Core of Confliction
Page 7
Talas was asleep on his shoulder and for the first time since they were made whole again by their cores, he stared at his sleeping face. Talas was never beautiful as Sara, but now he was a stunning sight to behold. How he must have hated being unintelligent and weak minded as a female earthling. Kelin put his arms around him, pulling him closer. He could smell Talas’ natural scent and breathed it in.
It wasn’t that Halfar didn’t like conquering worlds, he just found conquering Earth to be banal. Humans were so easily manipulated by power and greed they forgot to assume their enemies end game. For now, Halfar gave them power to attain status and money but, that would all be for naught once his armada moved in. The ones who defied him were smart to rebel. He smiled a little before frowning. Kur had, yet again, crept into the throne room unannounced to catch him in some un-ruler like mood. It was starting to get annoying.
“Does that smile preclude good news on our timeline?” Kur asked.
“It does. In another two years we will be able to lock down this continent and move into the next. I look forward to getting off this world and on to more challenging ones.”
“Granted, there are no unforeseen complications with this invasion.”
“What could possibly go wrong?” Halfar raised his eyebrows.
“I believe there is a race that is not too happy to be nearly extinct because of you.”
“They do not have enough warriors or destructive power to challenge us.”
“Many battles have been won by sheer determination against foes bigger than us. Be careful, my lord, not to let your guard down.”
“That is what my generals are for.” Halfar glared at him.
Kur let out a smirk. He knew all too well what his role was in Halfar’s armada. Leaving, he strode past Rass as he entered the throne room. Halfar watched them give each other hateful smiles of acknowledgment. Soon, he would appoint one of them to be in control of his Armada. It was just a matter of who and how.
Modas slid onto the bed, hovering over Jaron as she slept on her side. He listened to the even breathing escaping her partially opened lips. How beautiful she was laying there unsuspecting of his intentions at this very moment. He pulled the covers off her in one stroke, startling her out of sleep. Jaron curled upwards glaring at him in distaste for waking her in such a manner. He didn’t care about that. Grabbing her by an ankle, he pulled her flat below him.
“Stop it, you beast! Let me go!” Jaron tried sitting up to strike him but missed as her center of gravity was off and she landed flat on her back again.
Was all Modas replied as he used one hand to remove her robe and the other held both ankles down. It usually happened this way: Jaron protesting half-heartedly and Modas being passive aggressive. He moved closer towards her so that the weight of his lower body held hers in place and removed his robes. For one brief instant, Jaron stopped fighting to gaze at his massive muscular body. She was tempted to reach out and touch him but restrained herself. It was too late, he saw the look in her eyes and with one movement pulled her legs through his and spread them around his waist.
“Stop!” Jaron swung at him, her wrist caught in midair to be repositioned above her head.
He entered her roughly, his weight bearing down, forcing her legs open wider. They were now eye to eye and he did not disconnect his gaze even as she turned her head to the side trying to bear the pain and ecstasy without him knowing. To be this close and connected to her was almost too much for him but he could not and would not stop until he had his fill of her. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and turned her to him, kissing her hard. She finally submitted to him and buried her fingers deep into his thick mane and returned his kiss. The sun had not set yet.
Ganna had followed Modas in an attempt to discuss battle plans but stopped outside of the bed chamber door when she realized he did not notice her. He had another agenda on his mind. She heard sounds of mating coming from inside and lingered a bit before leaving. It did not surprise her that they would produce a litter so soon after returning. Ganna smiled.
Assessing the Damage Done
If it were up to Chardon, he would create new vessels and start over but he knew that option was a last resort. For now, the matching of core to vessel would take precedence to ensure a pure race. The process would take nearly a year to complete and, after that, preparations for the attack on Halfar would begin. Just seeing the garden made him feel helpless and guilty.
A small gust of wind blew his ever growing hair into his face. It was now past his shoulders, almost to the middle of his back, with slight waves. He remembered it being as long before their world was destroyed. On Earth it had been short and dark brown.
Running his fingers through his hair he saw an image flash before him from long ago. Halfar in full regalia standing in front of him with his hand tangled in Chardon’s hair against the backdrop of an aqua green sky.
Chardon knelt down next to a row of cores, staring into the soil, mesmerized. It should not have happened this way. He could still see the look of longing on Halfar’s face, his strange murky green eyes narrowed in frustration. Not wanting to recall those moments, Chardon shook his head in defiance. This was not the time for that. He stood and sensed Ganna getting closer to his location.
“Taking a short reprieve from the council?” Ganna side stepped a garden slug under her feet.
“It has gotten cooler. The air feels nice.”
“Hmm, you seemed far away a moment ago.”
“Just, thinking about the past. Did you get to talk with Modas?”
Ganna’s cheeks flushed and Chardon raised his eyebrows questioning.
“He is preoccupied with mating right now.”
“Oh.” Chardon was a bit taken aback. He had not expected them to do that so soon. “I guess it can’t be help. Even though they were always together on Earth, it is much different now.”
“I am surprised he waited as long as he did. How frustrated he must have felt.”
“I almost feel bad for Jaron, forcing herself to try and resist his advances all the while enjoying every minute of it.”
“She is so dishonest with herself. Why does she torment him so?”
A worker came up to them and bowed. “I double checked all the vessels and the recorded cores and, I apologize, your mate’s core and vessel were one of the ones destroyed.”
Chardon looked away, his eyes downcast with no feelings in them. He had known that was the case and never asked for anyone to find her. It was for the best anyway. He didn’t love her to begin with; she was just a means to an end for companionship.
“Thank you, there is no need to apologize. Go, finish your work.”
As the worker left, Ganna watched Chardon shuffle his feet in the dirt. “You could care less about her being destroyed.” She said it so unceremoniously.
“I did care for her but, love her, no. If only you knew what kind of creature she really was.”
“I do know. That is why I do not mourn her unlike our people.” Ganna sighed.
Rass could see that Halfar was in no mood for entertainment this evening. His lord’s facial expression was of someone far away in another land. He had an idea where, and who, he was thinking of. It was a bond not easily broken, apparently. He motioned his enforcers to drag away the carnage into an adjacent room to finish up and stepped closer to the throne in ear shot of Halfar.
“Does the sun not shine on your precious planet?”
Without noticing who was asking, Halfar answered. “It shines no more since the planet is now dead.” He blinked hearing his own voice and seeing Rass so close to him.
“As I thought, you still want Chardon back. What is it about that inferior species you can’t seem to break from?”
“You would not understand if I explained it.”
“Explain what, my lord?”
Kur slowly waltzed into the room, his long sword s
winging in its holster behind him causing his cape to flow out. He might have passed for beautiful if his smile he were not so menacing, sending people running in terror because they knew what it communicated.
“Good of you to check in, General Kur.”
Rass was taunting him into a fight to steer from the conversation. It would not be in Halfar’s best interest for Kur to know any more than he already did, which was plenty.
Kur was not fooled but decided to play the game. “I always make sure our ruler is up to date on my success. Tell me, how many sectors have you claimed this week?” He smiled.
Two grunt workers came in to report an uprising in one of Rass’ sectors, making him curse and hurry out of the room. Kur watched him go, a look of pleasure that his little prank had come to fruition, then turned to Halfar. That faraway look had returned and Kur did not like it.
“So, my lord, what is it that needs explaining? Does it pertain to our campaign?”
“No, it does not. You need not know.”
Halfar rose from his throne and exited to his private chamber. Kur’s curiosity rattled him. He needed some time to think.
In his bed chamber, Halfar laid down closing his eyes. He drifted off to a memory long ago when Chardon traveled to different worlds gathering information just like he had. They were collecting data on new technologies and other resources that could benefit their race. Some of the other rulers tried getting what they needed through manipulation. Halfar was ruthless and blunt where Chardon tried the honest approach, although he was constantly undermined by Sestis. She has just as manipulative as the others, only with a superficial sweet nature. On those off days where no trade negotiations commenced, Chardon and Halfar talked.
“This world reeks.”
Chardon covered his face with a sleeve in an effort to ward off the stench. He eyed the large metal structures spewing pollutants into the air only a few miles away. The landscape reminded him of some poor species’ guts thrown onto it then coated with liquid metal. That was just about the right description of the smell Chardon tried to not breathe in.
“It is an industrial planet.” Halfar laughed. “Many different chemicals are produced here to make other products for distribution.”
“It still reeks.”
“How childish of you.”
Halfar removed Chardon’s hand from his face, lacing his fingers into his hair as he did so. A slight breeze came across the balcony they stood on. Their eyes locked on each other for a brief moment. The Aqua colored sky yielded to the sun tinting it with green, accenting his strange murky green eyes.
“Don’t.” Chardon whispered, his eyes never leaving Halfar’s.
“I want you to rule with me.”
Halfar’s eyes narrowed. He had been rejected before by others but from Chardon it was unbearable. He didn’t know why, but there was no one in the universe he wanted more than Chardon. It was like their life forces drew off of each other.
“I won’t give up.” He slid his hand out of Chardon’s hair.
“I know, but, the answer is still no. I have a mate.”
“Who you despise.”
“I do not despise her, just her way of doing things.”
“You don’t love her.”
Chardon severed the gaze. “It doesn’t matter. Our people adore her.”
“How?” Halfar jolted back. That was incredulous to him.
“She is not like this on our world. Only when we are on other planets does she show this side of herself.”
“All the more reason.”
A soldier from his armada came up and whispered into his ear. Annoyance spread on his face. “I must go. Will I see you at the evening eating party?”
“Yes, my mate and I will be there.”
“I didn’t ask about her.” Halfar turned and left Chardon alone on the balcony.
Halfar could still remember how soft and smooth Chardon’s hair felt on that day. He wondered why he thought of that day in particular and knew almost after thinking it. Their minds were linked meaning Chardon had thought of that day as well not too long ago. Laying his hand on his chest he took a few deep breaths. Thinking of Chardon made his blood race.
Pregnancy made Jaron moodier than usual so everyone, except Modas, steered clear of her. She had a tendency to hiss at anyone who came near her. Modas was not affected in any way by this. He still stole kisses from her and climbed atop her in the middle of the night, with her protesting at every turn.
Jaron could not fathom why she did all this. She loved her mate more than life and cared deeply for her race but her emotions were all over the place. It didn’t help that she felt heavy from carrying Modas’ litter inside of her. There would be four, possibly five, little ones with either Modas’ traits or hers. The thought made her smile a little. She felt the presence of some children nearby and turned to give them an icy cold stare. They stopped dead in their tracks, eyes wide, then ran from her. That also made her smile but in a mischievous way.
“You need more nourishment than that.” Ganna stood beside her, pointing to the small bowl of raw fruits and vegetables on the ground by her feet.
“Yes, yes, I know that. This is just to hold me over until sunset meal.” Jaron grabbed a fruit and took a big bite out of it, chewing noisily. “It’s a good thing they are tiny little creatures because I could not haul them around like this feeding them constantly.”
“You make it sound so unbearable.” Ganna clucked at her. “Really, Jaron.”
Swallowing a chewed up chunk of fruit, Jaron replied, “I know.” A look of sorrow replaced the frustration on her face. Why do I act this way and say things I don’t mean?
From the other side of her, a plate of steaming meat simmering in its juices was laid next to the bowl of produce by Modas. He stepped away and sat down on the grass nearby, waiting for her to eat it. There would be no argument about it. Jaron used her fingers to tear apart a piece of meat and put it in her mouth.
“Well, I will let you enjoy that wonderful offering of nutrients from your beloved mate.”
As Ganna walked away, Jaron slid a glare at Modas. It was like he didn’t register it. She sighed and continued to eat the meat along with the fruits and vegetables. Both sat in silence, neither moving from their positions.
“Why do you even put up with me?” Jaron asked with a mouth full of food.
“You mean everything to me.”
Modas came forward and kissed her deeply. At the last moment, she turned, pulling away from him. Immediately, she hated doing that. He could probably tell by the way she tried to act like nothing happened and continued to eat.
“See you at home.”
Jaron gave birth to five little ones. Three were tiny balls of fur not yet ready to uncurl and open their eyes, and two were smooth skinned crying infants. She kept them close to her body for warmth, shooing Modas away whenever he came to try picking any of them up. Some days her level of territorialism was high, other times she would wave Modas away with them as if they were a bother.
As the little balls of fur uncurled, she could see their tiny noses, tightly shut eyelids and partial mouths. They resembled baby hedgehogs she had seen on Earth. Their fur ran from the top of their heads to their feet. Once they start growing, the fur would recede up to the middle of their spines.
Jaron wanted them to open their eyes so she could see what color they were. Usually, the entire litter had the same eye color but it’s never a guarantee. She hoped they had Modas’ eyes.
Chardon watched the workers carefully move the three vessels into the cryochamber and place the cores inside. Depending on how well the vessels could regenerate determined how long it would take for them to fully awaken. Two were badly mutilated and the other was partially scorched. It would take some time but he knew their cores were strong.
It was necessary to revive these three in the first wave because he needed them as warriors. Swiping hi
s hand gently across the chambers, he whispered, “Your arrival will be a much celebrated event, young ones.” With that, Chardon left the medical bay for sunset meal.
Government sectors fell instantly in the region of North America on Earth. Kur’s enforcers laid waste to entire districts as a warning to officials who dared defy Halfar. An invisible barrier had been erected that enclosed strategic areas of the continent for easy targeting. It was safe to assume that the next country would not fare well against Halfar’s armada and yet he drug out the assault for the sake of entertaining his generals with new missions to conquer. But, even they began to tire of them.
“Maybe we should just leave this place and send a planet destroyer,” Rass stated. He appeared to be up to the task.
“How tasteless.” Kur shook his head in disgust. “That would not be dignified.”
“Your aesthetics towards bloodshed are getting tiresome.”
Both drew weapons with one hand and morphed the other arm into pincers. As the clashing of hard shells rang through the halls, Halfar ended it.
He was irritable at best and had no tolerance for their foolish taunting. “What are the reports from the inner city?”
Rass sheathed his weapon and bowed to him, his arm reverting to normal.
“The people outside of the district are unaware of the chaos. Dealers are still making a profit, they just have no idea where the merchandise is coming from.”
“Good. Let’s keep it that way for the next few months.”
“Are we not moving the timetable up?” Kur seemed baffled.
“There is no rush.”