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The Alpha's Domination

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “So we know you can feel pleasure as much as the next person. That’s good news, baby, really good news.” He sucked on her earlobe, and she gasped as goosebumps erupted over her arms. The pleasure was sudden, shocking in the intensity. “The only problem is your inability to feel pain.”

  “Does it really matter?” she asked, missing the feel of his lips on hers.

  “Yes, it matters. I don’t want anyone to have you. You’re all mine, and I’m a selfish bastard when I want something.” He pushed some hair off her face. “Do you accept my claim?”

  She stared into her eyes. Her wolf waited for her answer.

  “Yes, I accept your claim.”

  “Then you know I’m going to have to meet your father and mother. They’re going to want to know who I am.”

  “Do we have to talk about this?” she asked, hating the thought of him meeting her mother.

  “I’m not going to push you. We’re not leaving this house for some time. You’re going to tell me the truth whether you like it or not.”

  “This isn’t easy for me,” she said, gritting her teeth. She couldn’t move as he held her tightly, refusing to let her go.

  “And you think this is easy for me? For one year you’ve denied me. I’ve known you were my mate, and you held me back. I’m not going to let you do it again.” He leaned in and kissed her lips. “You’re my mate, my submissive, and I’m going to lay my claim to you but only after I’ve met your family.”

  She didn’t want him to meet her mother. Her mother was awful, vile even.

  He thrust his pelvis against her core. “I think it’s time for that grand tour.” Daniel withdrew from her, and she couldn’t stop the whimper from leaving her lips. He was torturing her on purpose, she was sure.

  “I’m naked, Sir,” she said.

  “Good. I like seeing the beauty of my submissive. You’re truly beautiful, Dawn.” He took her hand within his.

  He’s ours as much as we’re his.

  “This is one of the sitting rooms.” He picked up the remote and pointed it at the screen. “Ah, yes, this is the sports room. The television will only take sports, so no one can complain about what’s on the television.”

  Daniel spent all morning taking her from room to room. She loved the age of the house. He’d kept a great deal of the original design and only changed the colors to make them lighter. The details were beautiful as were the patterns on the ceiling. They moved from room to room, and she was surprised he even had a cinema room. “There was a time when thirty people lived here. My father loved to have the pack around. Over time some of the pack died because of old age and moved away with their mates. I keep everything the same as I love having the pack around, too.”

  “It’s strange not having a pack close by,” she said.

  “I know.” He led the way upstairs toward the first floor where their bedrooms were. After seeing the seventh bedroom, Dawn decided she didn’t need to see all of them. When they were at the attic she smelled the age lying in wait. “I’ve kept a great deal of memories in here.” He led the way into the attic. Inside, Dawn was met by the history of the pack. Pictures of men and women in reserved poses met her. She smiled at the cribs as well. “I slept in this crib,” he said, pressing on the side so the crib rocked.

  “This place is amazing.”

  “You’ve not seen the best part, baby,” he said, taking her hand and leading her away from the attic.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  He didn’t speak as he led her to the kitchen. When he opened the door leading to the garden she froze. Being naked inside the house was different from going outside in the open.

  “I can’t go out there, Sir.” She bowed her head so he’d see she didn’t mean any disrespect.

  “Dawn, we’re over twenty miles from the nearest house. We’re totally alone, and you don’t need to worry about a thing.” He tugged on her hand and wrapped the other around her. “Do you really think I’d let anyone else see you naked?” He took her mouth, plunging his tongue within.

  She moaned, opening up to him.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  Opening her eyes, which she’d closed during his kiss, she stared at him. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He stepped out into the open. She followed him feeling the slight chill in the air.

  “There’s going to be a storm soon,” she said.

  “I know.”

  He led the way down the path, and when they got to the stoned path, Daniel picked her up in his arms to carry her across.

  She let out a squeal, shocked by his strength.

  He’s an alpha. Of course he can lift you.

  “I don’t feel pain, remember,” she said, laughing.

  “I know, but I don’t want to watch you walking across the stones.” He placed her back on her feet once they were on the grass. Daniel took the lead once again walking toward the edge of the water feature. The beauty of the water falling captured her attention. She wondered what it would be like to stand in the water and have it wash over her. Dawn didn’t realize she’d said it out loud until Daniel spoke.

  “Another time,” he said, kissing her. He took her past some of the trees and turned left. She didn’t have a clue where they were going, and she didn’t care.

  Through the cover of trees she saw the small cabin. Daniel walked up the steps, keeping her with him. He took out a key, unlocking the door for her to enter. Again, he flicked the light switch on, bringing light to the dark room. There were no windows, and the privacy was welcome. She rubbed the chill from her arms, even though the weather didn’t bother her.

  “This is my playroom. I guess it’s a play cabin. This is where I train on the equipment. I never want to hurt my submissive.”

  “Have you brought a submissive here?” she asked, staring at the room similar to the one in Kinkster’s. She never thought he’d have a playroom close to the house. Her pussy grew wet at the sight before her.

  “Yes, I’ve brought submissives here. I never expected to find my mate. Since I’ve met you, there hasn’t been any other woman for me.” She turned around and saw him standing with his arms folded. Every time he folded his arms, she was drawn to the thickness of his arms. There was nothing timid or tame about him.

  “There’ve been no other men for me either.” She wasn’t upset that he’d brought other women here. There was no reason for her to be jealous or angry. “Am I your exclusive submissive?” She was putting herself out there even with her problems.

  Chapter Seven

  “Yes, you’re my only submissive, and you’ve been a little disobedient today,” he said, stepping up close to her. She looked up at him and smiled. Her smile had his gut twisting. He couldn’t lose her. She hadn’t opened up about her mother, but she’d told him the truth about her past. Her wolf was happy with the admissions as well. It was a start for both of them.

  In time, Daniel knew he could get her to trust him. Whatever her concern was about her mother, he knew it was possibly the cause of her problem. Female wolves were supposed to be maternal, caring for their young. The way Dawn reacted, he doubted she was ever comforted by her mother. The way she reacted to him combing her hair this morning was another clue. She’d stayed perfectly still, obviously loving the feel of his fingers running through her hair. Did she know how she’d moaned and when he took a little time between strokes, she’d whimpered as if he left her? There was so much going on inside her head, and Daniel knew there was a lot of work ahead of him.

  “Present to me,” he said, watching her go to her knees, opening them wide for him to see her pussy. He took a seat in front of her, far enough away to see the lips of her sex glistening. She was truly beautiful. His dark, submissive beauty waiting for him to punish her.

  His cock thickened, making it uncomfortable for him. He moved in his seat in an attempt to relieve the ache in his pants.

  “Several times you addressed me without using my title.” He stared around the room, w
ondering what he should do to tease her.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she said.

  “Good, I don’t need to hear your apologies. You’re going to be punished, but I believe you’ve been pushing me to use my hand on you.” He ran a finger across his lip, curious as to what he should do. This was their first time truly alone with many toys at his disposal. In the club they may have seemed alone, but in truth, they were never alone. His pack would have come to her if she showed any signs of distress. They knew he had struggled not to claim her, and he’d asked Jake to interfere if it ever came down to it. Fortunately, it never happened as he’d always been in control. This time, he was in complete control of her, and she was at his mercy.

  “What is your safe word?” he asked.


  “Good. Do not use it unless you wish the scene to end. You know how to get me to slow down, so I expect you to caution me when I’m going too far.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He doubted she’d ever use a caution or a safe word during a scene, and that alone concerned him. “I want you to get up and go to the bed. Lie down on your back and open your thighs wide.”

  She did as he instructed. He admired the rounded curves of her ass as she moved away from him. Fuck, she made him ache with need.

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Daniel moved to his display of toys. He had a selection of whips, canes, and paddles. He personally liked the cane. A long strip of leather with a small loop at the end was his favorite. He loved the sound of it as he brought it down on her flesh. The other tool he liked to use was his hand. The sting of his palm let him know that he was punishing his submissive properly. The last thing he needed was for his submissive to believe he was getting weak.

  He decided to take the cane, a set of nipple clamps, and a brand new dildo. After he brought new submissives to his room he always made sure to use new equipment.

  Placing the devices within easy reach he knelt down in front of her. He took hold of one of her ankles and picked up the silk tie connected to the post of the bed. Securing the silk around her ankle, he made sure it was tight enough to keep her secure but not so tight that it would damage her skin. There was no need to worry about pain with her, but he would always be cautious. Once he was happy with the first ankle he did the same to the second.

  Kneeling back, he admired her flesh against the red silk. Perfection.

  “Bring your head forward.” She did as he asked, and he drew the length of her hair above her head. He secured the length with a clip he kept in his pants pocket. The strands were all out of his way exposing her sweet neck. “Beautiful.” He cupped the back of her neck, tilting her head back. Claiming her lips, he slid his tongue into her open mouth. Her taste was amazing, and he could spend the whole day kissing her.

  The mating heat began to build inside him, and he moaned as a fresh wave of pleasure struck him. His cock hurt him with how swollen he’d gotten.

  Leaving the kiss, he glided his hand down to circle one hard nipple. Once again he went to his knees, bringing the clamps within easy reach. He didn’t speak as he stared at the heavy weight of her tits with the brown tips of her nipples. Daniel was lost when he stared at her. She was exquisite. He didn’t know how any man could have hurt her.

  Our mate. We can protect and help her.

  Daniel was never going to turn his back on his woman. If he couldn’t help her with her inability to feel pain, he’d spend the rest of his life protecting her. He’d find other wolves with the same problem to see how they coped.

  He sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, moaning as the hard bud filled his mouth. Opening the clamp he pulled away to see her nipple rock hard. He secured the clamp onto her nipple, and she gasped.

  “How does it feel, pet?” he asked.

  “It feels amazing. I’ve never…” She released a groan as he teased her clit.

  “No pain?”

  “No pain but it feels nice.” Her sensors accepted pleasure, yet they denied pain.

  Moving onto the next nipple, he did the same, relishing the sound of her gasp as he secured the clamp. She arched up against him, begging for more without saying a word.

  “Lie back,” he said. She lowered down to the bed. Her chest heaved with her indrawn breathes. Daniel got to his feet and found the silk binds to secure her wrists. He caught her gaze with his own. Her eyes were wide as she looked back at him. Neither of them spoke a word as he placed the silk around her wrist. He moved onto the next wrist and secured the last. There was no need for him to tighten the restraints as he wanted her at the end of the bed within easy reach.

  He knelt between her thighs, grabbing the cane along with the dildo he’d brought with him. She stayed still, and he ran his hands up and down her body, watching her shudder and shake from his touch.

  Her wolf was lax waiting for him to make his next move. Daniel smiled. He was more than prepared to take Dawn and her wolf. Under his care she’d flourish like the amazing beauty she was.

  Opening her thighs, he stared at her creamy cunt feeling his mouth water for a taste of her. Her wet cunt was on display waiting for his toys. Closing the distance between them, he sealed his lips over her cunt sucking on the nub.

  She cried out, jerking on the restraints. He slapped her thigh, glaring at her. “I told you to stay lying down.”

  Dawn went back to the bed, her body shaking as he went back to sucking on her clit. She continued to moan, and her legs shook beneath his. He gripped her thigh hard, adding to the sensation he was creating. She couldn’t feel pain yet she could feel his touch, and he intended to use it all to his advantage. There wasn’t enough touch between them to bring her to orgasm. He continued to grip her thigh repeatedly in different areas, constantly touching and stroking her.

  Cream spilled from her pussy, coating his mouth, and he drank her up.

  Reaching for the dildo, he replaced his tongue with the fake cock. He ran the tip of the fake cock through her slit coating it with her cream. Once the dildo was covered he worked the tip down to her cunt. Picking up the cane, he watched her response. Dawn was staring at the plain ceiling. He wondered if she liked the mirror above her bed or if she hated it.

  Pushing the cock into her pussy he brought the cane down onto her leg. She cried out, and he did it again working the cane on her thighs. He didn’t go anywhere near her pussy or body. Daniel watched her responses, cautious in his hits. The clamps were biting down on her nipples but not drawing any blood, each item creating a different sensation that wasn’t pain, but it was something.

  When she was at the peak about to fall into orgasm, he withdrew the fake cock and stepped away from her.

  “Sit up,” he said, kneeling back on the floor. He removed one clamp then the other, paying careful attention to each bite. Daniel sucked on the flesh of her nipples, cautious in his ministrations. The clamps had been on her body for some time. Satisfied that he hadn’t broken the skin, he took the toys toward the sink.

  He sensed her confusion, and he smiled. Didn’t she realize there were sweeter, easier ways to punish her rather than to cause her immense pain? There was no punishment in trying to cause her pain. She couldn’t feel it.

  Washing the toys in anti-bacterial soap, he dried them and placed them back in their place. He released her from the binds that kept her to the bed.

  “Sir, have I done anything to upset you?” she asked.

  Kissing her head, he leaned in close to her ear. “It’s your punishment, Dawn. You’re not going to be coming for the rest of the day, but that’s not going to stop me from touching or playing with you.”

  She stayed on the floor in her submissive pose while he grabbed the bed sheets. Part of him didn’t want to leave the room while another knew he needed to prove to her how far he could go.

  His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking the device out he saw a text was left from Jake.

  Jake: Doc’s here. He wants to see you. I’
m at the gate.

  “We’ve got to head back home.” He waited for her to get to her feet, and he wrapped the blanket around her body.

  “Have I upset you, Sir?” she asked. Her lip wobbled as he secured the blanket around her.

  “You’ve not upset me. I’m giving you some much needed privacy. I’ve got a friend waiting at the gate. I promised you that no one but me will see you naked, and I intend to deliver.” He took her hand. “The moment they’re gone I’ll be having you naked once again.”

  Daniel led her back to the house. He smelled Jake on the air, and he noticed Dawn smelled the air as well.

  “You’ve brought the Doc here?”

  “How do you know the Doc?” he asked, letting her lack of address slip. She was worried. Her wolf started to pace a little unsure about what was happening.

  “He visited a wolf in distress during pregnancy.” Dawn stopped in the garden. “Why’s he here?”

  “I’ve brought him here to see me. He won’t know it’s you.”

  “He will. How can you cover my scent? Shit, he can probably already smell me.”

  Daniel tightened his hand on hers, holding her tightly. “Pet, look at me. Look into my eyes.” He waited for her to pause before he continued. “I’ll never let anything happen to you. If your pack finds out we’ll know who told. Don’t worry, I promise your secret is more than safe.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.


  “There’s no reason for you to leave. Come on, we’ll go and meet the Doc together.”


  Dawn’s wolf paced as they made their way around the front of the house. The blanket pooled around her legs, and she gripped the bottom so she didn’t trip up or fall over. Daniel didn’t move too fast, so she was able to keep up with each of his steps.

  It took several minutes of walking before the gate came into view. She recognized Doc immediately. The other man she remembered from the club but didn’t know who he was.

  “Hello, Jake,” Daniel said.

  “Are we interrupting?” Jake asked, looking at her. She smelled Daniel on the other man, and she knew he was part of the pack.


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