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The Alpha's Domination

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Daniel dropped his head, licking from the entrance of her pussy up to her clit.

  “No, Daniel, Sir, I need you inside me, please. I love your tongue, but I need to feel you.” She tugged on his hair, stopping him from licking her.

  Getting to his feet, he stared down into her eyes. “You want my cock inside you?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, Sir, I need you.” She ran her hands down the front of his shirt moving to his cock. He captured her hand stopping her from touching him.

  He wanted inside her more than anything. Tugging his shirt over his head he threw the offending material away from him.

  Dawn clawed at his jeans, tearing open the button trying to get the jeans free. He chuckled at her need for him. His wolf was ready to take her and claim her for his own.

  Not yet. We’ll claim her at the right time.

  Wrapping his arm around her back he drew her closer and slammed his lips down on hers. She released his jeans, to grip his arms, moaning as he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

  He moved down from her lips to her neck, sucking on the rapidly beating pulse. Daniel unbuttoned his jeans and shimmied them down his thighs. His cock stood out, long, hard, and proud. Fisting his length, he worked down her body to suck onto each nipple. Her fingers sank into his hair, pushing her chest out toward him.

  “Please,” she said, begging.

  Daniel touched her pussy, pressing a finger deep into her core. She gripped him tightly, and he pushed a second finger within her. They both moaned as her pussy rippled around him.

  He removed his finger, sucking the cream from it. “You taste so fucking good.”

  Gripping his shaft, he ran the tip through her slit, coating his cock with her cream. Only when he was satisfied that the length of him was coated did he slide to her entrance.

  “This may sting a little,” he said.

  “I can’t feel pain, remember?” She shot him a wicked smile.

  Pushing only the tip of his cock within her, he placed his hands on her hips. “Still, you’re going to feel full.”

  She licked her lips. Her tongue peeked out, begging to be sucked or bit.

  “How do you know you’re that big?” she asked. He smiled, and instead of answering her, he slammed to the hilt inside her, giving her all of him without letting up.

  Dawn cried out, arching up as he penetrated her pussy. Staring down at where they were joined, he was amazed at how she opened up to take him. His cock filled her tiny pussy. Each ripple and pulse fluttered along his shaft.

  He kissed her tits moving up to claim her mouth, which was open from the scream.

  “Okay,” she said. “I believe you’re that big.”

  She was the first woman to take the full length of his cock without complaint. Staring down at his woman, his mate, Daniel was completely lost. She was his other half, the woman by his side, and they’d be strong together. He loved her with all of his heart and soul.

  “You’re mine,” he said, laying his claim. He pressed a hand to her heart, feeling her beat. “I’m going to claim you, and the pack is going to accept you as my mate.”

  “Yes, Daniel. My Master.”

  He pulled out of her tight heat, watching his cock appear slick with her cream. Daniel didn’t get all the way out of her until he was slamming back inside, relishing her sweet screams.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard on this desk and then I’m going to fuck you all the way upstairs until we get to our bed. I’m going to love you for the rest of this day, and tonight, we’re going to run together.” He swiveled his hips, hitting the g-spot deep inside her.

  Their cries mingled on the air as he took her hard on the desk. He sucked on her nipples before taking her lips with his.

  “Touch me.”

  She gripped his arms tightly as he rode her body. He wrapped his arms around her body and picked her up. In the next second he had her pressed against the wall. Dawn held him tighter, and he took her lips, slamming his tongue into her mouth, matching the strokes of his cock in her pussy.

  Being inside her was much better than he ever imagined.


  Dawn held onto her mate, the love of her life, as he drove inside her. His thick cock filled her up, and there was no choice but for her to accept his loving. She kissed him back, meeting his tongue with her own.

  For a year you’ve denied this.

  She felt like an idiot for making them both wait. They were more explosive than she ever imagined. His nails sank into the flesh of her back, delighting her with the passion he was showing.

  “So fucking close.” He plunged inside her. She broke away from the kiss and rested her head against his neck. Dawn licked the flesh over his pulse as he rammed home, getting close to orgasm.

  “Finger your clit, baby. I need you to come.”

  She reached between her thighs and stroked her clit, crying out at the instant shot of pleasure that struck her. Pinching her clit, she bit down on his neck wanting to mark his pale skin.

  “That’s it, baby, leave your mark on my skin.” He rode her harder still. He stroked her clit as she felt the beginning of her orgasm start to build.

  Releasing his neck, she threw her head back erupting onto his cock as her release crashed over her. Daniel growled, sealing his lips over her neck and biting down. He broke the skin and started to swallow down her blood.

  His cum filled her pussy along with his mating heat. If any wolf was to get close to her now they’d smell Daniel all over her. She cried out as he took enough of her blood so he smelled like her. The start of their mating had just begun.

  After several seconds passed, Daniel released the bite, licking the wounds as he retracted his canine teeth. She let out a sigh and rested her head on his chest, taking several deep breaths as she did.

  “There’s no stopping it now, baby. We’re going to be together.”

  “I’ve got no problem with that. I don’t think I can move,” she said. Her head was swimming, and she moaned as her neck started to ache.

  She pressed a hand to her neck groaning.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, concern filling his voice.

  “I don’t know.” She withdrew her hand to see some blood on her hands. Dawn frowned. “I think, I think it hurts.” She rubbed the blood between her fingers before going back to cup her neck.

  “What do you mean?”

  Dawn winced as Daniel moved, and his cock withdrew from her pussy.

  “Ow!” Her pussy was tender but in a nice way. “I think I can feel pain.”

  He took a step back, staring at her as she looked up at him. Daniel lowered her to her feet, and she would have collapsed in a heap if he hadn’t caught her.

  “You can feel pain? What hurts?” He held her close to him and looked over her body, taking plenty of care as he touched her.

  “My neck, it stings where you bit me, and my pussy is a little tender. Could it be the mating or something else?” she asked. Was the feeling temporary?

  She didn’t care if it was temporary or not. For the first time in over eleven years she felt something.

  “The mating has started, and you’re able to feel. If we complete the mating it could help with your ability to feel pain, not that you want to feel too much pain.” Daniel lifted her up in his arms and carried her upstairs toward their bedroom.

  “I thought we were going to fuck our way up to our room,” she said, smiling.

  “We’ll fuck soon. I want to take care of you first. This is my right as your mate.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him. “You know, you don’t need to protect me from everything. I’m not that fragile.”

  He placed her on the bed and left her to go through to the bathroom. She felt his cum leaking out of and stood up before she made a mess of the bed. Daniel appeared several seconds later with steam coming out of the bathroom.

  “Our bath awaits.”

  Again, he carried her through to the bathroom and eased
her into the warm soapy water. He climbed in beside her, wrapping his arms around her body. She ended up in his lap with his flaccid cock resting between the cheeks of her ass.

  “I think you’re doing this on purpose,” she said, leaning against him. His rock hard body met her back, surrounding her.

  His arms, twice the size of hers, wrapped around her body securing her to him. “I love you, baby,” he said.

  She gasped, glancing toward him. “What?”

  “You heard me. I’m in love with you and have been for a long time. I not only want you as my mate, Dawn, I want you as my wife.” He cupped her cheek, turning her to look at him. “Tell me you’ll marry me.”

  His proposal took her by surprise.

  “You still want to marry me even knowing what you know about me?”

  “Yes, baby. I want to marry you. Not only do I want to marry you but I also want you to have my children and grow old with me.” He dropped a kiss to her nose. His thumb stroked her cheek.

  “I love you, too.” She smiled up at him. “I want to be your woman in every sense of the word.” Dawn reached up to cup his cheek. “Kiss me.”

  He leaned down, and she moved up to meet him half way. When their lips locked, electricity ran up and down her body. She was drawn to him, and her wolf wanted out to have a taste.

  She spun in his arms deepening the kiss. His hands held onto her back, and she opened her eyes to see their reflections in the mirror. They were beautiful, or at least she thought they were beautiful together. Her darker skin stood out against his pale skin. He was larger than she was, but together, the sight took her breath away.

  Daniel pulled away.

  “No, we’re not going to fuck in the tub. I’m going to wash your body and then we’ll fuck.”

  He wouldn’t budge even as she cupped his rock hard cock. Daniel slapped her hands away, warning her of a severe punishment if she didn’t listen to him. She enjoyed his attention and the way he bathed her.

  The love he showed touched her deeply, and she never wanted it to end.

  When he finished, he pulled out the plug and made her stand up.

  He held a towel for her to step into.

  “I love you, Sir.”

  “You’re not getting my cock until I’m good and ready.”

  They walked into the bedroom together. Daniel dried his body, and the sight of his muscles rippling was enough to make her mouth water.

  He dried her body when he was finished with his own.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked, touching her body as he continued to use the towel.

  “Nothing. I’m happy. It has been so long since I’ve been happy it just feels strange. I’m waiting for something bad to happen.”

  He caught her to him, pressing his forehead against hers. “I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. You’re not going back home without me, especially if you can feel pain again. You’re mated now, and your father’s got no excuse to keep you at him.” Packs were more possessive of their children. Unless the children were mated, parents expected their children to stay close to home. Her mother couldn’t get rid of her without her father knowing the truth.

  “She won’t harm me around my dad.”

  “Baby, you’ve already told me more than once that he’s not always around. I’m not risking it. We’ll go to your dad’s soon.”

  Dawn wanted to go to her father right away with the news. She didn’t want to dispute or argue with Daniel’s claiming. The love she felt for him was consuming, soul deep, and that kind of love couldn’t be pushed aside for anything. Once her mother saw that she had no more hold over her, everything would be over. Daniel was her Dom and Master.

  “Do you want to meet all of the pack before we go to your father’s or after?” he asked.

  “Before. We need to know they’re happy with you taking me as your mate.”

  “I wouldn’t care what they thought, Dawn. I care about my pack, but you’re my mate. I’m not going to let them decide for me.” He squeezed her ass. “Now, before we go and get something to eat I’m going to be inside you again.”

  With his grip on her ass, he lifted her up and tossed her to the bed. She let out a little squeal, giggling as Daniel followed her down.

  “Now, I wonder if I can have you screaming in pleasure in no time.”

  She opened her legs not prepared to argue with his skill.

  Daniel skimmed his hands up the inside of her thighs to rest on her pussy. He slid a finger within her core, spreading the digits out to stretch her. Dawn moaned, loving the thickness of his fingers but wishing it was his cock instead. He moved from her cunt to stroke her clit.

  She whimpered as the pleasure took her by surprise.

  He’d brought her to orgasm less than half an hour ago, and already she was begging for a second. Daniel showed no signs of slowing down. His own orgasm of thirty minutes ago hadn’t stopped him from getting hard once again.

  “I’m going to fuck you hard and have you screaming my name.” He spoke the words as a promise more than anything else.

  “Please,” she said, begging him. Daniel pinched her clit with his nails, and the pain was instant as was her arousal. She’d never felt something so amazing before in her life as the jolt of pain enhancing the pleasure he was creating with his fingers.

  “You feel that?”

  “Yes, don’t stop please.”

  One of his hands left her leg, and the next second she felt his cock at her entrance. He eased the first inch within her as he pinched and tapped her clit.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he said, growling the words against her lips. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, biting on the flesh. Each little jolt of pain heightened her pleasure. “I can smell you, Dawn. You’re so aroused, and you can feel the pain.”

  “Yes, it feels so good. Please, don’t stop, Sir.” She didn’t mind begging so long as he never stopped what he was doing. Dawn didn’t want this kind of pleasure to end.

  He slammed within her and continued to pinch her clit. She closed her eyes, relishing each new sensation as he fucked and loved her body hard. She gripped his arms, wanting everything he had to offer.

  Mates, lovers, marriage.

  She was going to have it all with him. No more fear or worry when it came to her future and knowing that excited her. She thrust up to meet him, fucking his cock as he pounded inside her. He released her clit to grip her hips. There was nowhere else for her to go. She rode him as hard as he rode her.

  The connection between their wolves opened up, and Dawn felt him. It was the strangest experience in her life but she felt Daniel, his wolf, his feelings.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Do you feel that? Our wolves crave each other the same way we do. This is what was supposed to happen.”

  “Yes,” she said, responding to his words. Their wolves were destined for each other. She felt it deep in her soul. Daniel wasn’t only her mate, her Master, and the man she loved, he was her soul mate, the one born to match her in all things.

  When their orgasms came, it was explosive. She wrapped her body around him, holding him tightly as their bodies pulsed together, awakened by their new connection for each other.

  His cum filled her as she washed his cock with her own. Their minds mingled together, coming almost as one.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, feeling so much more from being with him.

  “We’re mating and bonding, baby. This is what it means to be a true alpha couple.”

  She’d found the one, and no matter what it took, Dawn was never going to let him go.

  Chapter Nine

  Daniel watched as Dawn blew across her coffee. They were going out for a run shortly, but she’d tried to swallow down the hot liquid he gave her. She’d screamed in pain and now was having to blow before sipping the steaming coffee. Their bond was helping to secure the feelings that had gotten lost during her transition.

  “What did your mom do to you during your first tra
nsition?” he asked. He was sitting on the table beside her, resting his feet on the chair as he stared. “I know you don’t want to remember those kinds of memories, but I think it will do you good.”

  She took another hesitant sip of her drink. “This is strange for me,” she said. “I’ve never had to be overly cautious before. I like it.”

  He waited knowing it was taking her some time to compose herself.

  “Dad was busy handling a pack dispute over some woman or something. I don’t know exactly what, but he wasn’t around. Mom made some excuse, and I was taken into the woods where our pack is close. All packs are near some areas that allow us to run freely.”

  The newly opened connection between them allowed him to sense the pain within her, the emotional pain she kept locked up when it came to her parent. “What happened?”

  “Before the transition happened she ordered everyone to stay clear of the woods because I was going to be there. We were alone, and she chained me to a tree using thick silver chains. The pain was unlike anything I can remember. There were times I thought she hated me, and in that moment, I knew she did. She despised me because I posed a threat to her. I don’t know how or even why I posed a threat, but she made sure I knew how much she hated me.” She pushed some hair that had fallen off her face.

  Anger spread throughout him imagining a young, terrified girl as she was going through her first transition.

  “She kept me there, watching as my bones broke. There was no help or comfort. She watched, taunting me and my wolf, breaking me down. I don’t know why she was so determined to make my wolf terrified of her.”

  “Did your mother win her role within the pack, or was it natural?” he asked.

  “She fought to be the strongest female, and she trains daily to make sure no one can defeat her.”

  He rubbed his temples. “In rare cases a young wolf born to an alpha male and a strong female can inherit alpha traits that mean when she’s fully transitioned, her wolf will fight to take her place as head alpha female or could even be voted to take the place as alpha female. In some packs, the alpha pair doesn’t have to be mated.”


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