them from going any further.

  The alcove was about fifty yards deep and was lit by two large lanterns. Viktor stood at the back of the space, along with several members of his council. Roger Lawson and Kimberly were there as well. Zane couldn’t see Camilla, which was odd. Perhaps she was obscured by the others.

  After receiving orders from Viktor, a guard moved one of the lanterns to the back of the alcove. A cave mouth. At first, Zane thought it was open then noticed it was sealed with a black stone wall.

  “The gate,” Amanda whispered, as though reading his thoughts.

  Viktor pulled out a flashlight and splashed the beam across the wall. While difficult to see, there appeared to be something etched on the surface. There were drawings at the top, and below was a series of characters from an alphabet Zane had never seen before.

  Zane scanned the alcove for Reid, Pratt, and the other captive. The fact that he hadn’t seen them yet gave him a brief surge of hope that perhaps they were being held somewhere else. Unfortunately, his eyes fell on them a few seconds later. They were lined up against the right wall, about twenty yards away. They were being guarded by two gunmen with AR-15s, which Zane didn’t think was entirely bad. As long as there was chaos and as long as the other guards moved out in search of Keiko, he had no doubt he and Carmen could handle the remaining two.

  Zane soon thought of something else, a twist that might give them some additional assistance. Once Keiko began firing, he and Carmen would take out the two lanterns. Hitting them at this distance would be easy. The darkness should create additional chaos, as well as providing some cover for them to sneak up on the two guards to their right.

  He was about to tell her his idea when he noticed Viktor turn from the cave mouth and come toward them. Once he wa
s about ten yards away, he spoke. “My friends, we are finally here.” He swept his hand toward the gate. “As you probably guessed, this is the entrance to another world. In just a few minutes, we’re going to open it, and when we do, it will usher in a new era here on Earth.”

  A cheer erupted. Many raised their hands in the air and babbled incoherently. A few dropped to their knees.

  Zane leaned toward Carmen again then pulled back when he sensed movement behind him. He turned slightly and saw several hooded figures pressing up close behind him. Either they were late arrivals or were pushing forward for a better look. Whatever they were doing, he didn’t like that they were so close.

  “As we prepare to open the gate,” Viktor continued, “let us remember to thank our lords, the ones who brought us here. Were it not for them, none of this would’ve been possible.”

  Carmen turned toward Zane. “What a whack job.”

  Viktor lifted both hands. “My friends, are you ready to change the world?”

  The crowd erupted again, this time with even more fervency. Feeling the energy of his flock, Viktor stepped closer. Zane understood why Emily had been so frightened to find the man in her room. His sunken eyes and sallow skin made him seem more like a zombie than a human.

  Viktor’s expression suddenly changed. His visage darkened as his eyes swept over the crowd. For unknown reasons, Zane felt a pinch in his gut. There was something about the crazed look that bothered him. When Viktor’s eyes moved in their direction, Zane lowered his head slightly.

  The order fell silent. They seemed to sense the change in atmosphere.

  “It has come to my attention there are traitors among us.”

  An audible gasp passed through the crowd. Zane stiffened, his internal alarms blaring. Was he referring to them? If so, how was that possible? Not wanting to look guilty, Zane lifted his head. Viktor’s eyes moved across the faces, as if trying to determine who the offenders were. Zane reminded himself to remain calm. At this point, he couldn’t even be sure Viktor was talking about them. Perhaps members of the flock had betrayed their leader.

  Suddenly, Viktor’s eyes turned in their direction and stopped. The hairs on the back of Zane’s neck stood on end. Viktor pointed at them. “There… those are the traitors!”

  Zane’s instincts told him to take action. Take out the lamps, and create chaos in the crowd. If they were all taken, they would all likely die. Reaching down, he grabbed the side of his robe. Carmen seemed to be doing the same.

  As he began to lift up the hem, the muzzle of a gun pressed into his back.


  ZANE SLOWLY LIFTED his hands, and the others followed suit. No slick move would get them out of their predicament. His draw was lightning fast, but any attempt to lift his robe and remove his pistol would be suicidal. If he were by himself, he might have considered a quick counter-move, but not with so many people around.

  While the muzzles remained pressed into their backs, several more guards stepped forward to remove their robes and guns. As they patted him down, Zane wondered how they’d been discovered. Had they known all along? Had someone seen them approach the camp from the surface? He didn’t think so, although at this point, anything was possible.

  The answer came a moment later when a female voice spoke from behind him. “Bind their wrists, and put them with the others.”

  Camilla Lawson. Zane had thought it strange she wasn’t by her husband’s side. At some point, she must have seen their faces. Even though they’d tried to keep their heads down, all it took was the briefest of glances to blow their cover. She also must have been one of the ones who came in behind them.

  After binding their wrists with zip ties, the guards ordered them forward. As they moved past the others, they were pushed, yelled at, and spit on. So much for peace, love, and tranquility. Moments later, they were shoved roughly into a nook on the right side of the alcove. They were close to the other captives but not close enough to communicate. He wondered if Reid and Pratt had heard what happened.

  Viktor and the Lawsons came over to examine their catch. Camilla’s eyes were slits of hate. It was obvious she’d taken their escape personally. Her transformation to ruthless huntress was shocking to witness. Zane guessed she was a cold sociopath who could transition back and forth with little effort.

  Now only a few feet away, Viktor seemed to focus on Carmen. He stepped close and ran a hand over her hair. “This one is beautiful. I might let her live.” He cupped her chin with both hands and pressed his lips against hers. Carmen jerked away. Two guards came over and grasped her arms. Zane tried to step over to defend her but was forced back with a rifle.

  Roger looked at Zane. “I must give you a small measure of credit for your little Houdini act. Unfortunately, you weren’t smart enough to flee when you had the chance. And now, you’ll pay with your lives.”

  Camilla looked at her husband with contempt. Others may not have noticed, but Zane did. It was obvious leaving them in the pit hadn’t been her idea.

  “Forgive me for not trusting your ability to predict the future,” Zane said. “Your record isn’t very good so far.”

  Roger glowered at him. “Oh, you’ll die. And I’m going to be there to enjoy it.”

  “We’ll all be there to enjoy it,” Viktor said.

  “I hope you’ll forgive me, but I’ve already made other plans.” Zane gave him a quick wink.

  Viktor laughed. “All eight of you have an appointment with death.” He looked at Carmen again. “Or maybe seven if this one calms down.”

  “You son of a…” Zane surged forward, but was pushed back again.

  “I think I’d rather die.” Carmen sneered.

  “Playing hard to get.” Viktor tapped her nose with a finger. “That’s fine, I’m an acquired taste.”

  “You’re a sick bastard,” Carmen said.

  “Sick? Maybe a little.” He held her gaze. “But I know what I like.”

  “And I know what I don’t like.”

  Before Viktor could respond, a member of his council came up and whispered in his ear. When he finished, Viktor looked at the Lawsons. “The preparatory prayers are now complete. Come.”

  As Roger and Camilla moved off toward the gate, Viktor addressed his followers. “It is time to enter the holy place. Prepare yourselves.”

  Viktor joined the Lawsons at the back of the alcove. He said something to Roger, who signaled two guards who were standing guard over a large black case. After shouldering their rifles, they picked up the case and followed him to a stone obelisk at the right of the cave mouth. Zane hadn’t noticed the obelisk before. It looked like a miniature version of the one at the Vatican. There was something etched on its surface, although he couldn’t tell what it was.

  Roger opened the case and carefully removed something. Zane squinted. The relic. After examining it for a moment, Lawson crossed to the obelisk. Although his body blocked the view, it seemed as though he pressed it into the pillar.

  Amanda leaned closer to Zane. “The key.”

  A moment later, the obelisk began to shine. A gasp ran through the crowd. Something was happening. Roger backed away. A kaleidoscope of colors came out of the obelisk, exotic hues of blue and brown. A few were unlike any Zane had ever seen. Despite the sinister purpose, he found the mosaic beautiful beyond comprehension. It was as though the luminescence shone out of heaven itself.

  Fascinated by the sight, Zane remembered the photograph of the relic and the precious jewels encrusting its surface. Those same stones lit with brilliance.

  “My heavens,” Amanda said.

  A loud hum echoed across the alcove. The ground shook, causing the guards to lift their rifles.

  “The gate… it’s moving,” Amanda said.

  The black wall covering the cave mouth slid slowly to the left as the relic opened the gate. Viktor and Roger approached with flashlights, waving the beams around in the dark interior. The crowd gasped as the rock walls of a cave came into view. While h
ard to see, the floor seemed to run downward at a steep pitch.

  This might be the distraction they were looking for. Zane shifted his focus to their immediate surroundings. Two guards stood about five yards away, their attention focused on what was happening at the gate. It was exactly what he’d hoped. Now, if they could just get out of their cuffs…

  Suddenly, Zane remembered something. It seemed so obvious he was shocked he hadn’t thought of it before. He got everyone’s attention and indicated they should move closer. Once they were gathered around, he looked at Keiko. “I assume you’ll have no trouble breaking your cuffs.”

  “Already done, sir.” Keiko held out her unencumbered hands. “I snapped them off the minute we were put against the wall.”

  “Excellent.” If the situation weren’t so serious, he would’ve laughed. “Listen up. We need to make our move now.”

  The guards still faced the opposite direction, so Zane whispered a brief set of instructions. When he finished, he signaled Keiko to begin unfastening their cuffs. She did as instructed, snapping the plastic ties one by one. A minute later, they were all free.

  “Keep your hands positioned as though you’re still tied up,” Zane whispered. If this had all happened in broad daylight, his plan would have little chance of succeeding. But here in the darkness was a different story. In fact, Zane liked their chances better now than he did before they were captured. For one, they were closer to their comrades. Two, the guards in front of them were turned in the other direction. The primary issue now was execution.

  Zane signaled Keiko to take action. After a brief check of the area, she stepped from the wall and slipped up behind the nearest guard. Thankfully, the darkness helped mask her movement. With the speed of a jungle cat, she clamped a hand over his mouth with one hand, while delivering a crushing blow to his head with the other. As he sank to the ground, she took the rifle from his hands. She unleashed a spray of bullets, mowing down all the guards in the vicinity.

  The sound of gunfire triggered the pandemonium Zane had hoped for. The crowd yelled and screamed. Some ran. Viktor, Roger, and Camilla came out of the cave, clueless as to what was going on.


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