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Flames of Chaos

Page 24

by Amelia Hutchins

  My mouth opened, and I released a loud, angry rattle in warning. His teeth pulled back, revealing wicked fangs, and I paused, watching him with intrigue, shivering with desire as I tried to sense what he was. He sounded like me, but his scent was different, more primal and masculine. It created a hum within my core, causing my muscles to clench with excitement. I opened my mouth, showing him my teeth before growling again loudly. He smirked, letting his tongue run over his teeth to hold my attention, lowering his head as he crouched down.

  “Go for her back, Brander.”

  My heart slammed against my chest, beating wildly with fear as the males fanned out to circle me. I added flames to my flesh, protecting myself from their fangs. I let them hear my warning again, loudly letting the noise rise from my lungs to explode into the night air. Seven masculine rattles mimicked mine, sounding all around me. I spun in a tight circle, realizing I was once more being surrounded, and there were too many to fight alone. I jumped over them without much effort, rushing toward the woods without looking back.

  “What the fucking-fuckity, fuck is she? An Ifrit?” someone asked, but I didn’t care.

  I was running free!

  Adrenaline rushed through me as I felt the call to move faster, to expand my lungs as I released myself into the wild. I felt invincible!

  Running felt amazing! My legs pumped faster as I felt the wind against my face, excitement rushing through me. Zoom, I was free…until I slammed into something hard again and went to the ground in frustration. I rolled on the ground, coming up on my feet, staring into dark sapphire eyes, opening my mouth to move in for the kill. Something touched against my shoulder, and I turned to attack, but the mouth of the large male brushed against the soft hollow place between my neck and shoulder, and I moaned loudly.

  “Mmm,” I purred from deep in my chest.

  Teeth sank into my shoulder deeply, and I sagged against him. My head turned to the scent of blood mixing with male, and more purring erupted from my lungs at the delicious feel of his claiming bite. His hand wrapped around my belly, pulling my body against his. I nuzzled him invitingly, letting the fire extinguish as a new kind of warmth erupted in me, dripping from my pores as my scent exploded, signaling my sexual need.

  “Fucking hell, she smells…delicious,” the sapphire-eyed male in front of us whispered and scrubbed his hand down his face. “What the hell is she?”

  Growling started against my shoulder, and I nuzzled him more, adoring him for wanting to protect me with his claim. He laughed wickedly, and my eyes grew heavy from the sound of it. Silence filled the area, and I whimpered, rubbing my ass against him with the need to let him claim me, dominate me, and breed me.

  “So fucking hot,” someone else said, and my male snarled with his mouth full of my flesh, baring his teeth at them. “She’s all yours, my king.” He put his hands in the air and nodded at something behind us. “The alphas are incoming from the east, Knox.”

  “Handle them, she’s mine. If they don’t listen, kill them all.”

  I purred huskily in agreement, bringing my hand up to his cheek as my claws retracted. I rubbed my ass against him again, showing him what I wanted, and he growled deliciously, but he still didn’t give me what I needed. I had to figure out how to make my voice work to tell him quickly.

  His hand lowered, skimming my sex, and I purred louder until it filled the area, in case he was slow to pick up my cues. He seemed to lack smarts, which I hoped he made up for in other ways. If not, I could always find another male and eat this one; he’d provide a good meal.

  “Are you drenched for me, little creature?”

  “Mmm,” I moaned, or tried to. I grabbed his hand, pushing it against my aching sex, mewling as words failed to leave my throat.

  “You can’t speak, can you?” He loosened his bite enough to be understood around my flesh he held in his mouth. I rubbed against the thick cock in his pants, sending my scent out to lure him to me. “Bloody hell, woman,” he growled huskily as his fingers slipped through the mess of my core. “Stop that shit, or I promise I will bend you over and fuck you right here without caring who watches me wrecking that tight, delicious scented cunt.”

  I bucked against him as I made strangled noises of frustration, needing him to do what he promised. Gods, males were so thick. What did a bitch have to do to get dick around here? He rattled from deep in his chest as he started to lift my body, not removing his teeth from my shoulder.

  He knew the moment he did, I was gone. Maybe he had some brains, after all? Probably a very tiny brain, but hopefully he could sate other needs.

  The large male walked me past the other males and females, all who stared at his bite and how he held me. I didn’t care. I needed his dick, a place to use him, and tons of meat to sate the hunger that burned within me, growing more painful by the moment.

  I growled, and he bit down harder as my body continued to lure him by scent. “Impatient little thing, aren’t you? You just got off my dick, and you already crave it again?” As I purred loudly, he smiled around the flesh his teeth held. Blood dripped down my shoulder, and I turned, licking it clean as he watched. “What the hell are you? You’re obviously not a lamb. Not with how you feed off humans and raw meat.”

  “Mmm,” I moaned, bucking against his hold.

  “You could have died; you’re not done changing, Aria.”

  I snorted impatiently, recalling how Aria articulated words when she spoke. “Fuck me.” I smiled in victory as it came out perfectly.

  “Plan to,” he growled gutturally and then groaned as my sex drenched with more need. “You keep fucking doing that, we won’t make it to the house, Aria. I’ll be fighting every fucking shifter in this town to keep you and your pretty pussy to myself.” I smiled and did it again until it was dripping down my thigh for him.

  He snarled loudly, letting the rattle in his chest warn the others to keep their distance. He veered away from them, moving with long angry steps as he took us into the shadows. The male pushed me down hard against the side of a wooden structure. His teeth never left my shoulder as he parted my thighs and entered me painfully.

  I cried out as he filled me full, hurting me deliciously as he entered my body even though I’d prepared it for him. He was very large and stretched my body to accommodate his. I bucked against him on instinct, slamming my ass against him as he snarled against my shoulder. Rattling with need, he grunted, fucking me mercilessly with his massive cock. Basic instincts took over, and my body shivered with the mixture of pain and primal, carnal need while he dominated me by force and strength until I was purring loudly as my body sang with praise for his.

  He was virile, masculinity in its truest form. He pounded into my body like a starving beast. He took, controlled, and conquered until I was screaming, and we purred together. My orgasm clamped my body against his, milking his cock as he jerked once, then twice, before slowly withdrawing to shove his fingers into the core of my flesh. He rubbed the scent of our coupling over me, using it to cover the scent I used to show him what I wanted and needed. He was all male, and I was his prey. I purred as he fought to control his breathing from the violence of our mating.

  I lifted my hips again, turning to nudge him as he watched me through black slits. “More.”

  He was like me, starving and needing to shed this flesh and fuck like animals. His need was burning in his dark eyes. I purred, and he purred low, deep from in his chest, which slithered over me and calmed my fears. I smiled with pride, knowing I’d made this masculine creature purr with the heat of my body and the scent it was creating for him from our mating.

  “Try not to leak your fucking pheromones again until we’re in your new room.”

  “More,” I growled, even though it came out hardly a word.

  “You will get so much fucking more, woman. I plan to make you beg me to stop fucking you.”

  “Knox, she’s breeding.”

  “She’s mine,” he snarled to the male—Brander, he was Brander, and the
one holding me was called Knox.

  “You don’t want her no matter her scent tells you,” he countered. “Whatever she is, she’s also a Hecate witch.”

  My male, Knox, seemed to go tense behind me, and I frowned, turning my nose to him, rattling my chest as his grip tightened on my hips, holding me closer to him as he watched me.

  “So, she is. Tell Greer to open the elevator to the basement. She’s unsafe to be outside until she learns to control what she is and stops leaking her scent everywhere. And, Brander, it doesn’t fucking matter, our kind doesn’t breed anymore.”

  “She was on fire. She has sharp teeth that mimicked ours almost identically but a hell of a lot more feminine. Her hands formed into claws, and she wanted to run, Knox. She’s also a carnivore, one who wanted to fight you over the kill she made. She tried to dominate you.”

  “And she fucking lost; she’ll always lose against me, you know that. I cannot be dominated, no matter what the fuck she is. It doesn’t matter how much I come in her tight pussy, we can’t breed together. Or did you fucking forget that issue? Get the basement opened before she has every male in the city itching to breed her dripping cunt.”

  Knox lifted me, and I preened, not worried about anyone else trying to breed me since I had the ultimate alpha craving me. His scent was in me and all over my flesh, and my scent was on him. His teeth held me subdued, but I’d fight him once I was released. If he wanted me, then he could prove he could handle me. He held me through the door, and the annoying females were there. One touched his shoulder, and I snarled in warning, letting my claws extend to remove her hand by force. I bet they would taste crunchy and tasty. I was hungry enough to eat them all.

  “What the hell is happening to her?” the female demanded.

  “She’s in some form of transition, to what, we have no idea.”

  “Yeah, but she has fangs, claws, and your come is dripping out of her pussy, Knox,” the female retorted. “She’s my sister first, no matter what the hell she is. Where are you taking her?”

  “Get the fuck out of my way.”

  “He is taking her to the basement because she is unstable.” The one called Brander pinched the bridge of his nose. “She isn’t your fucking sister right now; she’s merging with whatever is inside of her. She isn’t safe to be outside the fireproof room. We have no idea what the fuck she is, but right now, she’s exhibiting similarities to an Ifrit, which, if pissed off, goes fucking nuclear. No one in this town would live through it, understand me? She isn’t going for just your protection, but for her own. If she killed you, she’d never recover from it, Sabine. Let him help her, and when she gets her shit together, she can go home with you.”

  Knox snorted, turning to move toward a large wall. An older male pushed some bumps on the wall, and a large opening was revealed as we approached a box within the wall. Knox stepped inside, turning with me in his arms, they opened and then closed as we stepped inside. I wiggled wantonly against him, and he set me down carefully, releasing his bite unhurriedly before his tongue trailed through the blood, tasting me.

  I didn’t move, waiting for him to finish cleaning the mark he’d made. His eyes peered down, taking in the damage he’d done while I watched him. Knox didn’t heal the damage he’d done to me. Turning my head, I ran my tongue over the part of the wound I could reach as he watched me closely. We stopped moving, and I peered out as the box opened, noting the room built of metal and colored glass.

  He shoved me, and I smirked, entering the room to inspect it. There was nothing soft here, just hard, shiny metal. I turned, frowning as he watched me from the box. He reached in front of him, closing it, causing my heart to race.

  I moved closer, touching my hands against the glass, looking at him as blood dripped from my shoulder. He hadn’t healed me with his tongue, and I had needs that had yet to be met. I was ravenous, starving so badly that it ached on a painful level. He looked away, and I pounded on the glass, watching him turn to leave as I erupted, exploding in flames as my hands beat against the glass.

  He didn’t care; he left me alone as a fire of need blossomed within my chest. I needed substance. Instead, I was alone. I turned, taking in the bed that didn’t melt, and the glass that didn’t crack as the fire got hotter. If that dick didn’t feed me, I’d burn all of this to the fucking ground.

  I smiled coldly, closing my eyes as I dug into my mind that I shared with Aria. I knew words were within it, words I needed to know to speak to him. He obviously needed instructions on what I needed from him, and without having the means to know what to say, I’d never get it from him. He lacked intelligence, and my tummy rumbled with unsated hunger. Frowning, I turned as noise sounded from within the room as a small black thing turned, following me as I moved closer to it. A tiny red thing blinked on it, and I hissed, digging through my mind for the word. Light. Knox. Stupid male. Dicker.

  I rattled while staring up at it, slowly dropping my gaze to the sterile, sex scented room. It reeked of other bitches here, other bitches and him.

  Moving to the glass, I slammed my hands against it, watching as it refused to give or break. The box he’d gotten into had yet to come back, and the wall in front of it wouldn’t budge. I bared my teeth to the red-dot, turning to stare at a metal square that sat in the middle of the room. He wasn’t a good provider, nor bright. I hoped he tasted good because that was his only redeemable factor right now. I slid down the wall in the corner as lights blinded me. I hummed a warning, staring directly into them as my eyes focused as magic rushed to the nearest one, shooting sparks down the moment it touched it. I preened at my control and focus, learning everything within Aria’s mind along with her magic as I used the time to prepare for my dinner’s return.

  I was so going to eat him. Who locked a female in need into a glass box and left her starving? Idiotic males who couldn’t take a female’s scent dripping down her legs with invitation, that’s who. I hoped another male returned with him or maybe more, so I could try them out and see which one was compatible since the one named Knox had no working brains whatsoever.

  Chapter 35

  The Creature Within

  Pacing inside the room, I wailed when the hunger became too much to handle and rocked against the wall when it abated. It was never-ending; the need to feed that ripped through me was all-consuming. I couldn’t escape the glass room, and couldn’t find food within it. The ocean-eyed male called Knox had abandoned me, leaving me in a pit of despair.

  Something moved above me, and I watched as meat hit the floor. Moving to it, I sniffed, frowning at the scent of death. It wasn’t fresh, proving once again he was stupid. He obviously sucked at hunting since there was an entire house full of things to hunt outside the elevator. I picked up a small piece and went to my corner, digging in with fervor to stave off the hunger pangs clenching in my belly.

  Once most of the pile was gone, I paced, noting the stench of the male that was all over me. I looked for water, touching a metal sink and watching as the water began flowing when I hit a button. Standing back, water shot up at a weird angle. I lowered my nose, sniffing it before I frowned. There was no way I was fitting into that thing to bathe. Turning, I looked around the room until I found a large bathtub. Smiling, I moved to it, grabbed the edge, and dragged it to me, uncaring that it left large rivets on his floor.

  I eyed the sink and then the tub, using Aria’s magic to direct water to the tub. Pain itched in my hands, and noise sounded from above me. My eyes rolled, and I continued using her magic until I had filled the tub. I pushed my hands into the water, boiling it before I climbed in, washing Knox’s scent from me.

  He may be the strongest male, but he sucked at everything a female needed. Who left a bitch in heat unattended and on her own? Who fed them dead food? He would not be on my list of males as potential mates, or I’d end up stuck doing everything alone when we created our little ones.

  I dipped into the water, using my hands to wash my flesh, and smiled at the soreness between my thig
hs. He may suck, but he left something to remember him by. My fingers continued brushing against my opening until need became a concern. I rose from the water, staring at the door as if I could will him back into the room with my mind. No such luck, not that he’d notice since he was so dense.

  Rising from the water after I’d bathed, I pushed the tub with my foot, sending it directly at the glass wall that caged me in. It didn’t shatter or even crack, but the water splashing everywhere was satisfying. Moving to the metal rack, I sat, placing my hands into my lap and humming a song I didn’t recognize, and yet I knew every word from Aria’s mind, which was slowly opening to me. He’d aroused me, rutting me once, and then he’d ditched me. The song changed in my head, and I sang it, learning to speak as I waited for him to return.

  The elevator doors opened, and I stood, still dripping with need. Knox walked into the room, and the doors sealed closed behind him. He paused, listening to me.

  “Aria?” he uttered huskily, sniffing. “You’re singing,” he grinned, tilting his head. “Puddle of Mudd She Hates Me… That’s almost…sweet.”

  I sat back down and spread my legs, watching his gaze lower to where I was soaked, waiting for him. My eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring as I once more caught my scent still on him. He just stood there, staring at me as he inhaled and exhaled, almost as if I was too much for him to handle. I puffed out a frustrated sigh and shook my head as I stood up.

  He was defective.

  “You’re a naughty little one, aren’t you? Did I fuck you into becoming a little monster, woman?” I perked up at his words, hoping he wasn’t as defective as I’d assumed.

  I purred, and he watched me, slowly lifting his gaze from where my need ran down my leg to lock with mine. He rubbed his hand over his face, and I frowned. My head tilted while I watched his response to my scent, the arch of my spine should have been enough to indicate what I wanted, but he wasn’t picking up on the scent of subtle signs. Maybe he would understand if I bent over and pointed at it? This male was too dimwitted to understand basic needs, apparently. It was really too bad because he had a nice dick.


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