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Fake It 'Til You Break It

Page 21

by Brandy, Meagan

  I sigh. “Why do guys suck?”

  “Because it’s the only way they know how to work the clit from the outside.”

  The three of us bust up laughing while Macy smiles, proud of herself.

  “I’m so drunk,” Krista hiccups. “And hungry. Are you guys hungry?”

  “Starved.” I blink several times, following the lights of a plane flying overhead.

  “What did Nico do, Demi?”

  Made me believe in us.

  “He kissed me.”

  Carley and Macy push up on their elbows while Krista’s head snaps my way.

  “I’m confused.” Carley tries to frown.

  I groan, closing my eyes. “So am I! My boyfriend is supposed to kiss me, right?”

  “I think she’s trashed,” Macy says.

  “She’s definitely trashed.” Krista yawns. “And I’m definitely dying from starvation.”

  “Let’s finish the walk to the country club. We can charge some shit to my mom’s account,” Carley says.

  We all agree, but nobody moves, and a few minutes later we’re chuckling for no reason, but mine dies when a familiar face is suddenly glaring down at me.

  “I think I’m having a nightmare,” I whisper.

  The girls chuckle, then open their eyes.

  Macy screams before she rolls over laughing at herself and Carley groans, throwing an arm over her face.

  Nico looks left so my eyes follow, finding Trent glowering at Krista the same, but she only smiles up at him.

  When she lifts her arms like a child, his grin breaks free and he sighs, bending to pick her up off the grass. She wraps her arms around his neck, then looks at us. “I solved our food dilemma. No more apocalypse.”

  I push onto my elbows, but my head starts pounding and I fall back slightly, blinking hard.

  Nico grips my arms, stupid flat expression on his handsome asshole face. “You good?”

  My eyes search his, and the ache in my chest comes back harder than earlier. I tug free and have Carley help instead. It’s not the best idea, but it works.

  Nico stays bent on one knee, glare pointed my way, while I attempt helping Macy stand. Neither of us are steady on our feet and we stumble, but Nico’s reflexes are sharp, and he’s able to grab ahold of us both before we fall.

  Macy looks up at him, letting out a whimsical sigh. “You should share, Demi.”

  “Sharing would imply he’s actually mine,” I murmur, and Nico’s glare cuts to me.

  My eyes widen and I cut a quick glance to Macy who, luckily, is already headed for Trent’s truck.

  I shrug away from Nico, following my friends.

  “My truck is behind his.” His words are a firm warning, one I choose to ignore.

  “Might wanna move it before he hits you then,” I say over my shoulder, dragging my ass in with the girls while Trent drops Krista in the front and shuts the door to talk to Nico.

  “You mad at me, Demi?” Krista asks as she attempts to put on her seatbelt.

  “Yes.” I drop my head back. “But if you feed me, I’ll forgive you.”

  She yawns. “Deal.”

  Trent hops in a moment later, announcing we’re following Nico to his house to drop off his truck before we find somewhere to eat, and within minutes, my friends are climbing into the third row, my fake boyfriend who I thought real kissed me has weaseled his way to my side.

  He wraps an arm around me, and I attempt to slide away, but freeze when his lips brush my ear.

  “We haven’t ended this.” His words are a harsh whisper. “You said you aren’t mine, I heard you loud and fuckin’ clear, but to them you are, so act like it or I’ll make sure everyone knows what we’re really doing.”

  I jerk my head toward him, glaring at those deceitful lips. “And what are we really doing, Nico?” I hiss, my gaze snapping to his. “Because I’m not even sure anymore.”

  “What does that mean?” he hisses right back, frustration burning deep in his tone.

  But his eyes...

  A powerless pain.

  I don’t understand you, Neek.

  “Where should we go?” Trent’s voice breaks through our hushed conversation.

  I clear my throat, facing forward.

  “Oh, let’s go to the place we used to eat at every Friday night before they kicked us out!” Krista shouts.

  “No way! They’ll recognize us,” Carley says.

  “Yeah right. We were flat chested, brace-faced kids. Besides, no way it’s the same workers there!” Krista adds.

  Trent meets my eyes in the rearview mirror. “Dem? You good with that?”

  I pop a shoulder. “Go for it. This day sucks as it is, can’t possibly get worse.”

  Nico shakes his head, tears his arm from around me and lets it fall to his lap. He scowls out his window the entire twenty minute drive to Downtown Daisy, the small diner in town and the only place open around the clock.

  We’re seated almost instantly, choosing the open picnic area on the back lit patio instead of in the main room.

  Krista laughs, knocking her shoulder into mine as she drops beside me. “I told you!” She grins. “And we haven’t been here since sophomore year!”

  “Think of all the pancakes we’ve missed. Sad face.” Macy pouts playfully.

  “Ohhh shit.” Carley drags out each word, her wide eyes glued to the screen of her phone.

  Macy scoots over to get a glimpse, a smile spreading across her face, and Krista snags it from her hand next.

  The boys drop across from us, eyeing them suspiciously.

  “What is it?” Trent asks.

  Krista’s smirk bounces from him to Nico and then lands on me. “Please tell me this isn’t why you’re mad at the boy, looks like he did good.”

  “What are you talking about?” My eyes fall to the phone when she tucks it to her chest. “Wait, is that my phone?”

  She nods, wiggling her brows as she turns the screen toward me.

  She presses play right as I snag it from her.

  Soft music sounds, but the screen is dark, and then slowly the image comes into focus.

  The camera zooms out, and there we are, me and Nico in the school studio.

  The lens focuses on the two of us right as I lock my feet around him, our bodies moving against each other’s, my hands latched tight on his arms while his are gripping my thighs. A moan follows, my moan.

  Trent’s “what the fuck?” has my eyes snapping up.

  I fumble with the phone, quickly turning off the sound and lowering it to my side.

  “What is that?” Nico drags every word out slowly.

  A slow sweat breaks across the nape of my neck at his heated tone, and I shake my head.

  Krista snatches it back, wobbly on her feet as she jumps off the seat, Macy just as unsteady, joining her.

  “You guys!” I shout.

  Krista leaves the volume down but grins at the screen. Macy just as excited beside her and I swear my face burns bright red.

  I chance a glance at Nico, who is still glaring right at me.

  Did we really kiss that long?

  “Wait...” Macy says, taking the phone from Krista. “Alex sent this to you?” She looks up, lowering it to her side. “I don’t get it...”

  “Demi,” Nico calls sharply. “What the fuck is that?”

  My muscles lock, and I jolt when the table bounces with Nico’s quick shoot up.

  He has the phone in his tight grip before I even move.

  He’s shaking, trying to open it but the password is back on and he doesn’t know the code like the girls do.

  He stalks toward me, holding it out in front of my face so facial recognition opens it for him, and I just stand there and let him.

  His lip curls, disgust and fury burning across his face.

  He holds my gaze a moment longer before stepping back and forcing himself to glance to the screen. He presses play.

  Everyone is quiet, looking on as he views the video of us, me so lost
in his touch I had no clue it was all for show, or that we were being recorded.

  I’m mortified, my stomach is in knots and I want to run away.

  Slowly, Nico lowers the phone, confusion blanketing his features. “I don’t...” He trails off.

  “Oh my god!” Carley’s eyes cut to mine a moment, before returning to him. “You heard the moan on the video, heard Alex is the one who sent it, and then what? Gave yourself two seconds to jump to the conclusion it was of her and him fucking around?”

  My eyes fly to Nico’s, a tight pinch in my brow.

  He ignores her and everyone around us.

  His breaths are coming quicker now, and he edges toward me. “You... all that shit after, it was because of that?” he rasps, almost so low I miss it.

  I don’t.

  I can’t admit to it, right?

  What right do I have to get mad over him doing what I agreed he could, making me want his touch, making others believe in the lie?

  Making me believe?

  He keeps coming for me, and I can’t move.

  Carley snatches the phone from his hand and he lets her, not once turning away.

  Nico’s palms land on the sides of my face, eyes moving between mine. “You saw him standing at the door,” he says for only me to hear.

  It’s not a question, but I nod anyway.

  “You thought that was for him.”

  My gut tightens, my face wrenching up at his words.

  He dips the few inches needed to make us at eye level. “Listen to me, right fuckin’ now. He is the last motherfucker on this planet I would ever... ever want to see you like that.”

  My hands come up to cover his. “Don’t lie to lie,” I whisper.

  His eyes glance to the side, remembering we have an audience who has no idea what’s really going on between us.

  What is going on between us?

  Nico walks me a few feet away.

  He slides his hands into my hair, tipping my head so he can whisper to me.

  “I was fucked up all day after what happened with Miranda.” He steps closer, letting out a long breath. “I got kicked out of my game tonight.”

  “You did?”

  He nods. “Couldn’t keep my cool knowing we were fucked up.” His eyes stare into mine. “I don’t wanna be fucked up, D,” he admits.

  Me either.

  “I went to the roof to breathe a minute,” he tells me. “To think. I found your drink, and knew you came even though you were mad, so I went to find you.”

  My chest inflates with a deep inhale, waiting for more.

  “You were dancin’, killin’ me with that body I can’t stop thinking about, and I fuckin’ snapped. I had to feel you, kiss you. So I did, and the only thing on my mind when you were against me was how to get closer. There was no show. No plot.” His lips press down at the hollow of my ear, and my eyes squeeze shut. “Me and you,” he rasps. “That’s what that was. If he showed up, if anyone showed up, I had no clue. I kissed you because I had to, Pixie. Wanted to. Plain and fuckin’ simple.”

  My muscles tense a moment before a light zing runs down my spine.

  I pull back.

  His eyes are open and honest and laser focused on mine. “I don’t want your lies. I want your all.”

  An airiness takes over my chest, a light pull at something deep within me the longer I stare. I drop my hands from him and a frown creeps over him.

  I take a step back, heat spreading up my body as I whisper, “Prove it.”

  Confusion etches across his face before that slow, sexy smirk, takes over and all that’s left is determination.

  Nico grips my hand, ready to yank me away when suddenly the video is playing again, louder this time.

  My moan echoes around us.

  “Oh my god.” I cover my face.

  Nico whips around. “What the hell, man?”

  My eyes pop open as Nico tugs my phone from Trent’s grasp, and the girls, all three huddled around him pull back with drunken giggles.

  All three tease by doing awful, drunken slutty dance moves, then drop onto the bench seat.

  “You guys are assholes.” I laugh lightly, stepping toward the bench, but Nico pulls my arms, so I turn back.

  He eyes me skeptically, his arms gingerly sliding around my waist as he pulls me into him. “We good?”

  Can we be more than good?

  Can we be real?

  I confirmed I was upset because I thought he only kissed me so someone else would see, for the sake of the stupid deal we made that states he’s not really mine nor am I his.

  How long before he reads into that for what it is?

  How long before he realizes I want to be an us?

  “Don’t, D,” he whispers, and my eyes fly back to his. “Don’t think.”

  Don’t think.

  Don’t think...

  Fuck it.

  “I don’t want him anymore.” The words fly from me before I can stop them.

  Fully and completely, every muscle in his body locks and my stomach begins to stir.

  Holy shit, I said it. It’s out.

  “What?” His tone is harsh, but I know it’s not coming from anger.

  “Alex,” I admit quietly. “I don’t want him. I can’t even remember why I ever did.”

  His grip on me tightens, a heavy sense of possession radiating from him to me, warming my body from the inside out. “Don’t play, baby.”

  “Tell me I am,” I rasp.

  When his brows dip, I continue.

  “Your baby.” My eyes hit his. “For reals, not for fakes. For keeps, not for now.”

  The heavy thump of his heart beats against my hand, and I flatten my palm there, not wanting to miss the way it’s climbing.

  “Pixie.” He leans in, brushing his lips over mine. “You are. You’ve been,” he stresses. “Even when you had no fuckin’ clue... you were my baby.”

  He kisses me, and the overbearing weight on my shoulders lifts.


  That’s what I am.

  He pulls back the slightest bit, whispering into my ear. “And in case there’s room for question, let me clear it up for you. You’re mine, D, and I’m yours. That’s as real as it gets.”


  Since Friday night, Nico hasn’t stopped touching me when he’s near, and he makes sure he constantly is. It’s like when he teased before about getting to be the possessive boyfriend and keeping me within reach, that’s exactly what he’s doing.

  He’ll go from holding my hand to moving my hair, touching my waist or arms, anything.

  Today, we’re at Caper Cliffs, rock jumping and barbecuing, so it’s been snapping the strap of my bikini top or running his palms across my arms, but this afternoon’s touches are lingering, slow and far more deliberate.

  It could be because we’re basically naked in nothing but swimsuits, so the heat of his body radiates to mine even more than normal or maybe I’m imagining the lasting effect of his fingertips because I want them to drag a little lower and stay there for a while.

  “Girl,” Macy whispers in my ear. “You need to stop, take a dip in the water, something.”

  My frown finds her.

  She rolls her eyes. “Your lady boner is showing so hard right now, and don’t look, but the little bit of padding your suit top has isn’t hiding the rocks poking out behind them.”

  I can’t help it and a loud laugh leaves me, gaining the attention of the others climbing on the rocks to the side of us.

  Carley shakes her head, shouting, “What crazy shit is she whispering to you over there, Demi?!”

  I give a playful shrug, and the others smile. “Ah, nothing that isn’t true.”

  Macy and I laugh, and like I knew he would, Nico jumps down off the rocks and stalks my way. Shirtless, trunks hanging nice and low over those magical hipbones.

  Hipbones I have a sudden urge to trace with my fingertips.

  It really is too damn bad our friends didn’t take the hint w
hen we tried to sneak ahead of everyone to higher ground for some privacy, but no. Suddenly they were all eager to start jumping and came with.

  The only person who stayed down at the bottom is Trent so he could get the barbecue going.

  “Do I go or do you need me to stay and be the fire extinguisher?” she whispers.

  I laugh, pushing to my feet and dust off my ass.

  Nico slides up, raising an expectant brow at Macy who winks and takes the spot I vacated.

  His attention shifts to me, and he moves in, planting his hands on my bare ribs.

  Always touching.

  “What’d I miss?” he asks.

  “Oh, you know, Macy being Macy, and advising I jump into the water before I... jump on you.”

  His frown is instant. “That’s some shitty advice.”

  I laugh, dropping my head back, and his chest rumbles with a low growl.

  “You keep giving me your neck like that, I’m gonna take it.”

  I lean in. “Maybe I want you to.”

  He has the tip of my ponytail in his hands in seconds, tugging, forcing my head back as far as he wants it.

  “Oh, hell no!” Krista shouts. “If I can’t get Trent to run off with me, you don’t get none either.”

  I turn to smile, but my eyes shoot wide.

  She and Carley are rushing for us.

  My hands fly from Nico just in time for them to block me in.

  “Back off.”

  “Jump or you’re going in.” Carley’s hands find her hips.

  I look at Nico who smirks, lifting his chin.

  I gape at him. “Really? No help? I’ll remember this.”

  He steps forward. “See you in the water, D.”

  Nico jumps off the rock ledge, penciling into the deep pool of water below.

  I look over, and slowly he emerges, shaking his head to clear his hair from his face.

  He smiles up at me, swimming in place as he moves over a little. “All clear down here, girls.”

  I gasp and he laughs, lifting his hands quickly, beckoning me to him.

  I look back to the girls. “You’re assholes.”

  “And you’re the driest one here, I’ve jumped twice already! If I have to have ratty ass hair, so do you.” Krista pops her hip, smiling.

  I groan, turn and glance out over the flat rocks that circle around the deep water below and jump.


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