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Flames of Chaos

Page 7

by Amelia Hutchins

  “Why did you save me?”

  Shaking his head, he growled at me through gritted teeth. “It wasn’t my idea to save you. Your sisters refused to leave without you.”

  “You can stop me from using magic, how?” I demanded and then cried out as he pushed me against the wall without me even seeing the asshole move.

  “I am not playing fifty fucking questions with you, little lamb. You should be dead right now or bent over being fucked, neither of which is my fucking problem. Someone wants you alive, someone who needs their fucking head checked if they think you and your sisters are worth saving. Do me a favor and shut your pretty fucking mouth and walk.” Snarling, he marched forward, his chest rattling low as a growl escaped his lips. My chest echoed the sound, and he peered down, smirking as if he thought it was cute. Bastard.

  “You’re a prick.” I pushed him out of my way and marched down the hall with my wet hair trailing droplets over the carpet.

  The moment we reached the front room, I headed toward the door when a man stepped in front of me. He gazed down at me through ice-blue eyes and inhaled deeply. The smile that covered his mouth wasn’t friendly; in fact, it was anything but. He lifted his gaze over my head and then stepped back the same moment something slammed against the front door. My hand raised, and I prepared for impact as the second noise came, shaking the entire house. The door flew open, and a male stood in our path.

  “You’re mine,” he hissed.

  “Hard pass.” I lifted my fingers and snapped them, causing his spine to sever and his body to twist before dropping to the ground, lifeless. I stepped over him, whispering a spell that turned the corpse to dust. On the front steps, I paused, turning to peer over my shoulder, where Knox watched me silently from inside the house. “Five minutes is up, let’s go.”

  His mansion was opulent, I noted as they showed us to the foyer where we were told to wait. The men who stood around the room watched us warily, noting every minuscule move we made. Luna eventually sat in one of the chairs while I frowned, pulling the shirt away from the scratch on my spine from the rock. It seemed like hours passed in complete silence before Knox reemerged with his witch close on his heels.

  “Sabine, this is Lacey,” Knox announced. “She can help you with what you need for the blessing.”

  “Pass,” I grumbled.

  “Aria?” Sabine hissed, glaring at me over her shoulder.

  “She’s his witch, not one of us. She’s not gathering shit to help us. I told you, no one here is a friend. Everyone is a foe. Don’t trust her, Sabine. We can gather what we need without her help. There’s also the fact that she cast her magic on me, declaring her enemy to our bloodline.”

  “I am very skilled in witchcraft,” Lacey sneered.

  “You’re skilled in something, sweetheart, but it isn’t true witchcraft. You are filled with darkness, and the house needs light. We don’t need our house to be influenced by your magic. Pass.”

  “I know more than you, witchling,” she insisted.

  “Mugwort, the uterus of a dying woman, the hair of a true hybrid wolf, and the saliva of a dire wolf,” I smirked. “Go fetch it, darling.”

  “Dire wolves have been extinct for hundreds of years,” she argued, smirking with a fire burning in her emerald depths.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you are special, aren’t you? They’re extinct in this realm, yes,” I agreed through a smile that was all teeth. “The ingredients to bless the House of Magic aren’t collected purely from this realm because we, ourselves, are not of this realm. You have to bleed a little to earn the respect of our grandfather. Only those of the Hecate line can enter the portal where the dire wolves still roam. Since, at one time, they were Hecate’s preferred choice of familiar and are protected by her. The uterus must be from a witch, not an old dying witch either, and she must donate it of her own free will. Hybrids…That one is tricky, but then they’re suckers for the chance to breed witches,” I shrugged, knowing that wouldn’t be a problem for her. “Mugwort, it needs to be from the cliffs of the Drahgar’s keep. Tell me, Lacey. Are you still willing to procure the items? I, for one, am all for watching you be torn apart. Shit, I’ll even make the popcorn.”

  “We assumed you needed basic items.”

  “You being a basic bitch, I can believe it.”

  “Stop it, and play nice, Aria,” Callista chided with a look of warning.

  “I am being nice. I just saved Lacey’s life,” I offered with a smirk.

  My gaze dropped to the floor, feeling Knox’s stare on my face. I was freezing, still damp from bathing in the creek. I had bloody bits in my hair that I could now smell since the adrenaline had ebbed. I absently rubbed my arm, having been the only one not to set my heavy bag on the floor yet. I shuffled it onto my other shoulder and winced as my spine burned.

  “Sabine,” I frowned as my voice seemed to echo through the room.


  “I need you to check my spine,” I whispered, even though everyone would still hear me.

  She moved around me, lifting the shirt and then inhaled sharply. “What the hell did you do?”

  “It hit the rock in the creek when we were attacked. How bad is it?” I waited, feeling her hands as she pushed my shirt back down and stepped back.

  “It’s not… Uh, it’s not that bad.”

  “Liar,” I groaned. “I really wish we’d just stayed home and not come to this cursed freaking town right now.”

  “None of us were letting you come to find Amara alone, Aria. I just need some moss, and you’ll be good as new. I’m guessing the rock, as you called it, which is actually black tourmaline, needs a good cleaning.”

  “Did it mess up the tattoo?” I needed to know if it touched the birds on my spine. It was one of the first tattoos I’d gotten. It was called either an ‘unkindness’ or a ‘conspiracy’ when there were more than two ravens together. They were also highly intelligent birds, and many had no idea just how smart they really were. In fact, they were in the top ten smartest animals in this realm. I’d gotten it because the symbol had called to me, beckoning me to get it.

  “No, it didn’t touch your unkindness, apparently.”

  “Good, I would hate to go soft now.” Turning, I stared pointedly at Knox, who watched us silently. “Do we sleep on the floor then?” I asked, unwilling to stand around any longer.

  “Fucking witches,” he grumbled.

  “Breeding witches,” Brander said, staring at Luna like she was dinner, and he was about to ring the bell.

  “Basic fucking rules, ladies.” Knox had spat out the word ladies like it was sour on his tongue. “No magic in my domain, none, not even to heal Aria. Your house may be the House of Magic, but I assure you that mine is less forgiving when the rules are broken. The top floor is off-limits, stay the fuck out of it.

  “The chef is not your personal bitch, and we serve dinner when I get hungry, and only then. Do not wander around alone at night. In fact, do not leave your rooms until morning. We will assemble in the breakfast room then, and go over the shit Aria missed while being childish and trying to avoid me. Afterward, we will begin to collect the shit you need to bless your house so you can get the fuck out of mine. No fucking…period. Keep your legs closed.”

  “Seriously?” one of his men asked until Knox leveled him with a killing glare. “We breed them, less fucking trouble,” the other man offered, shrugging.

  “Keep your dick in your jeans, Killian. Witches aren’t worth the fucking trouble of breeding.” Growling at Killian, Knox turned to look at us. “Your rooms are on the second floor; I suggest you rest up before tomorrow.”

  My gaze moved to Lacey, who smiled at Knox even though he’d basically just called her worthless. I snorted, which caused those fierce blue eyes to seek mine out.

  “Something to say, Aria?” Knox asked.

  “If I did, I’d say it,” I offered crossly.

  “Shower, and throw the shirt into the trash when you’re done,” he said before dismi
ssing us and vanishing through huge, wood-carved doors depicting dragons in a battle against one another. This would be a long night.

  Chapter 11

  The bedroom they showed me to was huge. The bed alone was big enough to hold a party. It had black bedding with red silk curtains that enclosed the bed, keeping bugs from getting to the orgy, or so I assumed. There was a large crimson-colored couch that lined the entire wall, which backed up my theory that they often used the room for orgies. I set my bag on the bed and retrieved silk pants and a soft white camisole top before heading into the bathroom.

  I peered at my tired reflection in the mirror and frowned at the paleness of my skin, comparing it to Lacey’s golden glow, undoubtedly blessed by the sun gods. Where my hair clung in pale silver strands, hers glistened with radiance as the black caught the freaking light.

  My saving grace was my turquoise eyes, gently slanted upward and framed by dark, thick lashes that didn’t need makeup to stand out. My lips had a natural pout to them and were a dull pink color instead of some natural cheery freaking perfection, which I was sure Lacey would have beneath the slather of red lipstick she wore. My face was heart-shaped, and a natural blush filled my cheeks, which my sisters loved, but I wasn’t a fan of. It tended to make it look as if I was perpetually blushing all the time.

  I stripped out of Knox’s shirt, tossing it into the garbage before I turned, staring at the angry red welt that sliced down my skin, with only a small cut at the base of it. It wasn’t too bad but burned like fire ants were attacking it. I leaned over, turning on the water to the shower and waiting for it to heat up.

  Steam curled through the air, rising to the ceiling in a steady stream. I removed the joggers and folded them on the counter before stepping beneath the water, hissing as it scalded my flesh. I swallowed a curse before turning on the cold water and placing my hand beneath the spray. After a moment, I could stand beneath the water and let it wash off the filth from the battle, wincing as pink water ran off my body. I turned, crying out as water sprayed the wound on my back. Closing my eyes, I ignored the pain, washing the wound to prevent it from becoming infected.

  “I can heal that for you,” a familiar female voice said.

  “Get out of this room, now, Lacey,” I growled in warning. “I don’t need your help.”

  “No, you’re a tough girl, but you’re in a man’s world here, darling. Just because my line isn’t as powerful as yours, Aria Hecate, doesn’t make me useless.”

  “No, you allowing a man to debase you and speak about you like crap does, though. You wielded magic against me, you drew first blood. Witches never attack their own kind unless they wish for war. Now get the fuck out.”

  “You have no idea the predators hunting you, or the one whose roof you are sleeping beneath. I do; I can help you.” Her voice held urgency, and yet I tasted the lie in it. “You’re in danger, you all are. Not just from what’s coming through the portals, but from the…” She paused as footsteps sounded in the room.

  “Lacey,” Knox’s rich baritone filled the room.

  “Aria’s wounded, and I thought she should know she’s in danger from the cut getting infected,” she lied.

  I listened as her breathing remained even, unhindered by the lie she spoke to him. Power radiated through the room, and silence reigned. I poked my head out, finding the room empty, closing the curtain before making quick work of the shower, exiting it to dress for bed. In the bedroom, Knox leaned silently against the doorframe, watching me with a spot of blood on his shirt. Swallowing hard, I lifted my eyes from it to his.

  “I need to see your back.”

  “No, you do not,” I scoffed. “It can wait until tomorrow when we leave here.”

  “I wasn’t fucking asking.” Growling, he pushed off the wall and began to move toward me slowly.

  Ignoring him as he prowled closer, I folded the towel, searching the room for a hamper, and shook my head, moving back into the bathroom to set it on the counter. Picking up my clothes, I pushed them into a separate pouch of the duffle bag and took a quick look around the room. Sitting on the bed, I turned away from him, lifting my camisole so he could look at the damage.

  Warm fingers touched my spine, and I leaned forward, moving away from his touch and the connection I felt. Pressure on the bed had me moving to stand up to escape him, but he held my shoulder, trapping me to the spot.

  “Flighty little thing, aren’t you, Aria?” His other hand pushed my hair over my shoulder, exposing my neck and shoulder.

  His hand released my shoulder to trace his fingers down the scrape on my flesh, and I whimpered as magic slithered down my spine. My nipples responded to his touch, causing me to stare down at their raised peaks. My core clenched, and I pulled away, staring at him. His eyes were predatory. They dropped to the shirt I wore. His lips twisting into a sardonic smirk before he stood, moving into the bathroom. He returned with a garbage bag containing his shirt.

  Knox stood in the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom, studying me carefully. It was unnerving. Like a lion watching its prey as it decided how best to bring it down by landing a killing move. His smile grew wider, meaner, as he continued staring at me.

  “You could just take a picture, and then it wouldn’t be so damn creepy.” I glared at him as my lips tugged into a frown.

  I didn’t drop my gaze from his, even though everything inside of me demanded I do. As if my internal senses knew I was staring death in the face and wasn’t happy I was stupid enough to do so. His nostrils flared as the tick in his jaw started up, and I smirked. He hated being challenged, and he definitely hated me throwing one down.

  “If you want, you can lie down with me, and we can do a selfie,” I offered with bravado, but it was empty because I was terrified of this man.

  He consumed the air, eating it up as if he owned it. His power slithered over my flesh in a never-ending rush that felt like I was standing in the middle of an electrical storm, waiting to be struck down at any moment.

  Worse than any of that shit? My body responded to him, where it had never responded to a male before. I hadn’t just kept my virginity because I’d wanted to, no. No man had ever made my body respond, and yet Knox made it hum to life like it was a song being sung on Broadway and was about to be a big hit.

  My legs clenched together, drawing his eyes even from the subtle movement most men wouldn’t have noticed—but not him. Knox noticed, his stare smoldered with heat banking in it before slowly moving up my body to settle on the thin camisole that did nothing to hide the erect nipples brushing against it.

  “No selfie, then?” I chuckled, turning to grab the blanket when the sound of the bag hitting the floor echoed in the silent room. I turned in time to face him as he slammed me against the bed, his hand holding my throat, closing it off as he peered down into my eyes.

  “Keep fucking taunting me, little lamb. I’ll show you why shepherds hid their flocks from the wolves at night. You’ll see what happens when those sweet, succulent, little creatures are separated from the flock. They end up fucked so hard that not even the rest of the sheep can scent what the fuck is left of it in the morning.”

  “Wolves can’t fuck sheep, Knox,” I uttered through the pressure he held on my throat. “It’s anatomically impossible.”

  He pushed harder against my throat as his head dipped over my chest. I groaned as his teeth clamped down on a nipple, biting it hard enough to sting. My hips lifted as he held my nipple, clenched painfully between his teeth. Hot breath ignited my flesh, and I moaned when he released it, staring at me where my shirt had become sheer enough to see the pink flesh of the swollen nipple.

  “You bit my nipple,” I pointed out as his hand released my throat and I gasped for air, sucking it in until I coughed from the burn in my lungs.

  Knox stood up slowly, glaring down at me as if he was as shocked as I was at what he’d done. He turned in a quick, fluid motion, grabbing the bag that held the shirt, and vanished from the room without a word. />
  “Night?” I called before dropping back onto the bed, staring in confusion at the ceiling. What the hell just happened? Slowly sitting up, I peered down at my chest and touched the swollen nipple.

  Pulling the shirt away from it, I glared at the red mark where his teeth had left an impression in the flesh. “Jerk, who bites someone’s nipple?” I huffed, dropping back to the bed. “Dick.”

  Chapter 12

  Turning and tossing on the mattress made sleeping impossible. It was smoldering in the room, forcing me to kick off the covers and groan as sweat beaded over my flesh, making my skin sticky and causing my clothes to cling to me. Sitting up, I pulled the camisole away from my stomach and fanned my face.

  A shadow moved in the room’s corner, and I swallowed hard, standing from the bed to investigate it. Knox stepped from the shadows, wearing dark sweatpants that did little to hide the muscular outline of his thighs, among other things.

  “You need to leave,” I warned, sitting back down on the bed.

  He didn’t speak as he prowled closer, watching me through cold eyes as he loomed above me, making me feel small and vulnerable. He crawled onto the bed, forcing me back as he lowered his mouth to my throat, tracing the wildly beating pulse with his tongue. He sucked my skin into his mouth, nipping against the artery that was running blood at an increased rate to my throbbing temples.

  “Knox,” I warned, but a deep rattle and a low growl in his chest stilled the warning.

  His tongue pushed against my throat, sending a wealth of heat unfurling in my belly. His hand pushed beneath my shirt, slowly exploring the contour of my stomach before finding the globe of my breast and squeezing. Knees pushed my thighs apart, and a moan escaped my throat as his finger traced my nipple before pinching the puckered flesh.


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