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Page 15

by Heather Burch

  Glimmer inspected the group. “Did someone call?”

  They laughed again. And for the first time in her life, Nikki felt like she belonged.

  Glimmer huffed. “I probably smeared my polish. Thanks a lot.”

  Nikki lowered her brow. “If you didn’t want to mess up your nail polish, why’d you grab the door?”

  Glimmer lifted a perfectly pointed foot and wiggled her perfectly painted toes.

  Oh. Nikki tried not to smile — she really should apologize — but when Vegan cracked up, Nikki couldn’t help herself. Glimmer gave them a flat stare, but the edges of her cheeks twitched and soon she was smiling too. She rolled her eyes. “Let me go get my stuff, Nikki. You’re hands are horrid.”

  Nikki hid her hands behind her back and prepared her protest, but Glimmer cut her off. “I only have gold polish, but you’re way overdue, so don’t even try to argue.”

  Glimmer wrestled her hands from behind her back, inspected her broken nails and damaged fingers. She made a gagging sound and spun from them mumbling about gangrene and something about hooves.

  Winter chuckled. “Forced manicure. Have fun.”

  Nikki frowned at her nails. They weren’t that bad.

  Vegan tapped the necklace. “Guess you shouldn’t have called her. Have fun at your spa party.” She took Winter by the arm and headed for the door.

  Nikki grabbed both of them. “Oh, no, you’re not leaving me alone with her. You two can just settle in.” Besides having Vegan and Winter nearby as a support system, she hoped to talk to all three girls and see what they knew about Vessler’s plans. Even if each one only had a bit of information, if she put it all together, maybe a clear picture would appear. Everything had been lost in a dark gray for her for so long, clarity would be a much appreciated change of pace. And if it came with a set of sparkly gold fingernails, she’d simply have to man up and take it.

  Chapter 16

  It seemed everyone was keeping secrets from her. Mace had on the mountaintop, and when Nikki questioned the girls, they too remained tight-lipped even though their body language demonstrated they had a story to tell. The whole mess was thinning her patience. So much for feeling like she fit in.

  The only one she hadn’t cornered was Zero, who probably had the most information of anyone because he ran the network and therefore knew everything. Yes, Zero would be able to help. She just needed to wait for the right moment to ask.

  She’d briefly considered asking Will. But Nikki wasn’t sure she could deal with his condescension when he told her it wasn’t time for her to know. The last time she’d gone to him, questioning him about when she’d receive her wings, he’d patted her on the back like a child. Sure, he’d lived for millennia, but that didn’t mean he had a right to treat her like that. No. She wouldn’t go to him unless there was no other way.

  And tonight, there seemed to be many other ways to get information. All the Halflings except Raven, who’d kept his distance all day, had gathered for dinner at the house on Pine Boulevard. With everyone around, there was a big temptation to tell them all about her wings. Maybe snap them open in the living room and yell, “Surprise!” But a tiny voice in the far reaches of her mind cautioned her not to. Just like it whispered to her everything was about to fall apart. Again.

  Nikki wandered to the back porch, where Zero was trying to light the barbeque grill. “How does this thing work?” He held the long lighter out to her.

  She took it. “You have to hold the button down when you click it.”

  Silver eyes stared into her. “That’s stupid.”

  “I didn’t design it, Zero.”

  “What do you want?”

  Ah, Zero … never one for small talk.

  Nikki used the lighter to bring the grill to life. Flames flashed orange in Zero’s mirrorlike eyes. “Who says I want anything?” The lighter dangled on her finger.

  He snatched it from her. “Seriously?”

  While Zero was a fount of information, the one drawback was he could always read right through her. He’d done it on the boat when she wanted information about her parents. He’d even done it when they first met at his underground bunker, where he’d examined her face so closely she could tell what kind of mint he’d just eaten. Peppermint Tic Tacs.

  “Did you always know I was a Halfling, Zero?” No point beating around the bush.

  “I suspected.”


  He used a metal spatula to motion inside the house, where Vegan and Winter sat laughing. “You look like them.” He sneered the final word.

  Nikki looked over her shoulder to the girls inside. “Like the females? Is that why you grabbed the light and examined my eyes while we were underground?”

  He turned back to the grill, his only answer a slight shrug.

  “Why didn’t you tell anyone? Me, for instance.”

  “I always know stuff no one else knows. No big deal.” He started placing the steaks.

  “Not for you, maybe, but it’s kind of a big deal to me.”

  He spun and held the spatula in her face. “If you’re done scolding me, Mom, I’m kinda busy.”

  She huffed. He was right. What good did it do to relive the past?

  “Nice necklace,” he mocked.

  Her hand went to it. But as he turned, she saw the flash of cord along his neckline too. Had Vegan given him one as well? Nikki bit back a smile.

  As Zero poked and prodded the meat, she realized it was the perfect time to go in for the kill and ask Zero what he knew about her. What else he knew. Mace and the others had avoided the question whenever she approached it. “Zero,” she began. Here goes, whether I’m ready or not.

  “What?” he spat.

  “I need to ask you about … me. And Vessler, and my parents.”

  The sliding door opened and Will emerged with a plate of vegetables. “Is there room for these on the gr —” His eyes narrowed. He first studied Nikki, then Zero. “I’m sorry. Did I interrupt something?”

  “No,” she said a little too quickly after Will offered a belittling smile. Breathe. Recover. Nikki smiled back. “I was just going to tell Zero I like mine medium rare.”

  “Like I care.” Zero poked one of the sizzling steaks with the end of the spatula. “This isn’t a restaurant, ya know.”

  Nikki rolled her eyes and went back into the house.

  She could get the information from Zero. She just needed to catch him at the right time. And here at the house, with Will constantly hovering, that right time might never come again.

  But for the rest of the evening she watched Zero. Oh, he had answers.

  The Halflings’ network manager was a lousy liar but great at cooking steaks, even if he didn’t know how to work a butane lighter. She’d eaten so much her stomach hurt. Fuel for the task, she told herself.

  At least the good food meant the night wasn’t a total loss, as thanks to Will’s little interruption, she’d had to back off the inquisition. Will also seemed to be keeping an especially close watch on her now. Great. If he only understood she simply needed to know the truth. She couldn’t stand not knowing.

  And Zero seemed to be suffering as well. His gaze fired around the room every time Vessler’s name came up in the conversation. He purposely avoided direct contact with Nikki. Guilty.

  He did, however seem to welcome Vegan’s attention, seemingly using her as a distraction from the guilt, as she’d sidled closer when he sat down. She’d brushed some lint from his shoulder, and at one point Nikki was sure the two were making googly eyes at each other. Until Zero realized; then he shot Vegan a dirty look and sulked off to brood in the corner.

  While Nikki kept her focus on Zero, she noticed Mace was keeping a close eye on her too. He watched her while she interacted with the other Halflings, but kept his distance. Nikki tried to convince herself he was sharing her with them, letting her bond with her full brothers and sisters. Every time she looked over, he’d smile and nod. Weird, but kind of sweet. He was trying to he
lp her fit in. Which, seriously, was finally possible now that she could spread her wings with the best of them, even if only she knew she had the ability. Nothing was holding her back. And at the same time, everything was. She just needed closure. Was that too much to ask?

  Again, the voice in her head … whispers, doubts. Wings or no, she still didn’t feel whole. In the deepest part of her heart, she knew she was different from them. She wasn’t one of the majestic angelic creatures surrounding her. Maybe as a child, Vessler gave her some strange drug in an attempt to mutate her into a Halfling. And perhaps Mace knew that. But right now, she couldn’t think about Mace. Zero had the answers. The way he was acting, he must no more than the others. Of course he did; by his own declarations, Zero knew everything. She had to make him talk. But not here — too many curious eyes and too many powerful ears.

  Zero knew her secret. And she knew the way to the underground.

  “So, where are we going?” Nikki asked.

  Mace could hear the excitement in her voice and it made his chest swell a little. For the first time in, well, forever, there was no immediate threat to her. No barriers or walls keeping her away from him, and no need for split decisions on who she was supposed to be with. And though he felt the twinges of threat hovering at the edge of their world, right now it seemed far away. He meant to enjoy this day. And to make sure Nikki enjoyed it too.

  She grabbed him by the arm and shook it impatiently. “Where are we going, Mace?” She’d slipped into the front seat of his Camaro right after he put the top down, and had sat staring at him since he got into the driver’s seat.

  All he said in answer was, “Did you wear your boots?”

  She raised one foot from the floorboard to show him.

  Zero stared into the backseat, “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding.”

  Vegan stood on the passenger side and stared at the miniscule amount of space in the rear of the car. “You’re just going to have to sit close to me. Sorry.” But her voice was cheery as she used one hand to balance and hopped elegantly over the side of the car.

  Nikki twisted. “Hey, I could have leaned forward.”

  “No problem,” Vegan said, obviously delighted at the prospect of sitting so close to Zero. “I’m agile.”

  “Like a gazelle,” Zero mocked, and got in the car after Mace hopped out and tilted the front seat forward.

  All arms and legs — those two are quite cozy back there.

  They would all be headed to Chadwick as soon as Will got into the Jeep in front of them; Vine, Glimmer, and Winter were waiting inside the vehicle for him. Vine, as usual, was passing out candy. He held up the bag and shook it at the crew in the Camaro.

  Mace hollered, “No thanks. We aren’t going too far.”

  “You do know where we’re going. I knew it.” Nikki crossed her arms over her chest in a pout.

  “No, I don’t,” he lied, and fought a grin.

  “You do too. Will had to have told you. You’re driving.”

  Funny, but this morning it was easy to lie to Nikki. “He just said to follow him.”

  “Grrr.” She continued to pout in the passenger seat.

  Zero laughed. “Try a new approach. Growling at him doesn’t seem to be working.”

  Nikki spun toward the backseat. “You must know where we’re all going, Zero. You know everything.”

  Zero puffed out his chest. “So true. Yeah, I know. But I don’t feel like talking.”

  Nikki’s eyes narrowed on him. “Fine. And good, because if you don’t feel like talking that means you feel like shutting up.”

  “Oooooh,” Vegan said. “Someone’s been taking snark lessons.”

  Nikki smiled and nodded her head. She reached and took Mace’s hand in hers and used her free hand to rub his forearm. He knew she hadn’t meant for that to mean anything, but it set his skin on high alert. Nikki was finally happy and so full of nervous, excited energy, it made her hard to resist. His gaze hovered on her, and she must have noticed. She turned to face him, and the intensity of the moment caused the smile to fade from her face. She blinked a few times, then slipped her bottom lip between her teeth and bit down. He fought to keep his breaths even.

  She scooted around, growing uncomfortable. Conversation; they needed conversation to break the thick tension. “I want it to be a surprise. You’re gonna love it.”

  “I don’t really like surprises. Please tell me where we’re going.”

  Right now, he’d give her anything. But if he told her, she’d stop the arm thing, and frankly, it was amazing. “I, uh, told Will I wouldn’t tell.” He cast a glance to her. Big mistake. Her golden eyes were pleading. Did she have any idea what that did to him? Probably.

  Zero leaned forward and struck him on the shoulder. “I told you before, dude. Women are evil.”

  That announcement bought him a solid punch in the arm from Vegan.

  “Oooowww.” Zero rubbed the spot.

  Mace laughed. “We really have to toughen you up, Zero.”

  “I’m only going to give you one more chance to come clean,” Nikki teased, making tiny little swirls on his bicep, causing goose bumps to spread across the tight skin. “Where are we going?”

  He was toast. She’d spent so much time trying to stay away from him and trying to fight their attraction, her uninhibited attack was impossible to resist.

  He turned to face her. With barely a thought, he clamped his hands around her face, pulled her to him, and pressed his lips to hers. At first, she tried to resist, but then she went soft at his touch. Her scent and her response shot through him with the force of a locomotive. As quickly as he’d grabbed and kissed her, he drew away. He left her stunned, mouth still opened slightly and eyes glassy. She blinked. And he knew he should look away, but wasn’t able to abandon the series of emotions playing across her face. Finally, her lungs released a long breath and she closed her mouth. He was left with the thought she’d tasted like vanilla, hint of minty toothpaste, and … love.

  Mace bit his cheeks to keep from smiling. “What were you saying?”

  Her head shook slightly. “I don’t remember.”

  And that simple fact alone made Mace want to bolt out of the car and skyrocket until his wings gave out. One kiss could render her speechless.

  From the backseat, Zero said, “Now that I’m about to lose my breakfast, can we go?”

  Chapter 17

  Will stepped around the side of a large moving truck that blocked a section of the dirt parking lot. He was joking with another man, one Mace said he didn’t recognize, but as the man and Will maneuvered toward the group of teenagers, their conversation ceased.

  Vine pointed when the two men gave the Halflings their attention. “‘Sup with the truck?”

  Mace shrugged. “Dunno.”

  Nikki leaned over, hoping Will and his friend wouldn’t hear. “Do you guys know him?”

  Zero chuckled. He must have been standing right behind her. “Yeah. That’s Will.”

  She turned and raised a fist, and Zero shrunk away, tilting behind Vegan.

  Nikki laughed. “I know who Will is. I meant the other one.”

  They all shook their heads and mumbled about not knowing the guy.

  Moments later that guy was standing before them. “Halflings,” Will said. “This is Thomas Grayber. He needs our help today.”

  Nikki stared at Thomas’s face. Where do I know that name from?

  While she searched her brain for the answer, Will and Thomas were both grinning. Silly, excited grins, like they were in on a secret. Nikki’d had enough secrets and, suddenly, her irritation started to rise.

  Thomas stepped a little closer. “I make motorcycles.”

  Suddenly it clicked. “Grayber motorcycles?”

  “No,” Zero said behind her. “Kawasaki.” As soon as he said it, he ducked behind Vegan for safety.

  The truck engine came to life and an unseen driver pulled away in Extreme Makeover: Home Edition fashion. Behind the truck sat eight beau
tiful new dirt bikes, the fresh paint shimmering like it did on the showroom floors of Grayber’s shops. The pristine machines seemed slightly out of place on the dirt lot with the woods as a backdrop. They should be sitting on shiny marble floors with price tags hanging on them. Oh, who was she kidding? They should be out on trails getting the new worked off. Nikki felt a little gurgle of excitement. Thomas needed their help today? Eight bikes and seven of them. Eight including Will.

  Thomas gave the bikes a long, appreciative look. “Normally, we test out the new line on closed courses at the plant. But, uh, I owe Will a favor, and he said the very best road test would be accomplished right here at Chadwick. That is, if we had the right riders.”

  Will crossed his arms over his massive chest. “You’ve truly shown your ability to work as a team. The boat, the train wreck, the seeker. I’m proud of you.” His gaze went to Nikki. “All of you. I thought it was time for some fun.”

  Nikki’s excitement swelled. She glanced over at Mace and whispered, “Does everyone know how to ride?”

  “Yeah. Part of training as a Halfling.”

  “Training? You can fly.”

  “We can’t always fly in and out of situations. We do have to be more discreet sometimes. Halflings train on bikes and in cars, along with a variety of weapons. We’re pretty well-rounded, but we’re not all as good on a motorcycle as you.” He slipped his hand into hers.

  “Speak for yourself, brother.” The voice came from behind them, and Nikki spun because she thought it sounded like …

  “Raven!” She started to run to him, realized how that would look, and held steady, gripping Mace’s hand for strength.

  Mace nodded over his shoulder toward Raven. “Go on, Nikki. We’re all glad to see him.” He gave her hand a squeeze, then released her.

  Her feet propelled her to Raven, who was already surrounded by the other Halflings. As she stepped closer, Glimmer moved in front of her, blocking her access. Nikki halted just short of running into Glimmer’s back. She hovered there a few moments, feeling foolish — and a little ticked at Glimmer, who’d obviously done it on purpose.


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