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Flames of Chaos

Page 5

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Who is it?” Knox asked, coming down the stairs in lounge pants that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.

  “The trash has come calling, darling,” she said in a sickly sweet voice. “Take it out, please. It stinks.”

  I bit my tongue while plastering a smile on my face to keep from returning the insult. I was on a peace-keeping mission, and calling her dirty names wouldn’t achieve that goal. Knox leaned against the wall on the large, opulent staircase and studied me before his gaze dropped to the bottle of scotch.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “I came to apologize for last night. I think we got off on the wrong foot.” I noted the way his stare locked with the female before slowly settling back on me. “I brought a peace offering.”

  Knox watched me carefully. “I doubt you have a right foot to stand on.”

  “Obviously, this was a mistake,” I turned to leave only to find the door closed before I could get through it.

  “Leaving so soon, Aria?” Knox asked huskily.

  Magic exploded through me, making me jolt as it hit me. It was dark magic, slithering through my entire body as the witch watched with a look of triumphant victory shining in her eyes as my whole body trembled from the turbulent force of it.

  I coughed on something, grabbing my throat as I spun on my heel, staring at the female who smirked, regarding me as I began gagging while something worked its way up my throat. I coughed again, dropping the bottle of scotch to shatter across the floor as I reached into my mouth, pulling a slithering, slimy snake from my throat before tossing it onto the marble floor. I stepped closer, smashing it until blood exploded, disturbing the otherwise pristine white marble floor.

  “Lacey, what did I tell you about snakes in my house?” Knox asked in a soft, tender tone.

  “Open the fucking door!” I snapped at Greer.

  “Not unless the master says it is time.”

  “Your master and his witch can get bent. Open the door unless your master is willing to break the covenant of the original bloodlines. Open the fucking door.”

  “Let her go, Greer.” Knox grinned roguishly. “Before she cries.”

  The door opened with magic, and men started pouring into the room. One stopped in front of me while the others passed by as if I didn’t even exist.

  “Jasper?” I asked in a whisper, past the swelling in my throat.

  “Hells bells, Aria Hecate? You grew up.” Peering at something over my shoulder, he looked back at me. “You grew up real nice, pretty girl.”

  “Where’s your mom?” I asked, knowing his mother was one of the few here who were decent.

  “Dead,” he shrugged as if it didn’t bother him. “She couldn’t keep her head on, I guess you could say.”

  I stared at him as the others crowded around me. Turning, I looked at one man whose eyes glowed amber. He had platinum hair and a pulse of power that unnerved me.

  “Aren’t you fucking delicious-smelling, baby girl? You smell…nice,” he said, and I stepped back, feeling a pull from his magic. “Come to me. I want to taste your cunt.”

  “Does that ever work? You say, ‘come here, girl, take them panties off, and I’ll lick that slit right good,’ and she says, ‘oh, baby boy, fuck me?’ Because I don’t foresee that happening, do you? You and your twisted master can get bent without me. You guys are assholes.” I stepped around the few who had blocked my path and headed for the gate to escape the house of horrors.

  “Where are you going, baby girl? Daddy is hungry!” he called as the others laughed.

  “To neutral ground, prick. Come play with me there,” I called over my shoulder, slipping through the gates. The moment my foot hit the concrete, he blocked my path. I smiled coldly, staring him down as the world around us darkened and thunder sliced through the clear blue skies. His gaze lifted, and I punched him without warning, hitting him right in the throat. “Don’t fuck with a witch when she’s pissed off.” The sensation of magic slithered over my flesh, and I turned, staring at the witch who had yet to step from the curb. “You, I’ll be seeing you soon.” Pulling her magic to me as my hair floated with the intense power of mine mingling with hers, I shot it back at her, and she dropped to her knees, screaming. My gaze lifted, finding Knox regarding me silently.

  Turning on my heel, I left the street and moved down the sidewalk, ignoring the peeping neighbors who stared at me coldly as one of them left his yard, heading toward me. He closed the distance quickly, and I let my magic gather around me in silent warning. He didn’t heed the warning, and continued coming toward me as if he planned to attack.

  “The fuck are you looking at, asshole?” I demanded when the alpha stepped directly into my path. “You want some?” I asked, holding my arms up as he smirked at me.

  “Fucking witch,” he sneered.

  I laughed coldly. “Yeah, we’re back. We’re all back, asshole. You want some, come get some; I’m not hard to find. Step to it if you think you’re big enough, wolf, or get the fuck out of my way, asshole.”

  “Aria, are you starting a war already? We’ve not even been here for twenty-four hours, yet,” Sabine said, standing with the others as they watched me posturing with the werewolf.

  “No, it wasn’t my intention. I didn’t go looking for a fight, but I sure as fuck don’t intend to back down from one,” I paused, turning to stare at Knox. “I don’t bow to anyone.”

  Chapter 8

  Inside the mansion, I paced with pent up rage at having magic cast on me again. It wasn’t something that ever happened to me, and now in less than twenty-four hours, it had happened twice. Both times, he had been present. I’d been stupid to think I could extend a peace offering with someone as pigheaded as that gutter swine.

  “What were you thinking?” Sabine asked as Callista shook her head in silent warning.

  “I thought I could extend an offer of peace! How was I supposed to know that he would allow me to be attacked in his own home! His witch cast on me, and it worked! A snake came out of my mouth, and not just any freaking snake, a black mamba. It could have freaking killed me! Then that other asshole asked to taste my cunt. And I wanted him to! I was defenseless, surrounded by them, and yeah, I freaking panicked.”

  “You’re immune to magic,” Callista pointed out.

  “No, I was immune to magic. I’m not here.” I paused. “If I’m not immune, Amara wasn’t either. It could mean she’s in his house, and nothing would penetrate it.”

  “You don’t know that for sure, sweetie.” Standing calmly beside me, Callista smiled sadly. “There’s no proof, and we can’t just point blame at them. You know the laws, and the council will not respond without proof.”

  “Knox isn’t even from the original families. Who the hell is he? We’ve heard nothing about him, nor does he offer anything to us. The original families are all around us, the same members we grew up with. He wasn’t here back then, was he?”

  “No, Aria, but that alone should scare you. He came from nowhere, and every original family is at his side? You have to damn near be a god for that to happen.”

  “He isn’t a god. The prick just wishes he was.” Knocking sounded at the door, and I frowned. “I’m going to my room to wash the snake off of me. Good luck at the meeting tonight.” I left the front room before anyone could argue it.

  Inside my bedroom, I stripped out of the dress and tossed it onto the bed. Using magic, I rinsed my body and shivered as the magical residue clung to my flesh.

  I’d reacted badly. Fear made me act with violence, it always had. Today had been no different. I’d never felt that exposed or vulnerable in my entire life, and I’d walked right into it. Moving to the closet, I opened the door and stared at the clothes I’d once owned that wouldn’t ever fit me again. Not that I’d grown much since twelve, but my breasts had filled in, and my gothic phase hadn’t been pleasant, nor were the clothes I’d worn.

  A Tiffany-blue-colored box caught my eye, and I bent over to retrieve it as the door o
pened. I waited for them to speak, but they didn’t, and I didn’t bother to turn around because anger was humming through me.

  “I’m not going to the meeting or dealing with the council today. With my luck, I’d just piss that pompous asshole off more than I already have. He’s infuriating, and so condescending. Can you believe the audacity of that prick? I have been saving that bottle since I was twelve. It’s now on his floor, smothered in mamba guts and utterly wasted.”

  I opened the box, and sorrow socked me in the gut as childhood pictures of Amara and me sat staring at me from in the box. I closed the lid, fighting the need to scream in frustration before I tossed the box down and closed my eyes, rubbing them before I groaned softly.

  “I can believe the audacity of that prick,” a sensual masculine voice said, making my spine stiffen. I turned, staring at Knox, where he watched me from his perch against the doorframe inside my room.

  “Get out!” I could feel my face heating with anger as he continued watching me with a sinful smirk gracing his lips.

  “You came onto unsanctioned ground today. That was a stupid move, little witch.” He slowly walked toward me, and I stepped out of the closet, glaring at him as I waited for the house to protect me, sure it would send this asshole to his knees and make him bow to me. “You should know better than to walk onto foreign soil, Aria. You walked into my world, and you weren’t invited. The rules that apply to those of the original families? They don’t fucking apply on my land, nor yours.”

  “Screw you.” I inhaled his scent as my back touched against the wall, and I stared up at him, turning to judge the distance to the door and my chances of making it out of the room before he caught me.

  “You won’t get there before I reach you, little girl. Promise,” he uttered huskily.

  His eyes leisurely slid over my body, and I winced, remembering I was damn near naked from stripping to get rid of the slimy feel of magic and snake from my skin. I was dressed in nothing but thin black lace panties and a matching bra. He paused to stand in front of me, slowly bringing his gaze back to mine.

  “You hurt my fucking brother today when you punched him,” he accused huskily.

  “Oh, my bad,” I swallowed hard, biting my lip nervously as his power sizzled over my flesh until my eyes wanted to roll back in my head. Whatever he was, he was powerful. It wasn’t just power, it was raw, carnal power that tugged at my own, seeking permission to play. I felt it pushing against my barrier, itching my scalp as he tried to gain access to my mind and couldn’t.

  It pissed him off, his eyes narrowing as more power was used to assault my thoughts, and then my mouth opened as pain lanced through my head. My lips trembled, and my knees threatened to give out, but his knee pushed between my legs, holding me up as my head fell back, leaning against the wall. Pain split against my temples, and I fought it, holding him out of my mind. His head lowered until his forehead was against mine, his hand cupping my cheek, holding my face to his as his eyes searched my mind.

  “Give me your secrets, little witch,” he demanded hoarsely.

  “Fuck. You. Knox,” I whimpered, and a moan slipped from my throat, followed by a growl rumbling from deep in his chest as his lips brushed against mine softly. The feather-soft brush of his mouth against mine sent heat pooling between my thighs. “Go fuck your witch,” I snapped, fighting against his magic. “Mister I Don’t Fuck Witches, hypocritical prick.”

  “You’re strong, Aria. Not stronger than me, though.” He pushed his elbow against my throat, applying pressure as magic slammed into me, jarring my body and causing my teeth to chatter. “Do you know what the difference between you and Lacey is? I fucking own her. She breathes because I allow it. She is here to help me, and the moment she slips up and shows her true colors? She’s finished drawing breath. She serves a purpose in my realm, and sucks a mean dick.”

  “Oversharing isn’t caring, asshole.” I slammed my magic into him and watched as he didn’t even budge or blink at the magical onslaught I shot at him. “What the fuck are you?”

  “The same can be asked of you?” Standing back abruptly, he watched me as I hit the ground hard on my knees before him. I gazed up, discovering him peering down at me with naked heat in his stare. “You look good on your knees, Aria.”

  Gasping for air, I crawled away from him with my ass pointed up in the air. I struggled to my hands and knees yelping as his hand touched the curve of my ass, finding the ravens that started on my thigh, wrapping around my leg to my navel, then further up my body. I spun around, moving to throw a punch which he easily deflected. I faked a right and threw a left punch. He dodged it, watching as he slowly stalked me again.

  “How did the creature in the woods know your name?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “I don’t know!” I hissed, crying out as my knees touched the bed, and I fell back onto it. I bounced and turned, trying to escape him only for my legs to be yanked out from beneath me. He flipped me over roughly and watched as I sat up, intending to fight him. “I don’t know how he knew my name, or what he was! Shouldn’t you know since you’re the almighty fucking king?” He smirked coldly, staring between my thighs where my lady parts were barely hidden.

  “That’s a pretty manicured pussy, but curious to find on a virgin. Are you just perpetually prepared to get fucked, or were you hoping I’d drink enough scotch to land in that silken trap between your thighs? You did tell me to bring some next time if I intended to interrogate you, didn’t you?”

  “Purely being sarcastic,” I snapped. “I was born with a version of alopecia that only seems to be everywhere but my head. My aunt said it is why my hair turned silver,” I admitted since it wasn’t crucial to anything other than my girlie pride.

  “It wasn’t silver as a child?” Dropping my legs, he stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at me.

  “It was black,” I shrugged. “On my fifth birthday, it turned silver overnight, and Amara’s turned from blond to black. Almost like we changed places, but we aren’t identical twins.”

  “What else happened?”

  “Nothing,” I lied.

  “Liar,” he hissed through his teeth. “Lie to me again, and you won’t like what happens, but I assure you, I will.”

  “No offense, prick, but I’m not a huge fan of what is happening right now.”

  “That sassy little mouth of yours will get you fucked someday.”

  “Not by you,” I snorted.

  “I wasn’t talking about your pussy.”

  “I’m difficult to kill.”

  “You’re a fucking lamb in a city of hungry wolves, little girl. Eventually, someone will eat you whole. This isn’t the city you grew up in. It’s not a nice place anymore.”

  “Oh yeah, Knox? And when did it change? When you got here?” I asked, standing up to glare at him. “I’m willing to bet my tits that the moment you showed up was when shit started to get twisted around here.”

  “You think I care what your thought process is or what you assume happened? Let me assure you I do not. I’m not your friend, Aria. And I’d be careful betting those pretty titties to strangers, because you might fucking lose, and I sure as hell collect my debts, especially when they’re so fucking perky. No, little witch, I’m the one they call to clean shit up when it goes wrong, and this place is all wrong. I didn’t become King because I wanted it; I became a king because I was fucking born one. Last chance to get out, but I have a feeling you’re too fucking stupid to take my advice.”

  “I’m not leaving. I was born here, and I know that this is where I die. I’m not afraid of dying, but I’m no fucking lamb either. I am here because I have no other choice. My sister came here, and now she is missing. I won’t leave without her.”

  “You won’t leave here alive, no one does. At least you made peace with that.” He slammed me against the bed, chuckling as he knocked the wind from my lungs, peering into my eyes while speaking in a stra
nge language, causing the world to spin around me. He watched as his elbow blocked my airway, and I bucked against him, fighting whatever the hell he was doing to me. My legs dropped open, and he pushed against my core, inhaling as heat banked in his depths.

  “Stop,” I whispered hoarsely as he watched me through heated eyes that dropped to my lips before moving back up to lock with mine.

  “Give me your secrets, and this ends.”

  “I don’t have any secrets.” His knee pressed against my core, and I whimpered from the pressure. Heat rushed through me as he continued pressing harder as his nostrils flared, watching as I shook with the slight compression. My body grew wet with need, and my cheeks heated with embarrassment.

  “Everyone has secrets, Aria, everyone.”

  Footsteps sounded down the hallway, and he peered over his shoulder, listening as they continued toward the door. He exploded into ravens and vanished out the glass doors of the balcony as I lay there, struggling to put myself back together.

  Whatever Knox was, he was evil. He held the kind of power creatures either craved or ran from. It had taken everything within me to keep him out of my head. Every wall I’d slammed up, he’d battered down. I’d felt him touching me without his hands upon my flesh. I’d felt his lust, his need to dominate and savage me as he’d lowered his own walls to bust through mine. He’d been too busy searching my mind even to notice I was in his, staring at a fortified crypt in his mind with more defenses than any bank vault known to mankind. Whatever he was, I was damn sure going to figure it out and bring the man to his knees.

  My door opened, and the girls poured through, searching the room before eyeing the curtains that still moved from his sudden escape. Black feathers covered the floor, and my body was covered in red welts, which would bruise before morning.

  “What the hell happened?” Sabine asked.

  “Knox is immune to the house’s defenses. He was in here,” I uttered hoarsely.


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